No blood spurted out, and the fracture was as white as jade, just like cut white jade.

"Well, yes, I have to admit, I have never seen such a fast sword in my life," Mass said, bending down to pick up the arm that fell on the ground, and put it back very casually, "But the way you greeted me like this , It’s really not polite, isn’t it?”

As he spoke, he dodged and punched the man in the face.

Head-on hit!

The bursting air waves spread out and kicked up billows of sand and dust.

But even such a powerful punch only caused the man's upper body to tilt back about fifteen degrees, but there was not even a scratch on his face.

On the other hand, during the mass, half of his body was shattered by the reaction force and turned into dust.

"Ha, the strength of this punch is not bad," the man nodded, "But why do I think you are not a boxer?"

"Indeed, I have never practiced boxing. I just wanted to punch you to vent my anger," Mass said indifferently, and the missing half of his body returned to its original state in the next second.

"So are you angry enough now?" the man asked with a smile.

"No, on the contrary, I am very angry now," Mass said coldly, "You should know what you have done to this world."

"Huh? Are you angry because of this?" The man looked a little surprised, "Then, what are you going to do? Kill me?"

"I think your proposal is not bad," Miss said with a smile on her face.

"Just you?" The man smiled, "An immortal toy? You don't think I've ever dealt with an undead like you, do you?"

But Mass didn't seem to want to talk any more nonsense. Before the man finished speaking, he punched the man again.

The man still refused to dodge and allowed the punch to hit his face.

And this punch was even more terrifying than the previous one.

The huge impact once pushed away all the air where the two people were standing, forming a short-term vacuum. The rolled up dust was like an inflated ball, expanding and spreading, and then suddenly exploded, turning into a chaotic sand flow sweeping across. in all directions.

This time, the man finally took a step back.

But the price paid was that Mass's entire body was turned into powder due to the impact that was far beyond its ability to withstand.

Although Mass's body recovered in just an instant, the man still saw, at that moment, a touch of red wrapped in the damaged dust.

Then, he took action.

At a speed that was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish, it instantly pierced through Mass's chest, and then passed directly out from behind.

In his hand, he was holding a scarlet crystal.

"This is your core, right?" The man tilted his head slightly and looked at the mass with a sneer, "How about it? Can you still speak boldly and ambitiously? How does it feel to hold your life in the hands of others?"

Miss turned her head to look at the crystal held by the man, and then turned back again, her expression still indifferent.

"Yes, congratulations, you caught the core of this body," Mass shrugged, "How about... you try to crush it?"

"Ha, that's interesting," the man sneered, "Why not?"

After that, he exerted force with his palms, crushing the crystal to pieces easily like crushing an ice cream cone.

At that moment, he felt some power disappear.

He subconsciously believed that it was the power that maintained the life of the Mass.

Therefore, he stared at Mass's face, waiting for this ungrateful guy to show his desperate look.

That was his favorite expression.

However, what he saw was a more complicated expression.

He saw Mass looking at the sky, his eyes full of hatred, but deep in the hatred, there seemed to be nostalgia, as if he was seeing an old friend who had been lost for many years.

"Ha, I don't even know how long it's been since I felt like this..."

he said to himself.

The man frowned and noticed something was wrong.

He looked up at the sky, but saw nothing unusual...



In the blink of an eye, he felt that the world was upside down, as if he was about to fall into the sea of ​​blood.

In the blink of an eye, it was back to the blue sky and white sun again.

In the blink of an eye, the bloody sky appeared again.

Then, he stared at the bloody sky, and then the sky opened his eyes.

It was a scarlet full moon, looking at the entire land and looking at him.

"Well, it's here," Mass said, looking at the full moon. "Well, come on, I'll leave first..."

In the next moment, his entire body turned into fine white sand and disappeared into the boundless desert.

Looking at the scarlet moon, the man's mouth twitched and he slowly uttered one word:


38. It’s terrible that your mass is not like me, I will only feel sorry for Chengcheng

Under the scarlet moon, a man wearing a red cloak stood in the sky.

The sea of ​​bones was churning beneath his feet, and the huge alien bone worms kept making terrifying sanding noises.

He had to admit that he had indeed been tricked. He had not encountered any decent resistance in hundreds of years, so he relaxed a little.

The skeletal giant with a height of 10,000 feet slowly crawled out from the ground, like an innocent soul from hell, struggling to reach out to him with limbs that he didn't know whether it was a hand or a claw.

But, that's not important.

Blood-red raindrops pattered, and the scarlet-dyed bone dragon stretched its wings. The stretched skeletal wings were thousands of meters wide.

The so-called conspiracy and tricks are ultimately just weak tricks in the face of absolute power.

A skeleton worm as big as a train suddenly jumped out from the ground, opened its huge mouth full of barbs, and was determined to swallow him in one gulp.

However, the next second, the head of the worm seemed to have suffered some invisible violent impact, and half of its head was directly blown into pieces. The huge impact force caused its huge body to fall down.

The man gently retracted his right leg and looked down at the chaotic hell-like scene, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What a magnificent scene," he murmured, "I really didn't let me down on this trip..."

The next moment, he drew his sword.

"It's just a pity," he looked at the ancient desert city swallowed by the sea of ​​bones not far away, "Such a beautiful work of art, I'm afraid it can't be preserved."

As the voice fell, a dazzling light instantly condensed on the sword, and he turned his body and slashed at the sea of ​​bones.

The glow exploded, and the huge energy formed a golden hemisphere on the ground, which suddenly exploded. The dazzling halo swept across a radius of a kilometer, turning countless skeletons into dust.

The man standing at the center of the explosion slowly stood up and raised his chin provocatively at the blood moon in the sky.

The next moment, countless bone whips like alien tentacles suddenly sprang out from under his feet and entangled him.

The man moved his feet lightly, cut off most of them with a sword, and then jumped up, trying to avoid the remaining bone whips.

But at this moment, a huge shadow appeared above his head, and the heavy fist of a thousand-foot giant came towards him like a meteorite falling from the sky.


The heavy fist hit the ground, and the dust stirred up stretched for hundreds of miles, setting off a sandstorm in the center of the entire desert.

The power of destroying the world.

But, in the next moment, the abnormality regenerated, and a dazzling light lit up from under the giant bone fist.

Looking at the bottom of the fist, the man who was as small as an ant compared to the giant was able to resist the heavy blow with just his left elbow.

And the dazzling light was just a small radiation emitted by the huge energy accumulated in the holy sword in his hand.

"It's powerful, and it's indeed worthy of my slight defense," the man sneered, "but with your size, are you used as a target?"

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy sword was raised.

The dazzling glow turned into a thousand-meter-high golden crescent and soared into the sky, splitting the giant into two halves, and the remaining golden light at the crack seemed to be brewing energy.

"Since it's a skeleton, it shouldn't be enough to just cut you in half," the man said, turning around, "Then, turn into dust for me..."

The golden light burst.

The giant was like a piece of white paper on fire, constantly burned and decomposed by the golden flames, and then turned into ashes.

"So," the man raised his head, looked at the full moon with a crazy smile, and asked loudly, "Who are you going to send to die next?"



Underground, in a closed space.

Yain and others still stayed here in silence, and the dead atmosphere was enough to make it difficult for people to breathe.

At this moment, suddenly, the barrier covering the outside of the space disappeared, and the light of the sunstone on the ceiling illuminated the space again.

"Okay, come out, I have arranged the barrier for the entire underground area," Misa walked in with a crystal staff in his hand, "Huh? What's wrong with you? Why do you all look like shaved ice has fallen to the ground?"

Hearing Misa's voice, everyone was stunned at first, and then turned their heads together and looked at Misa in astonishment.

"Mr. Mass?" Kalidora asked first, "Are you... are you okay?"

"Ah? What's wrong? You didn't think I was dead, did you?" Mass spread his hands, "Do I look so weak?"

"No, but that tyrant..." Yain asked in disbelief, "Him, did you find a way to drive him away?"

"That's not the case, otherwise I wouldn't have to set up the outer barrier," Mass sighed, and then looked up, "Now there are other things fighting him, so I came down first."

"Other things?" Kalidora was stunned, "Is it the enhanced blood moon?"

"Ah? Oh, the kind you said you've seen, no, that's not the enhanced blood moon," Mass shook his head, "In fact, it's just the opposite, it's already an extremely weakened blood moon, just a little stronger than the usual periodic small fights."

Calidora and Jilunini looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

The two of them still remember the terrifying bone dragon that was dozens of meters long. If this was just an extremely weakened blood moon, what would the real blood moon look like?

"So, you didn't plan to leave before..." Kalido looked at Misa, "Do you want to rely on the blood moon..."

At this point, she couldn't say anything.

Because this idea was too crazy in her cognition, so crazy that she didn't even have the courage to say it out loud.

"Well, I really want to kill him," Misa smiled, "Why, it's impossible to feel from the bottom of my heart?"

"Ah, haha," Kalido scratched her cheek, as if she acquiesced.

"Then, did you succeed?" Yain asked, "Or do you think there is hope of success?"

"If you asked me this question yesterday, I would probably tell you without hesitation that I would succeed," Mass shrugged, "but now, all I can say is, I don't know..."

The crowd fell into brief silence again.

Mass was also a little helpless. When his two fists hit the man's face, he knew that even the strongest bone beast would be difficult to effectively kill this man.

This guy is so hard.

It's obviously a body of flesh and blood, but it's so hard that it doesn't look like a human being at all.

Sighing, he looked around, suddenly realized a problem, and asked: "Huh? Where is Liu Ji?"

"Liu Ji?" Yayin was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, "This pronunciation, is this his name?"

"Ah, yes, it's the little guy with green hair," Mass nodded, "Where are the others?"

"Uh, this..." Yayin hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the potato seedlings in front of her and showed it to the mass, "You may not believe it, but he is here."

39. Let me out! I won’t make potatoes anymore!

Liu Ji was a little panicked.

No, I was very panicked, very panicked, extremely panicked.

Ever since he turned into a potato due to some inexplicable strong instinct, he found that he could not change back.

He had never felt this way before. Even though he had been a potato for who knows how many years, he had always felt that he could transform back into a human with just a thought.

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