POV: Nichola/Nick

I leave my boys behind having their little private party, no interest in that whore in particular, but they were used to me walking off and not partaking with them most of the time because of my… particular tastes.

I remember back in the day that such tastes were the responsible ones for leading us this way and uniting this group together, on how, something so normal to me, so… passed down the line in my family had been a shock for the boys back then.

But they learned fast the benefits of some of my methods and how whores; especially male ones; did not break as fast as the fancy ladies back at home, and how they would have far less problems here, no pregnancy, no marriage, no… consequences for playing a little too hard.

Still they were still children when it comes to the adults games, and were not really prepared for the more hardcore games I play… so more often than not I am left alone to look for my own toy to play.

Is it funny, I think as I walk around these dirty streets, hand in my pockets to keep the greedy whores at bay, how I taught them to get the easy victims, how to have the cheap ones, how to choose the one who will last longer, and yet I never went for those, no… I had other types in mind..

You see, these cities, especially the ones farther from the Citadel and in the middle of hostile territory, getting deeper into Shinzaki lands, the more drastic and severe the situation became as such that spaces like this, safe inside the cities walls, are very, very precious, all so that every nook and cranny of shitholes like this had people sleeping in them, and yet, even that is better than staying with the ghouls out there, so much that many still tried to crawl their way in at this already crowded place.

However there is the bracelets system that dictates where you may have access to, and somewhat outline what you are going to work with; dark green is the low market, light green is the richer one, and the green golden one, well… no need for words at that one.

So us, warriors from the Citadel, the responsible ones for this somewhat safe place, in our duty to protect, deserve to be rewarded with only the best, and of course no Shinzaki are allowed in the golden districts, neither in most actually, only a few small exceptions.

Such good and efficient system, and yet there were so many against it… and that's the ones I'm looking for, the Red marked ones that still dare to protest, that still do not know their place, the ones that do not bend down to the Wilraine.

I'm doing the society a favor in keeping the peace and picking these rotten apples from our garden before they can infect any others around, and beyond that I am to have some fun along the way.

A win-win situation if you ask me… well, for me at least.

I finally reach the place that I was looking for, far from finding the feisty whore that I'm looking for along the way; is never that easy is it?; when I approach a shop hidden on the side, right in between an empty sideway street and the main one, where the light barely hit to reveal a figure hidden behind a skull mask that only left the mouth out with a full of teeth opening, the eyes shining with a red light as the metal embraced his skull and gave him an unapproachable façade. 

I went straight to business, put cash on the table with a bang and say: "There is a whore that I want you to find, short stature, black hair, barefoot, passed by here a few minutes ago, must still be around." I could tell the boys would tease me at this point, saying there were far too many whores around and available for me to go through all the trouble to find this one in specific, but the man on the counter knows best to say anything and simply takes the money away, flashing lights shining in his helmet-mask as I can barely hear a shushing sound before looking up at the flying drones with cameras that are send out and about to search for my target.

I smile, now we just wait.


It doesn't take long, fortunately, for my target to be spotted as the man calls out to me to give his whereabouts as he turns a screen around, the white light shining blindly for a few seconds in such dark place, but after a while I can easily see his figure there in one of the drone's cameras, standing on the side, looking around, then turning until darkness overtook his form, deeper into that narrow street.

A smile creeps its way into my face, for I know where he is at, and that that road would lead to nowhere,a deadly dead end.

Without regarding the person behind the counter again I simply walk off, dashing past people with a single creature in mind, plans over plans for him already in my mind.

I hope you don't break too early, it would be a pity after all the trouble I went through. 

I only stop my wide steps once I'm in front of the alleyway and, looking around and not seeing his figure, give a satisfied grin as my lower member starts reacting to the possibilities that stood in front of us.

I lick my lips, narrow my eyes and advance into the darkness, unaware of other creature who, too, smiled in the darkness.

As I walk further in the lights grow dimmer and dimmer, making me pull out my cellphone to illuminate the path.

"Shit, where is he? Playing hard to get…" I look at the drones tracker that the man had handed me brief access to, and find the red dot normally blinking in my map at this spot, until there wasn't, just like that, simply stopped and vanish, making me tap the screen wondering what the hell happened.

What the fuck, is that thing broken or something?

I'm startled when, out of nowhere, something drops right in front of me, hitting the floor with a loud bang and revealing itself only when I flash the circle of light over it.

The flying drone… it is the one that found him probably, ripped apart, the four helices broken into pieces like branches of a tree snapped in the middle, still sparking some life and flashing the empty road with an eerie light.

I stare at it for a while, my surprise turning into a frown that turns into a cold sweat as I flash the light towards the empty street and, mostly, at the wall that closed up the place up, far too few hiding holes in here for that whore to have sneaked in just like that.

And yet he is nowhere to be found, and the insecurity of the situation, far from making me scared, is making me angry.

"Oi you fucking whore come out if you know what's best for you!" At that I pull a baton out as it elongates with a twist from my wrist, and at the press of a button the end sparks with some surprise volts to easy any prey with. 

I advance, kicking trash cans to expose the contents, and every empty one, the farther away I got from having what I want, the more I think to give that drone guy a piece of my mind for the mistaken information.

That's when my eyes play tricks on me and I think I see a shadow dashing upwards, right at the metal platforms that intertwined the buildings, then another, closer this time, and before I can stop myself I'm circling around like a fool chasing shadows, my breathing accelerating and sweat coating my back.

The growling that resonates in the silent night is what makes me start to back off and walking towards the main road, already fishing for importants cell numbers at my contact list to chase after this whore who dared play me for a fool; beyond becoming my toy, I just want him to be rip apart now!

That's one of the many reasons why, looking down at my own cellphone, that I do not realize when I walk into a trap, the creature above far too eager to fish me out with its tail, curving it like a look and lacing my neck up in a flash, and in a second, with a cracking sound, the empty street is now truly empty, no traces of someone there anymore, only the solitary light coming from the left behind mobile, that soon grows dark and empty as the place it was left in.

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