When he returned to the reception room, the ...... lord was waiting there with a foxed expression on his face.

As soon as she returned, she immediately explained everything she had seen to the ...... lord, who seemed to be even more confused by her explanation.

The two of them decided to go and check the place out later to make sure that what Lili saw was real and not a hallucination.

Well, as I watched Rairi's surprise, I felt that it turned out just as I had expected .......

Anyway, there was nothing else to do that day, so I left the mansion without much time to spare.

And ...... the next day.

The next day, I decided to finish one of the tasks that I had been putting off, since I would have some free time before the kesaran-pasaran spread throughout the soil.

Today's task is to deal with the daemon cores that have been stored in a critical state.

Even though it is harmless enough to be kept in the storage enchantment ......, it's not very pleasant to leave radioactive waste in the storage.

I wanted to get rid of it when I had time.

In a previous life, radioactive waste was supposed to be accelerated to third universe speed with a special magic tool and disposed of outside the solar system. ...... It's a bit of a pain to make a magic tool of that level of technology just for that purpose.

So, as an alternative, I'm going to use a ruyi-bou to travel outside the magnetosphere and throw the daemon core.

If I can get it there, the radiation emitted by the daemon core will be bounced back by the geomagnetism.

There will be no health hazard on the ground.

There are no people active in space on this planet, so as long as we can protect the people on the ground, there should be no problem.

So we froze the lake, stuck our wands into it, and headed into space.

Then we received a divine communication from ...... Artemis.

"Oh, Valius. Did you get a certain amount of Hyrna metal again?

No, ......, I'm in space for something else this time. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up.

I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. I'm not trying to rush you. But what the hell are you doing here at ......?

"I'm just here to dump this. It's quite harmful if left on the ground.

In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it.

What's that, ......?

After saying that, Artemis remained silent, leaving the communication open.

She was probably just observing the daemon core.

And after a while, ...... Artemis continued.

'...... Could you bring it to the moon, if you would? Valius said it would be harmful on Earth, but ...... if I'm right, the substance should be beneficial here. I'd like to give it a try.

What ...... Artemis said was that the daemon core might be useful on the moon.

Perhaps it will have some effect on Lunar Metal or Hyrule Metal?

If so, then ...... that 'good influence' could possibly be on me.

All right. If Artemis says so, then so be it.

In fact, I was going to throw away the demon core and turn back to the ground when I got to about 3,000 km above the ground, but ...... I decided not to do that and go to the moon.

In the past, it would have taken me eight days to get to the moon and back, so I couldn't go to the moon if I had an appointment soon. ...... Now, thanks to Belzebub, I can go to the moon relatively easily because my travel speed is eight times faster.

You'll be able to get to the moon with the help of your own personal magic.

And about ten hours later.

And about ten hours later.

It was really uncommonly fast. ......

I muttered to myself as I arrived at the moon.

I knew it in my head, but actually experiencing it was really quite fast.

If it is so fast, it is a pity that this stick can only reach to the thirty-third heaven (about 96,000 km).

If it were longer, it might have been able to explore more asteroids.

...... Perhaps it is strange that we regard the ruyi-bou as a tool for space exploration in the first place.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

This is the material that you just saw. It's beautiful. ......

Artemis then picked up the Demon Core and looked at it from various angles.

This is a great way to make sure that you don't end up in a situation where you're going to have to go through a lot of trouble to get your hands on the right one.

I'll give it a try.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

...... I guess the "beneficial" was related to the hyrna metal.

Well, whether it's really useful or not, Artemis' experiment will tell us.

Well, let's see what happens.

So, while I was watching the situation, .......

The moment Artemis held up the Demon Core to Hyruna Metal.

The pile of Heirna Metal began to glow all at once like never before.

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