About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 292.

"Huh? I don't really want to go to that place, there's nothing there that I want to buy, and you know I'm not really into shopping, right brother."

By the way, my sister wasn't wrong, it seemed like she never took the initiative to mention going shopping. Sister's clothes and such were all bought directly from the internet. For my sister, she looks good in anything, and even my poorly made t-shirt that probably cost less than two dollars, my sister can wear it with a cool feeling. In the past, my sister simply didn't have the time to go shopping, so she didn't develop a habit of liking shopping.

Well, at this point I'm at the end of my rope. I don't have a good place to recommend either, the Sea People Museum? It doesn't seem to be the right temperature to go to the aquarium at this time of the day, and the aquarium is far away from me. Not to mention that seafood is of no interest to me or my sister. It's a bit boring to watch a movie, there's no point in throwing my hours in a dark cinema and it's not like it's a holiday, there aren't any good movies to watch. There was no need to see them, and my sister probably didn't think much of the bad movies.

So, was that the only place left for a good date? I picked up my phone and looked at the map, and there was an amusement park not too far away from us, and it looked pretty big. Also, the temperature today, it wasn't particularly cold, it was double digits anyways, to say the least.

"So, are we going to the fairgrounds?"

I asked tentatively.

My sister looked at me, then climbed up, stretched, jumped off the bed, went to the door, turned back, and said, "Hurry up and clean up, brother!"

Chapter 209 about my soon-to-be-beginning waves (VII)

Did I never mention such a place, an amusement park, when I started telling about my life? Is this place accurately called an amusement park or a playground? This kind of place filled with rides I've never been to, no, I should say, almost never.

Places like amusement parks are the most fun when you're small, but what was it like when I was small? I've never been to the playground before, and I've never been to the playground before, because I've never been to the playground before.

I'm not sure if I've ever been in a position to do this, but I'm not sure if I've ever been in a position to do this.

But I can't blame my sister for that, I never asked for that. I never made the request because I didn't have any idea about such places. I think if I had said, "I want to go to the playground," when I was little, my sister would have taken me there.

So now, I'm going to start my adventure of dating and amusement parks from scratch. However, as an amusement park is a place that appears in all movies and anime, I still know what to expect. For example, what kind of Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel, Ferris wheel....

Can someone tell me what else is at the amusement park besides the Ferris wheel... I seem to remember that it was the only ride in the anime that had a close-up... Maybe there were others but I don't feel like I remember them very well... And the reason I remember the Ferris wheel is because it must have been the place where the hero and heroine confess their love!

At this time, I think there needs to be a good habit of looking up if you don't understand, it's normal to not understand these things because after all, I haven't experienced it, it's normal not to understand isn't it, and I believe not everyone is born with the ability to be able to use everything. That's why I needed to look up my phone at this point.

I unlocked my phone and typed in "what should I do to take a girl to the playground, urgent, online, etc.". While the page was still refreshing, one of my sister's heads just floated over. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at a few of the items on the website. I felt like I was totally abusing the dog in this way, and I could feel no kindness in the looks I was getting from the surrounding boys.

"Ah, yes, my brother has never been to an amusement park."

My sister looked at me with a gleeful look on her face, I nodded helplessly and said, "It's not like there's any shame in such things, besides, haven't you never been there either?"

"Yeah. To say the least, I've been to the not-so-great amusement park with a friend before... it's more of a public park of the sort, with equipment I feel like it's at least ten years old."

"Places like that... aren't places like that just dirty?"

I remembered the last park where Song Yixin had been arrested and said.

"It's not really that bad anymore..."

My sister laughed, then rubbed my shoulder and said, "There's no need to be too concerned, brother, just go to a place like that and you'll know, won't you? Besides, I'm very happy whenever I'm anywhere you are."

A little touched, I put the phone away and shook her hand hard.

"That's because nothing is as much fun as your brother. Teasing my brother is my favorite entertainment!"

I'm not finished yet, asshole! My sister smiled a wicked smile, but she quickly smiled happily and took my hand and hugged me. I was a little embarrassed to hug her, I felt like I was clearly prematurely in love in this way, but it shouldn't be a bad influence, I guess.

Well I feel like if our relationship is long past what early love can outline, I feel like once our relationship is exposed, uncle scolding me is definitely not because of my early love.

No, it definitely wasn't scolding, and it wasn't easy for me to survive.

After arriving at the place, I should say not quite to the place, I felt the feeling of sights such areas, on the side of the road appeared many parked cars, and people with a backpack out of the car. On the road, there was a steady stream of visitors wearing sneakers and carrying bags, and the kind of balloon vendors that tease little kids were making their way through the crowd, drawing a lot of yelling from kids.

When we got out of the car, my sister and I were struck by how many people there were, and it wasn't even a festival, it was just a weekend. And even with that many people, it didn't even seem crowded in front of the huge playground. However, there was still a long line at the ticket booth.

"Wait for me for a moment, I'll go buy the tickets."

My sister nodded and watched the passersby with interest as I memorized her directions and walked to the ticket office. There were four windows in the ticket hall, but each window was full of people. Although it's convenient to buy tickets online nowadays, it doesn't seem to have reduced the pressure of working at the ticket booth at all.

Well, I'm one of those people who will buy but forget to buy.

The process of buying a ticket was nothing, and the quality of the Chinese people is not bad. The line was so long, and no one cut in or shouted. But I don't think it's any improvement in the quality of the nation, I think it's the advancement of mobile phones and the wealth of traffic, in fact, as long as there is something to do, nobody is going to mess with other people's business. So it's the responsibility of the telecom industry to maintain social stability at this point.

When I returned with my ticket, my sister was squatting on the ground, holding a handful of corn kernels in her hands, and around her, numerous pigeons surrounded her, their dark eyes looking at her, unscrupulously walking up to her and taking away a grain of corn. The white pigeons are crowded around her, like angels guarding her.

I never use my phone to take pictures, no, it's not because I think the phone's pixels are low, or because I'm lazy, it's simply because I don't like taking pictures. I feel like I can just get to a place and there's no need to necessarily take a picture of it, and besides, isn't it stupid to pose stupidly at someone while taking a picture?

But at this time, I took out my phone and captured the scene. Maybe the purpose of taking a picture is not to show someone else, but to show myself, to be able to see again the scene that shocked me forever, so that the moment can stay forever, so that I can be touched and happy and stay in that one pixel block.

I walked away and the flock of pigeons looked at me with an impatient look and walked away unhappy, the pigeons were already not afraid of people but still wanted to avoid us for the sake of our self-respect. Besides, I took one look at their round bellies and I knew that this flock of pigeons couldn't fly even if they wanted to.

"Ah, brother, you're back."

My sister saw me, smiled and sprinkled the rest of the corn kernels she had on the ground, then stood aside, and a large flock of pigeons saw this and took a look at us. They quickly surrounded this ground to divide up the food. I handed the ticket to my sister, then looked at the pigeons on the ground and said, "These pigeons are so fat they can't fly. I feel like I could just grab one and they wouldn't even be afraid."

My sister laughed and patted me on the head and said, "Why do you just want to catch these pigeons. Besides, what's wrong with being fatter, it's not easy for these pigeons to serve as pigeons for people's pleasure, do you think it's an easy job to eat them from day to night? That's painful!"

"Oh yeah? Then I'd like to try this pain."

"If you're this kind of pigeon, I'm probably going to starve to death,"

My sister joked, then took my arm and walked with me to the entrance. Once inside the playground, I picked up a map, then handed it to my sister and said, "Take a look at this, what do you want to play?"

This playground is really big, and there are five full sections just for the zones. I think it would take at least a full day if we wanted to play all of them. I don't think it's possible for my sister and I, both in terms of time and stamina. My sister took the map, studied it with great interest, and said, "Actually, I think it's fine to play however I want, but since my brother let me choose the route, I'd rather choose the one that allows me to play the most items."

"It's not really... mainly to see what you want to play, sister..."

"So...we'll start with the haunted house?"

My sister laughed teasingly and said, "I remember in your regular anime, isn't the hero and heroine's favorite inside the haunted house? Or does the playground have to go around inside the haunted house?"

I shrugged and said, "It's okay with me, you just don't have to be scared. Let's go to the haunted house first, then."

"You're wrong about that brother, what's the point of a haunted house, what makes a haunted house happy, isn't it just to scare people? What's the point of going to a haunted house, you say, if we're not both scared?"

"Hey, hey, hey, you really think of fear as a good feeling? Why do you think fear and dread make you happy?"

"So what do you think the haunted house is for? Brother, if fear and terror are not happy reactions to make people happy, then why do you think haunted houses still exist? It's an amusement park, and amusement parks have all the facilities to make people feel happy, right? So, a haunted house can make you feel happy too, right."

"No, I don't think that's true, I think the reason the haunted house stays here is to make people's hearts beat faster on adrenaline to feel enigmatic, or some people feel proud of themselves for not being scared or something, but I do think more that the reason the place survives to this day is because a bunch of couples will go inside! "

"So what you're saying is that we're just idiot lovers who give money to other people now?"

My sister smiled and took my hand, walking with me on the road making jokes and saying random things. I looked at the side of my sister's face and her smile was really happy. Actually, as long as that was the case, the purpose of bringing my sister here would be achieved, the purpose of my coming here was to make my sister happy.

But to be honest, I really felt that the meaning of that haunted house's existence was really strange. Is being scared so much that you can't even stand up a happy thing? Why would a scary place like this still have a whole bunch of people going in and, well, a bunch of people going on a deliberate adventure. I'm a little confused, is this human curiosity? But I'm a very firm materialist, I never believe in ghosts and gods, so I'm not going to be scared.

So, twenty minutes later, my sister and I came out of that haunted house with livid faces.

I think the biggest shock to me inside this haunted house is not the kind of ghosts with green light floating around or anything like that, nor is it the light rope that will have a head fall in front of you when you pull it, honestly, these things did not scare my sister and I. What scared us was the girl next to us, she suddenly screamed and scared me out of goose bumps, and the sound was so sharp that my ears were ringing.

Also, this girl was scratching people around, there would be hands scratching people's feet in a patch of mud formed by something unknown, and that girl was so scared that she was scratching people around, it's fine if you scratch, what do you mean scratching me in the face!

"Aren't you scared?"

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