About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling-Controlling Sister Chapter 284

But true tenderness, now, is clinging to my hands, and heart.

Chapter 202 on my gradually enlightened self.

Well, you guys are right in thinking that I have no experience in dating. Naturally, I don't have experience in dating, there's no shortage of girls around me, but I didn't date any of them. Ah no, I'm not forgetting about Lin Yiran, but simply, I don't call being together at that time as dating.

So I don't have a clue what two people should do when they're together. But if I say that I don't do anything, I feel that it's simply a waste. For what happened last night, I think my sister is just acquiescing to it, or rather, just accepting it. Well, if that's the case, it's best to go out this weekend, wherever it is. In fact, if there's no Qin Lan and Lin Yiran at home, you'll be fine at home.

So where to go? It's a profound question, one that could be the subject of a tens of thousands of word paper. A question like what places would a girl like is an unsolved mystery, no, I should say it's not unsolved, it's because there are too many answers to sift through. I guess even a supercomputer can't figure out what place the girl wants to go this day or this moment. I'm not going to let the girl decide what place she wants to go.

I don't even let you ask, and if you guess wrongly, you make the girl unhappy. But girls can be forgiven for this.

However, I believe that as long as I'm with my sister, she'll be happy no matter where she goes. Because as long as I have my sister by my side, even if I'm at home. It's just that the most painful thing right now isn't that there's nowhere to go, it's just that with Qin Lan and Lin Yiran here, it's almost impossible for two people to be alone.

"Lately, it's been fun."

A sudden burst of heat was placed close to my face, scaring me so much that I almost jumped out of my chair. I looked beside me, Song Yixin smiled slightly, put down the cup full of coffee and said, "You've been in a good mood all day today Qin Feng, no, it shouldn't be good, I should say excited. What's good about it?"

"Good thing? Not really, I guess, um, just in a good mood."

I said touching my face and taking a sip of my coffee. The heat is gone now, but it's still not too hot indoors when it's cold, so hot drinks are just very important, which is why I came to the Literature Club. The Literature Club's supply of boiling water is always available, and for drinks, you just need to go to the student union room to get them. Song Yixin and Wu Moxi sat on one side, while I was lying by the window doing nothing, thinking about some strange things.

Wu Moxi looked at me with a strange look, or rather, it should be a very surprised look. Wu Moxie held a cup, startled and looked at me with a strange look, with an unexplained redness on her face, as if she was very shy. I tilted my head and said, "What's wrong? Looking at me like that?"

Wu Moxie was stunned, then smiled apologetically and said, "No... no... nothing... just... just Qin Feng smiling... um... rarely... so... so... like it..."

Song Yixin looked at me teasingly and said, "Yeah, Qin Feng used to never smile no matter what, but now he actually smiles when he's dazed, so something good has really happened. Hehe, Qin Feng's smile is really charming ah, is it because it's rare?"

"Well... it's..." said Wu Moxie's face reddening again, embarrassed, "It's really... ...very gentle...Qin Feng's smile...really...mmm...very Nice."

I touched the corner of my mouth where there was still a trace of a curve there. I trailed off helplessly, I was just thinking about my sister and I can't believe I'm smiling somehow? It's not that I don't like to laugh, it's just that I'm not good at it. So the thought of my sister is pleasant enough to make me laugh?

"Did I laugh?"

"Well, a very bright smile there, very gentle."

Song Yixin said with a smile, "What exactly happened to make you so happy? Speak up, if it's convenient."

I looked at the time, and the students outside had changed from the tide of students pouring into the cafeteria to a backflow that was gradually returning. It looked like it would soon be time for evening classes. It's still quite relaxing to come to Wu Moxie's literary club when there's no student council meeting. However, at this time, I'm going back.

I stood up and drank all the coffee inside the cup in one gulp, the warm coffee warmed my belly to my fingertips for a moment, I shivered comfortably, then smiled and said, "Secret, let's leave it at that. But is a delightful thing to do. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Ah...no need. I'll be happy if Qin Feng is happy." Wu Moxie silently held my cup, then looked at me and said with a smile.


I nodded and turned around to leave the literary club. Leaving behind indoors, Wu Moxi, who was holding my cup, and Song Yixin, who had reopened her book. Wu Moxie looked down at the cup and sighed softly. Song Yixin averted her eyes from the book, looked at Wu Moxie, and said, "You should have noticed it too."


Wu Moxie stood up and solemnly put the cup on the shelf to the side. For the sake of insurance, it was deliberately pushed inside again. When she heard Song Yixin's words, she turned her back to Song Yixin, lowered her head, looked at her feet, sighed, and said, "Qin Feng he... this time, none of it... what about looking back... ..."

"Yes, for him, there is already someone very important in the family. And that person, is it Qin Lan? Or is it Lin Yiran?"

Song Yixin lowered her head, looked at the book, and said, "I don't know if these two will say anything to us if they succeed. But this matter has nothing to do with the two of us anymore, I guess."


Wu Mo Xi turned back and said, "Yixin, you seem to have forgotten someone."


Song Yixin raised her head sharply and looked at Wu Moxie in surprise. There was silence for a moment, then, she nodded gently.

I don't know what those two people discussed. Because I really didn't look back one step, and with light steps, I returned home with a speed I barely thought I would. I never thought I could be so focused on something, or that I could be so energetic.

"Ah, Qin Feng, you're back."

However, when I first opened the door, it wasn't my sister who stood up to greet me, but Lin Yiran. Lin Yiran stood up from the sofa, put the ice cream she was holding on the table, and then walked over to me with a small spoon in her mouth, greeting me with a smile.

I nodded my head and said, "Well, I'm back. Sis...um...where's Qin Lan and the chairman?"

Lin Yiran shook his head and said, "Qin Lan doesn't know, she should have gone to study late at night. I don't know what she's doing in her own room if she's a sister."

I looked at the chairman's closed door and said, "What's the matter, Lin Yiran, looking for me?"

"Did you forget? I'm not going to a party tomorrow, so I got the dress today. It definitely fits, so try it on first. It's a black coat that suits you better, after all, we're still high school students, so we don't look good in a suit. Underneath it's fine with these pants and these shoes, anyway it's plain and slightly more formal."

Lin Yiran handed me the coat, it was a very simple coat with no unnecessary decorations. In short, the full set was all black on me, but it wasn't a formal outfit, and it also carried the usual dress style of a teenager. I have to say that the clothes Lin Yiran chose were not only appropriate, but they fit perfectly.

"Well, I think it's fine."

I said with a nod, looking at me in the mirror.

"Feel free to wear a shirt inside, it's not that cold anymore, so if it's colder, add a sweater. A shirt sky blue or something, preferably not bright."

Lin Yiran pressed his hands on my shoulders, looked at me in the mirror, smiled, and said, "This is a really good looking Qin Feng, as expected, my aesthetics are still good."

I nodded my head and said, "Yes, I also think this outfit looks good."

"That's it then, or what I said the other day. Don't talk too much, don't accept anything from anyone else, don't make any requests that they say, leave everything to me. Don't worry."

Lin Yiran let go of me, looked at my face, smiled, and said, "I said before that I've been working for Qin Feng, but it's not like that. I've always been inside the company, and I don't know who I'm working for. However, this time, I can tell myself that I'm really working for my dear, and my dear is right beside me. This time, Breeze, you'll be able to see me work."

I looked at Lin Yiran and I never doubted Lin Yiran's ability to work. If Lin Yiran wasn't as capable as he was said to be, he would have been sent back to live with us a long time ago. The pain Lin Yiran had endured had turned into a ladder for her own progress. I believed in Lin Yiran, and I knew that this was the first time I had ever participated in such an event, and it was the first time I had ever seen myself as a child, but I had Lin Yiran by my side.

I wasn't nervous at all.

"Well, I trust Lin Yiran."

Lin Yiran laughed, she took two steps back, looked at me in my clothes and said, "Later, I mean, ten years from now? Twenty years later? Even five years later, I'll probably, be able to see Breeze in formal attire. Little Breeze should be able to stand alone at that time, too."

"No, I don't think I'm as good at comprehending things as you are, and possibly, I'll always disappoint you."

I said, shaking my head. It was true that I didn't have the gift, and while people said that acquired effort was important, it was based on having talent. There is talent in this world, no matter what thing or industry, there is also talent, and those who have talent are the best in this industry. Other people with acquired efforts were just employees under them.

Lin Yiran didn't shake her head, but she didn't nod either, she looked at me and said, "No, Breeze, you'll become that. You're going to become one of a kind. Maybe you don't have the confidence right now, maybe you don't think you'll become that way right now, but you will, you will, you just don't understand. But until you become that way, Breeze, you're free to rely on me."

Lin Yiran reached out, gently pulled me by the collar, stepped in front of me, very close to me, looked at me, seriously, and said, "I didn't know what loyalty was once, and my father never told me what it was, and maybe, to me, it didn't matter. But now I understand, because, my loyalty to you will not be diminished. I will not betray you, Breeze, and you can, as much as you can, rely on me."

She smiled, a confident and proud smile, as Qin Lan often did, and looked at me, her blue eyes reflecting my own.

"Because, that's what I was born for, ah."

Lin Yiran released his hand, took two steps back, walked back over to the sofa, sat down, picked up the ice cream again, and said, "Well, since the clothes fit perfectly, I don't need to change them, although I didn't feel the need to change them in the first place, but I still need to try them on beforehand for reassurance. Qin Feng you need to put this one away, in fact, you only need to keep it for one day, and after tomorrow, you can take this outfit and wear it."

I hmmmed a body and walked to the study. Currently, because of the two guests, all of my living and stuff was here. I took my clothes off and put on what I had at home and went outside.

Just in time, my sister's door opened. My sister poked her head out and looked at me with a seeming smile, I looked at my sister and my heart was beating fast and indisputably, but I managed to hold on and said, "What are you doing in there?"

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