After all, she had been hiking in the desert for two whole months, and she was already craving for this shaved ice.

Callidora glanced at her helplessly. She still had no intention of moving the spoon and asked, "I understand why they don't want to leave, but, Mr. Mass, why don't you want to leave?"

"Me? Oh, I have no reason to leave," Mass said with a smile, "Because I belong here and I should stay here."

"Do you belong here?" Callidora blinked.

"Well, yes, I can only tell you that I belong here," Mass supported his chin, "To be more specific... this story is too long, and I don't want to tell it yet."

"Sorry, I was presumptuous," Callidora scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, just as I am curious about you, you should also be curious about me," Mass said with a smile, "Whenever I get interested, it's not like I can't tell you stories about my past... Well, Is there anything else you want to ask? I should go see how our roasted lamb is doing in a little while."

"Ah, there is another question," Callidora said quickly, "that is...why do you take so much care of the strangers who arrive here?"

"Haha, I've been asked this question many times," Mass said with a smile, "The answer is simple, because it's so boring to be alone in this desert city..."

"Alone?" Jilunini asked vaguely with a smoothie in her mouth, "So aren't those rocks outside people?"

"Hey, do you think they look like humans?" Miss's eyes lit up, "Thank you for the compliment. In fact, those are the puppets I made."

"Huh? Golems? A whole city of golems?" Callidora was startled, "Oh my God, how much time will that take!"

It’s no wonder she reacted so strongly. Golems are a type of familiars, and the production or summoning process for familiars is extremely complicated. Generally, a small golem that can only be used for doing chores will take several months. production time.

This whole city of demons...



After all, this person seems to have lived for thousands of years.

"Okay, let's stop here during the question time," Mass said, standing up, "I'm going to see if our lamb is roasted..."

After saying this, his face suddenly stiffened, and his eyes unconsciously drifted towards the city gate not far away.

"Mr. Mass? What's wrong with you?" Callidora noticed something unusual about Mass.

However, the latter quickly came to his senses and showed his cheerful expression again.

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that there seems to be something wrong with one of my demon dolls. It doesn't matter," he said with a smile, "Oh, by the way, my skill at roasting whole lamb is very good. You will definitely know how to eat it later." like."

After that, he quickly walked out of the hall, leaving Callidora and Gillunini looking at each other.



At the same time, outside the city gate.

The strong warrior wearing an orange cloak roared loudly and slashed at the stone guard with the ax in his hand.

However, in the face of his charge, the stone guard only raised his right hand to block it lightly.

There was a crisp sound of collision, and the heavy ax instantly shattered into metal fragments that filled the sky.

The next moment, at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, the stone statue guard grabbed the warrior's head.

With a harsh crunching sound, the warrior's brain was crushed like a watermelon on the spot, and blood mixed with brains was spread all over the stone guard, adding a hint of terror to the stone statue that should have looked dull and honest.

A little further ahead, there were several people wearing orange cloaks fighting with other stone statue guards.

The fan whose solid shield was smashed, the cloaked shield guard was blasted through the chest by the stone guard with just one punch.

The swift crossbow arrows were like fine spring rain, unable to even leave decent scars on the body of the stone guard. Before the caped ranger, who was obsessed with output, could react, his head was whipped by a sudden slap on his neck for two full seconds. lock up.

The scout's attack seemed fierce. The scimitar in his hand flew up and down, grabbing the stone guard and slashing at it. But in fact, every attack he made could only leave a white scratch on the stone guard. On the other hand, the stone guard , with just one punch, the cloaked scout and his men could be blown to pieces.

As for the warriors.

The warrior is long dead.

They thought they were good at hand-to-hand combat, but obviously, their opponents were much better than them this time.

After losing the cover of the vanguard, the mage who had not finished reading the message was torn in half by the stone statue.

After the priest's turtle shell was shattered, he was also hammered into a pile of mud.

In less than three minutes, an entire standard-cloaked squad was wiped out by the iron fists of several stone statue guards.

At the same time, mass appeared at the city gate.

He looked at the pile of hammered pieces of meat on the ground and frowned.

"Damn it, what the hell are these ghost things that look like humans but are not human..."

21.The air quality is only excellent

Liu Ji and others have been walking in the desert for a whole week.

For a whole week, apart from the yellow sand, there were only two sea buckthorn trees in front of them.

Speaking of the sea buckthorn, Liu Ji didn't know why Ya Yin insisted on letting him eat it. Anyway, his tongue almost became sore after taking one bite.

He wanted to spit it out, but seeing that Yayin and Aosa both swallowed the sea buckthorn with difficulty, he was too embarrassed to spit it out, so he could only swallow it whole despite the sourness.

Although he was not hungry at all.

It was ridiculous. His stomach was empty at any time, but he had not felt hungry this week.

He was more and more certain that there was chlorophyll in his hair.

Although he was not hungry, Liu Ji was the same as the others in terms of thirst.

Yayin was extremely frugal in distributing drinking water. Each person could drink a few sips at a fixed time and quantity every day. Liu Ji could only keep the water in his mouth as much as possible to keep his mouth moist.

But to be honest, this was really difficult.

The lack of water made him want to swallow the water in his mouth almost every moment to get a momentary relief.

Sometimes Liu Ji would think that maybe he should really stay in the camp and wait for them. Their supplies were almost entirely stored in Yayin's magic space. If he was missing, their supplies might be much more abundant.

Whenever Liu Ji thought about this, he felt that he had more pressure out of thin air.

"I must help when I encounter something that I can help with," he thought.

Well, although when he had this idea, Liu Ji didn't really expect that there would be anything he could help with.

After all, in his opinion, this damn desert is really a desert, with nothing.

But what he didn't expect was that the opportunity came the next day after he had this idea.

At that moment, he realized that he was wrong.

The name of the Buried Desert is not just a nice name.

Under a bright red blood moon, the countless skeleton beasts that slowly crawled out of the desert and silently howled towards the sky were the real origin of the name of this desert.

And the moment he realized this, Yayin had already started chanting.

By the time Liu Ji reacted, the thick mud barrier had completely enveloped everyone.

"Get ready," Yain casually cast a sunlight spell on the ceiling, illuminating the entire mud barrier, "The air in this desert is already dry, we can't hide for too long and have to go out."

"Damn it, why is there another blood moon? I clearly remember that it should be a few days later," Ao Sa complained in a low voice while adjusting his equipment.

"Maybe it's because we killed a team of scouts at the edge of the desert. The blood will bring the blood moon forward, do you remember?" Mo Wente said, also adjusting his equipment.

"Nonsense, there are only a few people, how can it bring the blood moon forward by several days," Ao Sa frowned, "Could it be that someone else rushed into the desert?"

"It's hard to say, you know what's going on outside," Mo Wente tied the package, his clothes were tight, and his left hand was holding the scabbard, obviously ready to go.

Looking at the people who were facing a great enemy, Liu Ji was a little confused about the situation.

He knew that things outside didn't look good, but they were already hiding, so why did they go out?

He also noticed the strange moon in the sky, and guessed that the scene outside was related to it.

Since it was the moon, it should be gone during the day, so couldn't they wait here until the outside returned to normal before going out?


By the way, the magic light bulb that Yain threw out just now was quite interesting. It was warm and comfortable when it shone on the body...

Seeing Liu Ji standing there stupidly, Yain poked him and reminded him to prepare for the battle with gestures and phrases.

Liu Ji understood, but what was he preparing for?

Maybe he should take off his clothes, so that he wouldn't tear his clothes when he turned into a bear...

But this was in public...

He looked at Yain, then at the other two, scratched his cheek, thought about it again, and finally made a decision.

Take it off!

Clothes are a scarce resource in the wild. If one is scrapped, there will be one less. Although it is in the public eye, at this critical moment, there is no need to care so much.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, turned around, and took off the robe covering his body directly under the stunned gaze of the other three.

Then, Liu Ji used probably the fastest hand speed in his life, like a bath towel, to wrap the robe around his waist, covering his buttocks illuminated by the light of the righteous way.

Wrapped in this way, when the bear expands, the clothes will naturally be stretched and fall down, so that they will not be directly stretched.

Watching Liu Ji's wonderful operation, Ao Sa took a breath and asked: "Ya Yin, did you tell him that in fact, as long as there are suitable plants, your little demons can make that kind of clothes directly,"

"Well..." Ya Yin's mouth twitched, "Sorry, with his current level of spells, I don't know how to explain it to him..."

Mo Wente looked at Liu Ji expressionlessly, without saying a word.

Then suddenly, someone laughed.

Yayin and Aosa turned to look at Mowente at the same time.

But Mowente remained expressionless and said nothing.

Looking at the reactions of the three people, Liu Ji had no idea what expression would appear on his face.

He only knew that it would be very embarrassing, very embarrassing...

"Ahem, okay, it seems we are all ready," Aosa couldn't bear it any longer and changed the subject, "Yayin, how is the air quality now? How long can we hide?"

"Let me see," Yayin agreed, recited a spell softly, and then said, "The air condition is very good now, it's enough... huh? What the hell? Very good? Why?"

Not only Yayin had this reaction, but Aosa and Mowente were also stunned.

The air quality is very good?

Damn it, is this a bone burial desert?

The air outside can only be said to be average. How come the air quality has improved after four living people squatted in this small house for a long time?

"Ayin, did you see it wrong?" Mowente frowned and said, "This is not magic."

"No, this is too magical," Yayin's eyes were fixed on Liu Ji, who was so confused that he didn't know whether to turn his back or cover his chest muscles with his hands.

"You may not believe it," Yayin continued, not caring about Liu Ji's panic, "This guy, his breath seems to purify the air."

22. Guigui, Guigui, who did he provoke?

In the ancient desert city, Jilunini and Callidora were sitting on the terrace eating shaved ice.

Unknowingly, they had been in this city for a week.

Although at first they only planned to come here to explore the direction out of the desert, but under the warm hospitality of the Mass, the matter was dragged on.

It's not that the two of them are not in a hurry, it's just that they really can't be in a hurry about this matter. They have been wandering in the desert for two months and are exhausted physically and mentally. It is really easy to find a place to eat shaved ice and rest. forgot time.

If she hadn't still been thinking about Mervent and his companions in her heart, Callidora felt that she could really be like the other people who buried their bones here, because they didn't want to step into the desert again and spend the rest of their lives here.

As for Gilunini...


She was just eating her shaved ice and didn't seem to be thinking about anything.

She was not a willful person, and Callidora knew that if one day he told her that it was time to leave, she would go with him without saying a word.

But if I didn’t say it...

It was just like now, eating shaved ice with peace of mind, no matter how many days I stayed, I probably wouldn't take the initiative to speak.

This is trust and understanding, but it is also pressure.

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