Right at that moment, when I look over the debris towards the hunting drone I start noticing something that makes a mix of annoyance and anger to grow in my core, something that I have brushed aside for how little I cared about this human, about his actions, until, there is, this something came to mind.

I just don't know what irritates me the most; the fact that he is hunting me, as if I'm 'prey', or the fact that he truly believes to be able to take me down.

I growl, narrowing my eyes. 

The fact that he keeps wanting this fight no matter how far I get or how hard I make for him is what ends up leaving me on edge, every time I hope to the side I'm received with or the bullets from the drone or a blast from his weapon as one keeps pushing me forward inside the building and the other keeps circulating outside waiting for the opportunity to blast me.

This time I'm not to blame if this human ends up dead, I have given him plenty of opportunities to realize just how bad this idea is.

Perhaps the fact that he has been trying to hit me for a few seconds already and has not landed a single shot should suffice as proof of the difference in levels at play here.

And yet he only focuses on the hunt, on the chase, and for the expression on his face he did not care for his own life, or rather, the more I prove to be stronger than him the more excited he seems to get.

I see… He is drunk in adrenaline, so how about smashing that smile out from your face uhm?

I figure the pattern that he uses a few moments ago, on how the flying drone does not go for the kill when he has the opportunity, and every time the man has a good shot he tries his luck at aiming at me, no worries about giving away his position nor breaking the building even more.

I guess he wants to go for the kill by himself… I can relate to that, is half the satisfaction of the hunt after all…

Though now that I have his mindset in mind he gets little… predictable, so once more when I'm driving to the corner by the drone the man comes from the opposite side for the kill shot, but instead of responding and recoiling in fear from the drone's gun I advance towards it and with a pipe that I had easily broken from the wall beforehand I smash the drone down to the ground, not a lot of space for it to try and dodge away when his fans can easily get stuck anywhere.

The pipe bends backward by the strength of my hit, carving its format at the metallic head of the drone, that with a sshing mosquito sound starts flying back and forth in place, giving me time for another hit that beyond breaking the pipe almost flatness the drone out.

Throwing the now useless piece of metal still hanging in my grip to the side I look around for another pipe, knowing by experience that humans tend to arm themselves when going to battle to overcome their lack of claws and fangs, so having one at hand will add to my 'human appearance' disguise.

And it seems to work just fine, it actually makes me more comfortable in having a longer reach like I usually do with my true form and longer arms, though I still miss the four death grip combo with my four limbs, I can manage a single feeble human without them.

Proving to be somewhat linked to the drone his reaction is instantaneous and while screaming something, probably swearing and cursing plus something regarding the 'money' word used here and there, he starts shooting nonstop, not even bothering in aiming at me anymore in his fit of anger as the blasts make chips of wood fly up with the dust as the building shakes like bamboo in the wind.

Only that he doesn't stop, and with less and less of the walls remaining the loud crack that follows shouldn't be a surprise, nor the even bigger cloud of dust that surges as the building starts falling down like a half-cut tree.

Not wanting to test out the high defense of my body by being squished down by a building I dash into rooms and walls, breaking the place even more as I finally manage to reach an outer wall and break my way outside, jumping towards the other building wall as the previous one start falling down on top of this.

Looking back to assert the situation but keeping the body warmed up with two little jumps I see the big problem of the domino effect that breaking such building on top of the other so close by will have, and as I start running further into the building at the same time that I try to get closer to a sidewall to get away from the sequential line of falling buildings the floor starts caving in behind me as the added weight of the building behind starts cracking and bending the other structure.

I pass by some people, I can hear their rapid breathing and racing heartbeats, but unable to, and not wishing to, help them out I keep my focus forward as I dash through doors to speed up my advance and finally reach a room with a side view from the window, and without time to ponder I simply jump and embrace myself for the fall, the room that I had been seconds before crushed down by the other building with my afterimage still present inside, and as I grab onto the wall of the building adjacent to the one before I'm able to have a clearer view of what is happening outside the place I have just left.

And I cannot think of a worse combination than this; a wide range weapon against such cramped place like the Grey District, and if the buildings here already sustained each other in a precarious way, one of them falling on top of the other has a disastrous result, so not one, but two, three, four buildings start bending over and piling dust, debris, and people under their excruciating weight, only stopping once they reach the sturdy brick construction of the walls that labeled this place.

Silence befalls once more when the buildings finally settle and stop falling on each other, and yet the night could not be noisier with the screams, shouts and howls of pain.

And this time it did not come solely from the humans being flow away by the moth ghouls that still hovered on top of our heads, like vultures circling around, attentive black eyes reflecting the chaos below, but from those betrayed by their own kin.

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