POV: Asher Murray

This is quite an interesting outcome.

There is a lot to be taken from this day, and I'm sure weeks worth of research will be the outcome of such, beyond battle plans and safety protocols that will need to be updated and reviewed.

And yet, amidst the calming chaos of the battlefield, beyond the strategist and plans rolling inside my mind, I cannot help but focus on one creature above else; even more when I can simply glanze at such creature as he stands there, helping us of all things, and beyond worrying that such massive being is able to blend in in human form there is the fact that he is clearly helping us, no, helping me.

What is his plan? What was his gain? I think briefly, and yet none of it really matters because, beyond trusting or trying to understand his mind, I ratter watch over his actions for those speak more truly to the heart than words will ever do.

Even the most kindhearted person, when facing a dangerous situation, may do the most unpredictable things under pressure, and not only that but I've never been a big believer in promises and words, only actions.

So he clearly wants to keep me alive, safe, and I can and am using that on my favor, especially in such situation, with our line of defense breached and invasions occurring on the inside, I'm up to use him straight away as I did; though I care to admit that he is a wild unpredictable paw on my board.

Perhaps the only way to deal with this fire is to put more gasoline in so the wood burns faster.

We maintain our ground until I hear the roaring engine purr over the streets, which doesn't take long, and not surprised I watch three motorcycles hover in the middle of the ghoul's horde in front of us and jump into action, bullets and flames joining the chaos as the slow targets melt away under the force of my team.

No radio, no command, just the familiarized trained group working together, Hacker finding me on the cameras and contacting them for me and then pitching the enemy from behind, squishing its forces with our two groups.

I trust my group to the degree of making such bold assumptions that they were coming to gives us support before they even got into the city, as I told the young soldier before.

"Pew, we barely made in. Hey Captain!" Says Crazy Hound before putting the muzzle of his gun inside a newly made ghoul to the side and pulling the trigger, making brain matter fly everywhere, including himself and Gunner's motorcycle. Nothing new there.

"Hey Captain, what are you doing hanging around these wet pants here? Last time we saw you you were rushing in the forest outside these walls, so how the hell did you get here?!" Asks Hunter, out of curiosity, and neither are surprised when I already go down to business, never being one to entertain idle pointless chatter.


"Yes!" Says Hunter as we ignore Crazy Hound's howls in the background. "The civilians from outside have been safely rescued since you attracted the ghouls attention, they are on a safeguard on range from the defense of the walls. Team B seems to have their hands full as well as Team A. Team C has nothing worth reporting beyond the loss of the machine gun sir!"

"…It got jammed…" I hear Hound mumbling as he keeps fighting, enjoying the easy prey. Gunner won't be happy; still nothing new there.

"Then Hacker contacted us about Captain's location and about the commotion around here. What's going on sir?"

"The ghouls are organized, they caved their way inside the town, under the fire pits and wall. Hound, see if Hacker can find any other entryways, until then I want you to bomb the tunnels and holes you find, cut their troop supplies and exit."

He gives his motorbike two twists on the accelerator, roaring the engine like a beast as he answers: "Roger that sir.!" At that he leaves, not even questioning how I knew he had grenades with him because, well, he always has grenades with him.

With a now much quieter battlefield, beyond some explosions here and there, I start thinking once more. There are too many variables running through my mind, but one thing is needed to avoid using the wrong strategy and to simplify my decision; knowledge.

"Give me your radio." I say to my troop, and not long after I'm speaking with Hacker, the only one who stayed behind to keep an overwatch on the battlefield situation for us.

"How is the situation in the city?" I ask as I receive objective updates from Hacker, who doesn't stop typing fiercely at her keyboard along with the conversation. 

I do not give the radio back once we are done, better aware now of how this battle is unfolding. "It seems that we are lucky, the ghouls are not aware of the cameras and way of communication, so they will not expect a quick organized retaliation. Good part of the soldiers are separated into two parts; the outer walls where the massive attack is being held and where Team B is, and the other in the inner golden walls. None will give us support, we will have to deal with the soldiers we have. Also, they have implemented lockdown in this area."

"Wait, so we can't leave?" One of the younger soldiers asks, fear in his voice.

"Not until morning."

"You can't be serious." "No way." "We are doomed!" "All dead!" They all speak at once, the reaction predictable under such situation with inexperience soldiers like them, and only a strong fierce hand over their heads will hold their mind in place.

"Silence!" I say only once, anger in my eyes that put them in their places. "Honor those uniforms you wear, now move!"

"Yes sir!" They all salute me and start moving together as a group, trained to the exhaustion for that to happen like a second nature, so even though they are scared stiff their bodies still remember what the mind is stuck in trying to do.

My special soldiers come to my side, Reaper silently watching with his faceless mask over his face as Hunter asks: "What is the plan sir.?"

"We are very outnumbered and with no perspective of getting reinforcements, we have to prioritize our safety." We cannot risk rescuing squads when we cannot guaranty our own safety.

A plan starts forming in my mind, and as the glint on my eyes changes I see Hunter smiling, aware that things are about to take a turn for the better.

"Do you still have those grappling hooks and zip lines?"

"Of course, better safe than sorry, why?"

I watch the troop get organized and start walking in synch as we move towards where I have in mind, my eyes set towards the tallest building of the place.

Reaper moves his hands about, forming a question.

"Indeed, Winning Stratagems, first line, fool the heavens so that you can cross the river." I nod, satisfied that he remembered my teachings of the ancient war sayings, pity that he has this… condition of his, otherwise he would be a fitting soldier to replace me one day as commander.

"… What's that supposed to mean?" Hunter asks, on the other hand.

"It means to lure the enemy's attention to the sky while we cross the river."

"Excuse me?" He still asks, lost.

"It means we have a long night ahead of us." As I said that, however, a stone hits another flying ghoul, and with a quick gaze to the side I see a pair of ablaze eyes staring at me.

"Also, we have another thing to do along the way…"

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