I stare at the door for a while, taken back by his attitude, hearing as his footsteps sounded farther and farther away, leading him back to where he came from until I could hear him no more.

Staring at the wooden wall as the sunlight starts to rise at my back I finally go to sleep, however, before closing my eyes I notice that one of my nails has blood on it, probably made around the exciting moments of having clutched that kid by the neck, perhaps one of my talons may have grown a bit and rasped against his skin, but not carrying much about how it got there I lick it clean, and I'm shocked to find out that…

It had taste, the kid's blood, I could taste it...How? Why? Fuck me this is even more confusing…

Well, it is not one of the best meals I had, but still, after the fiasco of my last supposedly fancy meal, knowing that my taste buds had not been turned to mush is a relief.

Still… Why only Takamori? I was able to eat ghouls too before, and perhaps average humans still... does it have anything to do with him being a fancy meal, the same as the ice-cold man? Or perhaps is that thing he did with the others, the sparky thing, what has the other guy called him by… Transmundane, yes, that's it!

And now my markings did not react with the kid's blood, only with Takamori and him… there is something fishy going on, but I could always discover that later..

For now I'm going to sleep the day away and pretend the light coming from the broken windows did not bother me at all, and perhaps tomorrow all this nightmare would go away.

Or only worsen…

~~~~~One day later, upcoming night~~~~~

POV: Sean Cole (Chewy Guy)

I couldn't sit still since I woke up at the infirmary. Like a pacing predator I put one hand over my mouth and with transfixed eyes I walk back and forth with quick steps, adrenaline pumping into my veins and a memory playing over and over in my mind, bringing a creepy smile to my face that my hand covers from the other's view.

Those eyes… those petrifying eyes staring down at me, such a powerful gaze… I've never felt like prey before, as the next meal even when hunting wild animals, like I'm was worth less than dust on his shoes, completely disregarded, ignored, turn to waste.

I've never been this scare stiff before.

And I've never felt this excited in my entire life.

The adrenaline rush doesn't seen to have stopped since then, the pounding heart, the certainty of death, the paralyzing fear running through my veins alert to the predator in front of me.

That made me feel so alive!

Without a place to vent the steam off and the lingering sensation because I had to wait for this stupid doctor to check one last time on me to free me from this white room I could only to back to pacing back and forth.

One of the nurses comes in while I'm on my trance, and I only pay her enough attention so I could hear her say:

"Well, we are done with your examinations here, however one of the officers asked to hold you until he is here so he can ask you a few questions, then you are free to go, just avoid moving too much." As if, I got a new target to hunt down.

If I stay one minute longer in this freaking place I'll have to break some bones to let the steam off, perhaps go back and hunt that Transmundane up… that sounds like an interesting plan.

Perhaps I may find a bigger prey there, a nest of Transmundanes to hunt along the way… But no, that is not what I wish for about now, even hunting skilled 'humans' grows boring after a while… so much that it has been quite some time since I've looked death in the eyes.

And seems like it has missed me… for it almost embraced me yesterday night, staring back at me within the eyes of such fearless strange creature.

It almost feels like the first time I killed a ghoul… or later a Transmundane… like something 'new' and more dangerous to hunt.

I'm already chasing it in my mind, but I can only put it in practice after someone finally arrives to take me out of this damn infirmary.

Well, that's how it should have being… if the person to free me had not been 'him'.

The doors open and the completely white blank isolated room seemed warmer and more inviting before his presence inside it.

"Ashy! How have you been? Weren't you supposed to be in bed?" In an infirmary bed like mine too to be precise? Why the heck you are able to walk around already? "What are you doing here?"

He looks down with his blue-cold eyes and, as always, ignores most of what I say and takes his time to answer, as if I wasn't worth much of his time nor words.

That's one of the things about him that has always annoyed me the most.

"I'm investigating your attack." I frown at that.

"I'm honored Ashy, to have you worried about me, but is not like that, is it? What are you up to uhm?" He only stares at me, not answering as I thought he would; he never answers my question anyway.

"Well, it doesn't matter, now get me the hell out of here and I'll tell you everything that happened there, perhaps even pay dinner." No way I'm going to give away my prey to him, but now I need him to sign me out of this damn place.

But well, of course he knew it, and of course things wouldn't go that easy and smooth with him, they never go.

"Special Agent Cole, the SPC only answers direct orders from the Colonel, however agent you attacked a Transmundane without having orders to, wich amounts to two weeks in jail if killing is not consummated." I pale, this prick!

"Oh, come on, is nothing like that, he attacked me first after all!" He doesn't seem convinced, of course he doesn't, being one of the few here that are not afraid of me, and one of the few to have the guts to go against me, or rather, against everybody, all rules and no fun, this guy.

I clench my teeth. "Look, is nothing like that, but if you free me I can tell you everything that happened there."

"… Plus, agent, you are now obstructing an investigation and refusing to cooperate wich will add two more weeks and, if such behavior continues so does your stay in prison for as long as the investigation is ongoing. You have a total of four weeks in prison by now, however you still have the right to speak up. Is there anything else you want to add?"

So what? You can find more excuses to have me locked up?! I wisely shut up, perhaps too late, hands closed on fists and my already big list of things I hate in this guy growing by the second. "No sir., I needed the vacation anyway, chill out doing nothing for a little."

"… I can always add days to your sentence if you need it that much."

"No need sir." Sir. Prick my ass you little fucking piece of s-

Without saying anything he turns around and leaves, not before staring at the papers with my treatment in it, foot soldiers coming soon after in his place to take me to the military jail, or the vacation center, and even though I'll hardly stay these four weeks in there with my contacts a mere day is enough to annoy the hell out of me.

Especially when I knew that he was trying to steal my prey… and had time at his favor.

But fear not… I like it when it gets challenging…

I smile behind the bars; and now I have enough time to plan every step I'll take once I get out of here. And that may include some unfortunate accident for mister Ashy…

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