Liu Ji was confused.

He had searched the area, but he could not find any clues no matter how hard he looked.

The blood connection was still there, but the feeling of the connection was more vague than ever before, as if the entire area nearby was evenly transmitting the signal of the connection, but he could not determine where it was.

He had never encountered such a situation before.

The only clue was the flying pig in the lake.

But the scene was like a mirage, there was no real pig in the sky, even if he jumped into the lake, he could not see anything, even if there was a breeze blowing, causing some larger ripples on the lake, those scenes would immediately disappear.

I don't understand it.

It's too magical, it can't match Liu Ji's materialistic brain waves at all, I can't understand it at all.

With a long sigh, Liu Ji could only sit by the lake, propping up his chin, staring at the lake in a daze.

Just as he was waiting, suddenly, Liu Ji heard a young man's voice behind him.

"What's wrong? Are you stumped by something?"

"Huh?" Liu Ji was stunned, turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a young man with light blue hair looking at him with a smile.

"Sorry, what are you talking about?" Liu Ji said, "I only know spells."

"Ah, so, then you are really special," the man nodded and said with a spell, "I'm asking, are you troubled by anything?"

"Not really," Liu Ji looked at the man, "but who are you?"

"Me?" The man tilted his head, "My name is Tulin... uh, but telling you my name is not considered a self-introduction, so, let me change the way I say it..."

Said, he cleared his throat and said with a bright smile: "I am the twelfth king rider under the throne. I am glad to meet you. I just killed the murderer of the ninth king rider."

189. Two-in-one There is a traitor, terminate the transaction

One by one, green grass quietly drilled out of the ground, extending along the ground around Liu Ji, and in a blink of an eye, it covered hundreds of meters.

"I didn't expect that you would notice it so quickly..." Liu Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, you came to me so anxiously, do you want to go with her?"

"Wow, it's really scary," Wang Qi, who called himself Tulin, said with a smile, "But I think you don't need to be so nervous, after all, I am on your side."

"My side?" Liu Ji frowned slightly, "Are you saying you are a traitor?"

"Yeah, you are so straightforward..." Tulin touched his chin, "But there is nothing wrong?"

"Do you think I will believe you?" Liu Ji frowned.

"Why not?" Turin spread his hands and said with a smile, "After all, it's me who came to you, not our king, right?"

"Sorry, this doesn't mean anything," Liu Ji said coldly, "Or are you threatening me?"

"If this makes it easier for you to talk to me, I can also threaten you," Turin said, "Let me think about it, just like this, ahem... Do you want me to call our king now to have a cordial talk with you, or change your mind and talk to me?"

Liu Ji stared at Turin in front of him, frowning.

He didn't actually know whether the King Riders had the means to contact the tyrant, but he obviously didn't want to gamble.

Perhaps the ability of the disaster plant can block the perception between the two, but if the person in front of him insists on running, at least it is easy to rush out of the range covered by the green grass.

Moreover, the current situation is different from before.

This guy is someone who clearly knows that he has the ability to kill the King Rider.

The two King Riders he met before showed almost arrogant confidence when fighting with him.

After all, their strength is so strong, their record is so brilliant, and they think that they are invincible from the beginning because of their endless life.

Therefore, they always choose to confront Liu Ji head-on, without doubting whether they can kill Liu Ji.

In a sense, it is because of this that Liu Ji has an opportunity.

But this time the opponent is different. He knows that Liu Ji has the ability to kill Wang Qi.

If the opponent is not a blindly confident fool, then he must be well prepared...

It is not rational to act rashly.

It may be a good choice to escape temporarily, but first, Liu Ji has to figure out one thing...

"How did you find me?" Liu Ji frowned and asked.

"Ah? You are interested in this question," Turin asked with a smile, "Are you thinking about how to get rid of me?"

Liu Ji's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to answer.

"'s really hard to make you believe me," Tulin shook his finger, "What should I do...ah, I got it, then I'll give you some practical benefits, you, are you hunting the lone king cavalry now, right?"

"Do you think so?" Liu Ji's eyebrows jumped, "Why, are you going to sacrifice yourself as a gift to me?"

"I don't think our friendship has reached that point yet?" Tulin smiled, "If one day you can give your life for me, I can consider it, right?"

" need," Liu Ji shuddered, "I'm not interested in this, and I don't think our future relationship will be so optimistic."

"Really, that's a pity. I'm quite interested in you," Turin said with a smile. "And, although you don't believe it, in fact, our interests are indeed consistent."

With that said, he took out a folded note from his arms and handed it to Liu Ji.

"Take it, the greeting gift," Tulin said, "Anyway, no matter how much I tell you now, you won't believe it. I'll leave now if I give you this."

Liu Ji looked at the note, frowned, and took it anyway.

"Very good," Tulin nodded, "Then I'll beg you. See you next time."

As Tulin spoke, his figure suddenly turned into a human-shaped ice crystal, which then shattered and turned into ice slag on the ground.

Within a few seconds, the ice armor melted quietly and turned into water and flowed into the soil.

It turns out that from beginning to end, it was not the other person who came, but just a clone.

"Tsk," Liu Ji secretly gasped.

Sure enough, he is a genius.

But if it were him, he might do the same thing.

But, at least judging from the other party's current behavior, what he said might not be good...


At least part of it may be true.

But if it were all true, Liu Ji didn't believe it anyway.

Opening the note in his hand, Liu Ji read the contents.

Just one glance and his eyes widened.

On it was detailed information about the ability of the Seventh King's Cavalry.



Meanwhile, on the other side.

Yayin and Na Beilin were sitting on both sides of a long table, staring at the old woman sitting at the top.

In front of the two of them, a table full of sumptuous dishes was placed.

And the mother-in-law just sat on the table, looking at them with a smile.

"Um, senior..." Yayin asked tentatively, "Aren't we here to find Guoguo? Are you..."

"Don't worry, you guys finally got here, so naturally it's time to eat something first," the mother-in-law said with a smile.

"But we're really not very hungry," Yain said, "We can't go and meet her first and then..."

Before Ya Yin finished speaking, she heard the mother-in-law say: "No, we can't."

"Why?" Yayin asked puzzled, "Didn't you say you were willing to take us to see her?"

"I said I would take you to see her, but I didn't say now," the mother-in-law said. "Besides, I had no intention of letting you go see her now."

Yayin and Na Beilin looked at each other, and then Na Beilin turned around and asked: "Um, senior...can we know the reason?"

"Of course," the old woman gently shook the tea cup in her hand, "she has the right to choose some things by herself."



After struggling for a whole afternoon and an evening, Guoguo finally built a large enough shed. He mixed the pine and cypress leaves collected from nearby with fur grass and piled it into a large dry bed.

Although this bed is definitely not as good as the cotton mattress in the hotel, it is at least much better than sleeping on the cold mud floor.

With the comfortable new bed, the children were able to lie down obediently at midnight tonight.

Guoguo was sitting outside, preparing for breakfast tomorrow morning while secretly listening to the goings on in the shed.

Different from the past, the shed today was not as lifeless as before. Instead, there were bursts of laughter and laughter from time to time. It could be heard that at least today, the children were having a great time.

Maybe tonight, after a long time, they and Guoguo can have a good sleep.

After covering the porridge to be cooked in the pot tomorrow morning, Guoguo lay down on the haystack nearby and looked up at the sky.

Although the sky here is very busy during the day, it is extremely quiet at night.

The starry sky was shining brightly, there were no clouds in the sky, and no animals or birds could be heard. Only the gentle breeze blew by Guoguo's ears.

Guoguo is very busy today.

Busy collecting materials, busy building sheds, busy cooking, and taking care of children who were injured in playing.

To be honest, this day was very fulfilling.

And my life is very meaningful. I take care of the children's lives and feel their dependence, as if I have grown up...

However, Guoguo always felt that something was wrong.

This sense of security was so familiar that it made her a little uneasy.

Guoguo instinctively searched for the source of this sense of security, and it didn't take long before she figured it out.

Perhaps, in addition to these children relying on her, she also relies on these children.

Ever since she was sent away by Yayin's teleportation, she had lost the courage to move forward.

It seems as if all the efforts I have made in the past have been negated, as if all my struggles are meaningless.

It was as if her life in the world had no meaning.

This confused her.

I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know where I’m going back.

And just then, these children appeared.

Recalling the feeling of that moment when she stood up for them, Guo Guo only felt that at that moment, she came back to life.

Guo Guo didn't think her sense of justice was very strong, but at this moment, her life, which was like a pool of stagnant water, did become turbulent again.

Because she discovered that she also had things she wanted to do and things she could do.

Even if there is no one to accompany her and no one to rely on, she can still do many things.

But even so, she still hated walking alone.

Guoguo still remembers her master once saying that she is not like a ranger.

Because forest rangers are always lonely, they spend the whole day with the breeze in the forest, make friends with the morning dew, and travel alone.

But Guoguo can't stand this kind of life.

In fact, until now, Guoguo may not be able to stand such a life.

The grandmother once asked her if she wanted to stay here for the rest of her life.

To be honest, Guoguo was a little tempted.

After all, there is no danger here, and she can continue to take care of these children...


This choice may not be as good as imagined.

These children certainly need someone to take care of them now, but the oldest among them have considerable self-care ability. Since most of these children have received urban education, they can even use some simple magic.

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