…I cannot say that I'm surprised that we have come to this place, not after all that unfolded back at the house within that metal talking thingy.

Hehe, seems like someone is not completely made of ice after all… otherwise why would he have listened to Takamori and come to visit his friend in the end?

We do not enter by the front large doors however, instead we go to one of the side entrances hidden among the greenery that follows the outer walls of the place, and as we enter we are welcomed by a person with only half their face showing, for the balcony they stood at has a cover for the eyes as to preserve the identity of the guest at the other end.

"Takamori will be serving you in a moment, please wait for him in the next room to your right."

Already aware of his surroundings and about the procedures Asher walks along the empty halls with ease, making me trail behind him.

Well, if it is to see him getting scolded again I'm down for it, is such a rare event after all.

Opening up the strange side door we enter a mostly empty room, with a bed on the side but nothing more beyond the way too small table at the center and some frames painted on bamboo.

What is this? Only very short people live here?

However even as Asher ignores me he ends up teaching me its use when he sits on the floor in front of the table, proving that even his legs can fit under if he wishes..

Sitting on the floor? But did they not use chairs and the like? These humans are so strange and confusing at times, plus what is the deal with these walls? They seem so feeble, almost as if made of paper, and what about these lights? They concealment the light bulb with a red cover, looks like paper too… perhaps is for atmosphere? Because it is not illuminating as much as it could, however that may be the point, even more when the bright light is turned into a cozy red one instead.

Not only that but I take the smell in as a lot of sweet odors reach my nostrils, not only from people and their perfumes but from sticks burning to the side, giving the place an almost sickening honeyed odor.

I hear light yet hurried steps approaching from outside, and I recognize Takamori even before he opens the door and walks in, what I did not expect is that he would be blindfolded, carrying a set of tea pot and other utensils in front of him, is hurried demeanor left outside as he enters with grace, showing his smooth white legs outside the long black robs he is wearing.

I frown at the scene, at all the effort wasted on us, looking from Asher to Taka as he kindly talks as if not aware of in whom's presence he is at, which I found out to be the case as he cannot see us and Asher does not speak for some reason, letting the other kneel down and start preparing the tea.

Only for his nice face to crumble in the middle of preparing it when he lets a sigh out.

"Asher, is that you right? You know that isn't funny anymore. Just say something so we can get to the point will you?"

"… If it wasn't me you would have just given them my name."

"Oh, come on, who else requests this old man here beyond yourself? Plus you are always the only one that keeps the silence for this long, or your hands to yourself mind you. Also I called you to come not long ago, and is still daytime, give me a break." And yet, angry as is, Takamori continues to brew the tea in an automatic manner, as if he has done many, many times before until exhaustion. 

"Also, that the hell was that yesterday, that boy, those soldiers, you want me to simply suck it up and go with the flow? Ohh I don't think so, you own me an explanation and-" Only then he takes the blindfold off and, as his glimmering with anger eyes finds out that Asher had not come alone, he suddenly is left out of words, letting his mouth open like a fish only to awkwardly close it moments later, staring at me for a moment.

"Oh, well, uhm… Hi again, Seiji right? How… how are your studies going? Hope this thick head did not give you a hard time yesterday…" He finishes the tea off almost as if to vent his anger by moving his hands, but calming down a little after seeing me he, instead of passing the tea to Asher who is already ready to take it, passes the bowl with the warm liquid to me.

Even if feeling a little awkward with the situation, and not knowing what to do with the bowl, I take it because I can see a small frown cross Asher's forehead, and I discovered I great hobby in pushing his buttons to the limit.

Good thing I breath fire however, otherwise I would have burned my mouth by sipping the tea without blowing it.

Takamori notices the fact, but chooses to ignore it by continuing with the main subject at hand: to bully Asher- I mean, to get information out of him.

"So…? I'm giving you the chance to explain things here, or do you not trust me enough anymore?"

That is a tricky question that makes both of them stare each other in the eyes for a while in silence, and as my tea ends for me sipping it all the time out of nervousness Takamori takes it from my hand and fills it up once more, all without taking his eyes off from Asher.

"…Very well…" He says, in the end, and has to explain everything that's happened so far, from my first attack to our other encounters.

I did not expect that he would really tell him everything, and I'm more than surprised by this act of trust, however not more surprised than learning just how much a small pot of tea can carry inside.

Please stop, I don't want more tea, my bladder is not used to this! I think, cursing that I took it in the first place.

I just want to watch you two fight in silence, is that too much to ask? And yet they are not even fighting anymore! Urg…

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