Although he thought he was prepared, Liu Ji's tears still soaked his eyes unconsciously when he saw this familiar scene.

This is his home.

The place where he was born and raised.

He almost couldn't help but rush forward, hug his parents and cry, and pour out all the loneliness, helplessness, fear and confusion of the past thousand years.


He didn't do it.

Because he knew that although this was the home in his memory, it was an illusory illusion.

He had to get out of here.

This wonderful dream was the sweet cheese on the mousetrap. If you indulge in it, you will be killed by it unknowingly.

But at least...

For a while, just a little while, he might be able to bury himself in his memories and take a short rest for a while...

After all, Turin's intelligence also said that the speed of time in the illusion was hundreds of times different from that in reality.

For five minutes, he had at least eight hours to immerse himself in this world.

So, he wiped away his tears and sat next to his parents.

Perhaps the experiences during this period changed his character. His ability to control emotions seemed to be much higher than he thought. With two or three sentences, he dispelled his parents' doubts about his tears and chatted with them about family matters.

Two hours passed in a flash. His mother went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and his father also paid all his attention to the news.

Liu Ji walked to the balcony, took out his mobile phone, opened the address book and swiped through it. The lines were all familiar names in his memories.

He dialed the first call, which was a high school classmate. He was not a close friend, but he was also a friend.

"Hello? Liu Ji? What's up?"

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. Liu Ji smiled and said, "Nothing, just a prank call..."

"Prank call? Ah, truth or dare or something like that? What do you want me to tell you? Go ahead, I can handle it..."

One call after another was made, and the calls were connected again and again. The voices in his memory rang in his ears one by one, and Liu Ji always had a faint smile on his face.

Sure enough, he couldn't detect anything wrong at all. Every friend's voice was so familiar, and every word they said was so in line with his expectations. Even the timing when they said something unexpected was so in line with his wishes.

What a brilliant illusion.

In a trance, Liu Ji even felt that he had always been in his own world, and the so-called journey to another world was just a long dream.

On the night after dinner, after making the last call, Liu Ji looked at the night view of the city and let out a long sigh.

"It's great..." He let out a long sigh.

If possible, he really wanted to bring Yayin and his friends back here, work hard to make money, rent two houses together, live a lively life every day, and no longer have to run around for survival, and no longer have to fight for dignity.


That is impossible.

Thousands of years have passed, and even if they come back, they will have changed a lot.

Looking at the time on the phone, there are only a few minutes left until twelve o'clock.

"Ha, time really passes faster than I imagined..."

Liu Ji muttered to himself.

Gently lifting the phone out of the windowsill, Liu Ji slowly let go of his hand.

Watching the shiny screen slowly falling from the sky, Liu Ji closed his eyes.

It's time.

This is a false illusion after all. Everything here is just an illusion created based on his own memories to please himself.

He should also send her off with gratitude to the owner of the illusion...


The phone fell on the hard concrete ground and shattered.




Liu Ji opened his eyes.

Looking at the magnificent fortress standing in the mist, he sighed softly.

Sure enough, illusions are illusions after all.

The last bit of luck in Liu Ji's heart completely disappeared at this moment.

Looking up, in the air, a white phantom dragon was flying in the air, invisible energy was chasing and blocking it, and on the other side, a woman with a black cloak was being chased and attacked by a red faceless figure.

Jon Snow controlled the phaseless, the phaseless attacked the third king rider, and the third king rider was chasing and blocking Jon Snow, forming a delicate balance between the three.

In fact, before coming in, Liu Ji really didn't expect that it would be such a scene inside.

After all, according to Turin's information, if there is no preparation or external intervention, even if this is wide-area magic, it is not easy for an individual to break free from this environment.

However, judging from the result, Jon Snow should have made a response in advance. Since he and the opponent are fighting hard at the moment, there is no need to worry too much about the situation of Vent and Callidora.

At this moment, Liu Ji suddenly felt that a figure walked to his side.

Turning his head, Liu Ji immediately smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "You still came in. I clearly told you to wait for me outside..."

"No, only her, I must do something by myself," when saying this, Ya Yin's voice was almost gnashing her teeth.

Her eyes were a little red, and Liu Ji didn't know what she saw in the illusion, but...

He knew that the environment he saw was different from theirs.

Turin's intelligence had said that illusions would taint your beautiful past with the most painful memories of your life.

Liu Ji didn't know why his illusions were so bland, so bland that they didn't fit this characteristic at all, but if it was Yain, the experience in the illusion wouldn't be too good.

"Well, okay, what do you think?" Liu Ji asked.

"No, you shouldn't ask me," Yain shook her head, "I should ask you what I need to do, after all, it's you who can kill that guy."

"Ah... that's right," Liu Ji touched his chin, "then I think it's probably to prepare the most dazzling sunbath for her."

"Just that?" Yain asked.

"Well, that's enough," Liu Ji replied.

"Okay, I will," Yain nodded.

"Well, then I'll go," Liu Ji said, his figure turned into a gust of sand and dust, floating to the bottom of the chaotic battlefield.

The crisp green grass spread from under his feet, gradually covering the entire barrier.

He stood in the middle of the green grass, looking up at the two parties fighting fiercely in the air, waiting quietly.

He needed an opportunity, and only needed one opportunity.

As long as the opponent fell to the ground once, he could give the opponent a fatal blow like last time.

However, just as Liu Ji was thinking this, suddenly, he noticed that the third king rider turned his head and looked in his direction.

Their eyes met directly.

You know, Liu Ji is not in human form now, but in the state of sand and dust. The feeling of this elemental vision and the opponent's sight was the last time when the clone was killed instantly by the seventh king rider.

But, this time, he clearly had the green grass to cover him...

But he clearly saw the surprise in the other party's eyes.

There is no doubt that the other party has discovered his existence.

In an instant, Liu Ji's heart was alarmed. He didn't understand why. Perhaps it was because this place was within the opponent's barrier, or perhaps it was because the murderous intention he inadvertently revealed was sensed by the opponent in some way. In short, the plan did not go as smoothly as he imagined.

Almost instinctively, his figure rushed out to the surroundings. The next second, a strong mental impact exploded in the place where he just was. Although he had dodged, Liu Ji still couldn't help but be dazed.

Fortunately, at this time, Wuxiang seized the opportunity to punch the upper body of the third king rider to pieces, successfully blocking her pursuit.

Liu Ji reorganized his situation in a hurry. The sneak attack plan failed. He was working on a backup plan as quickly as possible.

And Jon Snow also noticed Liu Ji at this moment.

Although the green grass all over the ground could make people subconsciously ignore Liu Ji, the strange mental attack of the third king rider just now indicated Liu Ji's existence like a searchlight. At least at that moment, Jon Snow realized that Liu Ji had come.

He also noticed Liu Ji's strong ability to hide.

His combat experience made him realize at the first time that Liu Ji might have wanted to launch a sneak attack, but for some unknown reason, his hiding was seen through by the third king rider.

But it was not surprising. After all, this was within the opponent's territory. No matter how perfect the hiding was, there was still a risk of being discovered, not to mention that the opponent was a top arcane master specializing in mental power.


It didn't matter if he was discovered.

Since Liu Ji did not communicate with him at the first time, but looked for an opportunity to sneak attack alone, it meant that he probably had some means that could kill him with one blow.

Then it was very simple.

Since the sneak attack failed this time, just create conditions for him to launch a direct surprise attack.

And he didn't need to keep fleeing in a hurry to delay time.

It was time to blow the horn of counterattack.

Chanting complex spells at high speed to deflect the oncoming energy flow, Jon Snow gave Wuxiang a new instruction in his mind.

"Liberate, Wuxiang..."

"Turn into disintegration, and spread your anger to her, tear her limbs apart, pull out her tongue, and let her become a piece of meat to be slaughtered!"

Instantly, Wuxiang's entire body began to fluctuate violently, and unstable energy circulated back and forth in his body, emitting waves.

Gradually, straight cracks appeared on his head one after another, and then the tissues that made up his head turned into geometric cubes one after another, slowly disintegrating, and then condensed by some invisible force, and finally formed some kind of unstable structure around the top of the head, like breathing, interlaced and trembling.

This disintegration started from the head and radiated to the limbs. Although the degree was not as high as the head, Wuxiang's body still cracked straight and interlaced cracks, scattered, and some of its body structures were also transformed into cubes, slowly floating on the surface of the body.

And under those structures, at this time, there was only endless darkness.

A chaotic roar that was not humanoid came from Wuxiang's mouth.

Then, it rushed towards the third king rider.

This time, its speed was even several times faster than before.

With one claw swing, the third king rider didn't even have time to react before he saw his broken right arm flying in a spiral before his eyes, and finally turned into disintegrated debris in the air.

203. Two-in-one We must avenge our master's vengeance!

Bursts of strange roars overflowed from Wuxiang's core, shattering and disintegrating the surrounding spiritual energy. On its side, all the magic flows were deconstructed and finally restored to the purest magic that dissipated in the air.

Its speed was unprecedentedly fast. If the Third King Rider could still fight with it before, now it has completely turned into a one-sided pursuit and killing.

However, the Third King Rider showed an unusual calmness. She seemed to be completely isolated from her perception of pain, allowing Wuxiang to tear her apart and kill her again and again, and just controlled the spiritual energy to chase Xue Nuo and Liu Ji at the same time.

Having said that, it seems that all she can do is pure energy control. Most magic uses require at least a few seconds of chanting time, but Wuxiang did not leave her such space at all. Its violent attack was enough to interrupt all her magic.

Moreover, she clearly felt that the other party was trying to restrict her ability to move.

This made her smell a hint of crisis.

She knew very well that the warrior she was fighting against was a very experienced one. Since he chose such an action, it meant that he must have some plan.

Moreover, it was an offensive plan. The opponent was creating some kind of opportunity for attack...

However, at least so far, the opponent did not have any offensive means that could actually bring results, which means...

"Does the rat that just ran in have any special means?" The third king knight's mind moved slightly.

The people from the Secret Sanctuary had just appeared nearby and had already attacked the seventh king knight. Although she was still in the transformation state due to her own ability at the time, she did not take any action, but she still knew this information.

Since they might attack the seventh king knight, they might also attack her.

It seems that she may have to change her mind.

This is not an opponent that can be rushed by anger.

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