Asher almost kicks the door open with this demeanor, clothes a little out of place and breathing heavily, knuckles and sword red with the blood of others, with many pass out guards behind him laying on the floor, so it is not hard to guess why he is bearing such disheveled appearance.

"Captain Murray, so kind of you to join us, please take a sit." At those words the guards stop on their tracks to retaliate back, all waiting for a change of command or a sudden attack from Asher, or rather any excuse to avenge their fallen soldiers.

Asher, however, once inside, looks at the boy and, for the first time I meet him, looks genuinely surprised, wide eyes and all, and quickly puts his sword back into the scabbard and goes down to one knee, giving me a quick view of a marking at the back of his hand that is currently faintly shining in a way similar to mine, however the events unfolds before gives me no time to ponder about it. 

"Your Imperial Majesty, I did not mean to be rude." Wait, what change of attitude is that? Isn't it a bit too weird that this cold aloof captain is treating someone with such utter respect? 

Well I do not give a damn for titles and whatever, so perhaps that is something that is far too bothersome for me to understand, or even want to really, I barely get this concept among the soldiers and all, but it makes sense in a hunting party, but here?

Also Asher's attitude annoyed me to the point of growling at him, how dare he kneel to anyone while our fates are intertwined like this? Isn't it the same as me doing the begging?

And I am not the type to kneel to anyone.

He notices my attitude, barely crossing a cold gaze towards my side, as if saying for me to shut up, however that only fuels the rumble inside me.

Only that, this little play of ours, raises the amusement from the boy, who chuckles behind the fan.

"See, Koshiro samurai? That's the proper way of greeting us."

Putting fuel in the fire I see, not afraid of burning up?

"Sorry your "Excellency", but I've never being the type to bow down to anyone, you see… "

"Oh, we know, we had a few chuckles back in the day when the previous of the Sun dynasty punished you over and over again. I guess you have never been one to learn from past mistakes, too stubborn and proud from your own good."

And insulting me is the polite way of speaking of the well versed people it seems.

"The previous of the Sun dynasty ?… your father then? You know, why the hell you speak like that? Why not just say it like-"

"Seiji, 'shut up'!" Asher says, still bowing.

Well I had almost forgotten how these markings burn deep, thanks for reminding me, I think after crossing my arms and sulking with my lips shut and glaring at him.

"Oh, seems like someone managed to tame the beast, very impressive."

I stare holes at the boy next, but knew better than to try and speak my thoughts out… for now.

"Please now, no need to bow for eternity, we are quite considering, have a sit, let us meet." He says, waving his free hand even though Asher could not see in the position he is at.

At this point the guards have finally let the matter go, still mad at him from what I can tell; or perhaps mad at their own incapability to keep him away; and only at the boy's words they were forced to retreat and close the door behind them.

Though this time some sneaked around, all ready to pounce and yet far enough not to bother the boy nor go against his command.

It seems like they have done this many times before uhm… being prepared like this already.

Asher does as told, not before glaring holes at me, which I answer with my own innocent smile, and sits down beside me.

Now now how am I supposed to ask him what he meant thus far? This boy seems to hold some answers that I'm ready to force out of him.

Only that that is proven unnecessary.

"We thought to have lost you all with this country, our greatest warriors and people… gone. Even our… predecessor."

So… he is now the head of the Shinzaki? Well, what good that is doing for him and the remaining of his people now, guess you need citizens to rule over to put weight in that empty title.

Only that, there is still some of that left in the respect he receives and the luxury surrounding him, even while being an Emperor of a fallen kingdom.

"We are glad to finally meeting you in person Captain Murray, we head many great things from you, and yet even if overjoyed by such we believe that the situation at hand requires some urgency, so do not take to heart that we have called you both with us this sudden."

"Of course not Your Imperial Majesty." I mind you know! Can I have a word about that?

"Of course not." The boys says, condescending,  with a cheeky smile on his face that makes me want to punch him, though I want to punch everybody most of the time anyway.

The boy flaps the fan shut and softly rests it on the table, two long fingers stretch out while he puts a serious face.

"This is a matter that we do not share lightly, something that brings both pride and shame to us, and it will come with a price." This time his long eyelashes fluster up towards Asher, staring him up as the words leave his lips.

Asher, however, even if being polite as it is requested from him, does not coward, like a river that flows around rocks, it does not lose his strength but only slowly makes way by degrading the rock slowly but surely. 

"Pardon me Your Imperial Majesty, but to negotiate I need to know what I'm buying."

The boy pursuits his lips, slightly narrowing his eyes, and says, putting up smiles:

"Very well, we will grant you with the knowledge you seek. We will tell you, about how this samurai came to be this way."

"And how the ghouls turn up like this in the first place."

I'm shocked with the revelation, that such heavy subject, such precious knowledge, is right there at our reach, and yet so far… for I can already tell that the price to pay will be very high.

Perhaps too high for us to pay.

And by the look Asher gives me, I can tell we just thought the same.

"…And what would Your Imperial Majesty have us do in return?"

As if enjoying the show, the boy takes his time to answer back, slow moves and blinking, until he finally says:

"We would want you to help us take the city back, and the Shinzaki empire with it."

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