About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 244

I swear, if this wasn't school I would have punched her in the face. At least punch her out of yesterday's lunch!

Chapter 168 about my hopelessly overwhelming dinner party.

"You've all worked hard, though I don't know what the outcome will be, but since you've done what you were supposed to do, we should celebrate."

The president raised his glass, but it wasn't a celebratory drink there, it was a coke. And yes, the girls couldn't be allowed to drink, a couple of boozy chocolate hearts in that freezing February would have made them mad, let alone real alcohol. A few of the girls looked at each other and then raised their glasses as well, but with somewhat complicated expressions.

The president drank it all in one go... Hey, hey, hey, it's only a glass of Coke... Why are you drinking so much? I brought the food to the table and a few of the girls focused their attention on that. The president waved as handsomely as the hostess, "So enjoy your weekend and your brother's handiwork. Your votes will be tallied afterwards, no need to fret. Just leave such matters to fate."

She picked up her food, looked at the chairman, and said, "We don't really care, but it's always my sister who talks."

The chairman was stunned, laughed, and said, "Well, well, I do care more."

"It's impossible not to care, right, after all, that's the student council that President Qin Yun has created."

Song Yixin undid her apron and handed it to me, loosened her hair, shook it out, and sat to one side and said. I couldn't have cooked this table by myself, or Song Yixin helped out. Actually, Qin Lan also wanted to help, but I was worried that she would order the kitchen, after all, this person had done this kind of thing before, so I chucked out.

I took Song Yixin's apron, which was actually mine...but this time it was Song Yixin who stirred it up, as she disliked the large amount of spices and the unhealthy oil I used, except that I handled the ingredients. The iron pot Song Yixin used at home was more laborious to use, but the stir-fried food was still good.

When she looked at me sitting next to her, she pulled the apron over and threw it aside with one hand. Song Yixin was sitting opposite and shouldn't have noticed.

I didn't actually want to sit next to Qin Lan, no no, it wasn't because I hated Qin Lan, it was simply because I thought it would be awkward to sit with Qin Lan at this time, and as a result, Song Yixin sat down before me and took the seat I wanted to go to, which was next to the chairman.

"But it looks like this matter has nothing to do with me, I'm not running for your election. However, I'm still going to eat this meal."

Lin Yiran sat across from Qin Lan and said with a smile. Lin Yiran's use of chopsticks was a bit stiff, but there was nothing wrong with getting things into his mouth.

"Who said that, didn't Yiran transport us for a long time while we were getting ready? Yiran was a big help too!"

Wu Moxie quickly said, looking like she didn't realize that Lin Yiran was just joking. Lin Yiran laughed and said, "But that's for myself too, after all, it's great experience to be able to go home with my friends at night."

"Indeed, being able to go home with your friends."

Song Yixin looked at me, smiled a little, and said, "My previous tutoring was very strict, so I had to hurry back, I was rarely able to go home with my friends, and now, I'm able to be with everyone, and I'm quite happy."

Just say so don't look at me, Qin Lan you don't step on me ah!

"And indeed, it's really nice to have friends. Isn't that right, younger brother, I remember that younger brother used to have no friends. Now my younger brother actually has so many friends, even though they're all of the opposite sex, but I'm still very happy."

The would-be president winked and smiled as he peeled off a shrimp and looked at me.

"There's no need to talk like that, I also have friends of the same sex, you see Xiang Zhe is one."

That's what I don't like to hear, after all, this whole thing isn't my fault, it's not my problem that I don't have friends, it's more that I don't want to have friends, but it's different now, you see if I wanted to have them, wouldn't I still have a whole bunch of them?

"But you only have one, and, may I ask, where is he today?"

The president of the meeting looked at the table and said with a smile.

Okay, okay I forgot to invite Xiang Zhe, but actually there's no point in me inviting him, because Xiang Zhe won't come, Xiang Zhe doesn't have any interest in this election, and his vote is for Wu Mo Xi, not because of anything else, and not because Xiang Zhe likes Wu Mo Xi, simply because that day when he was forced to choose one, the first one he saw was Wu Mo Xi.

Well, my vote....

I can't say it, there would be a riot if I said it.

I only had one vote in my hand as well, who to vote for, I thought deeply about it.

"Qin Feng is a very good boy ah, I feel that Qin Feng is really much more mature than the other boys, it's just that he looked too non-existent at first."

Song Yixin said with a smile.

Hey hey hey I didn't plan to get to know you in the first place, did you not hit me in the eye with a ball? That's why we met. It has nothing to do with whether I have a presence or not. You wouldn't talk to me even if I had a presence, would you? If it wasn't for that shot, I wouldn't even know you!

I've said before that probability theory is something that is really elusive, because this thing is just so hard to explain. What are the odds of being hit by a tennis ball when one is walking down the road? Does this mean that Song Yixin and I will definitely get to know each other, since there is such a small chance that it will be an opportunity for Song Yixin and I to get to know each other?

"It was actually awkward when Qin Feng and I met in the beginning, at that time I hit Qin Feng in the eye with a ball, but it wasn't my fault, it should have been Li Siqi's fault. And at that time, I thought that Qin Feng and Li Siqi would be on good terms, but now I'm the one sitting here. I have to say that it's really the making of the world."

Song Yixin recalled the story between us with a very strange smile, it was a strange feeling, like a wife recalling the scene where she met her husband when she was facing the press.

Hey, hey, Maiden you're making the atmosphere weird by saying that.

Actually, I was more concerned about Li Siqi in the beginning, but as a result, my relationship with Song Yixin has become better and better, and basically, I'm just nodding acquaintances with Li Siqi.

"Ahhh, Yixin are you showing off or are you just reminiscing about the good old days?"

Lin Yiran smiled and patted Song Yixin's shoulder, asking.

Song Yixin was shocked, as if she had just snapped out of her memories, and smiled apologetically, bowing her head and no longer speaking. I didn't peel the shrimp before, and for the girls, it seems a little embarrassing to just go ahead and tear the shrimp.

Ah, except for the chairman and Lin Yiran. Lin Yiran seemed to have an instinctive aversion to seafood, not to mention shrimp, and even fish wasn't much of a fan.

"Qin Feng, I can't reach the shrimp over there, so you can help me with it."

Qin Lan said to me, pointing at the shrimp stew in the corner of the table. I nodded and grabbed a shrimp and handed it to Qin Lan.

I thought of something fiercely and said, "Qin Lan you don't know how to peel shrimp right, I remember you still don't know much."

She was stunned, then nodded and said, "Well, indeed I don't, I was planning to never eat shrimp again."

"You really want to have someone else peel them for you forever."

I shook my head helplessly and used my hands to peel the shrimp, then handed the peeled shrimp to Qin Lan.

She ate it with satisfaction, and the foot wearing cotton socks underneath rubbed my calf like a soothing touch. Hey, hey, hey, girly, this is even worse, how can this feel like we are having an affair? Have you watched the recent TV series Xian X Love, I have a feeling you're the female lead!

Well, that's right, I'm the dumb little Jeong-tae.

Well, it can't be considered a Masa too.

"Ah, right, Qin Lan should be very familiar with Qin Feng, and Lin Yiran."

Song Yixin seemed to have seen the scene and looked at us and asked.

"Yeah, I should say we're all very familiar with each other." The president took a sip of Coke, picked up his chopsticks again, looked at the food on the table and seemed to be picking it with difficulty, and said, "We grew up together when we were little, Qin Lan was always behind her brother at that time, and Lin Yiran, don't look at how lively Yiran is now, but at that time Yiran was very silent and could barely feel her presence. "

"Oh yeah? It was unimaginable at that time, Yiran!"

Wu Moxie looked at Lin Yiran with wide eyes and asked in surprise. It looked as if he had found his companion, well, the Lin Yiran of that time was indeed quite similar in some ways to the Wu Mo Xi of that time, that was both very silent and without a little bit of presence, completely different from now.

"Don't get me wrong, Lin Yiran wasn't shy at that time."

I looked at Wu Moxie and said, "Lin Yiran started to receive formal financial education at that time, although she was still a child, but her education was really strict, she didn't have the holidays and games that normal children had, in kindergarten, she couldn't do any activities, she said things that other people couldn't understand, that's why she was isolated."

"Ah, there's something like that, I can't even remember."

Lin Yiran bit into a chicken bone, desperately trying to get the last layer of cartilage off. She looked at me with slanted eyes, well, it wasn't to show contempt, it was simply because her attention wasn't on me at this time.

"So, that Yiran is really hard, it's so painful when you're small."

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