Because the white light suddenly became dazzling, the vampire was frightened and fell backwards. Its small body rolled twice on the ground before it stopped.

Sha'er and the other three were spider monsters, and their eyes were not blinded by the sudden flash of white light. The three of them jumped away at the same time, making attacking gestures, ready to attack at any time.

Li'er jumped to the corner of the wall, staring straight at the suddenly dazzling white light in front of her and making attacking gestures.

Sha'er jumped to the wall near the vampire, and after taking a look at the vampire to see if he was fine, she raised her hands as if she was going to cast some magic.

Fei'er jumped to the ceiling, grabbed the ceiling with her limbs, and at the same time, she turned her head 360 degrees, making a weird posture, and didn't move.

If the housekeeper suddenly came in at this time, he would definitely be scared by Fei'er's weird posture.

"Hmm? What is this?"The vampire got up from the ground. Although she was frightened by the white light, she was not injured. The white light was not aggressive and could not hurt her at all.

The vampire tried hard to sense. Just when she was lying on the ground, she seemed to sense a trace of Baizhi's breath, which was looming, so Baizhi suddenly got up and approached the white light again.

But the vampire couldn't see what was in the white light no matter how hard she looked. She tried to move her face forward, wanting to get closer to see if she could sense something more.

At this time, the white light dissipated, revealing Shang Yanagiin and Shirahiro inside.

The two felt the power of the magic circle disappear, but they could not use magic. Suddenly, they stumbled and fell on the table together.

"Ouch!"Bai Zhi suddenly fell and cried out unnaturally.

After recovering, Bai Zhi looked up and looked around, and saw the vampire coming over, and then saw the vampire's big face.

"Ah! Ghost!"Bai Zhi was frightened by the sudden appearance of the big face, and screamed, turned his head away, and swung his fist straight at the big face.

""Ah!" The poor spider girl screamed again, was hit against the wall, and then slid down the wall.

Lilshaer and the other three puppets saw who was coming, but did not launch an attack. Instead, they canceled the combat mode and looked at Baizhi curiously. They didn't know why Baizhi punched the vampire right away, but was trembling with fear.

Baizhi turned her head away and met Shang Liuyuan's eyes. Shang Liuyuan looked at Baizhi with a confused face.

Baizhi seemed to understand something from Shang Liuyuan's eyes, as if he was saying to her:"Turn around and look."

Baizhi turned around and looked at the vampire lying on the ground

"Oh, it's over!" Bai Zhi saw the vampire lying on the ground and said, then ran to the vampire and picked him up.

""Vampire, are you okay? Wake up!

You are not dead!


" Baizhi picked up the vampire and shook him a few times, but found that he did not move, and looked so sad that he was about to cry.

The vampire was dizzy after being punched on the forehead, and she felt even more dizzy after being shaken.

She reached out and touched the place where her forehead was hit, then she thought of something, struggled out of Baizhi's arms, and looked at Baizhi angrily.

She was originally teased by Baizhi before, which caused her to lose face.

She was very aggrieved, and then she finally calmed down and came to play with Baizhi, but Baizhi eloped with Shangliuyuan again, yes, eloped.

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