About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 224.

Hey, Qin Lan, be gentle! I can hear her clicking her fingers!

Qin Lan grasped that index finger with an expressionless face and broke it into a twisted arc with great force, that girl's face was so painful that she almost twisted into a ball, she almost fell to her knees, the pain of the finger was not something that an ordinary person could bear, I wouldn't even be surprised if Qin Lan broke it for her hard at this point.

"Pay attention to this point of speech, if Qin Feng was a rapist, would he still be able to stand leisurely and calmly? What do you want to do now that the police have left? What, you want me to sue you for defamation? And don't point your finger at people. Didn't your parents tell you it's rude to point? Do you want me to educate you?"

Qin Lan let go of her hand and looked coldly at this group of girls, the girl was lying on the floor, covering her fingers and sobbing. The corridor is silent, all the people are looking at this side, Qin Lan has never given people this kind of feeling, this kind of cold as a blade appearance, used to be exclusive to me.

Ah, I'm actually a little proud when I think about it this way. I pooh, there's nothing to be proud of in this sort of thing! But are you sure you're okay with this, Maiden? Aren't you usually an elegant, lovely, intellectual beauty? Is it really good to be so violent all of a sudden? Aren't you afraid that all your admirers will be scared away from now on?

"Hey! You girls are fighting! Which class? Come with us!"

I looked over and was relieved that it was two officers from the student council, who had probably heard the noise and rushed over. They walked up to the scene and helped the girl. The handed them the student card and followed them away. I'm not worried, the student council president is still the president now, so as long as you explain why, Qin Lan will be fine.

A piece of Song Yixin's shield wall cracked open and I saw her face.

I saw her eyes looking right at me.

After a week, I was once again eye to eye with those shining eyes. This time, however, I saw not agility, not happiness, not girlish cunning, but, instead, the pain of praying. The kind of pain that prayed in pain, the kind of pain that wished for relief in the midst of pain.

Her lips moved softly, and then, she was taken inside the bathroom by the rest of the class.

I froze, turned, and headed to my own class.

I read the unspoken words.

"I'm sorry."

Obviously, it should have been me who said it. The ending of this matter was already decided when I chose to do this in the first place. I didn't discuss it with Song Yixin, and went ahead without permission, then I'll have to bear all the consequences. According to what I thought from the beginning, this was certain.

Song Yixin wasn't wrong.

The chairman wasn't wrong. The so-called taking the blame, the so-called hurting the fewest people, the so-called leaving everything to me, was just a middle-of-the-road idea. There are countless ways to solve problems in this world, so why must I choose for myself? It's obvious that people are the ones involved, and you take it upon yourself to do everything and end up putting on a lonely face and hurting everyone. This kind of person is just too hateful.

This kind of person is too selfish.

Wu Moxie sat in her seat and looked at me with some concern. Wu Moxie wasn't particularly concerned about this matter, she was relieved to know that I didn't do that kind of thing, the only thing that made her sad was that I didn't listen to her... Actually, I never remembered that sentence....

This incident has nothing to do with her, she's been busy running for student body president lately, unlike Song Yixin, she has to settle the matter of her campaign outline, this girl naively thinks that it's okay as long as she promises to be more realistic than others and has a better attitude than others, but, in reality, it's not that perfect.

If there hadn't been this incident with Song Yixin, I might still be following the chairman around with Song Yixin at this time. But it's also possible that I was accompanying Qin Lan to write a report and helping Wu Mo Xi with his campaign outline or something.

Leaving Song Yixin's matter aside for now, then there's the matter of the student council president's election. I don't know if Song Yixin will continue to run for office after this incident, and if she does, then what am I going to do? Wu Mo Xi and Qin Lan are both going to participate, so that means my choice this time is to choose one of these three.

I can't just give up on Song Yixin, if Song Yixin is participating, then I don't have any other choice. Because of me, Song Yixin's life has turned into a mess, I at least, I support her, I want her to be able to, get what she's been working for.

People say that it's an eventful autumn, but I think spring is the thing that has the most things going on. I don't know why, but there are just so many problems I have to face in the spring. But maybe it's because I saved up a lot of things in the fall, in the fall I solved the Wu Mo Xi thing, my relationship with Qin Lan changed, I met Song Yixin, at that time I planted the seeds of all these things, and now these things grew into a towering tree that enveloped me.

And it's a tree that's very hard to fix.

If you count the days, I still have to see my parents during the Ching Ming holiday, and I don't usually have time to go over there, only to go over there on Ching Ming.

Really, I didn't spend much time with my parents when they were alive, and I still don't have time when they are dead or alive. It's not a matter of me not wanting to, but, my time and energy don't allow me to think about it.

But, whenever I get the chance, I'll go.

With my sister.

As I said, time is something that, if you think of yourself as a reference system, the more things you do, the slower time will be. Although there are times when we on the contrary feel like time goes by faster, but that's just an illusion, I'm extrapolating rigorously with my knowledge of physics...okay I'm rambling...I've been doing a lot of things lately, and I really feel like time is going by too slowly, and I'm looking at the The sky outside the window, now hesitant to darken, had the feeling that I was stuck in an eternity of powerlessness.

The dawn was getting longer and longer, and in my eyes, each day was as long as if it had consumed my whole life. I originally thought that this matter wouldn't affect me, but now I was really feeling the pain. It wasn't because of the way those students looked at me, nor was it because of their attitude, but rather, Song Yixin's pain.

Song Yixin's pain might be connected to my heart, and I've been, missing her.

I've never regretted my decision so much, I've never hated myself so much, I've never wanted to apologize so much.

I don't know why I'm like this, it's like a warlock put a deadly connection on Song Yixin and me (the dota2 warlock's skill links several enemy units together, if one of them takes damage, the rest take an extra 20% of this damage). I suffered the same pain as Song Yixin, perhaps because I could never forget the look of despair and regret and fear in Song Yixin's eyes that day as she looked at us wrestling.

I had never thought that human eyes could reveal so many negative emotions.

It's probably because I'm really afraid of losing them now.

Losing my now, few friends. It's not that I like to be alone, I just, can't change myself.

But now, I cherish everything I have.

Chapter 155 about my rainy, rainy Qingming Festival

I hate Ching Ming Festival.

It's a holiday that speaks of death, it's a holiday where humans dread death.

I hate the three-day holiday of Ching Ming Festival.

It is a three-day holiday filled with sadness and frustration.

I hate the congested streets of Qingming Festival.

Are these the floods of thoughts of loved ones, or are they the special trains that bring the dead home?

I hate this time it's raining a little bit on the clearing.

I hate the yellow mud and the half-dead pine trees.

I hate the white marble tombstones in front of it.

But I don't hate it, slumbering over there. It's the death where the heart stops beating, the brain stops thinking, the blood stops flowing, the nose and lungs stop breathing. Death is not dormancy, death is the end.

I don't believe in reincarnation after death, death is not the end but the beginning, death is death, the person whether socially or biologically is gone, is non-existent, is missing, the team of organic matter will be decomposed into a pile of inorganic matter to be buried and melted into a part of the world. But the part that dies, there is no transmigration no continuation, death, the end of forever.

Human beings, fearing death, that is why they compose so many lies about it.

I know that my parents over there are gone forever, they have long been unconscious, they have long ceased to exist, they are just the dead bones in the mound, they can't hear us, they can't see us, they can't feel us, they will never be in front of us again.

When I was young, I asked my sister if my father and mother would ever come back. My sister always laughed and said she would, and I believed it all over again, I believed that they would show up one day, but then, I gradually came to understand and stopped asking questions.

I accepted it with great ease, probably because, at that time, I felt that I just needed to have my sister. I don't remember much about my parents, I just have some fragments of memories left, I remember the warmth of my mother holding me and my sister, I remember being carried on my father's shoulders and looking at something, I remember my sister and I being held by my mother on one side, me and my sister laughing and trying to cross my mother holding hands....

At that time, my parents were always happy to see me with my sister, and occasionally Qin Lan, and we would play together, but all I remember are the toys scattered all over the place, Qin Lan holding my hand on one side, my sister looking a little angry at us on the other, and my parents' legs on the far side of the table.

I don't remember much, these are just vague memories and they're all in black and white. At that time, I probably couldn't tell colors.

My sister leaned gently on my shoulder and took my arm, looking at the black-and-white photo on top of the marble tombstone that had become somewhat indistinct, the remnants of my parents' smiles, and I gently fiddled with the burning gold paper money, watching the curling smoke shade in the rain, and I wondered what I should say and what I should do, and whether it was silly to talk to a stone. Who am I supposed to be speaking to now?

My sister gently wiped her own eyes and sniffled, and every time she came, she was sure to cry. Relatively speaking, I was a little more heartless than my sister, I never cried, not after I understood this and visited regularly. I just stood there or sat there, burned what I had bought, and then got up and left.

No one would hear me if I said anything, so what was I going to say?

"Dad, Mom, we came to see you, don't worry about us, my brother and I are living a good life, although there were some difficulties before, but after my brother understands, the house is much better. We can take care of ourselves, if you guys are still here, you'll be happy, right... I'm going to take my entrance exams this year, I'll do my best, I won't be ashamed of you, and neither will my brother."

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