About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 257.

I grabbed his hand and yelled, "What do you want me to do? What can I do? Am I selfish? How am I being selfish? You keep saying what you want me to do. Why don't you do it? Are you selfless? Why are you so selfless and cruel to me, just because you don't want Song Yixin to suffer and so you want me to be with Song Yixin? You're the selfish one!"

"I'll let Song Yixin go back, but you must never see Song Yixin at this time! Song Yixin at this time absolutely cannot accept you doing this!"

Our two angry sideways faces would look like the Alliance and the Horde if they were filmed, slightly PS'd, perfect for a World of Warcraft movie poster.

"I have to see Song Yixin! I don't even know if Song Yixin is safe now! You won't let me see Song Yixin now because you don't want to miss Song Yixin so you want to drag it out!"

"You think I'm an asshole like you?"

"Ah, yes! It would be unusual for a beautiful woman like Song Yixin not to do anything at home, right! Did you do something to Song Yixin?"

My face felt like it had received a heavy blow, my eyes went black, there was a sharp pain at the corner of my mouth, and a cold, foul taste spread. My hand returned the blow with a vicious punch on instinct.

I hit him in the nose and he staggered back two steps, covering his own nose. I took two steps back and pressed my lips, gasping violently for air.

Instead of continuing the fight, we looked at each other, gasping for breath.

"I understand everything about you, but why are you saying this to Song Yixin at this time!"

After a moment's silence, he stood up, looked at me, and said with anger.

"Then what chance do I have to say it? You want me to say it at another time?"

"Don't you feel sorry for the current Song Yixin? Why would you hurt her? Why are you still pushing her away when you're the only one she has left now?"

"No, Song Yixin's parents didn't abandon her. It was Song Yixin who escaped on her own, Song Yixin's world wasn't ruined at all, as long as she comes back, she's still the student body president, or a child under her parents. I won't leave either, there's no problem with any of this!"

I stood up straight, looked at him, and said.

He looked at me too, and we just stared at each other.


Well, my phone, it always rings when it's not supposed to.

Both in the past and now.

I took out my phone, it was an unfamiliar number, I froze and answered it.

"Hello, is that Qin Feng?"

The former squad leader's voice was strained and seemed to be crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I...I saw my sister..."

Cards? Song Yixin? Then it's a good thing!

"Where is it?!"

I'll be right there!

"But...but...she's with a girl, surrounded by a bunch of hooligans...you come on!"

Chapter 178 About My Incorrigible Tennis Girl (V)

"Qin Feng, can you fight? Do you need a weapon? I wonder if we should buy some guys to take there? Whatever it is, a wrench will do!"

In the taxi, a flamboyant Summer Ho asked me. He sat up front, constantly urging the driver.


I shook my head and said, "I don't like fighting, and we may not be able to beat the other side. There are at least ten people on the other side, how do you think we're going to fight with just three of us? I'll see what happens then, don't be impulsive."

"They have my sister!"

Xia Tianhao's expression was as hideous as an evil ghost, and I saw the taxi driver sneak a look of fear at him, as if Xia Tianhao would jump up and eat him at any moment. I sighed and said, "Then do you want Hulu to save Grandpa? We're not anywhere yet, can we just calm down for a second?"

"Calm down? They've got Song Yixin too, aren't you worried? Why are you being so cold to Song Yixin! Don't you even care about Song Yixin at all?"

I touched my head and said, "Rather, I'm in a hurry too, but instead I'm calming down now. Can't we just calm down in the face of such emergencies? This is the east side of town, I'm not familiar with this side at all, and there's a lot of people on the other side, so you can go in and fight a bunch of them?"

I'm angry and anxious right now. Okay, I know you probably won't believe me if I say it in that tone, but I don't have any more adjectives to describe how I'm feeling right now, so instead let's just say that I'm angry, but my brain is very calm. More of a calmer than usual kind of calm. That's what makes me so special, I guess, the more angry and excited I am, the more calm I am instead.

For example, once we were trapped in a dark woods, I was just very calm.

"So what do you think we should do?!"

He gave up on himself and grabbed his hair and yelled. Well, what are we going to do I don't know, but right now we should just sit tight you put your seatbelt on and stop interfering with the driver's driving, if you keep jumping up and down right now you might never see your sister again.

"I told you I don't know, I've never been on this side of the road before."

I said looking out at a completely unfamiliar figure. I've really never been here before, and it's obvious that I don't operate around here. And this side of town was obviously the old town, with uneven streets and nearby buildings that were obviously buildings that had been around for years. It's not surprising to me that such a thing is happening in this place.

"Here we are."

Our destination was this abandoned-looking park. The driver pulled over to the side, seemingly relieved. Natsuho hurriedly threw down the money, pulled open the door and jumped off. I pushed the door open and stepped out of the car. Looking at the park, there were quite a few people here, including old people walking and square dancing ladies. It was dark by this time, but the place was still bustling, was it really good to do that kind of thing here?

"That, hello!"

I am a lot of around when a girl came to me, Sai gave me a lighter. I was a little puzzled look, the top printed "XX Men's Hospital" ... Hey hey hey girl you take a good look, you give this ad to the wrong person ah, you think I am a man with male disease people?

But now the small ads are also considered to be powerful, not handing out magazines, not handing out tissues, not handing out flyers, just handing out lighters. To be fair, in that case, the probability of a passing man taking this lighter is really quite high. Men who smoke, in particular, usually don't throw their lighters away. Looks like this ad has some brains.

No, no, no, I shouldn't be thinking about the meaning of the ad at this point, I have more important things to do....

The girl laughed and turned around. I don't know why, but I could see a hint of mockery in the girl's eyes.

I sighed and shoved the lighter into my pocket. It wasn't that I was smoking, it was just because I didn't have anywhere to throw it.

"Qin Feng! Qin Feng! You're coming with me!"

Natalie Hao pulled me up violently, stumbling and running as fast as she could to get inside the park. I saw the former squad leader leading the way, and he was running as fast as he could. I followed a short distance away, and I already felt pain in my lungs as if they were torn.

I can't fight at all in this state, and my body is worse now than it was in the past. I can't even run anymore.

I don't know if that's how this park was designed, or if the plants along the roadside haven't been taken care of for a long time. Even though it's not quite spring yet, or the temperature isn't quite high enough, the trees along the roadside are still tightly pressed against the streetlights, sucking up almost all the light.

The original paved and interesting stone path looked uneven at this time, perhaps because it had been stepped on by countless people, and the stones set in the middle of the stone path had almost all been smoothed out. It also carried the decaying leaves of winter, which, when carelessly stepped on, stirred up the old air of hibernation.

It was very crowded outside, but inside there were hardly any passersby. The play equipment inside the amusement park that was active during the day had completely stopped by this time, shrouded in darkness. There wasn't a single sound around, almost just the sound of our running and the rush of our footsteps, and, angry gasps.

"Where the hell is it?"

I gasped and asked the former squad leader ahead of me. It was a park, but it seemed like we'd been running for so long that there were no more man-made trees planted nearby, and we could even see the lights on the sides of residential buildings shining warmly in the air up ahead. Further ahead, it seemed to be a large open space.

"It's in the public restroom up ahead! But this toilet has been abandoned!"

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