Of course my own thoughts jinx me as I, very aware that it would be too hard to keep my human façade in this fight, am once more attacked by the thing hidden in the bushes, a limb directly aimed for my eyes and grabbed midair with expertise by me, the tip wiggling right in front of my eyes, a long pointy end with a round base full of sucking pads underneath, however not the inoffensive goopy type but instead with little teeth in all its circular border and a little, very disgusting tongue coming out of it, almost like hundred of small mouths.


Even if the creature apparently tried the same attack as before this time, however, it does not launch a simple attack and hope to get a hit, instead it distracted me by aiming at my eyes and wiggling that goopy disgusting thing up close, ugh, and instead attacks from the sides with all its limbs at once, opening up into a deadly embrace, shooting out from all direction in a way that makes it impossible for me to grab and attack them all at once.

I try to take a step back and avoid the attack, however for that to happen I need to let go of the tentacle in my hand, and aware of this the creature coils the goopy full of mouths thing around my hand and squishes, the hard grip enough to hold me in place for the second it needed to pull the rest of its body out and into the light, using myself as a pulling weight to dash right up my face, too quick for me to see beyond the rows of teeth coming straight up to my face.

With my other arm I shield my face up, the teeth sinking in pass this feeble human skin, and with growing anger at it I sneer at its attack, but because of the force of the impact as the creature crashes its body with mine, we both end up rolling further down on the hill.

A chaotic sequence of attacks unfold as we roll downhill, the world moving around us, dust and soil being risen with our passage, covering our figures and dirtying our bodies as the creature keeps trying to hit me in the eyes, the strange big mouth moving up and down and trying to use the chaos at its favor as its limbs coil around me like snakes, hardening their grip.

We end up falling into a pile of junk, metal and bricks cracking and breaking under our weight, the smoke overwhelming when I finally manage to grab the creature's head and push it back, but the overpowering amount of limbs the creature has do not let me escape its deadly grasp.

Let's change it to a more fair game then shall we?

With a prickling sensation, almost like thousands of ants crawling under my skin, I can feel my body stretching out and growing, the power of my true form burning inside-out from my core and expanding as my two other arms surge and grab more of the creature's limbs out of me, but still it manages to maintain its grasp with that annoying stinky grip so I simply take a deep breath, pushing my chest out and making the thick skin have an orange glow that soon runs up my throat as a ball of fire flames out of my mouth and straight to the creature's head, who howls in pain and finally let's go of me.

And this is the first opportunity I have to have a good look at the creature.

It isn't as big as I thought it was initially, the size and appearance of the main body similar to that of a fox, but any resemblance ended there as the upper body, at the line of the backbone, is full of wriggling deadly tentacle limbs moving like snakes in the air, and the face… it is the most disturbing part. 

It is as if… as if the skin had been peeled off like apple skin, rolling out from where the mouth opening should have been, exposing part of the muscle and most of the bone of the skull and snout, plus the rows of permanently exposed sharp teeth going up above the mouth and growing on the side of the head, almost like a pair of horns made of fangs clucked together in an eerie wild grin, however the most strange part is that, even if the snout is there and there are teeth all around, there is no mouth, or rather, no hole for things to go in, instead that is actually where the eyes are, right inside in between the teeth, many of them clucked together in weird angles that makes me question how the creature can see like that.

The eyes, without eyelids, always ghostly open, staring, watching, dark-blue like the darkest part of the ocean and with a hint of pain and madness to them.

We were the same, I could tell, I could feel, and yet not quite the same because he is looking rather… strange, this non-ghoul non-human creature like me, almost as if he is… sick.

As I shake off the dust from my body I feel a strange weight and hear the rattling of metal that lets me know that, somehow, a chain had managed to coil around my body and get stuck in and around, only enough to annoy me but not enough to take my attention away from the other creature like me in front, ready to pounce at any moment of distraction.

I crack my knuckles as it coils its tentacle-limbs in the air, smoke coming from the burned skin, and I open my mouth fully to roar to the skies my anger and fury, promising hell to those who oppose me.

With one pair of arms on the ground like a gorilla I launch myself forward, my gigantic form flying over with four limbs ready to crush as the enemy moves back the moment I hit the floor, four gigantic fists smashing down the ground and making a big dent on the floor.

The other opens its supposed mouth in an attempt to scare me, those many small mouths screaming like a chore of human voices with a mix of something animalistic, and for a few moments we just stare each other down.

I sneer at its attempt to look brave, for I can see the small trembles, the little coil back his snake body-tail has, but no worries… I will make sure to teach him well what true fear feels like.

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