If she stopped chanting now, she might survive, but Aosa and Mowente would be in a life-or-death situation.

What to do?

Reason told her to stop. If she was chopped by a knife, Mowente and Aosa would be completely isolated and helpless.

But if she stopped, she really didn't know if they could hold on until her next chant was completed.

Moreover, she could feel that the opponent's mage's attack seemed to be directed at her.

Moreover, the opponent's chanting time was not shorter than hers. If it was some kind of long-term restraining magic, she might never have the chance to complete this level of chanting again.

In that case, she might even lose Aosa and Mowente.

No conclusion.

Yain knew that she should stop, and she had to stop, but she couldn't bear to stop her chanting, and watched the second scimitar getting closer and closer to her.

At this moment, an unexpected figure appeared in her sight.

It was a bright green.

That was the color of Liu Ji's long hair.

He rushed in front of him at an incredible speed, and kicked the scout who jumped high.


The hum of metal sounded.

The scout chose to retract his knife at the last moment and used it to block Liu Ji's flying kick.

Then, his body twisted more than 90 degrees in the air in a very strange way, and he kicked Liu Ji in the air without knowing where he got the strength.

But, what he didn't expect, or what Liu Ji himself didn't expect, was that he instinctively raised his left hand and easily blocked the kick.

Yes, instinct.

Because Liu Ji's attention at the moment was not here at all, but on his own raised right hand.

He pointed his index finger at the other's head and recited a short multi-syllable spell.

The blazing flames gushed out from Liu Ji's fingertips, and the exaggerated power and range almost engulfed the scout.

However, what Liu Ji recited was only the most basic magic, which meant "jet fire".

At that moment, Liu Ji almost felt that he had killed his opponent.

He even began to worry in his heart, "Isn't he going to kill anyone?"

However, the next moment, Liu Ji realized that he was too happy too early.

The firelight only existed for a second and then suddenly dissipated. The scout who appeared again was unscathed, only the cloak behind him seemed to flash a dazzling stream of light.

At this time, his right hand was stretched straight forward.

Liu Ji looked down and saw that the sharp knife had pierced his abdomen at some point, and blood was flowing.

He soon realized that this was a fatal injury at the level of caesarean section.

The scout had a fanatical smile on his face.

Yain widened her eyes, her pupils contracted, and looked at everything in front of her in disbelief, and the chanting in her mouth almost stopped.

Then, the scout drew out his knife.

Blood splattered.

The excruciating pain almost made Liu Ji lose consciousness. He couldn't even make a sound and just fell down.

At this moment, Liu Ji finally realized what the so-called life-and-death battle in reality meant.

He could feel that his life was slowly slipping away.

Although he had died once before, the endless darkness and the fear of the unknown still almost swallowed him.

But he was powerless, because he knew that such a wound was an irreparable fatal wound for a human being...

For a human being...

"For a, human being?"

At that moment, Liu Ji realized something.

Yes, it is a fatal wound for humans, but what if...

For potatoes?

14. Oh my god, it's terrible, my dear, this is not a good thing to shoot.

What will happen if a person is stabbed in the stomach?

First of all, there will definitely be a lot of bleeding. If the bleeding is not stopped and blood transfusion is not given in time, of course, he will die directly.

Then, the internal organs and intestines will rupture.

The bacteria in the intestines will spread in the body, causing the wound to quickly become infected, and of course, he will die in the end.

But what would happen if the potato was stabbed?

It seems that nothing would happen.

It's just that if this potato is sold in the supermarket in the future, it will probably be kept by picky customers until the end.


A potato fell on the bloody ground.

The size of the potato was normal, just like the wild potatoes that can be seen everywhere in the wild.

But the branches of the potato looked particularly crisp, and the potatoes on the roots were as round and translucent as white jade.

But on one of the potatoes, there was a wound that went through the front and back.

The wound that was once a fatal wound had no effect on its life at this moment.

The scimitar scout looked at the potato plant that fell on the ground in astonishment, and then he raised his knife.

He clearly saw that the man just now turned into this potato.

He didn't know why this man turned into a potato.

But he didn't need to know, he didn't care, he didn't care, he only knew that he had to kill all the enemies who dared to resist for the True King.

He swung his knife, even if it was just a potato in front of him, he would chop it into pieces.

At this moment, the change happened again.


A deafening roar sounded, and the harmless potato seedling expanded in an instant, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a terrifying giant bear several meters tall.

The giant bear had bright green fur, a diamond-like horn on its head, bulging muscles, and faint light swirling between its fur.

What was more strange was that for some reason, the bear's belly had lost a circle of fur.

The scout had originally swung his knife downwards to chop potatoes on the ground, but he had never expected this change to happen. He had no time to turn around, so he could only look up and watch the huge bear paw slap him on the head.


A sound like war trampling on Xi Zhilang rang out.

Under the bear paw shining with green light, the scout was slapped to pieces without resistance like ginger on a chopping board.

Looking at the blood flowers blooming under his claws, Liu Ji, or rather the whole bear, was stunned.

He slowly raised his palm, and saw blood all over his hand, a shriveled skin bag, and a broken large intestine slowly slipping out of his hand.

Stomach acid was rising.


He vomited out the roast meat that he had just eaten and had not yet digested.

He stumbled back two steps and collapsed on the ground. Just when he wanted to take a breath, he felt his stomach twitch and vomited again.

Yin looked at Liu Ji who was vomiting repeatedly with a complicated look in her eyes.

But after just one glance, she retracted her gaze.

Although her crisis was temporarily resolved, it was not time to be distracted.

She continued to chant her spell, and the magic power around her began to flow again.

Although there was a pause in the middle, she did not completely interrupt the chanting. She continued at this time and completed the last chant in just a few tens of seconds.

Then, she raised her staff high and pointed at the wizard protected by the shield guard.

The dark magic circle unfolded in the air, the emblems of destruction stood in all directions, and the trembling thunder condensed in the void.

Boom, boom.

The dark lightning cut through the sky, aiming directly at the last wizard and the shield guard standing in front of him.

The shield guards did not dodge, they fulfilled their duties, raised their shields, and faced the lightning head-on.

The huge golden shield flashed with dazzling light, and the orange-red cloak became as blazing as a flame.

However, in front of this unstoppable black thunder, all of this seemed so fragile.

The cloak burned and turned into ashes.

The giant shield burst, and the shield guard had no time to react before being pierced and annihilated by the thunder.

The wizard and priest hiding behind the shield also turned into ashes the moment the shield guard fell.

Seeing this, Mo Wente on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

He had not been able to find the location of the opponent's scout, and he was also worried about Yain's situation.

But since she successfully released this magic, there must be no problem.

And now, he only needs to clean up the battlefield and go back to have a good meal.

With a swing of the long sword, the dark dragon wings spread out behind him, and Mowente rushed to the battlefield on the other side like a dark stream of light.

The crossbowman who was still attacking Aosha had not even reacted before he was cut in the neck by Mowente.

The other archer noticed Mowente because of this.

But he noticed that the only gain Mowente brought him was that he would face his despair before death.

One flash, shot down the arrow.

Two flashes, the crossbow was cut off.

Three flashes, the body and head were separated.

The headless corpse fell suddenly, and blood gushed from the carotid artery.

Without the support of the priest and the shield guard, the two archers were as fragile as mealworms in front of Mowente.

And Aosha, who was no longer restrained by the archers, finally turned from defense to offense. He was frustrated for a whole game and got angry at this moment, and beat the two elite warriors fiercely.

Fist to fist, until the opponent's fist bones were shattered.

Kick the opponent's leg until his leg bones are broken.

If the fist and leg bones are shattered, then beat until they are paralyzed.

Ao Sa, who let go of his fists and feet, showed his amazing physical strength, and beat the two elite warriors into a pile of rags from the front with an extremely brutal attack.

Even though the two men were only breathing out and no breathing in, Ao Sa even caught them and slammed them against the hard mountain wall, smashing the two brave elite warriors into rags.

It can be seen that he was suppressed by four against one for a whole battle and was very angry.

"Are you relieved?" Mo Wente fell beside Ao Sa, shook the blood off the knife, and then put the knife back into the sheath.

"Huh... I guess so," Osa let out a long breath, and casually pulled out the broken arrow stuck in his body, "I just moved a pile of wood before, and my physical strength is a bit low. Fortunately, you guys came to support me in time."

"Well, I also made some misjudgments," Mowente looked at the charred shield fragments on the ground in the distance, "Without Carly, it's much harder to get past their shield guards than I thought..."

"Ha, then it seems that what Jilunini said is right?" Osa smiled and nudged Mowente with his arm, "Maybe our arrogant Lord Mowente has really been spoiled by Kalidora?"

"Huh, don't come on, that guy can even run a bird car with his mouth," Mowente shook off Osa's hand with disdain.

"Yes, and it can run a whole team of bird cars," Osa let out a long breath, "But when she's not here, it's really a lot quieter."

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