About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 268.

Lin Yiran's emotions all day were very frustrated, rather angry and unhappy that he had been slapped twice, but he couldn't fight back. Although he was surrounded by a group of people to comfort him, this group of boys who surrounded Lin Yiran to comfort him didn't dare to say bad things about Qin Lan. If it was Lin Yiran who had the upper hand in the beginning, now Qin Lan was the final victor.

Neither Lin Yiran nor I thought that Qin Lan would actually do it. But I was a little careless, I know that Qin Lan is very possessive, and I can also feel that Qin Lan's feelings for me are a little twisted for various reasons, Qin Lan doesn't want me to leave her, but I've been a little relaxed lately and haven't paid much attention to Qin Lan, causing Qin Lan to explode again now.

Of course, it's also possible that Qin Lan herself already had a grievance against Lin Yiran, but it was just two things added together and she took the opportunity to vent it out.

But no matter what, Qin Lan and Lin Yiran, the friendship between the two of them went up in smoke with those two crashes. I don't know if it's still possible for these two to become friends again, in fact, I don't think it's possible because for Lin Yiran, Qin Lan slapping her in front of the whole class, ah no, some of her classmates, has already disgraced her, and at this time, asking her to make up with Qin Lan is simply impossible. On Qin Lan's side, since Qin Lan was all ready to make a complete break and had done so as well, she was completely unwilling to become friends with Lin Yiran again.

My life should have been free of these things and these people, I could have been free of getting involved in these things. But because of various reasons to this point, I don't have any extravagant hopes, I don't have any extravagant hopes that I'll be able to build up some kind of harem like the male protagonist in the anime, and that the harem will still be respectful and harmonious and friendly like a well-off society. I just hope I can get along with my friends, and I hope they don't fight with each other! But this thing has erupted, as if the two camps have finally torn into war, then I, as the center of the battlefield, have to choose a camp to add to it.

I was actually very reluctant to join either camp, what was I going to say about this matter? Whose fault is it? Is it the fault of the QM? Was it Qin Lan who provoked it in the first place? Or was Qin Lan aggressive to begin with? She was the first one to do it and the first one to start a yelling match, but it wasn't because of that that it was Qin Lan's fault, if Qin Lan was intolerant, this matter could only be Lin Yiran swallowing the bitter wine he brewed.

Okay, okay, I remember whoever or whoever said never to reason with a girl. This matter may indeed have no reasoning to speak of, I'm just an outsider, and a grudge between two girls will never be at the point where I can interfere. It's best that I don't interfere either.

I have a feeling that there might not really be such a thing as friendship between these two. So, what else should I do? Never do something that can't happen. And don't ever dictate what I should say about something that has already been decided. What should I do? Should I let these two have a good run in?

I should have said to these two people, "You're good friends, you're going to be good friends, so let's not take this personally and just laugh it off." Can I say that? These two will kill me if I say so. This world doesn't need any holy mother whores, let alone these two, none of them are.

I stood up beside Lin Yiran and gently touched Lin Yiran's head. Lin Yiran had been sobbing as he held my arm, and I was looking around very nervously. Lin Yiran and I were back in the infirmary, and Lin Yiran was here after second period. I was a little worried, so I ran over to check on Lin Yiran.

After that, Lin Yiran just kept hugging my arm and crying. I felt like the two of us were literally having an affair, and Qin Lan must have been looking for me near the playground at this time. If I'm found here, then I'm probably going to be soaking into formalin with Lin Yiran for science experiments.

"Qin Lan... Qin Lan she's so excessive, why did she hit someone..."

Lin Yiran hugged my arm and sobbed. I sighed and said, "Well, it was a little too much..."

I didn't add the "but", I think if I make a U-turn, I will be soaked into formalin by Lin Yiran, at this time, just go along with Lin Yiran. In fact, I've noticed that Lin Yiran has already addressed Qin Lan as Qin Lan instead of Lan Lan, as I said at the very beginning, if you are close to Qin Lan, you should call her "Lan Lan Lan". ".

Also, it feels like, Lin Yiran doesn't feel sad about the current situation, she doesn't seem to care if Qin Lan is her friend or not, of course it's possible that she has already expected this moment. This matter is just a matter of sooner or later, Lin Yiran is very smart and I don't think this matter will ever shock her too much.

"Qin Feng, are you afraid of Qin Lan?"

The first thing I noticed was that I had no idea what I was talking about, so I raised my head, and looked at me with eyes that were already moist and crystal blue at this time, and asked me softly with a voice that was almost soaked in water.

I almost blurted out "afraid".

In fact, I was afraid of Qin Lan, mainly because Qin Lan is really good at change. ........


Lin Yiran shouldn't be able to say no, I should say I haven't found it yet....

"Not afraid."

Well now I'll just say lie now, it doesn't matter if Qin Lan isn't here right now anyway, she can't hear me, can't hear me. Besides, I don't think Qin Lan will be happy even if she hears me and I say I'm afraid of her.

Lin Yiran smiled, showing a smile that was moistened by tears, well, I feel that Qin Lan's strength really wasn't particularly strong, Lin Yiran was in pain, but now it's no longer a problem, but there was swelling and redness on his face, Lin Yiran had a small wound at the corner of his mouth, the rest was fine.

It didn't affect hearing or anything, it was just a girl after all.

"So, then, can I still, live in your house?"

Lin Yiran asked me gently.

"Well, yes."

It's two different things, it's not like Qin Lan will come to my house, Lin Yiran living in my house is something that can be completely hidden, and there's still the chairman who can stand up for it, so I don't think the chairman should have any problem with it. After all, I'm not cheating on him, and it's perfectly fine for the chairman to help me hide this matter.

But, there is still an important issue, that is I haven't told the chairman I let Lin Yiran live over. I wanted to tell her about it, but I don't think it's settled yet, so I don't want to tell her yet, so I'd rather wait until Lin Yiran comes over.

Half of this house is mine, to be fair!

Well, well, that's not a reason for me to be capricious, but since Lin Yiran is really going to stay over, I really need to talk to the chairman, who will never refuse. However, I don't think the chairman has any feelings for the other girls, or rather, to the chairman, these girls are just a bunch of toys. However, she has an instinctive sense of resistance to Lin Yiran, simply put, the chairman doesn't like Lin Yiran.

I actually think that Lin Yiran and Chairman are the girls with the highest similarity. Maybe it's because the chairman doesn't like any girl close to him, no, this should be the same sex of all humans, humans won't like him when they see someone similar to them, they will only have an instinctive sense of resistance and comparison.

Probably because, humans have always believed that they are the only one, once they are not the only one, they will feel that the world does not need them, they will feel that they are less important, so, they will definitely have to prove that they are the best individual, they are the only one.

"No problem, stay over."

I repeated as I watched Lin Yiran shyly lower his head. I don't think there's any need for Lin Yiran to be shy, we're not men and women from the past, even if we're living together, there's no problem. I've been living with the chairman for more than 10 years and nothing has happened until now, it's still fine.

"Um... um..."

Lin Yiran nodded, smiled, shrank down, and said, "It feels, it really feels like we're like husband and wife right now... I feel really happy living with Qin Feng."

"There's no such thing as happiness, and there's nothing I can do to help you. I don't understand your work at all, so I can only take care of your life. That's all I can do, you'll still have the same hard time afterwards."

I looked at Lin Yiran and said. Indeed, you have to tell me what I can help Lin Yiran with. I can't help at all with what she does, I can only take care of Lin Yiran's life, but actually, Lin Yiran has someone else to take care of her, Lin Yiran isn't Qin Lan, Lin Yiran's father is still there, Lin Yiran's life won't fall apart. Even if Lin Yiran moved here, it was just a new person taking care of her, it wasn't any different for Lin Yiran's job.

"No, Qin Feng is different, if Qin Feng was by my side, I feel like I'd have the motivation to keep working. After all, I've just always lived for Qin Feng."

Hey hey maiden you seem to be saying something very heavy ah, my tender shoulders can't withstand such heavy instructions from you ah, I can't bear the weight of your life, you should still live for yourself, you're not living for me. You are living for yourself, and how have I that great grace to make you live for me? All I can say is that you work for me, but your life is still yours.

"Don't say that, your life is your own, not anyone else's."

"I don't care, my life up to this point here has been given to me by Qin Feng. No matter what it is, dear you've always been there for me, always comforted me."

Lin Yiran rubbed hard against my chest and said with a smile, "I never complained for a moment, I never felt regret or fatigue when I knew I was working and studying for you. I'm half of you now, so I'm half of you in my life, too."

My mouth grimaced, I wanted to cry and laugh so badly at this point, how was I so good at getting a girl to do this for me. It was true, but I was vaguely uneasy, Lin Yiran had poured so much into me, yet I couldn't give her enough in return. I've said before that such a thing as a favor is honestly also a transaction of equal exchange, this favor doesn't have a fixed weight, but the standard is in the person's heart. Lin Yiran valued me so much, yet I didn't care about Lin Yiran's words in the slightest. My own conscience can't even pass.

However, I'm also a little afraid, is Lin Yiran, pouring too much on me? Lin Yiran was betting all he had on me. I didn't feel it before, maybe it was that time when Lin Yiran thought he was my fiancée and I didn't explicitly reject all the bullying. But now, Qin Lan suddenly broke out and made Lin Yiran feel a crisis so cling to me?

Aren't I a little too important to Lin Yiran? In that case, if I had a slight problem, would Lin Yiran's world collapse? Lin Yiran put everything on me, but I can't put my whole heart on Lin Yiran, then Lin Yiran will tilt because of the imbalance in the balance.

Is this a psychological problem too, don't put your eggs in the same basket ah. I'm in a really scary situation right now, on the one hand there's Qin Lan who will explode again if I make the slightest overreaction, Lin Yiran she won't even hesitate to do it, if it's Wu Moxie or Song Yixin, Qin Lan will be even more unthinking right? There's also Lin Yiran who I feel is in trouble right now, I'm not sure yet, but I also feel that if I'm too distant from Lin Yiran at this time, Lin Yiran will self-destruct.

I can't get too close or too far away from either side. This position and distance is really, not easy to grasp, especially, I'm another person who isn't good at grasping distance.

Maybe, again, I should, again, go back and ask the chairman.

Chapter 188 about my bright past.

"To be reasonable, you've been asking for more and more lately brother... It's all good, but I'm a little unhappy that you're asking me to always help you out in your dealings with girls."

The council president said, not too happy at what I said, touching the ponytail she had tied up for convenience at home. She sat cross-legged on the sofa and looked at me who had encroached on her territory with dissatisfaction. Normally, if there was nothing going on, the chairman would be entrenched here on the couch, either watching TV or playing on his own laptop, or playing some abuse seeking game with my console. No, but when I saw that the President could beat the Pope with one life, I not only started to wonder if I wasn't the right person to play a game like Black X Soul.

And I'm supposed to be in my own room doing homework at this time, or playing games or something. To be honest, there was tension between the president for a while, but now it looks like she's lazy again, and not only that, because she doesn't need to be in charge of the student council now, she can be lazy for more and more time.

So when I showed up to interrupt her TV watching, she expressed great displeasure.

I glanced at the program on the TV, which is a rather popular variety show right now, and I actually don't know if this group of people would be happy to be treated as clowns for others to laugh at, but in short, I think it's very awkward for a group of people to tear each other down like idiots and have to laugh no matter how excessive the parties are, which reminds me of that weird blind date I attended earlier. It ended well, but in the process, we were a bunch of clowns for others to laugh at.

"What are you so upset about? If I say I'll ignore you every day won't you still have to pester me every day saying I'm disgusted with you?"

I frowned, sat on one side, and said. The president laughed, sighed, and said, "Okay, okay, so I'll give you a few life pointers again. To be honest, I always feel like you're showing off whenever you come to me. You know, brother, you'll die if you show off this thing in front of me."

"Do you think being caught in the middle of Lin Yiran and Qin Lan is really something to brag about?"

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