After a very brief response, the statue returned to its original appearance, and the light in its eyes slowly faded away.

But even such a brief response still made the half-old elf's face suddenly show joy.

He immediately kowtowed several times, performed a great salute again, and then slowly stood up and walked backwards out of the front door of the altar.

A hundred meters away from the door, the mighty man who was quietly waiting saw the half-old elf coming out, and hurriedly approached and whispered: "Commander, what's the situation?"

"It's okay, go back, the brave master will solve it," the half-old elf said, "Let's keep an eye on the front line now. Although the guy who suddenly appeared is fake, he may also be sent by the other party on purpose. At least before the brave master finishes dealing with that guy, we have to be 200% alert and be wary of the opponent's sneak attack."



Jingding Building.

Snow is still trying his best to break the tight barrier that covers the space above the 30th floor.

Anwada walked around the floor for a few times, and finally came back with a subtle expression on his face.

"How is it? Is there really no one in the house?" Nabelin asked.

"How should I put it? There are people in the room, but not completely," Anwada spread his hands.

"What kind of riddle?" Nabelin looked subtle.

"The main thing is that I don't know if it is still considered a person if there is only a pile of brains left," Anwada shrugged.

"Huh?" Nabelin tilted her head, "Only the brain?"

"Yeah, only the brain is left," Anwada said, "This floor is like this, no living person is seen, and every room is only a crystal jar and a brain soaked in red soup."

"Are there many other jars around, and there are various tubes connected to the brain?" Snow asked casually.

"Yes," Anwada looked at Jon Snow, "What do you know, sir?"

"I found some relevant information in the city some time ago," Jon Snow said casually, "It seems that a few decades ago, all the local forces were unified by the Jingding family. After the two remaining families were defeated and negotiated, in addition to giving certain privileges to the then head of the family, their family members all received the same promise."

Anwada glanced at the room behind him and turned back to ask, "Could it be... immortality?"

"Unfortunately, you guessed it right," Jon Snow's hands quickly changed on the barrier nodes "I have done some research on this so-called immortality. To be honest, the level of arcane here is really low.

The brain in the jar is not impossible, but it is far from being achieved with the technology here. Those brains in the jar are actually just for the remaining living people of the two major families to see.

They are not dead when they are put in, but they are just a bunch of brains floating in the nutrient solution. After a long time, they will die anyway."

"It sounds too deceptive..." Nabelin couldn't help but say, "Then why are they pretending like this? Anyway, the table can be overturned, so why not just smash these things directly? Is it easier?"

"Oh, that's not possible. If there are too many brains, they will naturally deal with them, but if there are enough places, they will not take the initiative to destroy these brains in a big way," said Snow, "As for why, after all, this "eternal life" business is their core business."

"Relying on these brains as a signboard, and then fooling newcomers to spend money to buy eternal life, right?" Anwada sighed, "Although normal people don't like this kind of place, it is very attractive to dying people, and those who are deceived here may lose all their wealth. Let's return to Jing Ding..."

"But, this is too outrageous," Nabelin still didn't understand, "Hasn't anyone suspected that something was wrong?"

"It's useless. Although these guys' arcane skills are low, they are still far superior to most people in the whole city. It's easy for them to fool these people," said Snow, drawing a perfect circle with his right hand, "After all, they can make a barrier that takes me so long to break the authority. Their level has exceeded that of ordinary mystics."

After that, he raised his foot and walked towards the stairs leading to the upper floors.



Just after the few people left, at the special elevator door of the high-rise.

With a few black lines flashing, the heavy metal door with multiple layers of magic arrays shattered into pieces.

Then, Yuan jumped out of the door with his six little brothers.

Behind them, Yain also floated in while looking around.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the bodies of security guards all over the floor.

"Sure enough, someone has been here. Is it Jon Snow..." Yain thought so, and landed beside one of the corpses, squatting down to carefully examine the corpse's death.

How to say it, the death is very complete.

At first glance, it is not even possible to tell how he died, not even a drop of blood was left.

But if you look closely, you can still find a small wound from the gap between the hair.

When she found the wound, Yain frowned immediately.

She recognized this wound, and it could even be said to be quite familiar with it in the past...

But, it was not left by Jon Snow during the battle, but by another person.

"Anwada? He is here? Did he meet up with Jon Snow?" Yain couldn't help but think to herself.

If that was the case, then at least she wouldn't have to worry about Jon Snow's safety.

But she didn't know why they came here.

Just when Ya Yin was about to check on the other bodies, she suddenly heard a sharp clanging sound.

She turned around and saw that the door of one of the guest rooms was pried open, and a group of bastards seemed to run in, and they didn't know what they were doing inside.

After Ya Yin checked around to make sure that the movement did not attract the nearby security guards, she hurried to the door to check the situation.

Who knew that as soon as she looked inside, she saw Yuan holding a lump of brains in his hand, weighing it, and then throwing it on the ground.

Then he jumped directly into the red crystal tank next to him, and the whole person was soaked in the unknown red liquid in the tank, showing that he was enjoying it very much.

As Yuan jumped in, his brothers followed closely, and the seven people filled the entire crystal tank like a hot spring.

Then, the water level in the crystal tank began to drop rapidly, visible to the naked eye, and it was directly reduced by half in just ten seconds.

"Hmm? What is this..." Ya Yin waved her magic wand and took out a small ball of water from the crystal tank. She looked at it in front of her eyes, and then she opened a simple monitoring magic array to test the ingredients.

"Such a high concentration of nutrient solution?" Ya Yin was a little surprised, "What are you going to raise... Hmm?"

She looked at the brain that Yuan had just thrown on the ground and smashed to pieces.

"No, it can't be this thing?" Ya Yin was puzzled, went out of the room, carefully opened a hole in the door opposite, and looked inside.

Sure enough, the layout of the house opposite was basically the same as this side. A piece of white brain was floating alone in the crystal tank full of red nutrient solution.

"Really..." Ya Yin frowned, pushed the door in, looked around, and then opened the magic array to check the state of the brain.

Unexpectedly, it seems to be still alive, but judging from the reactions of various parts, even if the brain is still conscious, it should have gone crazy...

"What on earth is this place..." Yayin frowned.

She looked back and saw that the potatoes seemed to be taking a comfortable bath. Moreover, if nothing unexpected happened, they probably came here for the nutrient solution?

Not sure, but very likely.

In short, Yayin decided to let them take a bath here first. Anyway, with Yuan here, ordinary people can't do anything to these cubs.

And Yayin herself followed the corpses on the ground, searching for traces of Snow and others.

Finally, she came to the passage leading to a higher level. On the ground here, she found some fresh footprints with rubbing magic.

Looking up at the tight barrier in front of her, Yayin pondered for a moment and tried to communicate with this barrier according to a certain magic formula in her memory.

The result was very smooth. The barrier opened immediately and gave her the right to pass.

"Sure enough, Snow has been here, and his key works..." Ya Yin thought to herself, looking at the dark spiral staircase.

Taking a deep breath, she held the magic wand and slowly floated into the passage.



Jingding Building, 12th floor.

With a clang, Liu Ji kicked the solid door and stepped into the last floor of the entertainment business.

This is also the place with the highest consumption in the entire Jingding Building.

The gorgeous lobby is magnificent, and the beautiful decorations are made of precious metals and gems. The fluffy floor is covered with the entire paint surface, and it feels like walking on soft clouds when walking on it.

There are still unfinished meals on the low table carved from precious wood, all of which are exquisitely presented and fancy, and there are all kinds of sensational fabrics like women's clothes scattered on the ground.

"This place is really luxurious," Liu Ji thought.

To be honest, Liu Ji couldn't bring himself to do it just by looking at these gorgeous works of art.

But when he thought of the miserable fighters in a certain arena, he suddenly felt that these so-called works of art were so eye-catching.

Sure enough, it was better to smash them.

Waving the heavy sword, Liu Ji was like a tornado destroying a parking lot. A storm of sword blades swept away the clouds and the whole space was in a mess.

But Liu Ji was not satisfied with just this. He raised his sword and smashed the relatively intact remnants one by one.

Here he smashed a pile of tables...

There he smashed a pile of sculptures...

Behind him he smashed a painting...

In front he smashed a tower of fine wine...

And just when Liu Ji raised the sword in his hand for the umpteenth time, he suddenly sensed a hint of danger.

He exclaimed instinctively and wanted to dodge.

But almost at the moment when he reacted and prepared to make a move, the golden metal claws had already penetrated his chest.

Liu Ji looked at the claws on his chest in astonishment, then slowly turned his head, only to see a blurry darkness behind him.

In an instant, his body turned upside down, and he got out of the black armor, grabbed the claw that pierced his chest with one hand, and grabbed the black shadow with the other hand.

But in the next instant, Liu Ji felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he came back to his senses, half of his body was actually broken apart.

"Fuck..." Liu Ji only had time to say these two words, and the next moment, his eyes went black again, and his whole body was completely broken into loose sand.

He didn't even see how the other party attacked.

The next moment, Liu Ji's figure re-condensed in the distance. This time, he didn't dare to move. He stared at the vague black shadow and asked with a spell: "You, are you the legendary hero?"

The black shadow fluctuated visibly, and then the next second, it suddenly flashed in front of Liu Ji.

Liu Ji was startled by the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him. He subconsciously wanted to fight back, but as soon as he raised his hand, half of his body was blasted into sand by the inexplicable attack.

With one side of his body hit hard, Liu Ji wanted to use the other side to deal with a round first, but his other arm was blasted apart. The hand of the black shadow in front of him grabbed his head, but Liu Ji didn't even have time to react.

I thought I would be shattered again in the next moment, but for some reason, the black shadow stopped moving.

Then, he suddenly came close, as if he was looking at Liu Ji carefully.

Then, Liu Ji heard a question in his ears.

"Strange, are you a hero?"

The voice was so ethereal that it didn't even sound like a human voice. The timbre was pleasant, but for some reason, it made Liu Ji feel a chill.

"Huh? I guess so," Liu Ji whispered, "but I'm retired..."

"Heh, retired? Oh, blessings have indeed left you, but you haven't retired..."

The voice came again.

"Hero, there is no such thing as retirement."

"This? But..." Liu Ji was stunned. Just as he was about to say something else, he heard the voice speak again.

"Don't worry, since it's an internal matter, it's not convenient. Let's change places..."

After the voice fell, Liu Ji felt a black screen in front of his eyes, followed by a dizzy spin. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that it was dark around him.

Liu Ji subconsciously switched to the elemental vision, and finally "saw" the surrounding environment clearly.

It seemed that this place was no longer in the Jingding Building, but a closed secret room.

The secret room was very empty, with nothing in most places. Only at the innermost part, there was a place that I didn't know whether to call a seat or a bed.

Beside that seat, there were twelve rock statues, each of which was dressed differently and looked like female statues, but strangely, the faces of these statues were blank, which looked quite creepy.

"Where is this..." Liu Ji asked subconsciously.

"My home," came a brief answer.

Liu Ji turned his head and found that the black shadow was sitting on the throne that should have been empty before.

Liu Ji swallowed his saliva and asked slowly: "Who are you..."

"Me? Haha, just an old immortal," the black shadow said casually, "I want to know more about what is the relationship between Qilisha and you?"

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