The arrogant Wang Qi had now knelt on his knees, his two swords fell to the ground, his hands supported the ground, and his whole body trembled.

Dad said that magic should be defeated by magic.

In this case, curses can also be defeated by curses.

"What did you do..." Wang Qi trembled.

"Ah, who knows," Liu Ji shrugged.

He had to thank Mazu.

For so many years, as a brave man, he had been suppressing the power of disaster in his body, and he had not even let the disaster tree bloom flowers once.

Therefore, he did not give anyone the opportunity to understand this disaster.

The seeds of disaster took root and sprouted in Wang Qi's body, flowing through her blood vessels and magic meridians throughout her body, soaking her soul.

Wang Qi screamed, roared, struggled, and hurriedly picked up his short knife and stabbed it into his body.

She wanted to die.

She had to die.

She could feel that something of the same level as her power was working in her body, constantly bringing some irreversible changes to her body.

But she couldn't die.

Even though she stabbed her body with holes, not a drop of blood flowed out.

Even though she tore her flesh, strands of filaments continued to grow in her body.

Then, she suddenly stopped moving.

Then, Liu Ji heard a series of obscure spells coming out of her mouth, and then, a wave of unstable fluctuations began to spread outward from the position of her brain.

Then, with a bang, her head exploded.

The pure white mask exploded into pieces, and the huge impact force made her entire upper body lean back...

This is their insurance, to directly blow off their heads in an emergency to trigger the spell of resurrection ability.


This time, she did not resurrect.

The gorgeous huge yellow flower slowly bloomed from her neck.

And her body was rapidly transformed at this moment, branches grew out from every part of her body, and the green new buds grew into emerald green leaves in a few seconds.

Then, they burned.

Just like Liu Ji before, golden flames instantly ignited from her body, and shrill screams resounded throughout the entire area.

Seeing this, the dog team soldiers who were waiting around finally rushed up together.

Liu Ji didn't know what the logic of their behavior was, but this behavior was exactly what he wanted.

Since they were already here, then let's kill them all at once.

It just so happened that he also wanted to try what kind of power the incarnation of sand with the blessing of the dark monster could exert.

With a fierce kick on the ground, Liu Ji rushed into the pile of soldiers.

The sharp claws waved, accompanied by the continuous shrill screams, setting off a bloody storm.



On a high ridge outside the Kaga Holy City.

"Three Ze Crescent Lake..." Ao Sa looked at the lake below, rubbing his chin and sighing, "This name is unexpectedly quite vivid."

Below, three winding and slender lakes formed a line, looking like a crescent moon.

"Yeah, it's quite similar," Jilunini came over and sighed, "It's divided into three parts and each part can be called a lake. This place is too big..."

"Nabelin, did the divination have any results?" Snow asked Nabelin.

"No, we can only be sure that it is nearby," Nabelin said helplessly, "You also know that the closer to the target, the harder it is for divination to work..."

"That's right, tsk," Snow sighed, "It's not easy to find Guoguo in such a large area. If she really wants to hide, she may spend several months with us here."

"Then why don't we just go find her?" Yayin came over.

"For example, let her come to find us?" Snow asked.

"Well," Yayin nodded, "You let your phantom dragon go around in the sky. If she can see it, she should come here."

"That's right," Snow touched his chin, "This area is not safe, I'm afraid it will attract other things."

"Well... That's true," Yayin also frowned.

"Is there anything that will only attract her attention but not others' attention..." Osa supported his waist and sighed to the sky, "Ah... Just a joke, I really thought too much."

"You know," Jilunini said helplessly, "This is the wild, there is no condition to give you a secret code."

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

"Or, let's use a stupid way," said Snow, "determine the search range and then act in groups, use some magic that can attract her attention in a small range, and if you are lucky, you should be able to find her."

"No, wait, let me think about it..." Yain raised her hand and said, then fell into deep thought.

Snow looked over in confusion, touched his chin, and then fell into deep thought.

Although there is no idea, try to think about it.

After all, none of them would really want to spend a few months in such a place.



In the dense forest.

A huge wild boar was turning the grass leaves on the ground.

It used its fangs to lift up the soil, turned out the tubers and rhizomes hidden under the soil, and then ate them with a grunt.

Just as it was eating, there was a sound of breaking wind, and an arrow penetrated from the side of its forehead, piercing through its hard skull and piercing into its brain.

The next second, the wild boar fell to the ground, its four hooves twitching constantly, obviously dead.

After about a few seconds, a figure jumped down from a tree trunk nearby, poked the wild boar's body, and let out a long breath.

The person who came was Guo Guo.

At this time, she was wearing a tight light leather armor, an exquisite composite metal bow, two wooden quivers on her back, and a temporary quiver hanging behind her waist. The bows and arrows in the quiver were also exquisitely made and made of high-quality materials. It was obvious that they were not cheap goods.

Just from this set of equipment, it is not an exaggeration to say that she had upgraded her muskets.

But in contrast, her face looked very gloomy.

She looked very haggard and in a bad mood.

Although she hunted a good prey, there was no joy on her face.

Pulling the bow and arrow out of the pig's brain, Guo Guo shook off the blood on it, tore off a piece of bark to wipe the arrow clean, and then put it back in the quiver behind her waist.

Then, she took off the rope around her waist, tied it around the pig's waist, and then lifted the whole pig up.

After looking at the sun in the sky and calculating the direction, Guoguo walked in a certain direction.

After walking for about half an hour, she came to a giant tree, lifted the vines covering the tree, and walked into the hole under the tree roots.

After sliding down a dark passage, she came to an empty underground space.

In this underground space, a group of children were sitting around a small magic lamp, chatting.

These children were almost all wearing school uniforms, with varying ages. The oldest was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and the youngest was ** years old. There were a total of ten people, including boys and girls.

As soon as they saw Guoguo coming back, the group of children immediately became energetic and surrounded her in surprise. While greeting Guoguo, they curiously looked at the wild boar she brought back, and some of the children even began to sip.

"Sorry, there are no wild animals nearby. I walked a little far. You must be hungry. I'll go cook for you," Guoguo said with a smile, carrying the wild boar and walking towards the cave.

At the other end of the cave, there is another empty cave. The top of the empty cave is connected to a rotten dead tree. Guoguo opened holes under several roots to exhaust air when making fire and cooking.

The group of children were obedient. The older ones quickly organized the younger ones to sit down obediently, and then a few children who looked a little rustic came here to help Guoguo.

These children were rescued by Guoguo when he was escaping. They all left with the evacuation troops when they were escaping, but at first they followed the evacuation troops. After all, they were frightened and couldn't help crying along the way.

The city lord couldn't stand it, so he wanted to find someone to secretly deal with these children, which could not only increase the speed of travel, but also save some rations. The most important thing is that it can be quiet, which is very convenient for him.

As a result, Guoguo discovered their intentions. With one bow and one person, the whole team dared not to cross the line, and watched a group of children run away under Guoguo's cover.

Then, they left.

After all, they just wanted to get rid of these little burdens. It made no difference whether they killed them or ran away. Guoguo's move was actually just to fulfill their wishes.

This did avoid fighting, but Guoguo also took on the responsibility of taking care of these children alone.

However, Guoguo didn't care.

It was not easy to use the ultimate arrow formation taught by the master to help Liu Ji defeat Wang Qi, but in the end, he could only watch Liu Ji and Ya Yin stay there together, waiting for the tyrant to take their lives.

It was really too cruel...

It was so cruel that it made people desperate.

In fact, Guoguo knew that her master had given her great expectations, and she had been working hard in her own way...

But this time, she couldn't keep working hard.

It was as if all her efforts were cruelly denied by the world, and all the hopes she had ignited were swallowed up by darkness.

She was tired.

She didn't want to recite the extremely obscure spells that she couldn't understand.

She didn't want to remember the arrow array points that had to be narrowed to within one centimeter.

Since there would be no reward no matter how much hardship she endured, it would be better to give up...

But just when she wanted to unload everything, she was burdened with the responsibility of taking care of more than a dozen children.

Fortunately, perhaps because the "mayor" who had always been regarded as "the most powerful person in the whole city" by the simple hearts of these children showed his extremely hideous and ugly side, or perhaps because they faced the fear of the long knife about to pierce themselves, anyway, on the day of escaping the team, these children seemed to have grown up overnight.

Originally, Kaga Ground City was a prosperous city, and they lived there like flowers in a greenhouse, blooming and flawless.

And that incident was like reality slapping them hard, slapping their milk teeth and spitting blood.

Then, they woke up.

In the days that followed, they would cry from time to time, but they never made a scene again.

Even if someone wanted to make a scene, they would be stopped by other children, and then they would cry together.

Guoguo had heard the sound of these children sobbing in their beds for countless nights...

After all, their homes were gone, many of their friends had died, and their parents were also in doubt.

The food they once liked, the toys they liked, the familiar streets, the squares they often visited, and the "secret base" with their friends were all gone.

And they are just a group of children.

There are countless memories that can bring back their tears and keep them awake all night.

And if it is not such a night, Guoguo will also be like them, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

So, she looks so haggard.

Cutting off the elbow bone of the wild boar ruthlessly, Guoguo vented her displeasure on the remains of the wild boar.

However, she can only vent.

Facing this bastard world, it seems that all she can do is to vent helplessly.

But, it is meaningless.

"Ha..." With a long sigh, Guoguo cut the pig skin and took the meat from the elbow.

The conditions here are limited. It takes too long to boil water and pluck the hair. Just peel the skin and take the meat. After the fur is dried, it can be torn into strips to at least make a bed. If there is no condition to make leather, it can only be used in this rough way.

Use everything that can be used. At least, they can live well for the time being.

If staying in the dark underground all the time can be considered good.

"Ha..." With another sigh, Guoguo took out the wild boar's bones and was about to throw them aside.

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