"Yes," the lean man agreed and immediately retreated.

Not long after, a dwarf with a big beard walked in.

Seeing the bloated man, the dwarf suddenly showed a flattering expression and complimented: "Ah! Brother Fante! Long time no see, you are still as heroic and majestic as ever."

"Ha, not bad, Hao Bing, you look good, come on, sit down quickly," the bloated man known as Fante greeted him, and casually replied with a polite word, "By the way, you are still okay How's business going lately?"

"Hey, it's not like you don't know how much business I can get from my crappy place, but it's always been so-so," the dwarf Hao Bing smiled and sat down opposite Fant.

"Really, that's good. Nothing is more important than being safe on the territory," Fante said with a smile. "It sounds like, brother, since nothing happened on the territory, you came to me today for something else." What happened?"

"Ah haha, it's actually nothing. I haven't seen you for a long time, brother. I happen to be free today, so I came here to walk around," the dwarf Hao Bing said with a smile.

"You're here, why don't I know your temperament? You're the master of the Three Treasures Palace without any problem," Fante took a sip from the round pot, slowly spit out a mouthful of red mist, and said, "You don't have to go around in circles with me. Well, what’s going on?”

"Ah ha, after all, I still can't hide it from you, brother," the dwarf Hao Bing scratched his head, "Actually, there is something, there is indeed something... But, how to put it, I don't know if it's OK or not. It’s so troublesome, bro.”

"Hey, there's so much nonsense," Fante stretched out his hand and knocked on Hao Bing's chest, "Just say what you want to say, don't act like a bitch."

"Ha, I don't want to either. The main reason is that I really don't know how to do this," said the dwarf Hao Bing. "A few people came to me during the day. They were quite generous and said they had a big business to discuss with me. "

"Huh? Isn't that good?" Fante took another sip of the red mist, "What, the business is too big? Isn't it so big that you, Hao Dadan, are afraid that you won't be able to eat it?"

"This... haha, you still know me. I do have a big appetite, but this matter, how should I put it?" Hao Bing scratched his head, looking a little helpless, "You also know that I am quite humble. , so they actually don’t want to talk to me, but want me to talk to you,

But, you also know me, I am really... right?

So, after my urging, they finally agreed and showed me a sword. "

"A sword?" Fant asked doubtfully.

"Well, a sword, a black heavy sword," Hao Bing said, "I'm ashamed to say that, although they showed me the sword very solemnly, I couldn't see anything special about it at all... …

Although I told them later that I wanted them to explain the origin of the sword, they had no intention of telling me.

On the contrary, after that, they said they would not consider cooperating with me and insisted that I come to you. "

"Sword?" Fant frowned, "What can be so special about a sword? You won't be deceived, right?"

"Well, probably not," Hao Bing said, "They were really generous with their actions. A boy here helped them lead the way, and they gave him a few gold coins directly."

"Hmm..." Fante looked at Hao Bing and slowly rubbed his chin. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but become curious about the mysterious heavy sword.

"Anyway, there is nothing else to do tomorrow. In that case, then you can bring them to see me," Hao Bing said, "Oh, of course, not here. When the time comes, I will go to the field to wait for you. "




Yayin suddenly felt something while walking home. She reached out and touched her arms and found a handful of crystal shards.

"Huh? It's broken?" Liu Ji was a little surprised, "Then it seems we have to go find the dwarf first tomorrow morning? Hmm... But now we have crystal disks in our hands, and we can also use them to sell goods. ?"

"We still have to sell, money is secondary, things can't be wasted, and we can also take this opportunity to ask the military to give us the entire temporary household registration," Yayin said, "Moreover, if the military and the black market I think it will be easier to find Uncle Snow if we can cooperate.”

"Ah, that's true," Liu Ji nodded, "It feels like he likes to buy things on the black market."

The two of them were talking and getting closer and closer to the camp.

In the distance, one can already see the burning bonfire in the camp, as well as the six potato boys surrounding the bonfire, and Ossa and Jilunini sitting together.

At this moment, Jilunini was sitting on Osa's lap. For some reason, she was pulling the hair on both sides of Osa's face.

But Osa wasn't angry at all, he just looked at her helplessly and put his hand on his head.

Yayin and Liu Ji came a little closer, and Jilunini seemed to feel it. She lowered her head and looked over, meeting Yayin's eyes.

At that moment, she froze.

Immediately afterwards, his face was full of surprise and excitement. He jumped up instantly and ran towards Yayin in a sprint of 100 meters. With a flying jump, Yayin and Liu Ji, who was walking behind Yayin, were thrown to the ground.

Liu Ji immediately transformed into a soft sand cushion, perfectly cushioning the situation.

"Woo, Yayin, you are really not dead..." Jilunini hugged Yayin and rubbed her hard. Big tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, but her face was filled with a smile of surprise.

"Luni, don't be so excited, calm down, of course we are not dead," Yayin said with a little helplessness, "You are holding me down like this and I can't even get up."

"Ah, I'm sorry," Jilunini straightened up, sniffed, and said, "Although Osa has already told me, when I see you, I still..."

"Don't worry, we are fine, and you are fine too," Yayin said, rubbing Jilunini's head, "You are too, you know the consequences of losing control and you are still so impulsive. If Osa hadn't been here, Maybe we can’t see you now..."

"Ah, uh, sorry, it's true..." Jilunini scratched her head and lowered her head in shame.

"Don't apologize, I'm not blaming you," Yayin pushed Jilunini's forehead with her index finger, "I just want to say that you can thank Osa more. After all, he took a beating himself because of you. Not only was Yue hungry, he also allowed you to scratch and bite him all over, and he almost lost his life before. "

"Well, I know," Jilunini smiled, "I'm afraid I won't be able to repay the debt I owe him in my lifetime..."

"It doesn't matter, you can always pay back slowly if you are alive," Yayin said, hugging Ji Lunini again, "Luni, welcome back."

"Well, you too," Jilunini rubbed her head up and down, "Welcome back."

1st Evergrande, Ni Yao endures the pain

Early the next morning, Ya Yin and Liu Ji took Yuan and left the camp again.

Aosa was guarding the camp as always, while Jilunini chatted with Yain until midnight last night and was still sleeping now.

"But luckily you didn't feel sleepy after only sleeping for a while," Liu Ji said casually while walking.

"If the sleep quality is high enough, a slightly shorter sleep time will not have much impact," Yayin said.

"Yeah, that's true," Liu Ji nodded.

It can be seen that after Jilunini woke up, Yayin's mood improved a lot, and her walking steps were much lighter today.

Compared to Yayin, Liu Ji's mood was a bit complicated.

Probably because I went out in the morning today, when I stepped into the outskirts of the city, the place was not as deserted and dead as yesterday. Instead, it was crowded with people. A large number of residents crowded into the narrow passages between these dilapidated houses, slowly moving in their respective directions. Moving forward.

Some of them were gray and dirty, and their clothes were old and dirty. They no longer knew whether to call them rags or cloth.

Some were a little more respectable, at least with better faces, and the clothes they wore were somewhat human-like, but their eyes were unfocused, and they were like walking corpses, stumbling forward in the crowd.

Among these people, you can even see pregnant women and women with children.

Liu Ji and others were walking among the crowd. From time to time, they would accidentally bump into someone who was in a trance, but after bumping into them, they would bow and apologize immediately, and then go around themselves.

Of course, this kind of scene happens from time to time throughout the entire area, and even in this area, apart from apologies, no other conversations can be heard.

After walking for a while, Liu Ji couldn't bear it anymore and told Yayin that he wanted her to catch a passerby and ask about the situation.

Yayin seemed a little curious, so she agreed.

But who would have thought that as soon as Yayin caught a person and before he could say anything, the other person suddenly showed a very frightened expression and apologized to Yayin repeatedly. He didn't listen to what Yayin said. He just apologized and moved his steps. He got into the crowd and ran away quickly.

"What's wrong with him?" Liu Ji looked at the man's back in confusion.

"I don't know. He begged us to let him go. He said he would be late or something..." Yayin looked very confused. "Being late or something, is he going to class or work?"

"Huh?" Liu Ji frowned slightly.

Late, what a familiar word.

Looking at the nearby scene again, Liu Ji had some suspicions in his mind.

Although this kind of scene was not so exaggerated in the reality of previous lives, it would not be uncommon in some dystopian future movies.

Think again of the bustling city center...

"Let's check it out later when we have a chance," Liu Ji thought secretly.

In fact, when he first heard the name Kaga Holy City, he was quite looking forward to coming to this city, but now it seems that this place is not as beautiful as the rumors said.

It was less than half an hour's journey before, but this time Liu Ji and others walked for a full hour in the crowded crowd before finally finding the familiar dilapidated hut.

In the distance, they saw the dwarf they had seen yesterday standing in front of the hut, stretching his neck and looking around.

After seeing Liu Ji and others, he quickly waved to them and shouted: "Hey! Why are you here now?"

Of course Liu Ji and Yuan didn't understand what he was talking about, and Yain ignored him, but walked up to him unhurriedly and asked: "Are you alone? Where is the person you brought us to meet?" "

"Of course I will take you there, but it can't be in this shabby place like ours, right?" The dwarf jumped down the steps in front of the house, "Let's go, I'll take you there, but we have to do it quickly, don't turn around and let me Brother is waiting impatiently.”

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked deeper into the area.

"Your big brother?" Ya Yin followed him about a meter behind, and asked as she walked, "My real big brother or the big brother in the underworld?"

"Of course it's the big brother in the underworld," said the dwarf, "His name is Fant, he's a Titan dwarf, and he's also a tough guy in the underworld. When he first debuted, he single-handedly defeated more than a hundred thugs from the rival gang, and he crushed every one of them. People nicknamed him Bakugan Boy. Ah, of course, that was his nickname back then. Now people in the underworld either call him Fant or Master Gold Chain."

" Oh," Yayin agreed, "Do you think he is qualified to take our business?"

"Ah? How would I know? I'm just a guide," the dwarf said with a smile, "I don't know what business you are doing."

"Well..." Yayin glanced at him and said immediately, "There is no one else here. Who are you acting for? Be open and just give a guess. I don't expect you to give a definite answer."

"No, I don't know anything. You can handle the business yourself. I just take you to see him," the dwarf said, speeding up again.

Seeing that he deliberately tilted his head to the other side, he probably didn't want to talk anymore now.

In silence, several people kept moving forward along the road. It didn't take long before Yayin saw a very conspicuous building in the distance.

It was an old hemispherical building with a diameter of about 200 meters. There were transparent windows on it layer by layer. It seemed that there were many people standing behind the windows, all facing the center of the building. They looked very excited and danced with their hands and feet. I don't know what they were doing.

"Where are we going?" Yain frowned as she looked at the building.

"Well, the eldest brother is usually there during the day," the dwarf said, "Don't worry, he has his own VIP room, which is perfect for talking about business."

"I'm not worried about that," Yain frowned, "This place has a strong smell of blood..."

"Huh? The smell of blood? Can you smell it from so far away?" The dwarf was a little surprised, "Well, but it's not surprising, this is the arena after all, one or two monsters and a few people must die every day."

"The arena..." Yain muttered this unfamiliar word.

Thinking back to the other side of the world, except for studying some history, she almost had no chance to pronounce this word.

In the world over there, people are avoiding blood and slaughter almost every day. For the arena, which is a project that enjoys watching others fight bloody in animal cages, almost no one likes it.

In their opinion, this kind of thing is a disgusting hobby that only traitors like.

But I didn't expect that on the other side of the world, in this peaceful city, there would be such a disgusting facility.

The resentment and wronged souls condensed on the facility made Yayin feel sick just by looking at it.

God knows how many years this thing has existed, and how many people have died in vain here.

Seeing Yayin's gloomy face, Liu Ji asked in confusion: "What's wrong? What did he say?"

"No, it has nothing to do with him," Yayin said in a deep voice, "That place just makes me uncomfortable."

"That place?" Liu Ji followed Yayin's line of sight and looked at the giant hemispherical building in front of him, frowning slightly.

This building and this shape are nothing more than a sports field, a horse farm, etc.

But these two types obviously don't make people uncomfortable, so it can only be a colosseum or a gladiatorial arena.

"Well, it feels like a good place to practice," Liu Ji muttered.

He hasn't had a suitable sandbag to practice boxing for a long time, and when he heard it was a gladiatorial arena, he felt a little itchy.

"Little brother, this is not a place for you to practice," the dwarf turned around and said in a spell with a strong accent after hearing Liu Ji's words, "The fighters in there are all prostitutes. Once you go in, you can only fight until you die, and no one can come out alive."

"Can't I just make a guest appearance temporarily? I'll just go up and fight casually," Liu Ji said.

"Sorry, I can't, because the guest appearances are always unruly," the dwarf said, "Those who dare to go are basically masters, who often mess around, don't kill people when they win, and just admit defeat when they don't want to fight, causing gamblers to riot every time, and often can't end it in the end."

"This..." Liu Ji's eyebrows jumped.

This sounds quite reasonable, but I always feel something is weird...

Not killing people is disturbing?

In other words, everyone actually wants the people inside to die?

At least they want everyone except the people they bet on to die.

This way, he kind of understood why Yain didn't like this place. It was really hard for people to like it.

But think about it carefully, the Colosseums in the movies seemed to be basically the same.

Anyway, life is not yours, but money is yours. For your own money, who cares about other people's lives?

Of course, this is a perverse theory. Because you agree with this statement, when someone stabs you to death for money, you'd better not have any complaints.

But, if you are in a place where everyone regards this perverse theory as the truth, then even the most perverse perverse theory will really become the truth.

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