About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 205.


To Chul looked at me and smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Impossible to win."

I said, looking at the screen for choosing a hero.

"It's okay."

Xiang Zhe gently held the mouse and replied in a small voice.

Really, not afraid of pain....

To Zhekar, the opposite side picked Skeleton King, I was stunned and chose Sword Saint. I was stunned and chose the Sword Saint, although I wanted to choose an enemy law, but I wanted to grab economy with Xiang Zhe, so I chose the moderate Sword Saint. On the other hand, the Prophet of Death, the hero who quite crushes Karl, but the one who crushes Karl the most is the Skeleton King, and it looks like the opposite side is planning to crush Xiang Zhe. Wu Moxie looked at the interface and asked in a low voice, "Qin Feng, what auxiliary should I choose?"

"Fat blue bar."

I looked at the Ogre Wizard. This kind of simple and rough attribute good hero is most suitable for a novice like Wu Moxie, just control the right person, and I don't believe that I can control the wrong person, this skill is directional after all.

The other side hesitated and chose Little Strong. Sesshomaru Assassin is also quite annoying, especially annoying Cal. I looked over at Xiang Zhe, who was still calmly looking at the screen, and he didn't really care about the obvious restraint of the three people on the other side.

The other guy on our side chose to play the wild axe. This was perfect for making Karl's explosive output in a team battle, and it wouldn't eat up Karl's resources.

The other side chose Haimin, which was still a pretty ordinary melee support.

In the end, the one we had, picked a....

The law of light....

"Hey, hey, hey! Why did you choose the light method? We've got Fat Blue over here!"

"Restrain the Skeleton King ah! No Blue Skull King can't be revived!"

"Alright, alright, you can fight anyhow."

Xiang Zhe stretched out his hand to press down the two people who were about to fight, although I also think that this hand of light method is a very confusing choice, but since I've already chosen it, I'll just let Fat Blue go to the disadvantageous path.

The last enemy hero, the elf... there's actually someone playing this, but it's a very disgusting hero if it works very well together.

"Qin Feng Qin Feng what should I do?"

Wu Moxie asked me nervously as she watched the final readout seconds.

"Just don't die."

I said simply.

I guess Wu Moxie won't be able to do much on the disadvantage road, just don't send the opposite side too fat. On our side, the biggest point of victory was Xiang Zhe, and I've seen Xiang Zhe's Cal, which is definitely capable of one hitting five, so I chose to concede the economy to Xiang Zhe and give the whole team a four-better-one tactic. As long as I could finally get the big open out to slash the opposite side as many times as possible, then I could watch the crazy output of Xiang Zhe.

However, the opposite side of the lineup was also clearly targeting Xiang Zhe.

The reading ended.

There was a sudden warmth in my left hand.

I looked over to Chul's right hand and gently patted my left, his face lit up by computer fluorescence, and he whispered, "Go for it."

"Don't touch me, dead pervert."

I threw up my left hand, looked at the huge sign on the screen, and said softly, "Go for it."

No one else heard this conversation.

Chapter 143 about my incorrigible fellow classmate (End)

Have you ever experienced despair?

No, not the kind of desperation where you're in the middle of starting a team and people turn your power off.

Rather, you've done your best and you've accomplished what you set out to do, and as a result, you've failed because it was a team assignment that no one else had completed.

It's the most desperate thing you can do when you look back with high ambition and realize that all of your teammates look casual and talkative and don't give a damn about your efforts. You can get angry, you can hit them, you can call them names, you can insult them and curse them in the vilest of terms.

But you still fail.

Do you think that's desperation?

No, it's not.

Rather, all of you tried your hardest, all of you did your best, but you still lost.

The Axe King jumped into the crowd and roared at the five men. I charge into the crowd, one slash, two slashes, three slashes, open wide. Skeleton King turned over to fight, Blue Fatty fiercely controlled the Skeleton King, Carl fiercely jumped knife appeared, I heard the mechanical keyboard in front of Xiang Zhe crackle like a storm of keys, Xiang Zhe's fingers danced wildly on the keyboard, like a pianist playing the highest part, this is Xiang Zhe's last performance, three roads have been broken, super soldiers began to demolish our last two towers, we are in the middle of the middle The ruins of the forced opening of a desperate resistance.

Blowing Wind Magnetic Storm Skyfire Meteorite Push Wave Ice Wall Refresh Skyfire Rush Cooling Fireman.

Karl, the hero, had the most skills.

However, being able to use these skills in the shortest amount of time was the most difficult. When all five of them were controlled, Xiang Zhe played the most perfect combo. The screen was like the end of the world, stuffed with meteorite skyfire and ice summoned by Karl, the blood bar of the five people on the opposite side was empty almost instantly, and the two lives of the Skeleton King didn't last.

This set of skills in a short amount of time, our relic, bought us, the most gorgeous time in the game for Xiang Zhe.

I could hear the screams from outside, I could feel the roar of excitement from the people outside shaking the entire internet cafe. Like a mountain of applause from everyone in the concert hall to the perfectly performing pianist.

Carl looked in front of him, the bodies of five people, his back dashing and vicarious. Behind, our relics, crumbling under the attack of the super soldiers.

We had lost.

I put down the mouse and sighed long and hard. Xiang Zhe looked at the screen, dumbfounded at the ruins of the relic.

He did his best.

From the very beginning, Xiang Zhe had never been suppressed, and the opposite side had chosen to restrain Karl's lineup, but Xiang Zhe still managed to single-handedly kill the opposite side's Death Prophet countless times in the middle. There were several times when the opposite support Siye Assassin was also killed by Karl alone. Xiang Zhe only died once in the middle, and that was, to a four-man siege.

Even that time, the counterattacking Xiang Zhe still took away three people from the opposite side, and if the Skeleton King hadn't been able to resurrect, Xiang Zhe would have been able to escape with blood.

On the opposite side, only the Skeleton King was up. And it was a blast to fly, Skeleton King in the advantageous road and I could only split 50-50, but soon Skeleton King went to the upper road, with the Siye Assassin and the giant tooth sea people, using Wu Mo Xi as an ATM. Although I Karma ship Wu Mo Xie don't die, but this is not a game where I say Wu Mo Xie can not die.

We lost to the Skeleton King on the other side.

I stood up, patted to Zhe's shoulder and said, "Let's go, we lost."


Xiang Zhe nodded, sighed, gave a helpless smile, touched his head, and said, "No way."

"Yes, it can't be helped."

Wu Moxie lay down on the keyboard, and I touched her head and said, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

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