"Oh, there is no such method. That is a special ability that can only be obtained when talking to others when you still have the blessing of the brave," the black shadow smiled, "So, when you met her, did she ever use magic in front of you?"

"No," Liu Ji shook his head, "She said that after turning into this body, she lost the ability to use magic."

"So, can you use magic?" the black shadow asked.

Liu Ji was silent for a long time and nodded.

"Oh, right," the black shadow smiled, "One of the highest achievements of the Red Moon Demon King, how could there be such an immature defect? ​​She can't use magic because she is a pure swordsman who completely connects the magic veins with the physical ability. She can't mobilize her magic to use magic."

Liu Ji looked at the black shadow and opened his mouth, but was speechless.

In fact, he had guessed something just now, but...

Sure enough, he still didn't know what to say.

If this is true, then...

Misa died, died of the passage of time.

Qilisha died too. She killed herself.

The person living in the desert was neither Qilisha nor Misa, but another Misa created by Qilisha's memories of Misa...

"Hahahaha... It's hard to accept, the hero who saved the world ended up like this," the black shadow laughed.

Liu Ji looked at him, was silent for a while, and asked: "Well, although it may be a bit... well, have you ever thought about leaving here and trying to start a new life?"

"Hehe, leave? No, I can't leave," the black shadow said with a smile, "I said that the end of the hero will eventually be thrown into a corner and rot. I'm not describing it, but it's the fact.

Qilisha can't leave her desert, and I can't leave my city. Of course, it's not completely impossible to leave, just like Qilisha can run around the world with the moon if she wants, and if I use some magic, I can visit other people's homes.

But, in the end, we will always stay somewhere, a place that just suits us, then a unique place,

its He, the hero, also had various reasons, and was very "coincidentally" confined to a certain place.

Heh, of course, no one thought it was a coincidence. Everyone understood that it was part of the curse, just like the unreasonable hero's blessing. The curse attached to it was also so unreasonable..."

"But, I can still run around," Liu Ji said, "and you see, I shouldn't have that blessing on me, right?"

"Who knows, maybe the world thinks you are still useful," the black shadow shrugged, "Look, isn't there a war outside now? Maybe it thinks you can be the savior? I said, this curse will not reason with you, you will never know when it will secretly take effect. "

Liu Ji fell into silence.

He rubbed his forehead and felt a little dizzy.

"Ha, that is to say, as a hero, the best way is not to have any intersection with anyone, find a place to squat by yourself, and spend the rest of your life in peace?" Liu Ji asked.

"Hehe, no, there is no best way, because none of them is good..." The black shadow smiled, "But you are indeed a little different."

"Me?" Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with me?"

"Actually, I have always had a doubt," the black shadow said, "Qilisha can't perform the transformation magic of desert incarnation at all, or in other words, after Misa died, no one in the world can do this, so how did you get this ability?"

"I..." Liu Ji was stunned for a moment.

Having said that, he felt that he might have nothing to hide from the person in front of him.

It's just...

"Well, how should I put it," Liu Ji scratched his cheek, "To put it simply, she let me bite her, and then that's it..."

"Bite?" The black shadow tilted his head, "You can get the other person's ability by biting him?"

"Well, it's almost the same," Liu Ji touched the tip of his nose, "Uh, but anyway, you have to digest it, and I don't know where I got this ability..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Ji suddenly saw the black shadow appear in front of him.

"Hey, this is quite interesting," the black shadow smiled, stretched out his right hand in front of his face, and said, "Then how about you try to bite me too?"

174. Two-in-one As we all know, monsters that look like jelly will merge


The golden spiral tower stands on the ruins of the old city, and the dull workers are busy building various camp facilities.

Although it is temporarily impossible to dig underground caves, for the tyrant's troops, there is more than one way to expand the base. Using earth magic and nearby wood, plus some materials in the ruins, it is not difficult to build residences for soldiers.

It has been less than a month since they completely captured the upper city. In addition to the large area of ​​​​open space in the center surrounding the empty battlefield, the soldiers' residences, warehouses, and pterosaur breeding places on the periphery have been built.

Even on the outskirts of the city, there are already some other dull zombies who are obviously not soldiers. They are carrying various tools and enslaving earth dragons to start cultivating the surrounding land.

Obviously, they had regarded the nearby land as their own, and did not think that they would be defeated at all.

On the top floor of the tower, a figure was standing in front of the window, staring into the void below.

It was a slender man.

He was wearing cloth armor, a hood on his head, and a pure white mask on his face, so his face could not be seen clearly.

On his waist hung two short-handled bayonets inlaid with red orbs, covered with spikes and ferocious blades.

Behind his back was a dark cloak, with nine bloody traces intertwined on the cloak.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked behind him.

"Huh? Why are you here?" He opened his mouth to speak, and the voice turned out to be that of a woman. "The battle on my side shouldn't be so urgent, right?"

"It's not urgent, I just have some news, I'll take a look," a voice came from the darkness.

"What's the news?" the masked woman asked.

"Shouldn't you have known it earlier than asking me?" The voice in the darkness came again, "The core of the magic power of the two front riders was destroyed, and a stronghold was bombed, but the other side did not leave a trace. Information, I remember, those two front riders are still your students, right?"

"Oh, that thing is probably the fault of those guys hiding in the dark again," the woman said nonchalantly, "It's not the first time anyway, it's just two front riders, just make up for it from the source. "

"How cold. I thought you would at least care a little about your students," said the voice in the darkness.

"It doesn't matter whether they are students or not. On the battlefield, they are all the king's leading soldiers," the woman said coldly, "You'd better get down to business. Did the king give you any instructions?"

"There are no special instructions. The front lines in various places have been basically stabilized. We have to find a place to make the first breakthrough," the voice said. "Since there are suspected rats here, I think we might as well choose this place. ”

As he spoke, a figure slowly appeared in the darkness.

His entire body was shrouded in a white robe and cloak. Countless pale golden threads of unknown material were woven into the cloak to create some strange pattern with mysterious power. Just by looking at it, it made people feel sacred and inaccessible. breath.

He also wore a mask on his face, but the mask didn't look like an entity made of some kind of material like an ordinary mask. On the contrary, the mask looked like a collapsed black hole, as if it was trying to swallow up all those who were looking at it. It's something that twists and absorbs.

In his hand, he held a long staff. The staff looked extremely simple, as if it had been salvaged from the abyss of the long river of time. There was a bell hanging on the end of the staff, but even if the bell shook, it did not. Make any noise.

And on his back, there was a strange cloak,

Different from the ordinary broadcloth cloak, the cloak has a dark golden disk engraved with a strange pattern behind the shawl. Under the disk, three long gold-edged belts extend.

"Then, I will leave this old bone to your command," he said calmly.

"Don't dare," the woman leaned down and saluted, "Thank you for lending your power to me, an immature junior, the respected third king general."

After that, she straightened up and said softly: "I'm going to prepare for the attack."

After saying that, her figure turned into a puff of smoke and slowly dissipated.



Jingding Building, the passage leading to the top floor.

Since going up to the 30th floor, the scene in the corridor has completely changed.

Different from the previous extravagance and luxury, the decoration here is much simpler, with plain walls, simple stalls, doors closed by metal doors, and lights that emit light cold light.

The layout of the space on each floor is not as square as the one below. Instead, each floor has only a closed circular corridor. There are some closed doors inside and outside. It is unknown what is behind the door.

And since going to this level, the people you can meet are no longer security guards wearing uniforms and holding sticks. Except for some people wearing white clothes and dull expressions, there are only patrols wearing full armor and hard-edged swords. warrior.

Each of these warriors has a strong body and abundant magic power. Just by looking at them from a distance, you can feel the powerful aura on them. If thrown on the battlefield, their individual combat power is estimated to be comparable to that of the soldiers of the dog team.

But that's about it.

After walking through another spiral staircase, the short spear in Anwada's hand silently drew an elegant curve in the air, and then he walked past the two standing straight warriors in a swagger.

Snow and Nabelin followed closely behind, walking quietly.

About half a minute after they passed by, the two soldiers slowly collapsed and leaned against the wall behind them.

Along the way, they arrived at the third-to-last floor of the building without any hindrance, just like taking a leisurely stroll.

Once here, the scenery has changed again. Although the layout and style are still as simple as before, you can feel that starting from this floor, the materials that make up the walls and floors have undergone obvious changes. If you perceive it carefully, you can also It was detected that there seemed to be layers of magic flowing inside, and it was obvious that some kind of complex magic array was embedded and was continuously activated.

And inside the hall, there were an unprecedented number of warriors like before. They stood against the wall, one every half a meter, filling two full rows in the inner and outer circles.

"Well, it seems that this floor can't be hidden anymore," Anwada muttered quietly while exploring the intelligence above at the bottom of the stairs.

"I didn't expect to go all the way to the top floor," said Snow, taking out his book from somewhere, "Let's get ready to break in."

"Leave it to me for breaking in, just follow me," said Anwada, taking the lead to walk up the stairs.

In an instant, all the warriors turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

"Hey, brothers," Anwada smiled, and a pistol appeared in his other hand.

Holding two guns in hand, he looked around and asked softly: "Are you ready? If you are ready, you can almost die, right?"

Before he finished speaking, the group of warriors had already strode towards him.

Although the terrain was narrow and the number of soldiers was large, there was no chaos in the latter's queue. They lined up in an orderly manner and moved forward in an alternating manner. While two people attacked Anwada at the same time, the four people behind were ready for the follow-up relay.

At the same time, the alarm bells on the entire floor rang loudly, and the doors around opened, and more soldiers poured out.

Faced with such a "grand scene", Anwada just smiled lightly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared.

Just a few seconds later, he flashed again and reappeared in the same place.

No one saw what he did, and no one understood what he did, but at this moment, it was as if time had stopped. The soldiers all stopped moving, froze in place, and were as dumb as a rock.

Then, the next second, their bodies collapsed one after another, and they fell to the ground one after another.

In just a few seconds, the whole floor returned to calm, and there was no other sound except the buzzing alarm.

"Okay, I think we can continue," Anwada casually swung his double guns, stepped over the corpses on the ground, and walked deeper into this floor.

At this floor, there is no passage to the upper floors from the previous spiral staircase. It is estimated that the spiral staircase to the upper floors is somewhere else.

"Hiss, it's only been two months since we last met, and your skills have improved again," Jon Snow followed him and sighed as he walked.

"It's okay, I have a little more understanding," Anwada replied with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, look at what you said, geniuses are different," Jon Snow sighed.

"Don't flatter me, weren't you also one of the best geniuses in the arcane world back then," Anwada smiled, "How can my little skills of fighting and killing be compared with your achievements?"

"Just be ordinary..." Jon Snow shook his head.

The two chatted intermittently, walked through the corpses, and walked forward along the corridor. Finally, they found the entrance of a room on the other side. After entering the entrance, although there was no passage to the higher level, there was a complicated magic array on the ground.

"Tsk, teleportation array..." Looking at the magic array, Jon Snow frowned.

"It's quite troublesome, right? The kind activated by the blood key," Anwada said, "I didn't come up in advance because I found out that this thing existed. It's useless to rely on brute force. I can't solve it with my arcane attainments anyway."

"It's a bit troublesome. I need some time," Jon Snow said, and walked to the center of the magic array. He looked around, summoned his gloves, squatted on the ground, pressed his ten fingers on the ground, and circles of magic arrays lit up around him, as if he had started to crack it.

At the same time, Nabelin, who had been walking at the end, followed in and said in a panic: "Oh no, there are so many people coming up from below... No, they may not be people, but monsters I have never seen before..."

"Monsters?" Anwada frowned slightly, "You stay here to guard Uncle Snow, I'll go out and take a look."

"Okay, be careful..." Nabelin agreed, took out a crystal ball, ran to Snow's side, chanted a spell, and summoned layer after layer of shields.

Anwada left the room and heard a commotion from the direction they had come upstairs from before.

It was the sound of scattered footsteps and the inhuman roars that came one after another.

Anwada frowned slightly, holding a spear, and took the initiative to meet the source of the sound. Soon, he saw the source of the roars.

He thought it would be some captive monsters or something like that, but after seeing them, he was stunned.

Those roaring things, rather than monsters, are more like people who have been completely changed.

They were blood red all over, still retaining the basic human appearance, but covered with long or short red whiskers, their skin and muscles were translucent, revealing the blood vessels flowing underneath and the tendons moving freely, and the bones that had turned into segments of crystals, showing bright red and with spikes on them.

They had no internal organs, only a deformed, growing red crystal in the middle of the body.

They still had faces, but except for the hideous big mouth, the part above the nose was incomplete, some still had something like glasses, and some simply had no eyes, and without exception, where their brains should have been, there was only an empty pit, with nothing in it except some red mucus.

Looking at this disgusting creation, Anwada frowned.

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