About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling-Controlling Sister. Chapter 289.

"If we don't understand, we can bake, so get out! Don't you dare interfere!"

She glared at me very fiercely, and I held my hands up high, looking a little scared at the kitchen knife that had been pointed at me not for the first time. I feel like I should really throw the knife away. Otherwise I think it's really going to turn into the sword that the hour sends around, and I'll get stabbed to death by the sword... ahhh, the cleaver.

"Not so much bar Qin Lan, I didn't mean anything else, really, really, think about how the famous Russian poet Pushkin died, wasn't it because of a random duel and got shot, so humans shouldn't challenge themselves in areas they're not good at, it's not like you're going to starve to death, there's no need to cook!"

She glared at me without a hint of concession in her eyes, she took the kitchen knife and advanced again, I took a few steps back, gave up my struggle and said, "Fine fine, you continue you continue, but you must remember to be careful with the fire, must must must must be careful ah."

"Good good good you get out of here! Don't come back in!"

It's not that I can't get in there that I'm worried about, I'm a little worried that you guys won't get out. That's what I'm worried about. I'm worried that you're going to burn yourselves in there. I don't think they're that stupid, even a weevil knows how to avoid trouble.

But I thought about the noodles that had been cut off at the waist, and I thought these two might actually be that stupid.

"Hey, uncle. I'm sorry about something just now."

I picked up the phone again, and uncle didn't hang up, which means that uncle should have heard all of it just now. It could also mean that what uncle wanted to say wasn't finished. My uncle was really patient, and if it was me, I would have hung up the phone at this point and waited for a call.

"Nothing, but it sounds like your side is still pretty busy, what's up, Elyssa and Rhyme are cooking?"

"Well...sort of, I guess."

I honestly couldn't comment on whether or not these two were cooking, I had more of a feeling that they were just plain screwing around.

"Those two can cook?"

There was finally emotion in my uncle's voice, but it was overwhelming and completely incomprehensible. There was even some surprise, but I don't think you need to be surprised, uncle, how can these two people know how to cook. You're not mistaken, these two, neither of them can cook, they're just screwing around.

"No way."

"Then you keep an eye on the two of them, don't get into trouble."

Uncle said flippantly. Uncle you should be worried about me, I can't watch over them, I'm still too busy looking after myself, how can I keep them safe. My own life is now in their hands. I am also right in the middle of a possible disaster, how can I protect them?

"Okay...although I think I might be the victim here."

"A little problem food won't kill you."

See! See! Uncle, you know these two are up to no good! Uncle you also know that these two don't know how to cook at all and the food they cook must be faulty! And you're so flippant to say it's going to be fine, yes, of course it's going to be fine for you! I'm the one in trouble! Oh yeah and Lin Yiran, I'm sure these two will make us eat everything! Maybe a little bit won't hurt, but too much will kill you!

"Let's not talk about these things, Qin Feng, what do you think about participating in this event?"


"Yes, it's just something to think about, after all, it's your first time attending, and you may have to continue to attend many more."

"Can I be respectful? My feelings are very, very simple: boredom. And very bored, and I don't think I really could attend a second time."

"Boring? Why are you feeling a little bored? Aren't you with Yat Ran? Yatran should have introduced you to a lot of people. Why are you bored? I thought you'd be frazzled by socializing and not knowing what to say."

"What? Aren't those things supposed to be Yatran's doing?" I was stunned, Lin Yiran had never let me speak, I didn't know what interests these people had, and it probably wasn't good to talk nonsense indeed. But how could I be so frazzled by socializing? I don't need to talk to Ben.

"Oh, Yiran, that's really Yiran."

There was silence on my uncle's side, then he chuckled a few times and appreciated it. Although I was a little shocked that my uncle laughed at this, I felt that Lin Yiran really deserved this reaction. Because Lin Yiran is really very good at making uncle laugh, she's really good at making him laugh.

Also, I saw Lin Yiran work with my own eyes this time.

"So, what do you think, Lin Yiran?"

"Do you mean the work aspect? I think Lin Yiran is really very good, maybe because I'm not good at socializing? I think she's really great at handling this aspect, and after seeing how she's acting now I think she must be great at other times too, I think, Lin Yiran is really a genius."

There was a pause on my uncle's side, and I don't know why he was silent for a moment, but soon, my uncle gave a laugh and then said, "That's good. That's it then, Qin Feng, when there's an event like this in the future, I'll still let you go."

"But I don't want to go..."

"Not many, maybe, and two or three? I'll just give the invitation directly to Lin Yiran, that's all right then. Goodbye, Qin Feng, and by the way, when you're having a late night snack, remember to enter your phone into 120 first and call out anytime."

Uncle laughed and hung up the phone. I was left with no understanding at all, no, it's more like I was a little shocked. I obviously didn't do anything, so why was my uncle so happy that he was actually joking anymore. Although it was a good suggestion... I didn't understand at all why my uncle was happy, but it didn't seem like I needed to figure it out.

Because, I could smell a strange smell wafting over. Lin Yiran and I looked at each other, we both saw despair and determination in each other's eyes, Lin Yiran took a deep breath and then said in a low voice, "I'm not worried if it tastes bad, but I'm afraid, Qin Lan will drug me..."

"It's okay, don't be afraid...you can just swap your share with me then...but I don't think so. I don't think they need to be drugged to have the same fighting power as drugged..."

"The two of us won't find out what we've done and plan to destroy us at this point..."

"Who do you think you can blame for that?!"

There should be no discovery, there should be no discovery, if I let Qin Lan see that scene, no, I don't need Qin Lan to see it, even if my sister saw it, I wouldn't have survived until now. I'm probably cold by this time, this place is already the first murder scene. Maybe, these two sadistic people will even cook me.

Lin Yiran mischievously threw out his tongue, then with a righteous expression, I stood up and walked over to the dining table. My sister and Qin Lan looked at us with proud faces, and then pointed to the two bowls of...um...white...viscous liquid on the table? That's all that can be said....

"Is this... noodles?"

Are you sure this isn't noodle soup? No, isn't this a little too thick for noodle soup? No, no, no, I'm not in the habit of having soup before I eat, and really, you guys can just give me noodles.

"Yeah, it's just that it looks like we cooked it a little too long."

Well, I can understand if it's cooked down... Lin Yiran and I looked at each other, then sat down and picked up a spoon on one side. That's right, this thing can't be fixed with chopsticks anymore. It's just a bowl of rotten soup! I looked inside the spoon, an already-cooked noodle dangling in the middle of the soup, and a black pepper... not why you use spices when you cook noodles!

I took a sip....

What does it feel like?

Sorry, I can't tell you guys.

Because after the first sip, my taste buds were already ruined by the intense spice, no, let's just say, the pepper. I felt, full of pepper....

I feel like I just ate a bellyful of pepper down....

I still remember that day, Lin Yiran and I, both lost one night....

Chapter 207 about my soon-to-be-beginning waves (V)

"What's wrong Qin Feng, it looks like you don't like food much today?"

Song Yixin retrieved the chocolate she was going to hand me and asked me with a smile. I sighed heavily and said, "I finally know why you can't put too much spice in it. I ate something very heavy last night and now everything I eat smells like pepper...no no no, it's pepper. Including this chocolate I think it's peppery, chocolate doesn't have a peppery taste I guess."

"Tongue is all wood, right."

Song Yixin tore open the package and took a bite, then said, "Did you spill the pepper jar while cooking last night?"

"No, it wasn't me, I didn't tell you that yesterday I... the Chairman and the two Chinlings were making supper and they wouldn't let me get my hands on it, so it wasn't even noodles that cooked up, it wasn't noodles at all, it was a pile of boiled paste and I fished out two whole spoonfuls of pepper at the bottom of the bowl! Two spoonfuls of pepper!!!"

Pepper is an expensive spice anyway! Did you know that in ancient Europe pepper could be valued at the same price as an equal amount of gold? Now even if life is good spices are also very expensive ah you actually so put! Do you guys really think that the more spices you have, the better it smells? The first sip went down and Lin Yiran and I were woody from lips to tongue, and we ended up eating the rest of it without any consciousness. As a result, from then on, even our drinks felt peppery.

I felt like this tongue of mine was hopelessly cut up.


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