About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 221.

Song Yixin's mother reassured Song Yixin, then glared at me. It looked like she understood it to mean that Song Yixin was afraid of me.

But I think Song Yixin was afraid of me telling the truth.

"Brother, you sit down beside me."

The president's voice was very cold, and she looked at the two parents across from her who were older than her without a hint of concession, after all, she was the same parent as them in this conversation. Just not the same age, though.

"I want to make it clear in advance that my brother is definitely not the one to do such a thing, and with all due respect, even if my brother did do such a thing, it probably wouldn't be your turn to make love. I hope you're approaching this with an attitude of asking for clarification, not blame, this matter is still not fully sorted out."

I sat down next to the chairman, who pressed my hand gently, and she narrowed her eyes at Song Yixin's mother across the room and said sarcastically.

"Is this how your parents taught you to talk to your elders?"

Song Yixin's father slapped the coffee table hard and roared low in anger.

"I'm really sorry that my parents died early and none of this was taught, it's just that I think you're all adults and should know not to pat other people's coffee tables in their homes."

The council president didn't back down at all, but instead became more aggressive.

"Alright, alright, we're not here to fight, it's just that my daughter has been wronged so much, we need to sort this out."

Song Yixin's mother reassured her husband, took a deep breath and said with a smile on her face.

"Then please don't look at my brother with that look of a rapist."

The would-be president said with a hard intake of breath.

"Okay then, we'll let the girl talk."

The cop was young, and no wonder, he couldn't use the experience for something like this that had no difficulty. He looked at Song Yixin and said amiably.

Song Yixin shrank down on the tiny couch, her face buried in her knees, and didn't say a word.

"Hmm... it seems that our little girl is not in good spirits... it's been like this since the day we went back... she hasn't recovered yet! ...So...what do you say, boys?"

"Nothing happened, we had an appointment to go over the information that day, so we went there. Later, Song Yixin tried to jump off the building and I held her and didn't let her go down."

That was simply it.

"Understood? This matter was Song Yixin's appointment with my brother, this matter was not premeditated by my brother!"

The president looked at Song Yixin's parents and said.

"No, that's not what we're focusing on, two kids together on a whim..."

"Didn't I tell you not to see my brother as a rapist?! What do you mean, impromptu? You mean my brother is a rapist?!"

The chairman stood up angrily, gnashing his teeth like a hunting lioness, and a ring of flame seemed to envelop his body. I've never seen my sister this angry before, and if this cop says another word, he's probably going to be strangled alive by the chairman.

"I'm sorry sorry..."

The young policeman quickly smiled and apologized, and the chairman sat down impatiently and said, "One more word of nonsense, and all of you get out of here, you've been rude to us, and I don't have to be polite to you."

"Okay, okay, the most important thing right now is, what happened in the period of time between you reading the information and the little girl trying to commit suicide. What made Song Yixin want to kill herself, I'm sure no one suddenly wants to kill themselves."

"That could be."

The council president snorted and pointed to his head.

"You mean my daughter is mentally ill?"

"Don't you dare touch my sister to try, do you believe I'll make this a murder?"

Song Yixin's father stood up and raised his glass and shouted, and I immediately stood up to get between him and the chairman, picked up the fruit knife on top of the fruit basket in passing, squinted at him, and said.

"Hey hey hey! Calm down, everyone!"

The policeman stood up quickly and pressed my hand to yell.

"Let's get this straight and clear...what was going on at that point."

We sat back down and the cop wiped the sweat from his brow and continued with a grin.

"...I'll remain silent."

I looked at the shrinking Song Yixin, bit my teeth, and said.

This matter, if Song Yixin didn't say it herself, it would be over. Song Yixin's future would be ruined in my hands, and my friendship with Song Yixin would be over.

"This matter is the point ah... as long as it's clear, it'll be fine..."

"I won't say."

"See! See! That's an admission of guilt! Guilty as charged! There's nothing more to say!"

"I told you not to look at my brother as a rapist! What do you mean, plead guilty! Why didn't you say anything about your daughter? Is your daughter going to rape my brother and want to die of shame?"

"You stinking girl! I'll educate you for your parents today!"

"Try touching my sister!"

I reached out and grabbed her father's collar without any consideration of seniority.

"You dead rascal can't you show some face!"

Song Yixin's mother also jumped up, hitting me hard with the handbag in her hand.

A cup of hot tea was spilled over her head, and the chairman stood up, casually slammed the cup down, picked up a sharp piece of debris, and said coldly, "Bitch you try hitting my brother again?"

"Hey hey hey everybody calm down! Calm down!!!"

The cop's voice was barely audible in the chaos, and he cowered away, picking up his phone to call for backup.

A hard punch to the face, and I didn't relent at all and returned it with a hard punch....

The metal part of the handbag made a gash in the corner of my eye....

The chairman grabbed Song Yixin's mother's hair and punched her hard....

"That's enough!!!"

Song Yixin, crying and roaring....

Chapter 153 on an ending that doesn't look like an ending

When I saw Song Yixin stand up, I knew that I might lose this friend forever.

I let go, and Song Yixin's father grinned and stumbled over to his daughter and grabbed her by the shoulders. Song Yixin's body was like a willow branch, swaying even without wind, her face was terribly pale, only the circle of her eyes were swollen red and bloodshot, her hands were clenched into fists so tightly that her nails were almost sinking into her flesh.

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