However, just when he was carrying the washed porridge bowl and was about to put it on the cupboard, he turned around and found that Yuan was standing one step behind him, staring at him.

"Uh..." Ao Sa was stunned for a moment, then smiled at Yuan and wanted to walk around him.

However, Yuan stepped sideways and blocked him again.

Ao Sa was a little confused, subconsciously thinking that it was a classic "you go left and I go right" misunderstanding, and turned to the other side.

However, Yuan blocked him again.

Ao Sa dodged again, and Yuan blocked him again.

After repeating several times, Ao Sa finally confirmed that this was not a misunderstanding, and the potato man in front of him did it on purpose.


Ao Sa looked at the potato man in front of him, scratched the back of his head, and asked tentatively: "Um, do you have something to tell me?"

Of course, the other party did not respond at all.

After all, Ao Sa only knew the common language besides his own language, and the potato man in front of him obviously did not know either of these two languages.

Since the conversation didn't work, Osa could only think of other ways.

But now he didn't know what the other party wanted to express, so even if he wanted to use body language, he couldn't do it...

Just as Osa was thinking, suddenly, Yuan punched him in the face.

Osa was startled, and suddenly turned sideways to avoid the attack.

"What are you doing?" He frowned and asked sternly.

Yuan looked at him and tilted his head. For some reason, his expression seemed a little confused.

Then, Yuan slowly retracted his right hand, suddenly stepped sideways, and punched Osa again.

Osa hurriedly dodged, but just as he dodged the first punch, Yuan's second punch came towards him again.

Osa was shocked. He couldn't dodge it by dodging this time. He didn't care about the porridge bowl in his hand, and blocked it with a fist.

However, this seemingly ordinary punch hit Osa's arm, but it made his hands numb.

The wooden porridge bowl fell to the ground, bounced twice, and rolled away.

Yuan maintained the action of punching, but slowly withdrew his strength, stood back to the original place, touched his chin, and seemed to be thinking.

"Does this guy want to spar with me?" Ao Sa thought so, and his head was full of question marks.

The language barrier was really inconvenient.

And at this moment, Yuan raised his head and looked at him again.

I don’t know if it was instinct or intuition, at this moment, Ao Sa suddenly felt the sense of crisis coming.

His reflexes far beyond ordinary people reacted instantly, he jumped back suddenly, grabbed the ground with both hands, and leaned down instantly.

And at the same moment when he made this series of actions, he felt a strong wind that was enough to make his skin under the hair feel stinging from behind.

He knew that it was Yuan’s fist.

But the power of this punch was terrifying.

"Wait! What are you doing! Are you trying to kill me?" Ao Sa shouted hurriedly.

However, Yuan still did not react, but stepped forward and chopped him down with a backhand knife.

A blow, thunderous.

Ao Sa was frightened to the point that his hair stood on end, and he leaped forward with all his strength. He rushed out from the other side of Yuan's attack, rolled in the air, rushed out of the narrow kitchen door, and landed in the living room.

He could feel that the knife just now was also serious. If it hit his back, it might break his spine directly.

This is a fatal move.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Ao Sa yelled.

At this moment, he was underground, with no way to go up to the sky and no way to go down to the earth. If Yuan really wanted his life, this would undoubtedly be a desperate situation.

Moreover, Ji Lunini was still lying in the room next to him...

However, when Ao Sa was thinking this, Yuan seemed to have read his thoughts, and suddenly turned around and walked towards the room where Ji Lunini was.

"Wait! What are you going to do!?" Ao Sa roared, reaching out to block Yuan's way.

However, the latter was not polite, and he raised his hand and hit him with a swinging punch.

This time, Osa really didn't dare to give in. He leaned over to avoid the punch, and hit Yuan's chin with an uppercut.

With a dull bang, Osa's fist hit Yuan's chin firmly.

"Oh, I forgot to hold back..." Osa's heart suddenly cried out in his heart.

Such a punch hit directly, and being knocked unconscious was considered good. If it was serious, I'm afraid he would have a concussion directly...

However, Osa found out that he thought too much the next second, and saw Yuan using his chin to press his right hand, and looked at him again.

"Damn..." Osa swallowed his saliva.

Then the next moment, Yuan's combination punch hit him again.

The strong wind of each punch was enough to make Osa's hair follicles sting, and the power was so great that it was astonishing.

Osa didn't dare to take it hard, and dodged it one after another, and hit Yuan's face with two more punches.

However, although these two punches were strong, Yuan still looked at Aosa as if nothing had happened.

And for some reason, Aosa saw a lot of doubt in Yuan's eyes.

"What is he doubting?" Aosa couldn't figure it out, "What is the purpose of this behavior?"

He could feel that the guy in front of him didn't want to kill him.

The reason was simple. If he really wanted to kill him, it would definitely be easier to pull out the sword he was carrying.

But... what is he doing now?

Just to spar with him?

with this method? In a place like this?

Is it too nonsense?

But now that things have happened, Aosa doesn't expect the other party to stop now.

He could only put up a posture, look directly into Yuan's eyes, and prepare to attack.

However, Yuan looked at his posture, and for some reason, the doubts in his eyes deepened.

Then he fell into deep thought.

As time passed by, Ossa put on his posture and looked at the strange potato man in front of him, feeling his heart pounding.

He really doesn't understand now...

Moreover, this potato man's physical strength was so abnormal that he didn't even dare to think about what would happen if he was hit by such a fist.

The tense confrontation lasted for several minutes, and then, suddenly, Yuan raised his head again.

"Coming?" Ao Sa suddenly became nervous.

He maintained a posture, always ready to fight back.

However, the next moment, he suddenly felt that his limbs were imprisoned by something.

He looked down and saw that several potato men who had been squatting in various parts of the room came out from nowhere, and one of them hugged all his limbs.

And in this moment of delay, Yuan had already arrived in front of him.

Without any extra movement, he just grabbed his neck and then lifted him up.

Ao Sa suddenly panicked and kept hammering Yuan's right arm with his hands, trying to break free from his restraints.

However, the opponent's right hand remained as motionless as poured steel, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

Then, the other party held him up with one hand and walked slowly towards Jilunini's room.

"You... uh, grass..." Ao Sa struggled, but he only felt that his brain was getting more and more drowsy, and his vision was gradually becoming blurry.

He kept struggling, but he could only see the door of the room getting closer and closer to him.

He didn't understand why Yuan did this. He couldn't even speak smoothly, even if he wanted to pray or cry for help, he couldn't.

He was just carried by Yuan, and walked all the way into the room where Jilunini was, and came to her bedside.

Right here, Yuan held him high and looked him straight in the eyes.

Ao Sa opened his mouth and tried his best to breathe in the air. He looked down at Yuan with wide eyes, his face full of confusion.

However, when Yuan looked at his face, his expression was even more puzzled than his.

Then, Yuan slowly raised his other hand and stretched it towards Jilunini's neck.

Ossa's eyes suddenly widened.

He struggled wildly.

He didn't know why Yuan did this, but he knew that he would never let Yuan do this.

"Asshole..." He raised his fist and smashed it into Yuan's face.

However, the other party just looked at him indifferently, his expression still confused.

Yuan's left hand is getting closer and closer to Jilunini's neck...

Osa's eyes turned red, and he growled. The fur on his body flashed with layers of golden light, and his whole body seemed to have swelled more than once.

However, he still couldn't break free from Yuan's shackles.

Yuan's hand is still approaching Jilunini...

Aosa stared at him, roaring silently, but seemed unable to do anything.

Finally, Yuan's hand touched Jilunini's neck.

At this time, Osa's movements gradually stopped. He just stared at Yuan's hand, his fangs exposed in his mouth, and his eyes full of anger.

Yuan stared at Osa, and then the muscles in his left hand suddenly tightened, as if he was pinching with all his strength.

At this moment, Yuan suddenly felt that Ao Sa's aura had changed.

His hands held Yuan's right hand in a very strange posture.

However, Yuan smiled.

The doubts in his eyes dissipated at this moment.

Then, he let go of his hands.

Looking at Jilunini's neck now, there are no red marks of strangulation.

Osa suddenly fell to the ground, knelt on one knee, coughed violently, and stared at the potato man in front of him with a puzzled expression.

Yuan looked at him, but just smiled.

Then, Yuan pulled out his long sword and looked upward.

That's the direction of the ground...




In the center of a huge magic circle with an area of ​​more than a thousand meters, in the center of a whirlpool of light spots like the stars and the Milky Way, a man wearing white armor and a pure white cloak stood proudly.

He lowered his head and stared at the ground below with his eyes wide open.

"Ha, I see, it's here, the mouse's nest..." He murmured, "Haha, I finally found you..."

151 Three-in-One Who can argue with a child who beats himself while watching him grow up?

Liu Ji felt a little weird.

Ever since he passed through that strange empty room just now, and the deeper he went underground, he had been feeling a chill in his heart.

However, the deeper you go, probably because the roads are constantly diverging, Liu Ji does not run into those passages as frequently as before.

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