Well, in other words, there is no time to rest during the study time, and there is even little room for distraction.

If Liu Ji did not have a strong desire for smooth conversation, he really did not know if he could hold on to this intense study.

However... Liu Ji did not know whether he felt a little emotional today because of his disappointment or he wanted to relax occasionally under the starry sky. In short, he did not really want to study today.

So, he thought about it and said, "Well... today, relax and practice dialogue, okay?"

"Dialogue practice?" Ya Yin was slightly stunned, pondered for a moment, and felt that it seemed to make sense.

Liu Ji has been accumulating vocabulary on the road this week, but he has not actually used these words. Although the spells will not be forgotten once they are learned, not forgetting and being able to use them skillfully are two different things.

But having said that... how should I practice specifically?

After thinking for a moment, Ya Yin had an idea and said, "Then, you, tell a story."

"Story..." Liu Ji was stunned, "What story?"

"Whatever," Ya Yin said, "I heard it, I saw it, um, but, if you want, you can also tell your story..."

"Me?" Liu Ji blinked, "My story is fine, but, maybe it's boring..."

"It doesn't matter," Ya Yin smiled, "This is for practice."

"Oh, that's right," Liu Ji scratched his head, "Then, uh, okay, then I'll tell it... Ahem, this is a very ordinary, very ordinary story,

Once upon a time, there was a little boy, he and all the children in the class wanted to be a scientist... uh, I mean, a great magician..."

57. Time has passed, and the world has changed

In Liu Ji's opinion, his life in his previous life was indeed very dull.

Born in an ordinary family, studying in an ordinary public school, studying hard, and getting ordinary grades.

My hobbies are comic novels and games. Well, maybe these things can't be considered hobbies.

I also play ball with friends, but my level is average. I am a standard supporting player on the court.

I usually eat my mother's cooking at home. Occasionally, I cook by myself, but I make mistakes from time to time, such as not controlling the oil temperature well and frying the spices.


Like most teenagers, I am still in the stage of liking junk food. I don't have much pocket money, so I basically don't want to eat at fast food restaurants.

It's better after entering college, but most of the time I still eat in cheap cafeterias.

I had a crush on a female classmate in high school, but it was a pity that I only thought about it one-sidedly.

After entering college, I hung out with my roommates all day, but I found that my roommates were in pairs, and I was still single.

There are many interesting things in life, but it has been so long that I can't remember much. Talking about family and friends is a bit sad. After talking about it, I ended up telling a bunch of plain and straightforward accounts.

But then again, such content is very consistent with Liu Ji's current level of spells.

While talking, there was also Ya Yin's guidance. As far as the practice itself is concerned, it went very smoothly.

Maybe it was because of this reason that although Liu Ji felt that he was telling a completely meaningless memoir, Ya Yin listened very attentively, nodding slightly from time to time, or looking at the fire, shaking slightly.

Liu Ji spent about two hours telling his story, from childhood memory fragments to the carnival at the end of the college entrance examination.

Although this story spanned nearly twenty years, after deliberately avoiding family and friends, there was really not much that could be remembered.

As the story was finished, the night returned to tranquility again, and the crackling of firewood became the only sound around.

After a long while, Ya Yin exhaled a breath of white mist and murmured, "It sounds like the people in the story are all living happily..."

"Ah? Really?" Liu Ji scratched his cheek, "I think it's quite ordinary..."

"This ordinary life is already very happy," Ya Yin turned her head and showed a meaningful smile, "You... are really from another world?"

"Ah?" Liu Ji was stunned at first, then he scratched his head with a dry laugh, "Haha, you mean, I don't look like a person from this world?"

"Well, from the first time I saw you, I knew that at least you were not from the world on the other side of the desert," Ya Yin nodded, "I was thinking at the time, could it be that this side of the desert is such a happy pure land? Surprisingly, there are people like you, simple and innocent..."

"Is this true?" Liu Ji Touching his eyebrows, "I feel that I am not that... well, how should I put it."

"No, you don't understand, how do people live on the other side of the desert on weekdays," Yayin shook her head, "Every stranger you meet may suddenly stab you, even friends, when danger comes, they can kick you away, just to escape for their own life. The haze of the tyrant hangs over the whole world, and the people under this haze may not be less terrifying than him..."

As she said, Yayin looked at Liu Ji and said slowly: "You know, when I heard that, like in your story, dozens of strangers squeezed in the same bus, what is that called? Oh, yes, a bus.

Dozens of strangers can squeeze in there, shoulder to shoulder, just to hitchhike, this scene, in the world I lived in before, is simply unimaginable.

People will think they are crazy. In such a small space, who knows how many people will die..."

Ya Yin spoke this long paragraph very slowly, but Liu Ji still only understood the general idea.

But, it was enough.

He also understood that the vigilance he thought of was not at the same level as the vigilance of people in this world.

He was able to take the bus to school every day with peace of mind. In the eyes of people in this world, he was already pure and naive to the extreme.

Perhaps, from the moment he met Ya Yin and others, his behavior was no longer like that of people in this world.


He still didn't know how to answer.

If according to Mi As Sa said, the time he was summoned was the same as the time when the tyrant invaded. Then, the absence of this hero might be one of the reasons why the world on the other side of the desert was destroyed.

Although Liu Ji did not think he needed to be responsible for this, nor did he think he had done anything wrong. Even if he was not absent, he would have been like the unlucky guy who replaced him as a hero, and he didn't know where he was hanging in the ravine.

However, he didn't know if Ya Yin would think the same.

With uneasiness, Liu Ji secretly glanced at Ya Yin, but happened to meet her eyes.

Suddenly, Ya Yin asked: "You don't think I will blame you, do you?"

"This..." Liu Ji was stunned, "How did you..."

"How do I know..." Ya Yin smiled, "You are actually a 'hero'? "

Liu Ji opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect that what he was still worried about was actually known to Ya Yin a long time ago.

"Don't be so surprised," Ya Yin said, breaking off a branch and adding it to the fire. "My teacher was the last great mystic in the world, and the original spell for summoning heroes was kept by him before..."

"Later, he left," Ya Yin said, looking at Liu Ji, "The original spell naturally came into my hands."

Speaking of this, Ya Yin took a deep breath and said slowly: "You know, it even records how to send the summoned heroes back to their original world. "

After these words came out, Liu Ji felt his heart skip a beat, and he froze in place, looking at Ya Yin in astonishment.

He... he actually had a chance to go back?

And the person who could help him go back was right beside him?

At that moment, Liu Ji felt thousands of thoughts flooding his mind, surprise, excitement, nostalgia for his family, memories with friends, and so on and so forth...

He almost blurted out that he wanted to ask Ya Yin how to send himself back, back to the warm home that he had been away from for thousands of years and had been hidden in the corner of his memory and dared not recall.

But, the next moment, Ya Yin's next sentence was like a basin of cold water poured on his head Next.

"I can indeed find a way to send you back, but..." Yain said with a slightly sad expression, shaking her head gently, "You have to understand one thing,

If you are the hero summoned in the last summoning ceremony as recorded, then now, a thousand years have passed since then,

I don't know what the world you lived in in the past was like, and I don't know whether you can live so long because of your race or other reasons,

So, do you think, if you go back... that world you have been away from for a thousand years, will it be the familiar hometown for you, or another strange world? ”

58. This question is mainly because of poverty

What will the earth look like in a thousand years...

Will people develop harmoniously to create a beautiful and equal future? Or will they fight each other and create a wasteland?

Will the rapid development of technology bring human civilization into a new era? Or will the depletion of resources lead to the destruction of mankind?

A thousand years.

If it were in the past, a thousand years would only mean the change of dynasties and the change of ownership.

But Liu Ji couldn't imagine how much modern society would change in the next thousand years.

Perhaps as Ya Yin said, it would be a brand new world for him there.

But...it was still his hometown.

The patriotism in his blood made him yearn to know what his hometown would look like in the future.

But thinking is thinking, and actually doing it requires a lot of courage and determination.

To face the changes in the world with your own eyes, looking at the same world, but without everything you were familiar with in the past, this kind of Feeling, Liu Ji felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

He didn't know whether he was mentally prepared to face all this.


Actually, he wanted to face it now, but it seemed that he couldn't do it for the time being.

Mainly because he was poor.

Although the consumption of return magic would not be as exaggerated as summoning, it was not something that a group of homeless people like them could afford.

Moreover, Liu Ji thought that this "cost" should obviously be borne by himself.

And he was probably the poorest person here, penniless in the true sense, and even the clothes he wore were given by others.

So at least, before he had the conditions, Liu Ji didn't have to rush to take this step.

He still had time to do more mental rehearsals, and when that day really came, he might be able to take it calmly.

Looking at the complicated expression on Liu Ji's face, Ya Yin sighed softly.

In the past, his teacher had commented on this magic of summoning heroes.

He said that this is the greatest magic in the world, but some parts of this magic have a stench, which is the stench of the indifference and selfishness of the arrogant people in power.

In the past, Ya Yin Bing didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. Now, looking at Liu Ji, she seemed to understand why her teacher said this.

She also understood why the teacher was expelled from that organization for making negative comments about the founder of the Secret Sanctuary.

People who can compile such magic, from the bottom of their hearts, do not treat this brave man from another world, this brave man who wants to save the world's common people, as a human being.

With a faint sigh, Yain picked up a piece of dry wood and put it into the fire.

The two sat side by side, guarding the silent night without saying a word.



In the swamp not far away, a figure wearing a black robe quietly emerged.

He looked at the stone wall where a faint light shone through, and then looked at the swamp in front of him.

"Another group of rats?" Under the shadow of the hood, an old and indifferent murmur sounded, "Compared to the previous ones, they are more restless..."

As he spoke, he softly recited a string of incantations, raised his index finger, and the giant bottle made of rock floated up from the mud.

"Well, although it is simple, the technique is sophisticated, and it is a good idea." He observed the giant bottle, murmured, and moved his fingers, turning the giant bottle over with the opening facing outward. "Since you are so curious, As a senior, I will let you understand it..."

After that, he moved another finger, and a black monster with a black beard and a body like a corpse emerged from the mud.

He stretched out his hand, and a stream of black liquid flowed from his dark cuffs and floated towards the monster.

The black beard on the monster's head suddenly started to dance, and it thrust towards the liquid like welcome rain.

Blackbeard greedily absorbed the liquid, and after a while, he sucked all the long stream of liquid into his body.

Seeing this, the man in black robe nodded slightly, then moved his fingers towards the stone bottle and whispered: "Go in."

The monster glanced at him with several eyes hidden behind black lines, and then like a slippery loach, it obediently got into the bottle.

The man in black robe recited a curse and rubbed his fingers slightly. The stone bottle immediately closed its mouth and sealed the monster inside.

"Okay, come and collect your prey," he smiled jeeringly, "Just be careful not to become the prey..."

After that, his figure sank into the swamp again, and soon he completely disappeared without leaving a trace in the mud.



At the same time, on the other side, Yayin turned her head and frowned.

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