About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Brother-Controller Sister, Chapter 295.

"Why does our mentioning our mother make you so angry!"

My sister looked at my uncle and retorted loudly and her eyes became fierce, "That was our mother, even now, we have her blood in us, we want to know how you are with my mother, isn't that the ideal sister and brother relationship you have in mind? Uncle, you should be a competent brother, so please tell my brother how he should deal with my sister?"

My uncle's voice was lost for a moment as if he had been held on mute. He looked at us, panting slightly, and although he stopped talking, his eyes were still very fierce. I honestly don't know why the mention of our mother made him so angry.

To be honest I was actually curious, I just knew what it was like to be an uncle as an elder, I never knew what it was like to be an uncle as a younger brother, and I wanted to see what it was like to be an uncle in front of my mom. Would mom be happy with a brother with this kind of character as an uncle.

The two of them were close, I guess, and although my memories are confused, the person I felt the most pain at Mom and Dad's funeral was my uncle. Maybe it's because we stabbed him where it hurts the most, so my uncle was a little angry, after all, it was his sister.

My uncle took a deep breath and shrank back into the couch, he picked up his teacup and drained the tea in it in one gulp.

He put down the teacup, looked at us, then took a deep breath, stood up, and said, "Rhyme you pack your things, I'll find time to take you away next week, and you'll be at my house for the rest of the day. I'll be in charge of picking you up from and picking you up from school, so don't worry about school. Qin Feng you stay here, the two of you are too problematic to be allowed to continue being together."

"But... uncle you have no proof! That's your personal delusion!!!"

"Yes it is my delusion!!!"

My uncle's eyes glared sharply at me and growled low, "Do as I say! I'm your guardian! You know your sister has to face the entrance exams, and Rhyme has to face this one well if she wants to have a future of her own! Don't you keep adding to the mess!"

"But our mother..."

"Shut up! Don't you dare use my sister against me! She's dead! Besides, I have the same blood in my body as she does! I'm half as bloody as she is! You're your mother's children and I'm still my sister's brother!"

Uncle's eyes were very scary, he roughly scratched his head, looked at his sister, took a deep breath and said, "Next week, I'll pick you up, no resistance. And Qin Feng, I forgot to mention that you still have to attend an event next week, I was planning to delay it a bit, but I should bring it forward now."


"Your engagement ceremony with Lin Yiran."

Chapter 212 about my stormy world.

I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it! I don't want it!

I don't want it!

I don't want this to end! I don't want this! I don't want to be like this! It wasn't supposed to be like this! I thought about when we started, but I didn't think our end would come so soon!

This is not the ending I wanted! I didn't think it would turn out this way!

But what else could I do? What else can I do? How can I resist uncle? What reason could I use to convince him? What can I...do?

My hands clenched tightly into fists, my eyes blackened, and the cold sweat on my body quickly soaked through my clothes. My throat was parched, my stomach seemed to be clenched into a tight ball, and the acid and dinner inside was screaming up my esophagus as I fell weakly into the couch, leaving me with only my eyes, staring at my uncle.

Was there more anger in my eyes now, or more fear?

I don't know, or the two looks don't conflict, I look at my uncle with both at the same time, my uncle looks at me, is this a mirror of me? Why do I feel that my uncle has the same look in his eyes as I do? Although I couldn't see my own eyes, I could see my uncle's eyes, and felt, as if they were like mine.

My uncle's eyes also had a great sadness in them, and I never thought that a person could hide such a powerful sadness within them. There was anger in his eyes, but the overwhelming sadness was like a raging tide that flooded all of us. I don't know why my uncle feels so much pain, but I do know that he is in great pain at the moment, pain that borders on madness. Tonight, I feel like none of us are normal.

"I object! Uncle! I've always said that my brother's happiness should be left in his own hands! This isn't the old world anymore, and my brother is still at the mercy of someone! It's not fair! A brother is not a tool! My brother is my brother! This is my only brother, this is my family, even if it's my uncle, he can't be touched!"

My sister stood between me and my uncle, she looked at him furiously, she didn't flinch, she held out her hand and pressed me behind her back. Like a lioness protecting her cubs.

But, I could feel that she was afraid.

Her hand holding me down was shaking, trembling with fear, she was shaking a little all over, and it wasn't a shake of anger, it was a shake of fear. My sister was no more brave than I was, my sister was no more defiant than I was, my sister had been a good girl who had never defied her uncle.

Right now, in the face of a raging uncle, my sister still stood up. She probably wasn't thinking about being with me, she wasn't talking about being with me, but simply, didn't want me to have my future decided by my uncle so much.

"You shut up! Qin Yun! You're just his sister! You're not his guardian! I can't interfere in Qin Feng's life when his life path is normal, do you think I don't know that? You think I'm a tyrant?! I do think I gave you enough freedom to cause this! I never should have let you live together in the first place!"

My uncle smashed his fist against the wall and looked at his sister yelling, "Do you know what you're doing? You're playing with fire. Do you know what's next for you? Even if I accepted it, do you think anyone else would? The world is open, the world can accept homosexuality but it still can't accept you!"

"Uncle! I told you we're not in this relationship!"

My sister looked at my uncle and yelled at the top of her voice.

Behind us, Qin Lan and Lin Yiran stood there dumbfounded, watching us, not knowing what they should do. I knew how shocked the two of them were at this moment, and if I were an outsider then I would have been shocked as well. I knew my sister was trying desperately to hide something, but the cover up amounted to nothing, there was no point in her covering up anymore, all of us, should have understood by now.

My uncle took a deep breath and touched his hair impatiently, no, this wasn't touching his own hair, this was literally pulling his own hair, he looked at my sister with a look full of contempt. He strode over to Qin Lan and Lin Yiran behind his sister, reached out and brought them both over, pushed them in front of me, looked at me and said.

"Choose, one is the daughter of a government businessman and your childhood sweetheart, the very beautiful Qin Lan. One is the child of your father's best friend and your childhood sweetheart, who has always helped you, Lin Yiran, you choose one of your own to be your fiancée, either of these two can be whoever you want. I'll give you the freedom to choose, it doesn't matter if you don't choose Lin Yiran, I can accept Qin Lan too!"

"No uncle what are you doing? No no I don't understand what's going on!"

"Right. Yeah, what's Uncle doing! Why did we suddenly let Qin Feng choose between us, we don't understand what's going on."

The two girls looked confused and struggled desperately as they looked behind them at their uncle who was at a loss for words.

"Shut up, both of you! Isn't that what you're all about? Don't you think I can't see that? Why are you two still holding back at this point! You're bound to end up facing this situation anyway, so face it now! Come on, Qin Feng, you choose one."

My uncle's eyes had the fierce and feral red of a wolf, and I stared dumbly at the two people in front of me who wanted to say something, but eventually shut up. My mind went blank, what was this? I don't know what else uncle is going to do next, uncle's gone crazy now, why on earth!

"Uncle what the hell are you doing?"

"Let him choose his own happiness!"

My uncle watched my sister yell, then threw his head back, looked at me, licked his lips, let go of both girls, clapped his hands and said, "Don't you like either of them? You don't even like it? Doesn't matter, doesn't matter, doesn't matter, don't you have someone else? What's his name again, Wu Mo-hee or Song Yixin? You tell me, you choose one of these girls, and if you pick one, I'll get you engaged, aren't you going to decide for yourself how you fall happy? Come on, choose."

"I...I don't..."

"What, or don't you like it all?"

My uncle looked at me, then came up to me and said, "None of that? That's easy, you get ready to go abroad, I'll show you the world, I'll show you how big it is, I'll show you more women in the world, I'll show you that you have more than just these choices!"

"No...I...I'm not..."

"What the hell do you want?!!!"

My uncle watched me collapse and yell as he sat down on the floor, slumped and hammered the floor, bellowing, "What the hell else do you have to complain about! What else do you want to do? What do you have to hesitate about? I don't get it, I don't get it!!!! Why do you get to be around your sister all the time! What gives you the right to live with your sister! What gives you the right to like your sister! By what right do you, by what right do you pick and choose!"

Uncle's roar took on a weeping tone, he sat on the floor and sobbed like a big aggrieved child, he wiped his own tears with his sleeve, sobbing, in pain, weeping, howling, tormenting... A man's pain and grief, stained the air of this room with silence.


Everyone was silent, I would never have thought that things would go this far, I would never have thought that my uncle would get so out of control, I looked at my uncle and screamed dumbly.

Lan and Lin Yiran looked at me, complexly, I didn't know how to respond to these two people's gaze. How am I supposed to face their eyes, how am I supposed to explain to them?

As if electrified, my uncle wiped his own tears, sniffled, and looked up at me, his Adam's apple trembling violently, as my uncle was feeling like a storm at the moment.

None of us moved, just waiting for him. None of us knew what our uncle was going to do next, what he would do. Uncle's behavior tonight was no longer understandable to normal people, perhaps the pain of losing his sister exploded tonight, uncle had always hidden his feelings, and as the last of his family, he had to take on, his sister's career, and the pain left to him.

"Well, let's, let's make a deal."

Five or six minutes later, my uncle sat back down on the couch. He rearranged his feelings, and his state of mind, had Qin Lan and Lin Yiran sit on one side, and then, looking at me, at the other end of the couch, he said.


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