About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 250.

Song Yixin touched her face and suddenly smiled, saying somewhat reluctantly, "Ah right, I have to take off my makeup before I can do that, otherwise I'll definitely be scolded when I go home. Sister Qin Yun, it's trouble for you."


The president stood up and said lazily.

I'm confused, isn't Song Yixin learning makeup for others to see? If you take off your make-up when you go out, it's like you don't have any make-up at all. What's the point of wearing makeup that no one can see? It's just learning, but it has to be seen by others to be modified.

As the saying goes, a woman is pleasing to herself....

"Gee gee, what a woman for a woman."

The president smiled back and patted me on the shoulder and said.

"Sister Qin Yun...no no, it's not like that, it's just, it's just that I want to learn. It's not to show anyone else, really."

Song Yixin waved her hand and looked at me in panic, explaining.

"Alright, alright, that's it."

The president smiled and pushed Song Yixin into the bathroom, closing the door. I sighed and sat down on the couch to wait. It was a little awkward for me, and if Song Yixin was showing me, then I was a little unsure of how to respond. A woman is pleasing to herself, is Song Yixin wearing makeup because she's thanking me for making her happy, or is it because she's making me happy?

I don't get it.

Or rather, I understand it, it's just that I don't want to admit it. There are so many things that I don't want to admit, and one of the things that is wrong with human beings is that they can choose whether or not to accept the fact, even if it is a fact, a fact that can't be tampered with, or there are people who don't want to believe it, and are desperately trying to disbelieve it, thinking that because they don't believe it, the thing doesn't exist.

It's a very idealistic thought, I'm a firm materialist, I don't believe in these things, I have to make judgments based on the objective existence of this thing rather than whether I think this thing exists or not.

If this thing happened, you have to accept it.

If it didn't happen, then it didn't happen.

Don't think about it.

That's what I think, and that's what I've always done, but the truth is that I've been betraying that creed for a very long time now. Rather, I am now even in denial that I have violated this one.

Man is truly a terrible creature, for he is so fickle. Human beings themselves are infinite possibilities, which means that they are the unknown itself. Why humans fear things that do not exist, such as aliens, ghosts and spirits, is because of the unknown, which is an unknown matter. Once mankind understands these things, they will no longer fear them. Then, the most important thing that mankind should fear is themselves.

Humans are the greatest unknown, and humans are also the most dangerous unknown in the world. Unlike those aliens, humans are the unknown that does exist, and the aliens, the unknown that is uncertain.

Once upon a time, I scoffed at the idea of irrationality, even hated it very much. But now I had become the last thing I wanted to be, yet I didn't hate myself. In the span of six months, my preferences and personality existence have completely changed, like a piece of reshaped rubber cement.

To say the least, I'd like to know which one of you is using your hands and squeezing me into the shape you want me to be?

"Alright, Qin Feng, let's go."

Song Yixin removed her makeup, and other than her face still having wetness on it, there was no difference. This was the usual Song Yixin again, I looked at her and nodded, standing up.

Walking out of the neighborhood, the sound of traffic outside finally sounded, and the feeling was like coming back to earth. Song Yixin and I actually stayed together for a night, something I had never thought of before. To say the least, Song Yixin is really the type of girl I like.

If I have to say why, it's probably because I, who's always been taken care of, also really want to be taken care of.

When Song Yixin said yesterday that she wanted to come back and help me, I was really touched, it was like seeing an angel of God saving me. Song Yixin is really too perfect, and Song Yixin is the only one who noticed this among so many girls. For the first time, I felt like I was also being taken care of, although my sister used to take care of me, but for the first time since I took over the household chores, I was being taken care of by someone else.

It was really, a teary-eyed sensation.

"To say the least, it's going to be announced next week who is the new student council president, right?"

Song Yixin walked on the road, looked at me, and said.


I nodded, the results did come out next week. I was not informed at all, the president didn't even know about this one thing. No, I should say that none of the past presidents know, as to who was elected and who wasn't. To this day, there is nothing that can be done about this matter up to this point. Everything can only be left to fate and luck. In fact, no matter who is elected, the probability of me becoming the vice president is quite high.

It was three out of eight, after all.

I'd better push through with this errand, these people are unethical, and I didn't know anything about it before this. How could I go about acknowledging the student body vice president? I don't even want to be a member of the student council, and I'll definitely push this thing through.

"If I'm elected, Qin Feng, please, be my vice-president properly."

Song Yixin lifted her head and looked at me seriously.

Chapter 173 about my reoccurring storm.

"Yo, good morning, Vice President."

On the way, someone who might have been in my class tapped me on the shoulder and said with a smile.

To say why "maybe", this shouldn't need an explanation. I still, to this day, haven't fully remembered the faces and names of everyone in my class, and, well, yes, that's a great achievement, isn't it? In less than six months it will become a sophomore, ah no, I should say that I will soon be a sophomore... I still haven't remembered the names of the other students, and to use the name of an anime, that means I still don't know the names of the students I went to school with all those years.

"What vice president?"

I didn't know him, but it was polite to have an answer. But I didn't understand what he said.

"Well, Vice President of the Student Council."

He said with a smile, "Look at it this way, the President might be somewhat competitive, but you're no problem ah, basically the Vice President is you right."

I paused, my brain, which wasn't completely clear in the morning, fiercely recalled what Song Yixin had said to me yesterday.

"If I'm elected, Qin Feng, please, do me a favor and be my vice-president."

How did I reply to this sentence then? What can I think when I say that? I will never join these things, it's my iron law. Because there is no point in such things, and besides it is very busy. Moreover, I'm not the chairman, I have absolutely no qualifications or ability to become the vice chairman.

What's more, I'm Qin Yun's younger brother, although I've done nothing in this matter, and the chairman has done nothing, but this way I'll still be criticized by my classmates. Some things still need to avoid suspicion, even if there is really no conspiracy theory behind it, in order to keep the human brain from going haywire, then one should not give them a reason.

Instead of answering directly, I pretended not to hear. I knew that my acting was extremely lame and Song Yixin would definitely be able to tell, but she didn't poke fun at me and ended the conversation without continuing. I know Song Yixin must have been a little sad, embarrassed even, but it wasn't actually her, I was too.

I wasn't in a position to refuse, but I didn't want to be the vice chair on my own initiative either. Song Yixin didn't discuss it with me, it really felt like an admittance. I didn't know how I should respond, Song Yixin would be hurt if I said I would just refuse, and if I said I would do it, I wouldn't be able to work properly 100% of the time.

"Honestly, what exactly is your relationship with Song Yixin, your problems are being spread all over the place right now."

He saw that I didn't respond and turned to a different topic. Hey hey teenager do I know you well?Who


Why don't you just ask the person in question, are you a Hong Kong journalist? I had no choice but to take a few quick steps to get away from this crazy autodidact. So there's an advantage to having the same kind of relationships as I do, and that's that you don't have to worry about being hounded when this kind of thing happens.

But I was still being chased and asked.

"Tell me about it Qin Feng, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, we're all in the same class."

He didn't give up, but continued to follow up with a deadpan attitude, pestering me with questions.

I really wanted to slap him away.

We are a class this is not a way to get close ah, I have happened so many things in the class how come I have not seen you come forward once? Now that you're interested in my affairs...ah no, maybe it's possible that you're interested in Song Yixin...but you're too insensitive to use such cheap tactics to get close to me now.

What do you want me to say about this matter?

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