About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 264.

Then, there's the third group of teams that Wu Moxie and I are on, which is the team that's grinding for time. Usually, we're the kind where the teacher doesn't even bother to watch us finish our run, and she just waves that we can stop running and gives us an almost but definitely failing grade to finish. This was actually the best way to end it, so I would still have time left to run and wouldn't be so tired, so I took my time grinding inside the third team.

Wu Moxi, on the other hand, couldn't run at all, and although she's a lot stronger, her body can't be changed just because she wants to. I think Song Yixin will be able to run easily at this time, after all, among the people I know, Song Yixin is the most physically fit. She's the kind of person who's been exercising since she was a kid, and, moreover, loves sports.

Oh? Am I getting off track? I'm sorry, I do think a little too much, the thing I'm going to say at this point is why Lin Yiran is sleeping here and my hand is hurting, right? But I'm just spouting off and complaining all the time, and I'm sorry, I do put the cart before the horse a bit, which is actually kind of what I like to talk about elsewhere, I guess. But I'm not actually wrong, I just haven't gotten to that part yet.

But it's getting to that part.

Actually, the people in the third team aren't just me and Wu Mo Xi, but also Lin Yiran. Lin Yiran was right behind me, desperately panting like a dog. I'm sure you're not surprised by this ending, Lin Yiran has never been good at sports, as an economist, no one cares whether she runs fast or not, as long as the numbers change quickly enough.

As a result, as I rounded a corner, there was a sudden heavy blow from behind, as if a person had hit me directly. Although I was running very slowly, I was running after all. And the force with which this person behind me hit me was so strong that I was knocked right out and rubbed out on the rubber track with that person.

So, you can see what happened to my hand. After all, it was my hand that touched the ground first, and that hot, sharp pain kept coming from my hand, and my body, which was already a little weak from running, was blacked out after the violent impact.

But the person behind me didn't get up, but was quietly lying on my back.

Well, that's right, it was the already unconscious Lin Yiran.

It looks like it was Lin Yiran who tripped after fainting and ran right into me. This one accident scared everyone nearby, including the gym teacher who was recording the results. After the accident, the PE teacher rushed us to the school hospital, and after treatment, my hand was fine, but it seemed that Lin Yiran had fainted because he was too weak. But there was nothing serious, thanks to me, Lin Yiran didn't even have a little bruise, so he rested in the infirmary.

After seeing that both of them were fine, the gym teacher was relieved and told me to take good care of Lin Yiran, and then left. So, that's what's happening now.

The school nurse's office is two rooms, one is an outpatient clinic, while inside is a small ward with only two beds, also, no high school nurse's office needs a bed before it's right. But at this time, the bed was quite useful.

Was Lin Yiran because he was overworked? But it's also true that recently, I rarely saw Lin Yiran, before, even if Lin Yiran was very busy, he would choose to quietly sleep in class. But recently, I could see Lin Yiran frowning and writing in class, and after school, Lin Yiran smiled apologetically at me, who wanted to talk, and then quickly left. The next thing I know, I don't know what time Lin Yiran will be working.

I didn't understand those, and I didn't know what management was, and those were Lin Yiran's jobs. But, I could also see how busy Lin Yiran, how busy he was.

Someone once said, what is a person who manages finance? It's those who exploit others and still get paid, that's degenerate capitalism, and in fact, the flow of money is not without quality. The people who manage the world's most powerful and destructive weapons, naturally, don't have it any easier.

Lin Yiran, moreover, is not for those wages of his own. Lin Yiran worked for me until now, and I don't even know if she got a salary, but I think she did. Or is it that Lin Yiran isn't old enough to work, so these are all unpaid jobs?

But even if I was paid, I felt, I was sorry for Lin Yiran.

I braced my face, put down the magazine from four months ago, and looked at Lin Yiran's sleeping face. Lin Yiran's breathing was very steady, and there was a soft smile on her lips, like she was finally relaxing, I didn't know Lin Yiran, and Lin Yiran never said what she was working on, and she never complained to me, she always wore a smile.

Only now did I notice how pale her lips were under that lipstick, her otherwise glowing cheeks looked a little sickly at this time. Her usually active body was actually so weak.

Lin Yiran, how did it hold up until now? What's kept her going so far? She's a girl, she's a girl who doesn't work out much. By what strength had she survived to this point, without breaking down?

I couldn't help but gently reach out my hand and touch Lin Yiran's cheek. Lin Yiran's warmth and scent stained my hand, and I couldn't feel her fatigue or her pain. Lin Yiran had always been like this, never giving me anything but warmth in front of me.

I relied too much on Lin Yiran, and I always saw Lin Yiran as the person I turned to when I was finally at my wit's end. Lin Yiran also helped me perfectly, she never let me down, either, which time.


Lin Yiran's body suddenly moved, her breath quickened sharply, then she exhaled softly, then Lin Yiran gently opened her eyes and stared around, her blue eyes turned around in puzzlement, and touched her head. The infirmary? I just remember going soft on my feet, and then I don't remember much."

"Well, you fainted, so I sent you over here. Well, it wasn't really me, it was more like the gym teacher, who sent us both here."

I held up my injured hand and said.

Lin Yiran threw out his tongue in embarrassment, sat up, and said, "I'm sorry, Qin Feng, this kind of thing, and you're still hurt. I don't feel any pain though..."

"You're not hurt, of course you're fine."

I frowned, but this small gesture wasn't overlooked by Lin Yiran, her blue eyes slightly tilted and she said, "What's wrong, Qin Feng, you don't look in a good mood, I'm sorry lah, I've hurt you."

"No, I'm really a little angry right now, but not because of this."

I shook my head, stood up, stroked my hair a little irritably, and said, "Can you tell me where you were last weekend?"

Lin Yiran tilted his head in puzzlement and said, "Went to the office, well, that's all."

"Are you going on the weekend too?"

"Rather, I can only go on weekends."

Lin Yiran laughed and said, "I have school on weekdays, so I basically can't go."

"When was the last time you had a vacation?"

"Holidays? Hmmm...well...it was probably last year, when I took a trip to Scandinavia for a bit of fun, do you want to see pictures from that time? I'm telling you, Denmark is beautiful! But that mermaid statue is so small and surrounded by a bunch of people."

Lin Yiran's eyebrows danced as she tried to find her phone, but at this point her phone should be in the classroom.

I sighed heavily and said, "Okay, okay, I get it, you don't have to show me, I'm not interested in that foam mermaid. What am I supposed to be in my parents' business?"

"Director, but you shouldn't be considered chairman until you and your sister share the work."

Lin Yiran pondered and said with a smile, "What's the matter, interested in managing the company?"

"No, it's just that I'm going to use my status to order you to rest honestly until next month!"

Chapter 184 on my whimsical plan.

"You let Lin Yiran rest and relax?"

The president blew on his hair and asked me aloud. I sat on the side, poured myself a glass of milk, and nodded my head. Well at this time I was the one who was stupid, at this time the president couldn't see at all, but in fact even if I answered, the president couldn't hear me.

But the chairman didn't seem to need to look back at me, and her words weren't even a question. The answer to that question was obvious to her, and that was, YES.

"No, no, no, don't tell me what she said yet, you let me guess. Well..."

She tossed her own hair, the inky length of it almost swirling the air in the room with a faint scent. The black-winged butterfly fluttered a little enchantingly in the air, and she turned back, curling her legs up into the couch with an insightful smile and crossed her arms as if she were the Sherlock Holmes sitting cross-legged in front of the fire. She looked at me, smiled, and said, "I think that not only did she refuse, but you guys made a very unpleasant mess, didn't you."

I nodded, sighed, and said, "Do you think you're Miss Sakura X? And think hard about it every time? By the way, have you been reading mystery novels lately? You still have the pretence of reasoning about something that's obvious at a glance?"

"Well, well, reasoning about a puzzle that has an answer is really not very interesting. After all, brother, you're a person who can't hide secrets. Well, actually, when you told me that you were letting Lin Yiran rest, I knew that Lin Yiran would definitely be unhappy, and was, very unhappy."

The president smiled, her eyes carrying a kind of hateful resentment and a kind of fortunate that the iron wasn't steel, and I honestly didn't know what she meant by this look. I took a sip of the milk, the cold milk slid through my esophagus, this kind of thing is the cow's milk, this is the source of life, but now I don't feel the heat of life, is it because of the human preservation and this paper box has drained away its life force? Instead of feeling the usual smoothness of milk, I now feel as if I'm drinking a knife, as if I'm not drinking milk, but spirits.

No, no, no, that's not what I'm focusing on right now.

But just as the chairman said, after I said that, Lin Yiran's expression changed in an instant, her face that was full of banter became incomparably cold in an instant, as cold as an ice cellar enveloped me in an instant, she looked at me as fiercely as if she never knew me.

"What is this, what kind of bully are you?"

The sarcastic words that came out of her mouth were like the same Qin Lan who was ice-cold to me back then. This sudden slash made me baffled and dumbfounded, and my original strength was gone for a moment as I stared at her. Instead, it made me a little scared.

"It's not...it's just, I want you to, like, relax."

"Are you dissatisfied with my work? No, you shouldn't have any complaints, because you don't care about anything all the time, do you?"

Lin Yiran's angry and disdainful eyes carried several rates of aggravation, and at this time, she was like a hedgehog that had curled up and pointed its spikes at me. However, this hedgehog is not cute at this time.

It's like a steelback pig shaking around in front of me talking northeast, and I'm gnashing my teeth, but I don't dare to hit him. (dota2 terrier, steelback's back can reduce damage, and receive a certain amount of damage will explode, generally difficult to be killed and also bounce all the spines.)

"No no no, I don't have a problem with your work, it's just, don't you think you're too tired right now? Lin Yiran, really, if you don't take a break, you won't be able to live a normal life next, let alone work."

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