It is impossible to make these clones do their own things. When they move, either only one moves or all move together, just like the Shadow Lord, with all their movements synchronized.

Moreover, reality is different from games. It is impossible to give a certain unit a certain continuous command. Every step of controlling the body must be real-time. It is difficult to do it with two threads, and it is impossible to do it with five threads even if Liu Ji wants his life.

Fortunately, there is still some time before the game, and he can still think about whether there is a relatively tricky solution.

It is not difficult to walk naturally. All the upper body is completely relaxed, let the hands float around, and then stand in a neat position. Although the steps are consistent when walking, it is not easy to see the strangeness after the stride is reduced.

The key is what to do next.

If you control a body to run in a certain direction, as long as you divert all the attention of the control, that body will fall down immediately.

Liu Ji tried several times, fell down in the prison, and then heard a roar from outside.

Although he couldn't understand what the man was yelling, he guessed that he was probably annoyed by his noise. In desperation, Liu Ji could only control his clones to shrink into the corner and hug each other.

Not long after, a man with a gangster face appeared at the prison gate, looked inside, pointed at Liu Ji and cursed.

Liu Ji didn't care. He didn't understand anyway, so he just thought it was a dog barking.

After he cursed enough and left, Liu Ji started to try again.

Just now, he actually had an idea. Now he just needed to practice more, and it would not be a big problem to go on stage later.



Anyway, even if someone saw the problem, as long as he got on the scene, they would be in a dilemma.



VIP guest room.

Ya Yin sat on the only remaining sofa, staring at the scene outside the window in a daze.

The body of the man beside him had already stiffened, but until now, there was no sign that anyone was going to collect his body.

The man guarding the door was still looking at his door, as if his only duty was to guard the door, and as for what happened behind the door, it seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Yuan had been wandering around the room, looking here and there, and it was unclear whether he was simply restless or looking for something.

Ya Yin had no interest in the things here, and she couldn't speak Yuan's language, so she couldn't help, so she simply cast her eyes on the venue below.

In the center of the venue was a circular arena, with a steel cage engraved with enchantment inscriptions on it. The area of ​​the arena itself was not large, and the diameter was probably only fifty or sixty meters.

This was not difficult to understand. After all, it was a cage for trapped beasts to fight. If it was too big, it would slow down the rhythm of the battle. It was just the right size for both sides to have no way to retreat and be in each other's danger range.

Moreover, on the outermost layer of the cage, there is a circle of trenches full of bayonets. If someone tries to escape, they will fall into the grooves and be pierced like a sieve.

Now you can still see that in the trenches full of spikes, there are many corpses that have either rotted or turned into dry bones.

In sharp contrast to the tragic situation in the trenches are the layers of audience seats outside the cage.

Countless people gathered there, eating, drinking, talking and laughing, looking very happy.

The bloody killing in the cage seemed to be very far away from them.

Yain couldn't understand what kind of people would be so fearless to watch this tragic situation that could fall on their heads at any time.

Yain even wondered if these high-ranking bastards would still be as happy as they are today when the tyrant's army really rushed into the city.


Just think about it. After all, when that day really comes, it will not only be these bastards who will be unlucky.

Just as Ya Yin was daydreaming about these things, she suddenly heard a cheer from below.

Looking closely, a man wearing an exaggerated dress and holding a staff with an exaggerated spherical head fell from the air and stood on the top of the iron cage.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," accompanied by the soft and bright light emitted by the spherical head, the man's clear and melodious voice with a bit of yin and yang resounded throughout the venue, "Welcome to the gay beast fighting festival exclusively sponsored by Jingding Life and Medical Insurance Business Assembly!"

"Life and Medical Insurance?" Ya Yin's eyebrows jumped.

Good insurance, insurance is dead, right?

"From the sixth day of the month of Tuo to now, our gay beast fighting festival has been going on for six days. During this period, everyone's enthusiastic support is obvious to all. For this reason! We have decided to extend the gay beast fighting festival, which was originally scheduled to end tomorrow, for another day. Next week, we will still bring you a passionate and exciting experience!" After the man finished reading this sentence in a gentle voice, he raised his staff, and dazzling fireworks exploded in the air. The next moment, there was another thunderous cheer.

Ya Yin felt a chill and heartfelt nausea running up her spine.

These guys are serious. They are sincerely trying to make a gorgeous performance of others' desperate struggles, and look forward to more and more people using their lives to present them with "exciting performances".

If Liu Ji didn't know where he ran to now, she would have wanted to turn around and leave this uncomfortable place.

At this moment, the man spoke again.

"Next, as usual, in order to thank you for coming here, we will draw five lucky audiences and give them ten Kaga vouchers and Jingding Life Gold Protection Service worth hundreds of gold Kaga!" The man shouted, "With him! No matter what kind of disease you have or what kind of surgery you need! This protection will reimburse you 50% of your expenses! And provide you with low-interest medical loan services! You don't have to worry about not paying attention to your own health and getting a disease that requires going to the hospital, which eventually leads to bankruptcy!"

After the voice fell, there was another round of lively cheers.

Then, the man waved his staff again, pointed to the high place on the side, and announced: "Then! Just like before, please invite the highest person in charge of this venue, Mr. Gil Duanle, to draw the lottery for everyone!"

Ya Yin looked over along the man's staff and saw a sturdy earth walker sitting in the most luxurious single room at the top of the entire venue, waving his hand down.

"Is it him, the one who runs this place..." Ya Yin narrowed his eyes slightly.

To be honest, she now has an impulse to send this bastard to hell with a top-level magic.

Just as Yayin was thinking this, suddenly, there was a clang at the door.

Then, there was a shrill scream from a woman.

Yayin frowned and turned her head, and saw a woman in a servant's uniform standing at the door, looking at the corpse on the ground with horror, her legs trembling constantly.

"Dead, dead, dead..." Her voice kept trembling, and she glanced back and forth at Yayin and Yuan with extremely frightened eyes.

"Why, aren't there enough dead people here?" Probably because of her bad mood, Yayin's voice seemed extremely cold.

"No, no, sorry! Don't kill me!" The woman said, and she squatted down with her head in her arms, repeatedly apologizing.

Yayin looked at her silently for a long time, walked straight to the woman, and pulled her up.

The woman was immediately frightened and trembled, and she continued to apologize, not daring to stop at all.

Yayin looked at her and asked suddenly, "Are you afraid of death?"

The woman did not answer, but continued to apologize.

"Answer me!" Yayin's voice rose an octave.

The woman was frightened and trembled. She looked at Yayin with tears in her eyes. After a long time, she slowly nodded.

"Well, okay," Yayin nodded, "Then, why? Just because you saw the body of that scum?"

The woman looked at the body on the ground, then looked at Yayin, and nodded slowly again.

"Very good," Yayin smiled, "Then tell me, why are there so many people dying down there every day, but you are not afraid at all?"

The woman looked at Yayin and was stunned.

But, Yayin could see that she didn't suddenly think of something, but just didn't know why Yayin asked such a question without a beginning or an end.

She was stunned, wondering, and speculating why Yayin asked this question.

Yayin looked at her for a long time, sighed, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I, I'm here to help the people in this VIP room keep bet records..." the woman whispered.

"Oh, then you stay there," Yayin pointed to the chair in the corner of the room.

The woman looked at the body on the ground, then looked at Yayin, and seemed very hesitant.

"I told you to stay there," Yayin said with a glare.

"Ah! Okay, I'll go right away, sorry, sorry..." The woman apologized frantically, while shrinking to the corner of the wall, holding her knees with both hands, and sitting on the chair timidly.

Yayin glanced at her and sighed.

She was really a little angry. This was just a working maid, and getting angry at her would not solve any problems.

Yayin sighed, walked back to the window again, and looked down.

Just now, the lottery seemed to have ended. The gate on one side of the iron cage below also opened, and a huge lizard with its head covered by a cast iron cage and shackles on its feet was driven out from there.

Yawen Lizard, it's an old acquaintance.

It is said that many orders for captured monsters in the early years of Mir City came from Kaga Holy City. Yayin thought it was for research at first, but now it seems that the uses are far more diverse than she thought.

Then, the next moment, the door on the other side also opened.

Not long after, several staggering figures walked out of the gate.

They had pale skin, wore worn-out duel armor, and held weapons and shields that had not been maintained for a long time. They were driven by several spears and approached the arena slowly.

As soon as they entered the arena, the gate behind them fell down with a bang, completely blocking their retreat.

At the same time, the audience in the venue once again cheered enthusiastically.

Looking at the group of people entering the venue, Ya Yin narrowed her eyes slightly.


Something is wrong...

Sure enough, the skin of these people is too white, so white that it looks green...

Speaking of people who look green, it seems that there is no need to guess.

"Damn it," Ya Yin scratched his temple, "When did he learn to split himself?"



The supervisor of the stadium audience seats, staff seats, and ticket office passed through the crowded crowd and moved to the front of the stands.

"Hey, isn't this the supervisor? How come you, a busy man, have time to watch the show?" Someone on the side greeted him.

"Hey, I need to take a break here occasionally, right? I have arranged a few guys in the department to help me keep an eye on it." The supervisor smiled and responded, and then cast his eyes to the center of the venue.

Although he had told himself countless times in his heart that there would be no problem this time, for some reason, he just felt a chill in his heart. Seeing that the afternoon show was about to start, he really couldn't sit still, so he asked someone to help him take over the shift and ran over.

After all, it was more than a thousand gold Kaga. Such a big business, he felt uneasy unless he saw the scene of the stone hammer falling into the bag with his own eyes.

Coincidentally, just when he arrived at the Colosseum, the show started.

The man standing on the top of the cage waved his magic wand, and the shackles and hood of the lizard instantly spun.

The lizard lost its restraints, shook its head, howled twice, and then turned its head and stared at the five gladiators in front of it.

Looking at the armor they wore and the weapons they held, the lizard's eyes suddenly turned red.

After all, the guys who had been abusing it all along were also wearing the same clothes as them.

Of course, those people were not gladiators, but local trainers who disguised these beasts to make them show enough attack power in the arena.

But obviously, these monsters could not tell this.

It roared and pounced on the five people at the first time.

Seeing this scene, the supervisor's heart was hanging in his throat.

The next moment, the five figures scrambled to flee in all directions.

Their figures were so funny, they rolled and crawled forward, then fell to the ground, and then struggled to get up, just like a few frightened grasshoppers, running wildly nearby.

This action seemed so funny to the lizard that he jumped up and caught up with one of them and bit him.

Seeing that the man had no way to escape, the supervisor felt that the stone in his heart was about to fall to the ground.

Sure enough, he thought too much...

It seems that his generous commission has already...


Accompanied by a loud bang, the huge lizard fell to the ground.

The sound of the lizard biting it fell out of its mouth with a sound, covered in blood, and holding his scimitar with trembling hands, he sat on the ground and stared at the huge corpse in front of him.

It was as if he himself did not expect that he could kill this huge lizard, and was dumbfounded by his feat.

For a while, there was a dead silence at the scene.

At this moment, the supervisor felt his heart skip a beat, and the stone in his heart was suspended again.

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