Warning – smut~~

I guess I should have expected that, after such words were spoken, that the gentleman that has just made me dinner and open up to me would turn into a rough hungry beast.

"Y-you, can't you loosen it up a bit?"

"No, I like it tight."

Really now, that is a little bit too much, I think while swallowing dry, and yet, even though I say it so, having my arms bound tightly on top of my head, stretching my body along the bed, while having him staring at his work makes me shiver a little, this little already been enough to destabilize my breathing a little.

But of course I would not back down now and would actually invite disaster by provoking the already on heat beast on top of me.

"So, this is the punishment you were talking about? What are you going to do now? Put some leather boots and whip me all night long?" I say cockily, provoking him by showing off more of my neck and smirking.

Only that he gives me a rare smirk of his own, and that on itself promised all sort of…inexplicable feelings to surge.

"Punishment?" He finally says, dragging the word out as if tasting it, and as he approaches me with something in his hands I'm left speechless for what is about to come..

For he takes a silk black blindfold and knots it's at the back of my head, robbing me from my sight and taking the opportunity to whisper in my ears:

"This… is no punishment, there would be a lot more pain involved. This…this is actually your reward."

"And there will be a lot, lot more pleasure involved in it." At the end of his words his lips were so close to my ear that I don't even know if they are red from embarrassment or from the blazing heat of his breathing brushing my skin so closely.

However I know they turn even redder when he takes a lick at it, and not only my skin is pricked by the wet sensation but my hearing for such lewd sounds resonated deep inside from being made so close to my ears.

"Uhm…" I mumble, closing my lips and being overwhelmed by this small attacks like this.

"Don't you cheat." He says when he is done provoking my ear into further redness, biting at my earlobe while his hand rests on my neck.

Cheat? Oh, is he talking about clicking and viewing things by the sounds I guess.

"Is not like I can turn it off you know."

"I know, but try."

"…Ok, but…" I say coyly as he messing with something out of sight for a few moments. "What is this reward all about uhm…? Perhaps you finally saw the light and understood who is the boss around here uhm, wanting to please this lord?" 

Digging deeper down I go!

He chuckles, and being totally robbed from my vision for the first time is disorientating, especially when I'm forcing myself in that state by not making any higher pinch sounds that could help me 'view' the place up.

What can I say, I'm up to his little games, so I'm just playing along.

"You have stood up by my side without me having to command you, that's why I'm rewarding you." He simply says, finishing with the sound of his buttons being forced open and the sudden realization that he is getting more at ease by the second.

It should be odd indeed, how I stood by his side like that, however I'm already over trying to understand such things in a logical way, and have always acted according to my wants and wishes.

Also I did not have enough in me to be thinking about such things right now, especially when he caresses my skin with the tip of his fingers, leaving a path of fire whenever he provokes.

"Uhmm… " I mumble, breathing heavily and closing my fingers above me, having my attention focused completely on whenever he traces my body, from my hips to my abs, up to my chest, full warm palm cupping as suddenly his warm breathing is there as well, and before I can assimilate things I can only feel a wet brush against my nipple. 

"Ah!" Caught by surprise by his assault I let a gasp out, but as he does not stop and in fact tastes the sensitive skin once more I end up arching my back, which is quickly embraced by his exploring hands.

Such teasing at the front, and the brushing on the back, makes me shiver hard from head to toe, feeling that my nipples are not the only ones getting hard at this point.

He circles around its tip with his tongue, then gives it a quick lick that tenses my body up, only for his lips to embrace the tip and suck the remaining sanity out of me while his nails brush the skin on my back.

But of course I'm not some lady and cannot leave things as is, so giving the first chance I have I hook my legs around his waist, and while I caught him by surprised as his lips leave my nipples I glue us together only to start rocking my hips against his him, our own bulges brushing and touching, rasping along the friction of the cloth still between us.

"You little… rascal. " The way he says is, trying to keep his cool but breathing in rapidly between words brings a smile to my face as I lick my lips before teasing:

"What can I say, I'm always trying to please…"

"Oh, is it now?" He answers, hardening his grip on my back and digging his finger in, only to pull my hips up, making me unable to continue my assault but actually giving him quite the space to play with.

And he starts by taking the remaining clothes off.

Somewhat brought to his limits by me he takes barely enough of our pants off to expose ourselves, and without being able to see what he is up to I can only take a deep breath of his musky smell while my expectations make my heart race.

To my surprise, however, he does not go directly to the ending, but instead warp our hot shafts together and starts stroking both together, brushing his long fingers along the bulging skin and brushing the tip teasingly, while making our own dicks brush at each other and increase the pressure and the touching, hot sensitive skin rubbing against each other.

There is something about having us both connected like this, sharing moans and sweat, that is even hotter than the act itself.

He keeps the movement on and on, speeding up and slowing down, only to speed up again, brushing and touching, and as we rise to the climax together, pressure building up behind my balls and a heat boiling lava thickening in my core, he actually… stops.

"Ah, y-you, why…?" He chuckles, which makes me shiver again, only to say:

"It won't be fun if it ends this early, let me enjoy you more… also, there is no fun without a little bit of expectation." 

At that our shafts part ways, and a few seconds later he is back with his attacks, but not before putting something similar to a ring on my dick, so tight that the bulging is pressured from outside.

"Y-you, that's too tight again."

"I told you so…" To my surprise, however, this time his assaults take another turn, and his sneaking exploring hand is now moisten with something as it reaches in between my butt, and that realization makes a wave of emotions overflow me. 

Before I can even assert what is it that I'm feeling; expectation, anxiety, fear, lust?; Asher takes my attention away from the rear by suddenly licking the tip of my constricted bulging dick.

"Y-you, don't touch t-" I try to say between gasps, but even I don't know if I was referring to the back or to the bursting front at this point.

I only know that he did not stop.

At the same time that I feel the tip of his long finger making way at my entrance, wiggling the tip to stretch me out, his tongue assaults me once more, increasing speed only to give a small bite at the tip that makes me full out arch my back and gasp, only the restraints keep me in place. 

The slightly painful building up pressure takes my mind away from the back as he starts pushing in his second finger, twisting and turning inside, stretching me out.

My already brought to the limit dick is being assaulted nonstop by his hot lips, and the ring at the base only makes me harden further as I stay in the frontier between climaxing and not being able to come, coiling my fingers and toes as I eager for some sort of release.

Once the third finger is in I'm already twisting my hips, trying to get the friction that I wanted at the front, already past my limit.

"F-fuck! L-let me come already y-you!" Asher only chuckles, giving another lick at the tip only to suck it up. "A-ah!"

"Your cute." He says in between teases, and I can feel his smirk against my skin.

"C-cute?! Cute my as-" I stop before saying the full phrase, remembering that doing so had not ended up well for me last time, only that it is too late and my attempt only gets him to chuckle at me while giving my ass a slap.

"Y-you fucker!" I badmouth, but lose my mind once he starts pulling the ring around my cock out, then back at the base, pretending to give me release only a little to provoke me further.

"Haha, seems like someone is about to burst, let me help you with that." Suddenly the world spins as he turns me around, and quickly putting a pillow below me so that I don't stay in an awkward position he stops his teasing.

However there is no relief for me in it yet for he brings the main course out, and I can clearly feel his hot shaft at my stretched entrance, brushing its way in as I clearly feel the entrance being stretched, the tip being slowly swallowed by my insides.

He grunts while pushing in, and I can feel his member touching my insides slowly, pocking at the pressure behind my balls and stirring it to life once more, making me fidget under the restraints.

But of course he does not let go so easily… and actually starts pulling his dick out again, then in, slowly at first, as if truly trying to shape my insides with his dick, increasing in strength, and once he opens his legs to the side and rests his hands at my hip and back, finding his balance, he starts thrusting in with increasing speed, hammering my insides, making me groan, moan, and rasp my own member at the bed bellow, trying to find release but only increasing the building pressure.

"Fuck, you are so tight, don't clench it too much."

I clench my ass cheeks even harder when he says that, making him grunt, however my victorious smile turns into uncompressible moans once the petty captain retaliates by finally taking the cock ring out, making me burst out all of the sudden.

But that only makes my insides twist harder, which squishes Asher into his climax as his member is closed in by my warm insides.

As we both ride our climax we are left out of air, and once it is over and I lay limply on the bed with him still on top of me, the only thing I can think is how can this humanoid body have so many sensations and sensitive places like this? What is up with all of that?

I think Asher has open up a new door for me as we explored this humanoid body of mine together, and the once resting beast inside is not satisfied with only night hunts anymore for we have started to get a liking to this whole thing we have going on.

I purr, content, but before I can think any further into it or manage to take the silly smile out of my face, Asher starts getting a reaction once more right inside me, and as I grunt and he chuckles I quickly understand that the beast on top of me would not let go so quickly, and that his military training is not for show as is stamina is superb.

And he proves his point when his still inside dick starts moving once more, squishing me into a puddle of sensations and emotions once more.

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