"It's my profession, so I can't embarrass myself," Grandma Makina smiled.

"No, you are too modest," Yain shook her head, "I have never heard of the exquisite arcane logic here, no wonder you can create such a different world."

"If you are interested in staying here and studying this direction with me, I think you can achieve higher achievements than me," Grandma Makina said, "Then maybe you can take over my job and expand this world to an unimaginable size."

"This..." Yain hesitated for a moment, but still replied, "If one day I am desperate, I will consider your proposal."

"Very good, and this is also the reward I plan to give you," Grandma Makina said, "I don't force you to help me much, but as long as you help me, I promise that there will always be a place for you to stay here, even if the world is destroyed, you can spend the rest of your life here."



The upper city of the Holy City of Kaga.

Or rather, the ruins of the upper city of the Holy City of Kaga.

Liu Ji stood on a small patch of green grass, looking up at the old city in front of him.

Although it was called the old city, it actually looked similar to the previous forest city. The frames of spiral towers rose from the ground, large tracts of open space were cleared, and dog team soldiers in uniforms were busy going back and forth between the unfinished buildings.

Sure enough, they were not simply "destroying the world", but steadily expanding their territory.

If nothing unexpected happened, after this round of attack, they should be quiet for a while to build and consolidate the newly acquired territory.

It took them a full thousand years to completely capture the world over there. Although Liu Ji was not sure how big the world over there was, if it was as big as the world in his previous life, their round of attack actually only captured a few or a dozen towns.

Due to the lack of effective data, it was impossible to make a detailed calculation, but Liu Ji felt that their silence might not be too short.

But, no matter how long it was, it was estimated to be within one or two years at most.

For the residents of distant towns, this may be okay, but for the people of the next batch of cities near here, this is enough to make them breathless.

Even if they are given two years, what can they do?

Escape to a deeper city?

Maybe it is a solution.

But think about it carefully, once they do this, what awaits them is not the road of exile as refugees leaving their homes?

If the tyrant's troops advance one step, people in dozens of cities will become refugees and wander around. It won't take long before the world will be full of refugees and robbers.

Then, maybe a war will break out among them for cities and settlements, and then they will be finished.

But can they be blamed for this?

In the final analysis, facing an unbeatable enemy, no matter how they struggle, they will end up with the same fate in the end, which is nothing more than a difference in speed and whether they die with dignity.

With a long sigh, Liu Ji's figure went underground.

He did not intend to do some meaningless little destruction on the ground, which would expose his whereabouts.

Liu Ji passed through the soil and entered the ruins of the underground city of Kaga Holy City.

Just like when he left before, it was still as dilapidated as before.

It seemed that the tyrant's soldiers had not started working underground yet. It was unknown whether it was not their turn to work underground yet, or whether they did not intend to use this dark underground city at all.


Maybe they planned to use it in some other way.

For example, the disgusting building full of hoses under the sentry tower.

Liu Ji still didn't know how that kind of thing was built, or whether it was not built at all.

In short, that kind of place made him very uncomfortable, and it was good news that it had not become like that.

Following the direction in his memory, Liu Ji soon found the place where Kaga was sealed before.

However, the scene in front of him was completely beyond his expectations.

The dark crystal was still in the distance, and the iron chain tied to it was still intact, and even the thick fog had not dissipated.

However, there was a big hole on the crystal, and in the crystal, the place where Kaga should have been sealed was empty.

191. Two-in-one Your teacher is an archer, so he doesn't know how to teach.

Liu Ji was a little confused.

In fact, when he saw Kaga disappear from the crystal at the beginning, his first reaction was that the tyrant's troops moved him away in order to use him.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that this is illogical. If it is a simple transfer, why not just move the whole crystal together?

It can't be that they can't move it, right?

Even if they are in a good mood, they must dig Kaga out and take him away. As the caster of the seal, it is a bit too unnatural to dig a hole through the gap of the iron chain to dig him out.

Of course, even so, it is not 100% certain that it was not the tyrant's people who moved him away, but judging from the situation at the scene, Liu Ji himself basically denied this possibility.

Then his second thought was that maybe Kaga found a way to escape.

But while avoiding the fog and carefully checking the situation of the hole, Liu Ji felt that perhaps rather than escaping by himself, it was more like someone rescued him quietly.

The cross section is smooth, with no signs of cracking. There are no crystal fragments on the ground nearby, and the crystal in the hollowed-out hole has even disappeared.

If Kaga escaped by himself, these details would be quite unnatural.

If he could deal with the seal against him so calmly and perfectly, then the seal would be too ridiculous.

And the most important point is that the part of the crystal that was taken out is gone.

Did the prisoner take the prison door away with him when he escaped? Isn't this too outrageous?

Either the crystal was completely destroyed by some method, or the rescuer took it away as a sample.

In either case, the possibility of a third party intervening is obviously greater than that of Kaga doing this himself.

When it comes to a third party that can interfere in such a matter, and can rescue people under the nose of the Tyrant Army, and also know information related to the hero, it is hard not to think that this matter is related to the Secret Sanctuary.

Or, is there another force hidden in the dark?

This time, the Tyrant Army invaded this world in a large scale. The actions of the local forces are still unclear. Maybe they will be in chaos for a while due to various reasons, but at least, they will never sit still and wait for death.

Especially, if there are some organizations composed of cutting-edge combat forces in this world...

Unlike the bloated and slow-moving Wangquan Fugui, in this world, if there are similar organizations, the speed of response will be extremely fast. At least Liu Ji has not encountered similar organizations in the places he has passed. It is not impossible that this time it was done by similar organizations.

Of course, the biggest suspect is still the Secret Sanctuary.

Although Liu Ji currently has no good feelings for the Secret Sanctuary, if it is related to them, Kaga's situation will at least not be worse than being locked here.


Liu Ji looked at the twelve statues that were destroyed, and he felt bad.

Damn it, this thought is the only thing left in tens of thousands of years, and even this was destroyed by someone.

Carefully avoiding the clouds and mist, Liu Ji floated towards the statues and drilled into the ground from the middle.

There was a very narrow secret compartment underground there.

Probably because there was no energy reaction inside and it was hidden very deep, it was not damaged.

In this secret compartment, two magic books from ancient times lay quietly.

Although they were called magic books, they did not record anything related to magic. They were made into magic books purely for long-term preservation.

One of them was the magic book that Liu Ji had read before, which recorded some information about the heroes.

The other one was the magic book that Kaga used to record his past, but he was unwilling to read it in the end.

Liu Ji picked up the book and opened it gently.

Because it was a magic book, the words recorded were all spells, and he could understand them.

The whole book recorded the past that Kaga and his former lovers had spent together, from the first meeting, to the daily life later, and then to the marriage hall together. Liu Ji could feel the full emotion of Kaga when he wrote every word and sentence.

But now it seems that he can only feel a pang of heartache.

Looking at the past records and recalling the sweetness of the past is a very happy thing, but the premise is that you have to remember it.

If you look at the records and can't remember anything, then what is left is probably only sadness.

Liu Ji closed the two books and carefully embedded them into his body together with another book.

Although he didn't know where Kaga was now, at least he took these two books with him so that he could give them to him when he saw him again.

Although he hadn't flipped through this book for many years, now Kaga Saint City is gone, and those past statues are gone. Liu Ji felt that perhaps, perhaps, the only things related to Kaga's past were these two books.

Without choosing to climb out of the ground again, Liu Ji directly followed the underground rock layer and left Kaga Saint City.

Since Kaga was no longer here, there was no point in staying here.

Just blasting a newly started construction site would not bring much actual benefits. Liu Ji didn't plan to do such a side job.

Moreover, just now, he felt that the vague location information of the potato kids suddenly became clear again.

Perhaps, Yayin and others have now come out of that strange place.



Time goes back a little.

"You mean, you will stay here for a while?" Yayin looked at Guoguo in surprise.

"Well," Guoguo nodded, "It is still difficult for those children to live independently. I have to spend some time to teach them something, but don't worry, it won't take too long, just a few months."

"A few months is not a short time, alas," Yayin sighed softly, and then smiled and said, "But, I can't object to this kind of thing..."

"Don't worry, I won't let her waste these few months," at this time, Grandma Majina came over, "Guomimona, I remember that you seem to have been unable to understand the meaning of the spell itself, right?"

"Ah, well, that's right," Guoguo scratched his head, "I have always been stupid in this regard..."

"No, you are not stupid," said Grandma Makina, "your master is stupid. That old playboy knows nothing about teaching. He can't understand spells by nature, so why not just learn it as a language?"

"Huh?" Guoguo was stunned, "You mean, I can actually understand spells?"

"Hehe, although I have given up the fight, you young people all have your own grudges to settle," said Grandma Makina, "If you choose to stay here, I will naturally not waste this time, but since you are going to leave, then, there is no student that I can't teach, even a summoned beast, I can teach it."

"Summon, summon beast..." Guoguo blinked.

I always feel that this sounds a bit subtle...

But Yain on the side knows that Makina is not joking.

Of course, her deepest attainment is the magic of opening the world, but at the same time, she is also a powerful summoner who has studied summoning.

A big part of the reason why she and Jon Snow broke up was that they had completely different understandings of summoned beasts. Jon Snow always preferred to strengthen the physical strength of summoned beasts and believed that summoned beasts with too strong minds were dangerous and unstable factors.

But Grandma Majina's understanding was exactly the opposite. She had been committed to creating summoned beasts that were closer to intelligent life.

Although it sounded outrageous, it seemed possible to cultivate summoned beasts that could learn spells.

"Okay, I won't delay you any more," Grandma Majina looked at Ya Yin and said with a smile, "Remember, you are welcome to come back here at any time. Just remember not to knock on the door with that old guy's face next time you come. Just use your own."

After that, she tapped her staff lightly and said, "Then, see you next time..."

In an instant, Ya Yin felt the scene in front of her blurred.

When she came to her senses, she and Nabelin were standing next to the lake again.

"Ah, they came out, just as suddenly as when they went in," Nabelin looked around, "Strange, I always feel like I forgot something..."

While muttering, Jilunini and Aosa suddenly appeared on the side.

For some reason, the two looked sleepy and looked quite tired.

The next moment, the potatoes who were gathered together also appeared on the side.

"Ah, they all came out," Nabelin clapped her hands.

"No, there is still one person missing..." Yayin said with a strange look.

Before the voice fell, everyone heard a scream from the sky.

Then, with a splash, a few meters high splashed in the lake not far away.

Immediately afterwards, Jon Snow's head emerged from the water, pointing to the sky and cursing: "You dead woman! You are plotting against me again!"

Who knew that as soon as the voice fell, another ball of water poured down from the sky and splashed Jon Snow in the face.

"Phew, it's okay, just a minor fight," Yayin breathed a sigh of relief by the lake. She turned to look at Ao Sa and Ji Lunini, and seeing their expressions as if their souls had left their bodies, she asked in confusion, "Huh? What happened to you two?"

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