About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 260.

This progress has completely accelerated to the point where it's going to surpass Lin Yiran! Wu Mo Xi's confession of good riddance is just dating, but Song Yi Xin's confession is going to be about marriage!

"Qin Feng... I really... like you so much... I've never experienced this kind of feeling before... this feeling is really so happy... as long as I see you I'm so happy. As long as you're by my side, no matter what it is, I'm able to muster up courage. No matter what it is, as long as you're here, I'm not afraid of anything."

Song Yixin hugged me tightly in my arms, smiling and weeping.

"I can give you everything I have, I just want to be by your side. Even if we're not old enough, I want to be by your side all the time, Lin Yiran can do it, so can I. If it's what you want, I will, by your side, and I will never betray you. I'll be a good wife, and I'll be a good mother as well. Qin Feng, I like you...really, really like you!"

There are times when persistence really is a form of courage.

Or rather, it's the best human virtue of all.

However, it looks like I don't have that sentiment.

I'm now, really, hesitating. I've really, lost the courage I had in the beginning....

Chapter 180 About My Incorrigible Tennis Girl (VII)

The phone's fluorescence was a bit bright, I don't know if there was a problem with my phone's light sensor, or if it was just a dazzling presence in this darkness.

The string of black numbers on that phone was even brighter, it was only eleven numbers, and my phone was very sensitive too


"Brother, how's Song Yixin doing."

I sat on the couch, holding my phone, looking at the living room that was only shrouded in moonlight. I turned off the light, and the living room that had some sense of life in it, lost its living scent again in an instant. All that was left was the sound of my faint breathing, and the usual relaxed voice on the other side of the phone, coming from the other side.

The moonlight was pouring through the window, tilting the frame and splashing it on the floor, leaving dappled shadows. It seemed to still be shaking with the cold air that poured in through the window. I sat on the couch, sitting on the side that wasn't illuminated by the moonlight, holding my phone, staring.

"Song Yixin, ah, has fallen asleep."

I looked at the closed door of the bedroom behind the living room and said softly.

There was soft laughter there, as if the chairman wasn't feeling much tension about the matter, just like watching two more clowns perform. We were doing our best to perform over here, but in reality, as far as the Chairman was concerned, it was just something that had little to do with her.

"It's a perfect ending, at least Song Yixin didn't do anything stupid. Since Song Yixin has already rested, shouldn't you go home, brother?"

"No, I might not be able to go back tonight, I have to watch Song Yixin. Otherwise, I'm not quite at ease yet."

I refused the chairman, who paused there, but the voice that spoke next wasn't impatient or unhappy, but rather mocking, "Then, I'd like to know why my brother took the initiative to call me?"

Yeah, why should I call the chairman? Why is there a voice in my head that keeps urging me to call the chairman? Why did I pick up the phone and call her without any hesitation?

"Just, checking in with you."


The president elongated her voice, as if she didn't believe it. However, she didn't delve deeper, but said carelessly, "Then since Song Yixin, the victim, has no more problems, shouldn't we look for the abuser next."

"Well, I've already heard from Song Yixin."

"Don't talk yet, I'll take a guess myself."

The president interrupted me, seemingly interested in this kind of detective game. She seemed to be thinking, her voice was a bit low: "Song Yixin was taken by someone familiar to a place she once knew, a place that no one but Song Yixin and her acquaintances knew about, not even us, so that means that only Song Yixin's acquaintances could know about it. Also, it's an acquaintance who lives around here, so again, this is Song Yixin's former home, so it's a relative of Song Yixin's, right?"

I was dumbfounded, the chairman's thinking was really impeccable and without a single mistake.

"Well, it was one of her cousins who did this kind of thing. But at this time, her cousin should be in the hospital treating his burns."

Song Yixin said that her cousin used to be very aggressive with her, but he didn't have the sense to be aggressive when she was young. When Song Yixin returned home, she ran into a gangster who thought she had come back to look for her, but Song Yixin rejected her on the spot and said she liked someone else.

However, I knew by this time that cousin was not in love at all. Faced with the fire, he abandoned Song Yixin and ran faster than a Hong Kong reporter. If the chairman and I were trapped in the sea of fire, we would never have abandoned each other. Some things are more important than your own life.

"So there are times when relatives are more troublesome instead. However, if it's the other side that's annoyed, then I think you're also to blame, brother."

The chairman's voice over there was smug, and if the chairman had a tail, that tail must be wagging desperately at this time.

"Well, if you want to talk about it, it's true that I'm also responsible, although rationally speaking, I have nothing to do with this matter, but I'm also the reason why Song Yixin ran away from home."

I looked at the moonlit ceiling and said softly. The moonlight was preoccupied, replacing the color of the lampshade. It put a layer of silver on the yellow lampshade that was supposed to be warm.

The would-be president smiled and said, "You know you're a sinful man, too, brother? People say red-headedness is red-headedness, but on your side, why does it feel like you're the one who's making the world go haywire?"

"What kind of weird matriarchal society are you?"

"So, did Song Yixin confess to you?"

The president's voice was as easy as ever, with her characteristic flavour of banter and jest, and the question about a person's privacy and current situation was asked, with such jest and urging that one couldn't tell if she wanted to know the answer or not, it wasn't padded, but rather walked as naturally as it could be.


I nodded, and even though I said I knew the girl across the street couldn't see, I still nodded into the darkness and grunted. To say the least, it made me a little embarrassed, because Song Yixin's confession was really a little hot.

"So, did you accept,"

The council president shushed her, as if she were an eager gossiping girl who desperately wanted to know the follow-up. Wanted to know if the princess and the prince ended up together.


I sighed, remembering that I had pushed Song Yixin away and said something I couldn't even understand, but I still should have expressed the point that I had a girl I liked, right? Anyway, the confused me at that time expressed my unacceptable thoughts as much as possible.

"What about Song Yixin after that?"

"Crying was particularly bad, and by this time I was tired of crying, so I carried her to the bedroom and then sat on the couch and called you."

Well, that's the explanation for my current state. If I were a crappy author, I would have just one sentence, "I rejected Song Yixin, and then I thought of my sister and made a phone call.

But I'm not an author, nor am I a writer of life, and my mind is swirling with a million thoughts and ideas.

If it was all written down, it would probably be a few million words. My story wasn't that simple, and my thoughts weren't that simple, but so many thoughts ended up just becoming my fingers pressing the phone number.

"It's a bit of a shame, Song Yixin is a good girl."

The chairman over there tsked and said with a regretful voice. It was like a child who heard a tragic story, or a market aunt who lamented and then went home to do what she should do.

I didn't say anything further, but I thought that would be enough to say.

Why did I call the chairman? Am I doing this to show off or to show my loyalty? I don't know myself, but I don't think I thought much about it at that time, I just wanted to hear the chairman's voice, just to hear her, to think of her, to think of the sister who was still waiting for me at home.

"Yeah, Song Yixin is a very nice girl. I don't think I'll ever meet a better girl than her in my life."

I'm not lying, it's true. I feel that in the future, I might never, no, not possibly, I should say that I will basically never meet a girl who is more perfect than Song Yixin, never meet a girl who is more suitable to be a wife than Song Yixin. Song Yixin is just this one, only this one, after that, there will be no more.

"Yeah, that's how I feel too. So, do you have some regrets now? I think if you confess your love at this time, Song Yixin will also be able to accept it. No, I should say that even later on, if you confess to Song Yixin, Song Yixin won't reject it. So, no need to regret."

The president smiled and consoled me, no, it shouldn't be a consolation, rather it should be something she desperately tried to hold back her smile to say. I can already hear her holding back her laughter.

"No, I don't regret it."

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