With the upcoming sun taking my very good dark vision away I'm left with no choice but to flee as, beyond that, the daylight will make the ghouls hide and scatter, in a way that the soldiers from the borders and walls will be free to come here and give them support.

And with only me running around one does not need to be a genius to guess what may happen, and I'm not up to have the entire city chasing after me, not a good day for me, maybe next Friday? Or never would be good too…

So in the end I turn around and claw my way away from the soldiers, watching as the sun comes up and starts taking the shadows away as the ghouls flee inside the buildings and deeper into them in search for the security of the darkness, the light chasing them away like a fire in the forest would do to its animals.

As quick as I can I reach the outer walls and jump to the other side, the light already burning my eyes as I secure them under my scale protection, ears attentive to the commotion that will befall along with the daytime, soldiers coming and going, the news of the attacks inside the walls already reaching their ears as they try to minimize the damage that such chaos caused.

I enter a building as soon as the reinforcement troops reach the doors, hiding inside such small room as I hear the cogs moving and the doors opening up.

I sneer smoke out from my nostrils, shaking my head and trying to clear my thoughts..

Well, nothing went as I wanted today, not only did I lose my newly found home, but got my cover blown and, worst of it all, discovered that I could not kill the fancy meal even if I wanted to!

This sucks! I pass my clawed hand over my face in annoyance, but shaking it up again I sneer. No point in dwelling on that now, I have to escape, go back to the slums, perhaps find another hiding place, and start all over again.

Yeah, even if they know now that I can take human form, there are so many of them inside these walls that it will take them a lot of time and effort to catch a glimpse of me.

With those thoughts in mind I finally chance back to my human form, the clothes long gone replaced by mud and dirt, and my hair free again to fall over my face and shoulder like a veil, only my eyes peeking from behind.

Time to move out.

The soldiers, occupied as they are with the many troubles throughout the night, do not even pay attention to a muddy poor boy walking around along the walls and shadows, not even noticing his naked state as most of his body is covered by dirt and shadow, and as such we walk opposite directions without much trouble, my feet hitting the floor with increasing speed and taking me away from trouble.

However, of course, the situation is not as easy as I initially thought of it for, once I reach the red circle district area and see the open gates, I'm reminded of why I left that area in the first place.

Especially when it proves to have even more soldiers and people running around than the area being attacked and overwhelmed by ghouls that I had just left from; And perhaps the only way to be worse than that is being not only attacked by the flying ghouls as well, but having buildings falling off on top of each other and pilling up together to crush survivors down with its weight.

Plus that annoying guy may still be around here, I sneer, probably still chasing me down no matter the situation surrounding that crazy bastard, ironically caused by him.

Well, fuck, what now? I think as I back off from the entrance, aware that this color system they have did not allow me in the current place I'm at, which may catch unwanted attention to myself if someone finds out.

All I need now is a quiet place to hide in from prying eyes… but where? Maybe is for the best if I just go back to the forest, I can always try to get inside the city once more when things have calmed down, but something tells me that today of all days nothing will go as I expect, especially with those two snake ghouls out there, aware of our… predicament.

So what is left? I stop to think for a second, but something, or rather, someone makes a smile creep its way to my face when, looking over the other side of the road, I hear a familiar voice from the line of soldiers, and as a plan forms in my mind I realize that I can exploit him once more.

So I go out in the light, visibly limping, and when I'm sure that I've got close enough that he can see me I trip down on the floor, a little stiff and clumsily, but I guess no one would be surprised if the poor me was in shock with all the things going around and none questioned my actions.

The important part, however, is that I catch the attention of who I wanted to, and as his green eyes pass over me they shine when he recognizes me.

"You! I have been searching for you, where have you been? I'm Connor, Bennett Connor, remember? Julia told me what happened, those bastards, how dare they treat you like that! Red color, seriously? But are you alright? Are you hurt? Come with me, I'll find a way to make things right." He starts babbling like he used to do when we were together, and as he helps me up and finds out my state, a deep frown forms on his usually gentle expression, probably many scenarios of how I ended up like this playing on his mind. 

For a moment, as I wonder what this soldier may be thinking of, flashes of that boy in the slums comes to mind, of how he was… treated, on how this man, the first to encounter me in this human form and to bring me inside this city may be thinking that something similar to that forced orgy may have happened to me.

"Come with me, I'll help you out. Clothes… we need to get you some clothes too… And clean you up… And food right? You must be hungry too…" He says something as he passes his arm over my shoulders, guilty and sadness filling his voice as he guides me away from the group and glance back at the soldiers with a worried expression, but even with the possibility of getting into trouble he doesn't stop trying to 'help' me.

With my plan working I simply let him do as he pleases, already aware of how his gentle personality works, and yet no happiness, no self-tap on the shoulder nor self-assurance comes with that because, for some reason, I cannot take the image of that boy from the slums out of my mind now that it has surged in my thoughts.

I wonder if he managed to survive this night. I wonder if he even wishes to survive this night.

I clench my hand on top of each other, the nails carving the palm and drawing blood, as, beyond any of the problems I had so far, of the situation that I got myself into, my mind is the worst and trickiest of them all as it keeps playing a tune that I don't want to listen to.

I know that I should not care, should not worry about the prey, but who can truly command their own heart to obey like such?

And losing that familiar control I always had… scares me.

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