However, how could a voice shouted out by the throat be louder than a voice amplified by magic?

"Shut up, losers! Betting tickets can be faked, but what about the betting data! Since you are questioning, why don't you check whether there is such a bet today?" the female mage shouted loudly.

Of course, she didn't know whether she could find it or not, but there must be a record anyway. Anyway, she shouted it first, so that she seemed very justified.

The scene suddenly became much quieter, and people looked at each other, as if they were asking to verify the authenticity of the incident.

At this time, Gil Duanle was also checking.

Others could not see the betting data, but he could see it. The betting account for this afternoon was sent to him before the opening.

But there were too many items, and it took a lot of time to read them one by one.

And at this moment, more than one person in the crowd suddenly said: "I did see it before, a drunk bet on everyone's survival..."

The voice of this sentence was not too loud, but inexplicably, the crowd fell into a kind of tacit and strange silence the moment he opened his mouth.

Just like when a noisy class suddenly quieted down in an instant, his words echoed in the quiet venue, which was very piercing.

People looked at the bets on the sky screen, holding the betting tickets in their hands, their eyes were dull.

This sudden change was beyond everyone's cognition. They had been betting on beast fighting for so many years and had never seen such a situation.

They couldn't accept it.

No one could accept it.

That was their money! It was gone inexplicably! Who could accept it!

At this time, Jildunle finally found the record. In the record, the bet of Jinkaga and the conditions were also marked with key points by a supervisor very considerately, as if he had cheated the money of the idiot and was showing off to take credit.

At this moment, Jildunle understood that he had been set up.

Yes, as the boss, he could now come forward and force this person's bet to be invalidated.

But the man who killed the terrifying monster by himself, although it seemed that he won very ugly, he knew that he was probably playing dumb.

He didn't know if his guards who couldn't even beat the giant beast could stop him if he really angered that man.

But people of this level are not cabbages, and the forces with such fighting power on the street can be counted on one hand.

At this moment, he was thinking, did he offend a big boss who can't be offended on the street?

Is this the other party trying to hit him?

Jier Duanle was hesitating.

He couldn't tell who his opponent was. If he just came to mess up the place, he could naturally erase the record and declare the other party's bet invalid. I believe these gamblers would care more about their money than the principle issues of the casino.

But if the other party was a big boss on the street, his move would give the other party a reason to break up with him, even if he killed him here on the spot.

For many years, Jier Duanle has always been a steady person in both the black and white worlds.

In any case, the other party's purpose can only be two, either for money or for his head.

Then, the answer is obvious.

Lose money to avoid disaster!

He has such a big money tree. If he loses money, he can make more, but if he loses his life, he will really lose it.

After making up his mind, he immediately put on a smiling face, stood up, silently chanted the spell, and flew to the top of the cage.

While flying, he laughed and said, "Awesome, awesome! I didn't expect that someone could really predict the future and bet on this once-in-a-century chance! Everyone! Let us congratulate this gambler, she will win the super prize of tens of millions of gold kaga!"

Seeing this, the man also smiled slightly and started to be polite with him.

Seeing that the other party's attitude seemed to be good, Jier Duanle felt much more at ease.

Anyway, as long as they don't die, it's fine...

However, the gamblers present were not in such a good mood at all. Seeing them talking and laughing on the platform, they tightly grasped the gambling tickets in their hands, their faces were livid.

Such a coincidence, how could they believe it?

Even a fool could see that there must be something fishy behind it, but they didn't know whether the fishy came from the bastard who calculated everyone, or the casino itself.

Jier Duanle smiled, glanced at the gamblers below, and secretly complained in his heart.

He also knew that after this time, his business, which he had worked so hard to run, would probably be depressed for a long time.

Yes, if he wanted to keep the flow of customers, he could refund all the gambling money today, but he didn't have that much money.

He was just a dealer, making money from the difference between the odds. Although he had a lot of cash flow, he didn't dare to set too high an odds in order to compete with other arenas. This was more than 10 million gold Kaga, and he couldn't afford it even if he emptied his money. Even if he put all the money on it, he didn't know if it was enough, let alone paying back the gamblers.

Now, he just hoped that this plague god would leave him some money to save his life after emptying him, and then he would go back to where he came from.

Then, he could also check which big brother he had offended in the underworld, admit his mistake, and ask someone to help him with the relationship afterwards, at least to ensure his own safety.

As for the operation of the casino, he has so many roadblocks and he can always make a comeback. If it doesn't work out, he will file for bankruptcy, retire from the front line, and let one of his sons who stayed outside take over. He will be reincarnated and still be able to survive. Things are booming.

The two of them exchanged words with each other, exchanging meaningless polite words in the silent venue. Gilduanle blew a series of rainbow farts, which fully demonstrated Lao Jianghu's heartfelt desire to survive.

Finally, everything that needed to be said was said, and how to collect the promised bonus was discussed. The female mage seemed to be finally satisfied. She waved to him, turned around, and flew towards her room.

Jilduanle breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a certain sound spread throughout the venue through the amplification magic that should have been turned off.

That was the mysterious man's voice, which was very vague and kept getting farther away, as if there was something wrong with the magic radio and it was accidentally recorded.

The content is very short, only four words.

"A pleasure to work with."

168. Two-in-one. I don’t know what to do. How about blowing it up?

There was a riot at the Colosseum.

Some people rushed to the top to kill Gilduanle.

Some people rushed to the logistics department to get their money back, and easily got back the money they had been defrauded of.

Although the staff tried their best to defend and maintain order, the breakdown of trust caused by the "shady story" made people furious, and all the dissatisfaction accumulated for various reasons in the past exploded.

As for what dissatisfaction there is?

Upset? The odds are unreasonable? Even simply losing money in gambling, at this time, all of these can become reasons for people to attack the Colosseum.

Of course, when they once won money, no one mentioned it.

The Colosseum employees who tried to maintain order were quickly beaten by angry gamblers. People with some skills could barely escape. In this black area beyond the control of the law, ordinary employees were either directly killed by the crowd. Beat him to death, or be beaten to death and then trampled to death.

Angry gamblers rushed into the vault behind the casino and "justly" fought for the money and gold inside.

But there are too many monks and too little porridge... In other words, no matter how much porridge there is, it can't satisfy people's greed. Soon the money in the treasury was looted, and after that, the gamblers fought and fought with each other.

For a moment, the entire Colosseum was in chaos, with roars, roars, screams, and cries heard endlessly.

Gilduanle was surrounded at the top by angry gamblers who obviously couldn't listen to a word of his explanation.

In desperation, he could only recite the incantation, hoping to fly away from the Colosseum to temporarily avoid the limelight.

However, as soon as he flew out of the Colosseum, he was hit in the heart by a flying fist.

The Earthwalker's body slumped to the ground, rolled and bounced along the outside of the semi-curved building, and finally fell into a pile of mud on the ground.

A little further away, all the sand and dust drifted here, condensed on the broken arm of Liu Ji's right hand, and transformed into his right hand again.

"Anyone can run away, but you can't," Liu Ji breathed out.

"It seems your plan was successful?" Yayin asked casually.

"Probably," Liu Ji shrugged, "Trust is broken. At least the Colosseum here shouldn't be open for a while, and the area around here should be quiet for a while."

"But sooner or later they will find other places to gamble," Yain said. "I don't think this is the only Colosseum in this city."

"Yeah, I don't expect anything to change by blowing up this place," Liu Ji said helplessly, "This city is rotten from the root, and no matter how many dead branches are removed, it will only end up with a bunch of dead flowers and willows. "

"Alas..." Yayin looked at the Colosseum with complicated eyes, "I thought that this side of the world without the threat of war, even if it would not be a paradise on earth, would be much better than that side... No, even so, this place is still much better than that. Compared with living in exile day and night under the shadow of the tyrant's army, this place can at least give them a stable place. "

"That's natural, the war environment is always the worst, especially when the other side's actions and goals are tantamount to genocide," Liu Ji sighed, "But both are equally bad, it's just who is more thorough. "

"It sounds like you may have seen this kind of ideal city in the past world?" Yayin asked.

"What's your ideal look?" Liu Ji was slightly stunned.

What would an ideal city look like?

In other words, does that kind of city really exist?

It may exist, or it may not exist at all. New products will bring new problems, new problems require new solutions, and new solutions will bring new problems.

The history of mankind in his perception has always been a spiraling process, and the ideal perfect world seems to have always been like a mirage, always floating out of reach, only waiting for people to continue to pursue it.

But... Liu Ji doesn't seem to have to think about an ideal world?

Liu Ji is not here to be the savior.

He just couldn't understand some of the things here, and he happened to be able to do something, so he didn't want to just sit back and watch.

Not to mention what can really be changed, at least Liu Ji wants to figure out something.

He remembered that there seemed to be a brave man in this city.

Perhaps, he should find a way to meet that person.

As long as this hero really exists and has the identity of a retired hero, Liu Ji may be able to get in touch with that person.

Whether it is for their status in the city, for the fight against the tyrant, or for the search for the whereabouts of Jon Snow, if they can meet the hero who protects the city, the follow-up actions will be much more convenient.

And, most importantly.

There is no intention of accusing or questioning, just pure curiosity. Liu Ji wants to know why he, as a hero, chooses to make the city what it is now.

If he is for personal enjoyment, Liu Ji can understand it.

But, a person whose face has never been seen by others, is said to be enjoying...

The ultimate otaku?

There is no Internet or electronic products in this world. From what Liu Ji has seen all the way, the entertainment methods here can be said to be quite backward, and there are very few things that can entertain a person.

But if it is not for enjoyment, then what is he for?



Jingding Building.

The pointed-eared young man in a white suit and the rabbit-eared girl in a white dress are having dinner.

In front of the young man was a lobster sashimi and a steamed crab, and in front of the rabbit-eared girl was a bowl of rather plain vegetable stewed noodles.

"Don't you get tired of eating shrimps and crabs every day?" the rabbit-eared girl muttered.

"It's just right that I'm tired of eating them. The city is closed now, and seafood can't be brought in. After eating up all the shrimps and crabs in stock, I can't eat them anymore," the young man picked up the palm-sized crab claw, gently drew a circle along the edge with his index finger, and then directly opened half of the shell of the crab claw and handed it to the rabbit-eared girl.

"I said I don't eat meat," the rabbit-eared girl said.

"Eat some, it's enough to satisfy your hunger. You're not really a rabbit. What's it like to eat grass all day long?" The young man said, and he went to cut another crab claw.

"I think noodles are also quite satisfying. Forget it, we can't waste food," the rabbit-eared girl muttered, prying a small piece of crab meat with chopsticks and putting it into her mouth.

She didn't have any expression, maybe she didn't hate it, but she just didn't like it.

After eating two bites of crab meat, the girl spoke again: "We have been here for so many days, have you found what you are looking for?"

"I found it, but not completely," the young man peeled the other crab claw and put it in front of the girl, and then peeled the crab legs himself.

"Don't play dumb, what do you mean?" The girl looked at the two palm-sized crab claws in front of her and felt a little confused.

"That is to say, some offspring were found, but the mother was not found," the young man said.

"Huh?" The rabbit-eared girl blinked, "There are also offspring mothers? What about the offspring, let me see?"

"No need to give it to you, it's everywhere," the young man said, reaching out and pointing his thumb to the glass vase next to him.

The vase was full of some kind of red crystals, which looked colorful and beautiful under the light.

"You mean this?" The girl with rabbit ears was a little surprised, "I thought it was a decoration."

"It is a decoration, but not really. You may not have noticed these days. Almost everyone here will eat one of these things after dinner," the young man said, "Some people will put it in a round tobacco pot, heat it with magic power, and then inhale the gas it produces."

"Damn, it's true now that you mention it..." The girl with rabbit ears recalled what she had seen and heard some time ago. It seemed that she had seen this thing in many places.

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