The great mystic named Carloganar.

"Why is it you?" Liu Ji frowned.

"Why can't it be me?" Carloganar smiled.

"It seems that you have solved all those blood mushrooms?" Liu Ji asked.

"Of course," Carloganar smiled, "but you didn't want to help me, so I did spend some extra time."

"It doesn't matter if it looks good. Anyway, you are still free to chase me here, right?" Liu Ji said sarcastically, "and the signal I received is not yours. Could it be that the great mystic of the Mystical Sanctuary is actually in the same group with the Twelve Kings?"

"You can guess these. It's not difficult to disguise the signal pattern anyway," Carloganar said with a smile, "Anyway, I came to you to continue talking to you about the topic that we didn't finish talking about before. Just those potatoes, can you sell me one?"

"I remember that I should have rejected you last time," Liu Ji frowned.

"People always change. You refused last time, but who knows if you will this time?" Carloganar said, walking in front of Liu Ji, "And I think you might be interested in the exchange conditions I prepared for you this time?"

"Sorry, no conditions are acceptable. Please go back," Liu Ji said without hesitation.

"Don't worry," Carloganar said, "What if I say this is information about the Third King Rider?"

"The Third King Rider?" Liu Ji frowned.

He had a slight impression, and it seemed to be...

"Yes, the girl with you is the last disciple of Old Rhine," Carloganar said, "and the person who killed her teacher is the Third King Rider..."

Liu Ji stopped.

He frowned and looked at Carloganar for a long time. Finally, he said, "I am very interested in your information, but, I still say that, this is a matter of principle. I will never give it to you, boys. If you must talk, you should change to another possible proposal." After that, Liu Ji did not even give Carloganar a chance to reply, and directly merged into the ground and went back underground. Carloganar looked at the place where Liu Ji disappeared, touched his chin, and his expression was a little subtle. He thought that his bargaining chip this time was still somewhat tempting, but it was not enough... Just thinking about it, Turin's voice came from behind him. "It's really strange, it's the third brother's information," he walked to Carloganar's side, "I can't even find her whereabouts, how did you get it?" "Want to know?" Carloganar glanced at Turin. "Well," Turin nodded, "Of course!"

"Hehe, if you ask him to give me a potato, I'll tell you," said Carloganar, turning and walking into the depths of the forest, "As for now, there's nothing for you and me to talk about, so don't bother me."

After that, his figure gradually blurred and soon disappeared again.

Turin looked at the place where he disappeared, scratched his head and sighed.

"Alas... there's no one to talk to again," he murmured, and cast his eyes underground again.

After thinking for a while, he snapped his fingers again.

Not long after, Liu Ji poked his head out again with a dark face, and said unhappily: "I knew you were there, why did you call me?"

"I'm a little bored, why don't you chat with me?" Turin said with a smile.

Liu Ji smiled slightly, and then, with a whoosh, he went back underground.

195. Two-in-one Today, the regional black must be uppercut


Jon Snow fell headfirst on the solid floor.

Since he couldn't chant magic when flying over the magic field, he had no time to prepare for landing and was forced to make a hard landing.

But at least, he landed smoothly.

Rubbing his dizzy head, Jon Snow climbed up.

The wingless black dragon on the other side of the river seemed a little anxious. With the flow of magic blocked, he couldn't get over.

This was a small problem, just cancel the summoning.

Looking around, since he ran far enough away, there was no sign of being discovered by the people in the fortress.

"The next step is to find a way to get in... Well, anyway, let's observe the surrounding situation first," Jon Snow thought to himself.

Summoning the wingless black dragon again, he hid his figure and moved towards the fortress along the nearby woods.

Soon, the back of the fortress appeared in front of him.

I thought that since it was the back, the defense should be weaker than the front, but I didn't expect that the defense on the back looked equally impenetrable.

Not to mention the barrier covering the entire fortress, the city defense cannons in the wall are no less than those in the front. Although no soldiers can be seen from the outside, Jon Snow does not think that these city defense cannons are just for show. As long as there are people guarding behind these cannons, the sight of the back of the castle is no less than that of the front.


Unlike the other side, the city gate here is not completely blocked by the fallen rock wall like the other side, but a heavy wooden city gate is exposed.

This is a bit intriguing.

Generally speaking, it is not surprising to have a city gate, but after all, this fortress has the conditions to close the city gate. Since they did not do so, they must have their reasons.

Speaking of this, Jon Snow has always had a guess about this.

This fortress is not like the Holy City of Kaga, which has its own multi-layered land and can be self-sufficient.

In other words, the supply of materials in this city must need external transportation.

When it comes to the transportation of materials for this kind of military fortress, either you use the teleportation array or rely on the transport team.

But the former is quite expensive. Unlike the short-distance teleportation array, the long-distance fixed-point transmission of large quantities of materials requires a lot of magic power. Whether it is hiring a magician to charge or buying magic crystals, it is a very high expense. If it depends entirely on teleportation, no force can afford this money.

So for ordinary fortresses, this is an emergency measure when they are besieged.

Moreover, this fortress is different from other fortresses. After all, their location is on this huge magic flow. Although the solidification magic array itself invalidates the influence of the magic flow, the surrounding magic field is still quite chaotic, and the difficulty of transmission may be greater.

It is not difficult to understand why the city gate behind them is not completely closed.

This is the channel they left for the transportation of logistics materials.

And this is Jon Snow's opportunity.



Liu Ji is a little overwhelmed.

He was originally planning to go out and look for the potato kids, but who knew that an old stalker bastard and a young stalker bastard would actually give him a victory meeting, and he was directly defeated.

Although these two have shown a certain neutral attitude at present, Liu Ji can't say that he is completely confident in them.

This is very annoying.

Turin's Twelve Kings are easier to deal with. Whether that guy's idea of ​​​​rebellion against the tyrant is true or not, at least he has not shown any strong appeal against him at present.

The old guy with rings on his hands is different.

The fact that the group of people in the Secret Sanctuary are unscrupulous is that they are the dragon and phoenix of the tyrant army. He has clearly shown a strong desire for the potato kids, which makes Liu Ji very worried.

As long as he is nearby, it is not ruled out that he will attack Yain and others and threaten him with this.

At this time, Jon Snow was not here. The people who stayed here were either simple people like Osa and Luni, or two young arcanists, Yain and Nabelin. It would be a disadvantage to deal with such an old sly guy who had been a great arcanist for who knows how many years.

So Liu Ji froze.

He was a little afraid to leave.

If he was here, let alone whether he could beat that old thing, he could just flip the table if he was forced into a corner. Even if he knew this, he would not dare to do anything.

And the information he said about the third king knight was also very worrying...

Liu Ji recalled the female vanguard who was mistaken by Yain before.

If Yain hadn't happened to run into her, if she wanted to, she would probably be able to deceive the hunters in the whole city.

Although her combat effectiveness seemed not very good, the destructive power she could exert was no weaker than that of a large army.

But if it was this type of king knight...

Liu Ji didn't dare to think about how terrible the results she could bring in the war.

If the old man's information was only about the whereabouts of Wang Qi, it would be fine. But if that guy was nearby...

"No, I really have to go to the nearby spiral doghouse," Liu Ji muttered.

"Then go," Ya Yin said casually while flipping through the magic book, "Anyway, you have even done things like going out to fight Wang Qi, we won't stop you from visiting the doghouse."

"Hmm..." Liu Ji scratched his head.

He couldn't say that he was worried that Ya Yin and others would not want to leave, because if he did, they would definitely think he was worrying too much.

But he was really worried.

"Let's compromise," Liu Ji thought to himself and closed his eyes.

Not long after, his left forearm turned into quicksand, and then fell to the ground, condensing into a small Liu Ji.

"Huh?" Ya Yin looked over in surprise, "Can it be like this?"

"Well, I'm just trying it out," Liu Ji, who was playing as a trumpet, looked at his body and then at his main body beside him, "It seems to be OK, but I can't control both sides at the same time."

Dual threads are too difficult. Reality is not like a game. If you want to double-control, you can just press the tab key and give a command to switch back.

"That's fine. My vent is small, so you can stay here to purify the air," Ya Yin shrugged and said half-jokingly.

"Ha, that's a good use of it," Liu Ji smiled, "Anyway, I'm leaving first. If you want to find me, call me here, and I can hear you."

"Well, go ahead, I'll call you when it's time to eat," Ya Yin waved her hand and turned her attention back to the book.

"Hey, so it seems that I can really come back to eat," Liu Ji touched his chin.

It feels like there is a save point that you can come back to at any time, which is quite amazing.

After greeting the others, Mini Liuji crawled into the soil beside them in their surprised eyes.

Now, it was time for him to catch those disobedient kids and find out more information about the spiral doghouse.



A dark room somewhere outside the fortress.

Carlo Ganar appeared from the teleportation magic array with a dark face, walked to the side of the dark room, tapped the ground with his staff, and summoned a stone chair.

"Carlo? What's wrong with you?" An old halfling wizard with a big red beard walked to his side with his hands behind his back, "How come you stink after walking around?"

"I stepped on shit," Carlo Ganar said coldly.

"Yeah, then you are really careless," the red-bearded wizard shook his head.

"Okay, stop chatting. Now that Carlo is back, we should start to act," said a black-robed wizard whose face could not be seen in the other side of the dark room in his hoarse voice.

"Well, but, Carlo, do you need me to go through it one last time?" A sturdy wizard with a long white beard looked at Carloganar.

"No need, I just do what I have to do," Carloganar said casually.

"That's fine, I also believe that you won't go wrong with your ability," the black-robed wizard said hoarsely, "As long as you don't mean it, hehe..."

"What do you mean?" Carloganar glared at him.

"Hehehe..." The black-robed wizard just laughed sinisterly, but didn't say anything.

Carloganar twisted his neck and slowly stood up.

"Hey, stop making trouble," the muscular white-bearded mage frowned, "I don't want to see you guys messing up at this time. You should all understand how important the Joka Empire is to the Moon Realm."

"Hehe, the stray dog ​​in the Yang Realm may not know, why don't you explain it to him a little more," the black-robed mage said sarcastically.

As soon as this was said, half of the mages present reacted immediately and cast unfriendly eyes at the black-robed mage.

"Abel Silen!" The white-bearded mage glared and shouted loudly, "Shut your mouth!"

"Hehe..." The black-robed mage continued to laugh softly, but he stopped talking.

Just listening to his laughter was enough to make people angry, and the atmosphere on the scene was still very subtle.

The white-bearded mage's eyebrows jumped, raised his staff and cast a silence spell directly on the black-robed mage.

The latter didn't know whether he was scared or took a step, but he didn't counterattack.

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