Dealing with multiple enemies was a compulsory course for them. No matter whether the opponent's avatar is an illusion or an entity, they only need to deal with all three as enemies...

Thinking like this, Aosa moved his feet lightly, and inadvertently used distance control to stagger the contact time between the three enemies and himself.

Then, he faced the first figure directly.

The opponent's two swords volleyed one after another, and it was unclear whether it was a simple slash or a change of attack from slash to stab.

"Not bad with two swordsmen..." Osa thought to himself, "But, he is just a two-swordsman."

The double sword is an extremely difficult weapon to control. It can be used to launch effective attacks with different trajectories, and the attacks on both sides can be changed midway or turned into feint attacks. This is a skill that only top double sword masters can do.

However, the price is that their entire body will serve them double-handedly.

Compared with the unpredictable double swords, directly targeting their bodies is the best way to deal with them.

Ao Sa spun around, relying on large movements and turns to directly avoid the attack path from the opposite side. His whole body instantly flowed through the opponent's attack area like a flowing wave, and he grabbed the opponent's side with a claw.

The figure's reaction was also extremely quick. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he immediately withdrew his strength, completely gave up the frontal attack plan, held both swords in reverse, switched from offense to defense, and directly targeted the attack on Ao Sa's hand.

However, her reaction seemed to have been expected by Aosa.

To her surprise, Osa's feet swayed, and she lay on the ground as if she had fallen. She actually returned to her original attack area again, and opened the door wide open on the other side of her with a claw. Grab it from the side.

Although the woman reacted when Osa turned around, it was too late to completely turn her body around. She could only hurriedly swing the knife forward to force Osa back.

Of course, this rough swing was instantly resolved by Osa with his other hand. The woman only felt a stinging pain inside her left wrist and right elbow, and the two knives in her hands came out again.

At the same time, Ossa's sharp claws grabbed her waist.

The sharp claws slashed across her waist, all the way down her waist and crotch, and cut a long crack along the junction of her hip bone and leg bone.

For a moment, the figure felt that his entire leg was no longer under his control. His foot slipped and he fell directly to the ground.

In less than a second, Aosa disabled one of the figure's legs and two hands.

However, at this moment, the figure suddenly exploded, and pure high-frequency energy spread in all directions. Aosha had no time to avoid it, and was stunned by the energy for a moment.

At the same time, a second figure rushed in front of him.

The two swords were slashed out, and when Osa came to his senses, the opponent's attack was already close at hand.

It's obviously too late to hide now.

If that's the case, then don't hide.

Osa rushed forward and crashed directly into the figure's arms.

Although the double sword is the best weapon for close combat, it is a weapon that requires cutting and stabbing space to exert its power.

But the pure body does not need any space.

Ao Sa moved lightly, grabbed the opponent's arm, and before the opponent's dagger had time to stab back, he threw the opponent to the ground with a back throw.

Then, Osa turned around and rolled directly on the figure's body. His claws passed over the opponent's abdomen and tore it violently, leaving several deep visible bone cuts, actually tearing every piece of the opponent's body. The abdominal muscles were torn in half.

However, the next moment, this figure exploded instantly.

High-frequency energy fluctuations struck again, but this time Osa was already on guard. After tearing apart the opponent's abdominal muscles, he did not stop at all. Instead, he rolled continuously and then flew, and immediately pulled away. distance.

"Are they all illusions twice in a row? It's obviously me who adjusts the distance. Bad luck? Or..." Ao Sa rolled to his feet and stared closely at the last figure rushing towards him.

Then, suddenly, he lowered his head suddenly, rolled on the ground, and slapped his back with a paw.

Behind him, the woman who emerged from the shadows looked at Osa in shock. Her right hand holding the knife just passed Osa's head. Before she could withdraw her strength, she was caught by Osa's claw.

The sharp claws pierced directly into her elbow joint. With the heartbreaking pain, Aosha directly cut off the muscles and tendons connecting her joints, and then twisted her entire arm. The forearm was completely twisted.

"Don't be so surprised. When fighting in a group, guarding against sneak attacks is the most basic skill," Ao Sa said, casually throwing away the woman's severed arm and chasing forward, grabbing the woman's other hand with one hand. Go, the other hand went directly to the woman's waist.

The movement didn't look evil at all, but seemed smooth and elegant, but it scared the woman into a cold sweat.

Then, under Osa's shocked gaze, the woman suddenly turned the knife head on her other hand and stabbed her heart with her backhand.

Along with the scene like going back in time, the woman's body became intact as before in an instant.

Osa frowned and was about to pursue her when the woman suddenly shook her head and let out an extremely ear-piercing high-frequency scream.

The destructive sound wave energy spread, and Osa's ears were numb from the shock, and he was forced to jump back to distance himself.

Obviously, the energy utilization rate of this attack method is visibly low. Just as Ao Sa expected, the scream stopped not long after it lasted.

Then, the woman raised her head.

With her hair disheveled, she completely lost the aura of joy and contentment she had at the beginning. Bloodshot appeared in the whites of her eyes, her teeth were clenched, and her eyes looked as if she wanted to eat Ao Sa alive.

"I swear..." She slowly squeezed out the words from between her teeth, "You will die very ugly today."

Ao Sa looked at her quietly, without replying, but silently took up his position.

Sure enough, this battle was not so easy to end...



Deep underground, Liu Ji, who had turned into dust, drilled out of the wall again.

He had almost checked all the captives, and every one of them looked half-dead with tubes inserted all over their bodies.

The only good news was probably that Liu Ji did not find any familiar figures among them.

Yain said before that the captives were taken back for breeding, but now it seems that this is not entirely true.

If you think about it carefully, it is true. After all, this is the periphery of the battlefield. The captives here should have been captured some time ago. Those used for breeding were probably sent away long ago. As for those who stayed here...

Liu Ji didn't understand the supernatural powers such as magic and curses. He was not sure why these people were turned into this, but, if he had to guess.

Either they are undergoing some kind of transformation.

Or they are probably being absorbed as some kind of nutrients...

As for what is absorbing them...

Liu Ji looked at these black hoses and felt a little scared.

After all, in general buildings, the existence of certain things must have its meaning.

Floors are for walking, handrails are for holding, cabinets are for storing things, and paintings are for decoration...

These are all taken for granted.

But, what about these hoses?

What is the meaning of their existence?

Liu Ji couldn't think of any need that would make these people "repair" so many messy and scattered hoses...

Moreover, the texture of these hoses always felt like some kind of biological tissue instead of synthetic materials...

"Could it be that the entire underground is the body of some kind of creature?" Liu Ji couldn't help but think so.

It's not impossible, but he has never encountered anything like biological organs along the way.

"Or, is each one a creature?" Liu Ji thought as he looked at the hoses...


It's like pulling one off to study.

But the things that should be done have not been done yet. Now the captives are hopeless, and medicine must be found.

Before that, Liu Ji didn't dare to act rashly.

However, after running to the only beacon location, he didn't even find a living person who could ask for directions. Liu Ji was also in a dilemma.

Now he really regretted his boasting before.

He originally thought that with these new tricks he had come up with recently, it would be easy to make a perfect infiltration.

Who knew that the infiltration was really perfect, but in the end, we couldn't find the way. What's the point of the infiltration being perfect?

"Why don't we empty the warehouse on the ground first, at least we can have a bottom line?" Liu Ji couldn't help thinking, and turned his attention back to the main body near the surface, wanting to observe the situation on the ground.

However, just when Liu Ji turned his attention back to the main body, he suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

He "looked" at the source of the chill.

Countless white eyes appeared in his "sight", and countless dark tentacles were intertwined and wriggling in the darkness. Indistinctly, behind the tentacles, he seemed to see countless shriveled human corpses, which were riddled with holes by the thin roots on the outside of the tentacles, and were broken and swaying in the darkness.

"What the hell is this..." Liu Ji felt a chill running up his back one after another.

Although he had no back at all in this state.

Just when Liu Ji was distracted by the shock in front of him, suddenly, the thing in the dark moved.

Countless tentacles stabbed at his body in an instant.

At that moment, Liu Ji felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

It was as if every grain of sand on his body was locked.

It was unknown whether it was human instinct or pure stress response. Liu Ji gathered all the sand again in an instant and turned back into human form.

However, as soon as Liu Ji turned back, he found that the strange thing suddenly disappeared.

He was sinking underground and spreading his elemental vision to the greatest extent, but he didn't feel anything.

It was as if everything he had just seen was just an illusion.

But Liu Ji knew very well that it was definitely not an illusion.

In this underground space, there must be some very bad monster hidden...

Moreover, the monster seemed to have set its sights on him, and now it was probably watching him in the dark where he couldn't detect.

"Damn..." Liu Ji couldn't help but curse inwardly.

This place is really too weird.

He even began to doubt whether there was a real warehouse in the underground space as he imagined.

After all, the facilities below were not normal no matter how you looked at them. Maybe they couldn't be used for any serious work...

But, the tents on the surface were obviously not enough to serve as warehouses, right?

Just when Liu Ji was distressed, suddenly, he felt a small team approaching here.

"Oh no, some troops have already started to come back?" Liu Ji felt something bad in his heart and thought something was wrong. He immediately wanted to rush to the underground warehouse. Anyway, he took away the subsistence allowance first...

However, when he clearly felt the situation of the team, Liu Ji stopped again.

It seems that it is not that the main force of the army has returned, but that the wounded have been sent back.

There seemed to be dozens of people in this team, including a dozen wounded people lying on stretchers. Each one was seriously injured, either missing an arm or a leg.

The remaining people carried them on stretchers, trotted all the way back to the camp, and then rushed straight to the tall tower in the middle.

When Liu Ji saw this, he suddenly felt a little hopeful again.

Although he didn't know where these wounded people came from, it seemed that he had finally found someone who could lead him.

154. Two-in-one Have you ever heard of a saying that everyone comes when called?

Liu Ji found that he had guessed correctly.

From the very beginning, underground warehouses and various military facilities were separated from the chaotic passages extending in all directions.

After the group of soldiers with the wounded entered the teleportation array under the tower, they were sent directly to an independent space near the main spiral road.

The space is not connected to the main road. It is hidden in the gaps of the criss-crossing roads. If Liu Ji really followed the road and looked for it, he would never find it.

However, it is also quite strange...

Moving completely by relying on the teleportation array, it feels like a building with only elevators but no safety stairs. If the teleportation array is bombed, will everything be paralyzed?

With such doubts, Liu Ji took a grain of sand and floated into this area.

Originally, according to Liu Ji's imagination, the place where the wounded were sent was nothing more than a ward or something like that.

Although he really didn't know what hospitals in this world looked like, the scene in front of him was really far from what he imagined.

The huge room was still full of hoses, and the slender hoses were woven into neat giant eggs neatly arranged on the ground.

Liu Ji originally thought that this was probably some kind of convenient facility where people could be restored by throwing them in.

In terms of results, it seems to be similar, except that besides throwing people in, there is another step...

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