About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 213.

I slammed my glass of milk on the table, spilling out some of the warm milk, and I stood up to look at the chairman, anger flaring up in my heart as well. I hurt Wu Moxie that day, do you want to bring it up now? There's nothing wrong with Wu Mo Xi, she's a very nice girl, don't you know what I rejected her for?

"I didn't, I rejected Wu Mo Xi that time, don't you know what I rejected her for? Me screwing other girls? Is this where I want to be right now? Don't you know me? Didn't you see it clearly?"

The president's dark eyes looked at me, and we both saw the other's anger. But we also saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, what were we angry about? Is it because the other person is being unreasonable, or simply because we are desperately angry with ourselves because our ideas will never come to fruition?

For a long moment, the chairman stood up and hugged me gently.

"I'm sorry brother."

She whispered over my shoulder.


I pushed her away impatiently, picked up the glass of milk, and left the room with a curt "rest early".

Closing the door, I looked down at the vibrating milk and sighed.

Tomorrow, I will have to face Wu Mo Xi.......

"Good morning... Wu Moxie..."

I think the reason why confessions discourage a lot of people is not because of how hard it is, but because if it fails, it's very awkward if you see each other afterwards. If the two people still have to see each other every day, then it's awkward. One person may think it's okay, but it makes it even more awkward for the other person, and the human mind, which scares itself every day, may think, "Oh, he/she doesn't care about me at all" or "Maybe there's still a chance".

Humans like to feel sorry for themselves and pretend to be something they're not.

Although this has nothing to do with my current situation, I'll mention it anyway.

"Ah, well... Qin Feng, good morning."

Wu Moxie was clearly embarrassed that she didn't look at me directly and turned her head sideways, as if she was talking to the air. I didn't blame her, a girl's confession was rejected and this girl was still willing to talk to you, so that was good.

The class didn't notice us, rather it hadn't noticed us all along. I stared at Wu Moxie as she put her bag down, sat down gently in her chair, moved forward, paused, took out her English book, flipped through the pages, pulled open her pencil bag, took out a pencil, gathered her hair on her forehead with her left hand, looked down, and began to read.

For the first time, I read what happens every day.

I turned my head and looked out at the sky. Even though it's already spring according to the seasons, there's still no slight movement of spring in this earth, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's still snowing at this time of the year. The only thing that won't fool me is that the daylight hours have grown quite a bit.

I love summer because that's when it gives me the illusion that I have more time and that it's okay for me to procrastinate a little longer. It's an illusion, but I enjoy it. And in the winter, I feel like I'll get anxiety attacks. No, maybe it's not procrastination on my part, but a magical daytime effect.

The increase in daylight also gives me the illusion that classes are getting longer. But maybe it's also because the school atmosphere is a bit tense, after all, for the seniors, there are only 100 days until the entrance exams. They only have one spring and a little summer left to work hard, and in the end, they have to trade their twelve years of hard work and patience for 0.5mm of ink in the middle of summer to get the future they want or don't want for themselves.

The future comes at a price, no matter who is there how or when.

The future in war-torn areas may cost lives.

A future in a peaceful area may cost money, and we, in turn, will have to pay for our sweat and resilience. Fortunately, we lack everything but those two things at this time. Maybe after that we still can't spell the proud sons born with golden spoons in their mouths, but, at least, all life is equal in the examination room of the entrance exam.

The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at the new product. I'm sorry, Suzhou students I apologize to you, the paper you are facing is more difficult... No, no, no that's not the point, in short, the entrance exam, is the only thing that exists in this world full of inequality and unfairness, fairness.

I don't know what the chairman thinks, she's got good grades and enough brains. But I don't know what her future will be like, I don't know if she chose her own future, she never mentioned it to me. I feel like I know my sister well, but the truth is, I would never have guessed what she was thinking.

The countdown to one hundred days was put down below to start counting down, and for me there were still two hundred days to squander. In the beginning, I said that the big boss of high school will not give you time, in this RPG game of high school, time is not decided by you, you can't save, you can't load, there are branching quests for you to do, but you must remember that time is still flowing while you are doing the branching quests. If you find that you don't have enough leveling gear when you face the final big boss of the main quest, congratulations on the new year you've won for yourself.

Maybe, more than a year.

That's why I hate club life so much, or some of the current activities. High school wasn't some place to find girlfriends and enjoy our youth.

Ah, no, that wasn't my reason for rejecting Wu Moxie.

Tomorrow, the president of the school will make a pledge on behalf of all the seniors to work hard in the last 100 days in front of the whole school.

What's the point? The seniors won't be able to see it, and it's just a photo shoot for others to see!

Forget about it, there are plenty of pointless things to do, and it's not as bad as this one, and besides it's my protest or displeasure that's more pointless than this.

Everything the chairman and I are doing now is also meaningless.

Maybe, after the chairman's entrance exams are over, we'll be able to turn things around a bit. But this isn't something I should be thinking about right now, and since the chairman asked me to inform Qin Lan and the others, it might be good to have them run for student council president. Although the success rate of Wu Moxie is very low, I should still go tell her.

Since I had a fight with the president last night, I can't beat myself up.

"Run for student council president?"

In the community, I made one of my very rare speeches.

A few people looked at me and frowned in puzzlement.

"Yeah, Sister Qin Yun will be quitting soon, and the student council president's position will be vacant."

Lin Yiran cupped her chin as if she was thinking, but I think it's hard for her to win for a transfer, not to mention the different education she's been exposed to with us and doesn't understand this school either.

"Well, but is the student body president a casual application?"

She looked at me and asked.

"Applications are free, but the first batch of candidates will be chosen by the student body after deliberation, eight of them." I nodded and said.

There was no need to worry about that, the president should have already opened the joints, so as long as these few people applied, there would be no problem.

"Then... then... let's try?"

Wu Moxie looked sideways, not at me, but at the remaining two girls and said.

Xiang Zhe indicated that I didn't hear anything with my headphones on, and what you guys want to do has nothing to do with me....

"Well...I give up, I don't have enough time or energy."

Lin Yiran raised his hand and gave up.


"I think I can."

She nodded, was she the class president before and now the student council president? What's wrong with you, Wu Mo-hee?

It looks like the election of the student body president will be a repeat of history ah.

Chapter 148 about my somewhat scary butterflies.

"So, what did you think?"

Song Yixin's eyes squinted at me.

Although the weather was still quite cold, Song Yixin was already in a tennis outfit on the outdoor tennis court, with her fair thighs and arms completely exposed. But it didn't look like she was cold, and at the moment she had a drop of sweat on her jaw.

"Ah, I can't, to avoid suspicion, so I definitely can't participate."

I said with a wave of my hand.

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