Bang bang bang! Not only did they come in the middle of the night, but were very impolite about it, banging with strength against the front door.

"Asher my boy, open up!" Now who the fuck is that?

I glance at Asher who is cleaning his hands before going to answer the door, not before hinting that I should wait upstairs with his gaze.

Hell no! I clearly answer by raising my eyebrows and smirking at him.

He just rolls his eyes before opening the front door.

"Took your goddamn time oi!" Is the first thing that comes out from the pompous woman's mouth as she dashes in the room as if owning the place, followed by a man in suit that has the same aura and yet looks more like some type of fancy servant of hers. 

Not that I care anyway, I think while yawing, now the special dinner will be late, and I had just an appetizer to stir up my appetite.

Bored at first with the intrusion I give a quick peek at Asher's telephone, and curious imitate what he did and swipe the picture to the side, revealing more photos of the place.

I only stop when the image shows something that is easily passable, but makes me want to frown and widen my eyes at the same time.

For I could guess why such thing is worthy of a picture on its own, its wooden structure, its small hand filling size, and the strange characters carved in it, quite similar to the ones I bared on my skin every time he uttered a command, the character that I had with me since, well…

Since whatever I swallowed that day bound us together like this.

"Asher my boy, we have to talk, I've lost hope in finding your brother at this point, and I fear that his drunkenness have finally made him dig his own grave, that ungrateful bastard, so much work to give birth to a useless boy that managed to get in trouble all the time, nine months I tell you, nine months and some weight too!"

"But not you, my sweet boy, you have always been so obedient, I wish things could be different and I could have had you instead. Now now, let's go back home together and away from this filthy place at last, we can finally go back to the capital." The blond full of makeup and stinking of perfume acts too fast for me to even react to her words, and by the time she finishes her body is glued on Asher's arm and her hand filled with red nails is tracing his chest.

However even if I do feel confused at their interaction, thinking her to be his mother at first, the sudden proximity to Asher makes me see red and leak killing intend with my stare.

The bitch, dare not only to interrupt our meal, but to brush herself on him like a cat on heat!

So even if I didn't bother going out to greet anyone at first since this kitchen has an opening over the wall where the counter rests it allows me to have a direct line of sight of the people coming in, but that works for them too as her gaze finally encounters my furious one, giving her a shock that the bitch is very quick to recover from.

"Who… is that?" Could ask the same bitch.

I raise my eyebrow at her question, sneering and prompting my chin with my hand, very cocky and comfortable. 

And that overconfidence, plus me staring daggers at her, makes her put some distance between her and Asher, first to observe the situation, looking into the clock, even though she already knew to be late at night, then looking at the table been set for two, and widen eyes her gaze finally returns to me as she let's go of Asher as if he has send her hands on fire.

"You…You! You scrum! How did you dare to act in such shameful ways?! To bring a man here, this late of night, of all things! How dare you! Not even a woman at  that! Your disgrace! You are only good to bring glory to the Murray name, don't get cocky now boy and think you can do whatever you please!"

Excuse me? This bitch came here only to scream until our ears drop to hours end? This is the first time that I don't feel like eating someone but rather just killing and ditching them on with the garbage, I'm sure such bad mouthing bitch would leave a bitter taste in my mouth!

Before I realize I'm already standing beside Asher, staring back at the two who dare to come make trouble, only that Asher grabs my hand and pulls me back and to my surprise does not let go, holding me in place as his warm hand cups my palm, having a comforting calm effect in some way, but to the woman the fact that we were holding hands only fuels her own anger, distorting her once polite face into a raging beast as she keeps wailing.

"After all we have done for you, and this is how you repay us? By having a man this late at night?! Tell me he is here only to be punished, w-we can understand that, some need to have their skin engraved, right? Is that it?! No, then why are you having dinner with him?! Have your basement flooded?!"

She does not wait for any answer, her mad driven mind flowing from one line of thought to the other, from wanting to find excuses as much as to approach Asher once more with those slimy hands, to scream about their family name being tainted by his actions and that it was unforgivable, but at the same time trying to push him away from me by spitting words out one after the other.

That's when, to my and all's surprise, the unmoved cold captain thus far acts up and does something rather unexpected.

His hand, so far holding mine, hardens its grip as he pulls me closer and, as he cups my shin with his other hand, he closes the distance between us rather fast only to give me a long, deep kiss!

All happens so sudden that none have time to react, neither do I, left absented minded to his assault, and when his wet moisten lips leave mine, he turns towards the woman and with a cold, chilling voice, says:

"Are you done?"

She is left speechless, and in the end the well dressed servant beside her has to bring her to her senses and guide her out before she can make a fool of herself for longer.

But I don't really care for the time it takes for them to leave my eyes have not left Asher's face once, for that hot long kiss is different from anything we had so far, and even without the taste it brings back the sweet flavor of his blood and wakes the sleeping purring beast inside me.

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