POV: Asher Murray

I was at my office when it happened again. Flashes, images, sounds and smells beyond my human capabilities, defying any comprehension, images of an attack, claws, hissing, ghouls in the city, fighting, screaming, Takamori to my side, about to get hurt.

I put the pen down.

I look outside to the seemingly calm city as I push the chair back and put some distance between me and the table, standing and grabbing my coat to the side, and as I adjust the lapel I put a finger on the call button at the phone on the table, and once one of my soldiers answer my call, which doesn't take long of course, I say:

"There is an attack in the city, Grey Circle sector 8, gather our soldiers to protect the area. Tell the Black Tigers to meet up and stay by until I arrive."

"Y-yes sir.!" I could tell he wanted to question my reasoning, or the knowledge that the city is under attack; especially since the sturdy outside walls have never been breached before; but he knew better than to question my orders.

I grab my gun and sword on the way out, passing by the large fancy halls that the Army District, or the Black Circle, likes to show off, but I ignore it all as I walk with large steps until the barracks where my private troop stands, cards, pool table and books all left to the side as they all set upright and attentive in a line, ready for combat, awaiting my orders. 

"Hacker, what is the situation?" We do not use our real names in here, we all are functions and labels, code names that initially were only in accordance to our functions, without hierarchy inside beyond my commanding role, that way all have clear and objective parts to play, no need to even ask to as they already know what to do, enough so that the group could move out without me, as they have proven to do so when I was injured on the last mission.

A group unwanted by others, not white enough, not submissive enough, not bending down when they should.

So I took them in, sharpened their tools, and gain their loyalty in return.

"Captain! The cameras seem to point out a disturbance in the Grey District, sectors 8, 7 and 5, all on the east part of town, some kind of attack from flying creatures, but they seem to be a small dispersed group sir.!" I narrow my eyes ever so slightly, but any microexpression that I may do is always noticed right away by them, years of experience with my expressionless face.

"Proceed." I say in a monotone.

"Yes sir! There is also an unusual number of attacks at the outer walls closer to that sector, they have requested for back up and the front lines at the outer building region seem to have lost contact with the further outsider bases, there is a high possibility that they too are under attack. If the ghouls truly intensified their attack, it almost seems like the planned for this battle sir.."

I understand what she is implying at while she looks over the bright monitor in front of her, the blue light reflecting in her eyes and bringing to light her concerned face.

For perhaps our enemy, the mindless beast, the rooting ghouls, the zombie-like mind, may have just made an attempt at an intelligent, planned, attack against us.

And the last thing we want is for them to start organizing troops and attacking with strategy.

"Hacker, keep us updated. Spy, Sniper, I want you two inside gathering information, Sniper, feel free to take out as many ghouls as you can while protecting Spy, gather as much information from the people so we can trace off the flying creatures, if ghouls start having wings these walls will do us no good, we have to prepare countermeasures plans."

"All the others, we are going to assert the situation at the outer walls and in the outer region and, if needed, give them back up."

"Yes sir!" " Yes Captain!" 

They promptly gather all the bags and weapons needed as we head outside, ready to stare death in the eye again and blast it into pieces when I stop and look above us after hearing a machine hovering over our heads

I watch as the hovering vehicle stirs up midair, a man with a black helmet on top of it and an attaching drone from the latest type hovering to the side, and knowing what type of person usually used that kind of equipment out and about as if didn't cost millions to have, plus the flashes a few moments ago, makes me dread the outcome of this encounter.

My man look over as well, some ignoring while others frown, one even saying:

"The Colonel's bitch sure has some fancy tools doesn't him? What the hell is he going to destroy now?"

I share the same worries, even more knowing now that he had gotten out of jail and who he is probably going after, enough so to change my plans, even more when I think that Takamori may end up in the middle of all this.

"Change of plans, we will separate in teams, team A will gather information, that's with you Hacker, Spy, Scientist and Sniper." 

"Roger that."

"Team B will reinforce the wall, make sure that none manage to trespass. That will be you, Queen, Pirate, Gunner, Gutter, Driver."

"Ugh." Says pirate, messing his hair up while looking at Queen. "Can't I go with you guys? I promise I'll behave." Queen raises an eyebrow at that and smirks.

"What? Too afraid of the front lines?"

"No no, just too afraid of you." Her smirks widen.

"As you should be." That one makes Pirate cringe further, but before he can complain; or joke; about it more I continue, already used to his impolite behavior:

"Team C is with me, Hunter, Reaper, Hound. Move out, and you are not allowed to die!"

"Yes sir.!" At that we rush to our vehicles, Driver grabbing the military car to fit everyone in and making his way through the chaos, before we even can get outside with our own motorcycles. 

Nothing unusual there, coming from my well-chosen group of soldiers. 

We move out deeper into the city, and as I lose sight of the hovering vehicle I can only clench my fists and accelerate more my own motorcycle.

As we get closer and closer to the grey zone more and more people appear, running on the streets and going towards the opposite direction we are facing, and once Team A leaves the caravan to go to a strategic point over a taller building in search of a creature's body while trying to find people to talk too we instead go deeper and deeper into the chaotic scene, and yet it does not surprise me, knowing who stood in the middle of it all, somehow fitting with his presence.

It was easy to find Takamori, flashes of light coming from the building he is in while many ghouls try to get in, breaking glass and clawing inside, parts of their bodies outside still, like ants climbing a hill, surrounding him.

I grab my weapon, the long nuzzle already in place as I take aim and trigger a small yet precise shot, almost invisible to the eye not only for its size but for its speed, and as the bullet makes a curve right behind the creature the blasts catches up and rips the skin and muscles from its back, shattering the wings with it as the ghoul howls in pain and tries to claw at the exposed white backbone appearing among the blood and muscles.

Keeping a firm grip at the motorcycle so that the recoil doesn't stir me to the wrong side I aim at the next target while still driving, taking down two more before stopping at the entrance of the building.

"Hunter, Hound, with me, Reaper secure the ground floor. This is a rescue team, but we may find a unpredictable great danger up ahead."

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Asks Hunter.

"It may." I simply answer.

"Alright! Sound like fun!" He says, making the very characteristic sound of clacker that putting a bullet on the shotgun trigger's makes, apparently excited with the possibility, and enjoying the adrenaline rush from the moment.

I don't mind, as long as he works well and efficiently how he feels about his job and what turns him on do not bother me.

After all, no normal person would choose this line of work if they had the chance, and even less in the dangerous zone of the furthest cities like this, beyond the front lines.

Though I can relate a little with that, I think before smashing the door down with a solid kick bellow the doorknob, bringing the gun up and fixing my gaze at the upcoming enemies.

Then I shoot, again, again, then again, flashing claws, howls, blood and meat in the dark rooms, the chaos of the battlefield, such a known scene, advancing further in, up above, a calmness lowering my heartbeat as I work with the precision of a machine, aim, shot, advance, until we are the last one standing, a path of blood left behind us as the remaining enemies fall back and retreat.

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