POV: Asher

I almost have the urge to lock the room behind me, even though I know that he is bound to stay there by my command.

Come on Asher, get yourself together, is not like you have no experience in that matter; well, perhaps not exactly that way, but still I've been thought worse, this is nothing I can't handle, he is nothing I can't handle.

He is an odd creature however, I must at least give him that.

And I see where this is going, or rather, where he wanted it to go to, on how he almost made me lose my cool, and how, in the childish brain of his, this must all sound like a game to him, but he is poking into rather serious matters without carrying about the consequences.

Well, I guess that hasn't changed from before… this impulsive demeanor of his. 

But as he did not take his punishment serious we may have a big problem in our hands, for if he is discovered and I cannot prove his usefulness nor that I have control over him, then that might be it, for both of us.

The Citadel doesn't care how many he can kill with one blow, how many will be saved with his actions, a loose cannon will be put down immediately. 

And with that attitude even I am tempted to do it myself, daring to turn the tables like that… I keep thinking, still annoyed that my heart beat has not calmed down yet, neither has… other things.

Though I learned something interesting too, how he reacted to my blood, how, for the second time in that position, he loses his calm as much as to ignore me with the taste of my blood.

That can be useful… more than the Murray way at least.

Taking a deep breath and swallowing down the reminiscent troubles caused by him I have to make a detour for a cold shower before dealing with other taxing matters, and glad for having a guest room I use those accommodations, mind full of troubles coming from all places.

And yet my gaze finds a way to land at the marking behind my hand that always shines when I give him an order, scribbles writing in Shinzaki language that I forgot to ask Takamori to translate in the confusion.

Plus he did not cut Seiji's hair like I intended him to do, I need him the most different from before as possible, and having his hair in front of his face will only keep his identity hidden for so long.

I turn the water off, letting the remains of liquid to drip from my hair onto the floor, the constant sound helping me get myself back on track again.

Very well, I guess I left my guest waiting for too long, I shall pay him a visit now.

I get dress and pass Seiji's door without giving it much attention, knowing that he would be able to hear me, going downstairs and into the basement where another person is chain up awaits now.


"Well well glad to have company finally! I started thinking that you may have forgotten about me. Starving to death is just a boring way to die you know? At least make it something epic Ashy!" Tempted to put a mouth gag in his mouth too but stopping myself since I came here to talk I calmly drag a chair to sit right in front of him.

"I did not came here to kill you." I answer then, making his eyebrows rise.

"Oh, come on Ashy, don't play dumb and don't offend my intelligence please, is the only way you can keep that thing hidden while not having to worry about me. We both know that, after some time, the Colonel will be searching for me, and once he finds the order of prison in your name it won't be long before he puts two and two together. And when that happens I'm not only getting your pet killed but you from not only disobeying an order but for restraining an officer, and killing those soldiers too, that's that as well."

He lets his face drop to the side, a cold look in his eyes that only someone very familiar with death and killing could have, the eyes of a murder.

The type of eyes that suck all hope out of you.

"There is only one way Ashy… killing me, ditching the body in a place never to be found, and cleaning the place very well, even if they know it was you there won't be any proof to be held against you, and I'm sure you already deal with the cameras around your area, you always had a hand on the people from the circles."

I already had. "No, I won't kill you because you are not going to say anything to anyone." At that he frowns.

"I don't follow Ashy, did he ate your brain or something?"

I bend forward on the chair to keep a very close, eye level talk with him as I say: "You won't tell anyone because there is one thing that you want the most, something beyond the fame, the name, the titles, anything that anyone can give you."

"Which is?"

"A good hunt."

"Oh Ashy I didn't realize you knew me so well." He says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Then tell me Agent Cole, what do you think the higher ups will do once they find out about him? You will be losing your only chance of fighting something as unique and powerful as him, and for what? Following the rules?" I drag some words out to let them sink in, the meaning behind it all. "Even more he may be the key to unlock the mystery behind these creatures, these attack, and how knows what may be dragged out of their holes by him…"

"Doesn't that sound far more interesting than letting it end by the hands of others… Agent Cole?"

At that he understands what I'm saying, that his prey, the one and only of his kind known so far, would be taken away from him, the kill, the prize, would end in other's people hands.

With a new smile on his face and a crazy glint in his eyes he says:

"… I'm listening."

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