By reflex after the blade hits my rear and burns the skin with the shock of the big difference in temperature from its frozen sharp edge not only I'm taken by surprise but the Fungus Ghouls as well, in a way that they do not have enough time to get out of the way and are hit and trampled down by me as I rush forward, breaking their formation by going dipper into enemy territory, but away from the imminent danger.

Using my lower arms and strong hind legs I achieve the speed of a four-legged creature, and yet with my other pair I manage to hit objects out of the way or use strong trees and stone to swing my body forward as I grab onto them, which gives me incredible speed in such full of obstacles terrain.

As such it doesn't take long for the ghouls to lose us, especially when I turn my silver form black to camouflage, a moving shadow under the coverage of the darkness of the night.

I do not stop however, I keep stomping forward even after leaving the persuading ghouls behind for I have no intention of going back to that city; for now; as I have more pertinent matters to attend to right now, and since the cold-eyed man kindly hopped on my back I might as well take him away.

As if noticing my intentions, or simply seeing us go deeper and deeper into the woods, the man tries to pull back, first by simply pulling the chains and bringing his weight back, but then he starts putting more strength in it and unsatisfied by my lack of response, takes one of the loosen chains and rolls it in the air to warp it in my mouth and back, like a mouth bridle, and pulls until my head is up in the air, which makes me lose balance and focus when he does so, bringing a cougar roar out of my throat only to be muffled by the chain.

What the hell, let go you prick!

He pulls, I push, and in the end I came to a full stop to try once more to get rid of this annoying human, and, among the chaos of having my body commanded about, my head swigged around, and trying to claw him away, I lose my balance in the chaos and step in false on the side right where a cliff appears among the bushes and leaves, the missed step making my four arms to reach out and carve their talons on the rock as my one foot dangles in the air, the man safely keeping his balance at my now straight back by embracing my body with his strong legs and thighs and gripping strongly at the chains.

…Yeah, now is certain, I must kill him so no word of this may be passed out! How embarrassing-I mean, infuriating! 

With so many limbs and strong big talons is easy for me to keep my balance and grip at these stiff straight walls, but as I'm about to climb back up a strange yet familiar smell hits my nose, and as I look down and over the ground the strangeness of the situation increases..

How is that there are Swamp Ghouls around the area? And even more, how is there no swamp at all? These creatures usually live up to their names, as I've always given them literal ones, so how one does not follow the same pattern?

My mind goes back to the snake creature and the fox being at her side. Something tells me she may have a hand in this matter too.

I crook my head to have a better look below but there is not much I can see from this angle, however my ears catch a hollow howling wind that comes from below, and the smell, the way it sounds, have a certain arrangement, a way that lets me know that it can only be one thing; a cave.


Even the cold-eyed man, at this angle and position, isn't able to interfere much as I start climbing down, talons making holes on the rocky cliff to keep my grip at the wall, sometimes even jumping around to speed up my descend, until I finally reach the end and drop on the ground while carving my feet on the caving in soil.

Only to find out that the cave isn't exactly what I was expecting…

Is too small… or rather, not that, is weirdly made, that's right, it is made, cave out, and something tells me that I found out what the Swamp Ghouls were up to. I look over at the round, not safe looking hole carved by hand and full of markings along the uneven walls, watching as my brain starts wondering the meaning of this even if I truly didn't care and just wanted a cave to lock him up.

After all, I couldn't help but be curious as to why the Ghouls went through all the trouble of carving a cliff? They usually make holes only on the floor, close to rivers, easy moist soil, but there is not even water around here, so why they are acting so… so out of pattern, so… abnormally.

"Is in the direction of the city…" I hear the man talk, but I give him no ears as I lake the place over.

Yup, not going in there, it smells like troublesome things that I don't care and do not want to get myself involved with.

I turn around, ready to leave, but of course the chains rattle again as the cold-eyed man tries to guide me towards it, but I'm no horse and not a weaky thing so he is unable to do much beyond annoying me.

That doesn't stop him from trying though.

"Get inside, we need to investigate the place." He says, and I can barely see over my shoulder as he moves about, and a single extra heartbeat of his lets me know that something happened, and as I hear clothing sound and fiddling soon after he drops something on the floor, a square black metal box that has been smashed useless right in the center. "Radio is broken, we need to see where this leads. If I am correct, they will need our support." 

He pulls at me once more, but I simply pull harder to the other side, a low warning growl displaying my fangs, and once more he tries to hit the sword at my back, but this time, not caught by surprise, I was ready and blocked his attack with the tip of my tail.

I sneer in victory, earning a rare small frown on his forehead. 

Full me once, shame on you, full me twice, shame on me.

Try that again fucker, I think as I let my long tail swing in the air, provocative and ready to pounce, and satisfied that he does not go for it I look at the horizon once more, ready to go further into the wilderness but, of course, the cold-eyed man has other plans as he, realizing he could not convince me, simply drops off from my back and dashes to the entrance.

I watch his image disappear inside into the darkness with incredibility, and suddenly it downs me what has just happened, so I start dashing inside after him.

Freaking human! Don't just rush into danger like that! Get back here you moron!

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