About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 247

Song Yixin, aren't you very strict with your family? Is it really okay to stay over at a guy's house at will? Besides, wasn't it agreed from the beginning that we would go back? Is it really a good idea to suddenly change at this time and not discuss it with your family? I don't have a problem with it, it's not like I don't have a place to stay at home, it's just that, I'm more worried about Song Yixin.

"That, I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I lied to you, that...I was telling my parents that I had to stay over at a female friend's house before I could come back of, so if you don't take me in, Qin Feng, I'll have to live on the streets."

Song Yixin clasped her hands together and said apologetically.

Ah, this makes me a little touched ah. Song Yixin actually lied to her own parents in order to help me.

I nodded my head and said, "So, then, thank you, Song Yixin, I really didn't expect this, well, thank you again for helping me. Stay over, I'll send you back in the morning."

"Ahhh, it's no trouble, no trouble, after all, I can't watch Qin Feng you clean up all of our stuff by yourself. It makes me feel a bit bad... Then, I'll bother you."

Song Yixin smiled slightly as I paused and said, "Then, Song Yixin, do you have anything you're paying attention to?"

"Attention thing?"

Song Yixin tilted her head in puzzlement and asked.

"Well, like taking a bath at night ah, what kind of makeup to use and so on..."

"Ah, I'll definitely take a bath at night, thank you Qin Feng. Cosmetics, well... I don't use them..."

"Oh, yeah, you don't use makeup..."

I remembered that I had to wipe my sweat to ask this question, which was so stupid and sad. At that time, I even complimented Song Yixin on how beautiful she looked even without cosmetics. If Song Yixin didn't know the function of cosmetics before, she would have reacted after being in contact with Qin Lan and Lin Yiran for a long time. Well, in fact, these people don't have a close relationship.

Song Yixin smiled and said, "I don't think it's necessary to use cosmetics as a senior, after all, we're not very mature, youth is beauty right... hmm..."

Why do I feel like Song Yixin is getting less and less energetic the more she speaks.

"That... okay, I admit, I do have some envy of Qin Lan and Lin Yiran."

Song Yixin touched her hair, then looked at me, sighed and said somewhat dejectedly, "I also want to be cuter and prettier, but I feel so ordinary every time I'm with Qin Lan and the others. Qin Lan and Lin Yiran should be good at maintenance and makeup, but I'm not allowed to maintain my home or wear makeup, and I can't even change my hairstyle without their permission."

I looked at Song Yixin's standard student hair and expressed my great approval. Song Yixin could be said to have no hairstyle, somewhat like the Wu Mo Xi of the past, but the current Wu Mo Xi had the idea of wanting to change her hair into a ponytail. She is also working on it, but Song Yixin is still as normal as ever. If it weren't for Song Yixin's natural beauty, she would definitely be buried.

What exactly does tutoring mean to Song Yixin? Their homeschooling, should it be successful? If a method, or a model is successful or not, then the only criteria to assess it is the outcome, or the product. Other than that, there is nowhere to prove it.

Song Yixin, is it perfect?

She is an all-rounder in household chores, gentle and elegant, knows what's good and what's bad, confident and humble, has never seen Song Yixin use foul language or do anything that doesn't fit the image of a girl.

Can't compare it to the Chairman.

She was almost perfect, in every way, and must have been a very popular girl with boys. Can there still be such a sensible and sensible girl in today's society? Especially with this very traditional girl, it's already an endangered species, right?

In that case, Song Yixin was a perfect girl, so her parents' education was a success, right?

In that case, Song Yixin shouldn't question the right thing to do, Song Yixin should follow in her parents' footsteps, do what her parents wanted, and become the child her parents wanted to raise. The right thing shouldn't be questioned, the right thing is the one that should be done going forward, not questioned.

Unless there can be a better solution.

What does a more perfect Song Yixin look like, again? What will it look like again? I don't have an idea, nor do I have an impression, nor do I know what it's like, but, slightly, I care.

Song Yixin's expression was somewhat lonely as she sighed and said, "Qin Feng, what do you think, the current me, compared to Qin Lan and the others, how do you feel?"

"It's a different feeling,"

I said.

"Not the same...what's not the same..."

Song Yixin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at me with a helpless smile, and said, "Actually, I also want to live with Qin Lan and the others, not having to think about anything every day, just an ordinary high school girl, no strict gates, no rules that I have to remember every day. I don't have to lie even to help out my classmates."

I looked at Song Yixin, thought for a moment, and said, "But, your parents are right. Song Yixin, really, the current you is different from Qin Lan and the others, you just don't have the same temperament. Your parents' education is very correct, rather, I've never seen such a standard way of education."

After all, I didn't have parents, and my education with the chairman was basically a little bit of perception from scratch. I'm very lucky now that I wasn't tainted by any strange things or thoughts when I was still a blank piece of paper, maybe I'm not as perfect as Song Yixin now, but I'm also a normal person with three normal outlooks.

Thanks to my sister's education of me, well, the hell knows how she taught herself.

"But, Qin Feng, do you think that what is right, is what must be followed?"

Song Yixin smiled bitterly, looked at me, and said, "Yes, I know they're right, and this is indeed right. The way they imposed their education on me is really correct, I guess. I've been praised since I was a little girl, too, and I've been told that I'm a perfect girl. But, is this right way really what I want?"

"But you didn't have a choice in that."

That's right, none of us had a choice at that point. We weren't given any ability to pick and choose when our parents were deciding how to raise us.

"But, when I had the ability to choose my own life, they still didn't give me that right."

Song Yixin reached out, grabbed my sleeve, and whispered, "Especially now, I want to be just like Qin Lan and the others, I want to become a girl who can interact normally with anyone without being some kind of Gaoling flower. I...I also want to be like them."

I pulled Song Yixin to sit down, then got up and poured her a glass of ice milk and rubbed her temples. Calming my brain, which had a bit of a headache from fatigue, I said, "Song Yixin do you have any complaints about the person you are now?"

"No, it's not that I'm not happy with the way I am now." Song Yixin shook her head and held the glass of milk. I knew this was probably a better time for a hot drink, but I wasn't going to have a long conversation with Song Yixin here, and honestly, I didn't even think about why the topic had turned out this way.

"I'm just, I'm a little unhappy that my life is still controlled right now. I don't understand, I don't know when I'm going to be able to get rid of this and have a life that's truly my own."

Song Yixin was the lotus flower inside that pond, which could be watched from afar, but this lotus was also bound to that pond, she was watched from afar, she couldn't have any contact with others. Her life may still be a variety of "can't".

I can't understand that kind of life because I didn't experience it much. I didn't have two people to manage me, and I wasn't forced to do anything or prevented from doing anything by others.

Song Yixin's parents, they were very right indeed. Their method was indeed very correct, and the hands of those two craftsmen gave birth to a very perfect craft, a craft that shone brightly and was incomparably magnificent. Marveled at by the world, it really was a perfect piece of artwork, it was just too beautiful.

However, Song Yixin was not this craftwork. Or rather, Song Yixin was not an artifact at all, not a piece of clay that was assigned a value after it was made and then sold, but a person who gradually learned to think independently. Her value is not given by others, but by herself. Song Yixin's value is not priced by others, but by Song Yixin herself, and this is the fundamental difference between Song Yixin and her crafts.

This difference also leads to the difference between what Song Yixin wants, and what others want. When there is a conflict between the price Song Yixin wants to price herself and the price others want, then there is a barrier. Song Yixin wanted to be an ordinary girl, but her parents wanted to mold a noble lotus flower that was out of the mud.

Who is to blame for all of this?

Can we only blame Song Yixin for having her own consciousness?

There is nothing wrong with the method, but there is something wrong with the approach. When an artifact has a mind of its own, then no one else can assign a value to it, or even, can rate it.

A mind wasn't a cheap thing like a block of clay.

"Qin Feng, do you think that what is right, must be done, or that what is right for one person is still right for another?"

Song Yixin lifted her glass of milk, looked at me and said, "Just like for this milk, you may think that milk is delicious, and milk is good for people's bodies. But some people are born allergic to milk, milk is indeed a good thing for people, but for another person it's poison, is this correct, is it correct?"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"So, Qin Feng, where do you stand on the idea that my parents are right? It's an aside, a third-person perspective, a 'perfect girl' judged by the standards in your heads, I guess. But, I'm not the existence to give you guys an evaluation ah."

Song Yixin narrowed her eyes, looked at me, and said softly, "I'm an individual, I don't exist to be affirmed by others. What you say is correct can only mean according to your worldview morality and your standards, but have you asked me? Do you have a feeling that I'm not feeling right? You don't consider me because you think I was born to be molded into the 'perfection' of your hearts?"

I froze.

Completely stunned.

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