She saved the little Earthwalker!

Then, she wanted to save the city just like she saved him! this world!

She predicted that disasters would come in the future. She prayed that the people here would plant sacred trees to prepare for the future and fight against the disasters from the future!

However, people don't understand her and don't believe her. She is just an outsider and no one takes what she says seriously.

However, Little Earth Walker knew that what she said must be true...

"Well... let me think about it, it may be true in a sense. Three hundred years ago, ah, three hundred years ago, the Secret Sanctuary was 'annihilated', and the organization that had been inherited for tens of thousands of years was destroyed. Even Leaving all the salvation magic of the first-generation Saint Master to outsiders is like being really destroyed..."

I don't know what you are talking about...

"You don't need to understand, just keep telling your story, the fairy tale in your memory that you have beautified, imagined, and modified countless times."

The girl gave a speech for a whole day alone in front of a crowded square.

However, no one in this hopelessly stupid city wanted to stop for her. They laughed at her, even threw rotten vegetable leaves at her and left dirty stains on her beautiful dress.

But these stains made her look even more divine and beautiful!

"Well, it smells like a church's nothing. Just keep talking. Don't look at me like that. I don't owe you money."

You won't understand, only those who have seen it with their own eyes will know how sacred she was at that moment.

However, this city rotten in money cannot understand her at all. Only I, only I understand that everything she said is true.

And she was also moved by my sincerity. Although I was just a skinny beggar with nothing, she still chose me...

"Well, why don't we just trick you into choosing someone? Who will you choose?"

Why don't you give me a good time?

"No, that's boring. Just keep talking. Let me think about it. Do you know what her name is? You're licking her like this and you don't even know her name, right?"


Of course, I still remember how sacred her name is.

She told me personally that her name was Patricia and she was a prophet who could receive oracles.

"Patricia...Patricia? Patricia? Oh, him, ahaha, it's him! Ahahaha, it's him, hahahaha..."


why are you laughing?

"I'm laughing at you, hahaha, you actually called him 'girl'? Hahaha, this old thing Patricia has lived for thousands of years. That guy used to use a male body as a container, but later , after his daughter was killed by the tyrant, he started making containers that looked like girls. Hahahaha, look at how stupid you are, how miserable you were when you were deceived by him!"

I don't know what you are talking about, but you can't fool me. She personally used prophecy to let me see the doomsday scene.

Cities collapsed, the earth cracked, people were displaced, and killing machines spread all over the land...

"Well, guess what, that might not be a doomsday scene, but a remnant of something that has already happened."

No! She told us! That disaster will come to our hometown! If we don't do something! We will definitely die, we will all die!

"I don't deny this, but it seems that what you did has accelerated the process."

No! That's to save the world! She gave us the sacred tree! It can give our people endless life! As long as there is enough time! I can breed endless soldiers!

“Come on, it’s endless cannon fodder, right?

Ha, sacred tree? No, I just remembered what it is, codenamed ‘Tianwu’, the experimental product of the Secret Sanctuary No. 5894,

Patricia's parody of the Red Moon Demon Lord Mass Nornavis Kezak. He tried to copy the principles of his magic and create an endless army maker within a controllable range.

It's a pity that this imitation has so many failures. The root evil things on the surface only know how to eat. To cultivate puppet soldiers, you still need to rely on seeding for persuasion, and then modify the area near the tree crown. It's a useless mess.

And you, haha, I finally understand, it turns out that the Secret Sanctuary has fled here a long time ago, and you are probably a small experiment they conducted to fight against the tyrant..."

Having said this, Snow stood up, looked down at the priest who was slumped on the ground, and smiled contemptuously.

"Your life is really ridiculous. You have lived in a scam your whole life. I pity your people. They will be buried with you because of your stupidity."

"No, no, no! This is not a scam!" the black-robed priest roared, blood spurting out from his mouth and wounds, "I don't understand what you said! I only know! She chose Come on! Let’s save the world together!”

"Together? Ha!" Snow sneered, "Then tell me, where is that old guy now!"

"She! She...she is..." The black-robed priest looked blankly at the person in front of him, opened his mouth, and murmured, "She said that she will come back...I must let her come when the time comes. See, the best army..."

Snow looked at him as if he were looking at trash, sighed, and whispered: "It's so sad..."

"No! No! Don't look at me like that!" The priest got excited again for some reason and shouted hysterically, "At least she chose me! At least she only chose me!"

At this point, he seemed to have finally exhausted his last bit of strength, and his vision became increasingly blurry and blurry...

Then, at the end when his vision was about to fall into darkness, he saw a figure walking slowly.

That was another priest.

The priest in gray robes was supposed to stay in the vortex city.

82. What are you instigating, you potatoes?

"Dear guests, I apologize to you for the negligence of the previous manager." The gray-robed priest smiled and saluted Snow. "Please allow me to lower these high walls for you, but in return, please Please don’t continue to destroy this place.”

Hearing his words, the thin Landwalker shed tears and raised his sword to stab him.

He already knew the truth hidden underground, and now he wanted to burn the strange tree. How could he let the gray-robed priest suddenly appear to take over the black-robed priest's place.

However, Snow stopped him, snatched the sword from his hand, and kicked him to the ground.

"Well, your proposal is good, I accept it," Snow smiled and looked at the gray-robed priest, waved his hand and said, "Then, please?"

The gray-robed priest glanced at the little Earth Walker who collapsed on the ground with a look of despair, smiled, picked up the half of the scepter that fell on the ground, and whispered the incantation.

Immediately, invisible fluctuations spread, and the building that unfolded layer by layer quickly began to move, and after a while, it retracted underground.

In just a few dozen seconds, the entire area returned to its original state. Except for the body of the black-robed priest lying in front of him, everything seemed to have never happened.

"Well, thank you," Snow smiled and nodded at the gray-robed priest.

The latter also smiled...


His head is gone.

The headless corpse slumped to the ground, and the white alien beast appeared behind him, spitting out the mixture of rotten flesh, bones, and brains in his mouth.

Snow walked to him, picked up the scepter on the ground, looked at it, and handed it to the strange beast beside him.

The strange beast screamed happily, opened its mouth and swallowed the scepter in two mouthfuls.

Little Earth Walker was dumbfounded by the successive incidents. He had just thought that Snow was going to help the evil tyrants and always abandoned him. Who knew that he would change his attitude faster than turning the page of a book? After using the gray-robed priest to backhand him, He raised his head.

Glancing at the silly little Earthwalker, Snow smiled and turned to look at the giant tree above his head.

"Okay, then it's time to deal with this troublesome magic waste..." As he said that, he looked at the temple below.

Then he froze.

Under the temple, where the "bait" used to make puppets should have stood, a pile of potatoes surrounded me at some point.

They were lying on a gelatinous substance that was barely humanoid, but the facial features and body details could no longer be seen. They were rubbing and rubbing, and seemed to be enjoying themselves very much.

Snow naturally recognized what the glue-bound substance was. It was actually the "girl" who could turn people into puppets before. She was also the core of this tree, the essence condensed from it.

But what is going on with these potatoes?

And looking at it like this, the size of the essence is getting smaller, and the bodies of those potatoes seem to be growing, and the originally short and thin little hands are getting thicker and longer.

It seems that he is absorbing the essence of this tree to develop himself?

Just, a bunch of potatoes?

Damn it, although the effect of this tree is useless, in terms of spell rating, no matter how bad it is, it is still a top-level magic creation. It is a typical high-difficulty and low-energy waste snack.

But, what kind of level do these potatoes have to be to be able to hold their core and suck them fiercely?

Are they also magical creatures?

It doesn’t look like it, does it?

Snow thought for a moment and decided to ignore them for the time being and observe what they were planning to do first.



Liu Ji felt very subtle.

Just now, Ao Sa came to him with an apologetic look on his face, as if he accidentally burned down his house. Liu Ji was so frightened that he thought something big had happened.

As a result, when I asked Yayin, it seemed that Osa had lost those little beans during the battle.

Looking at Ao Sa's expression, Liu Ji finally understood. It turned out that he didn't feel that he had burned down Liu Ji's house, but that he had killed Liu Ji's child.

This made Liu Ji dumbfounded. To be honest, he didn't even know where those little kids came from, let alone treat them as his own children.

What's more, he can feel that he is connected by blood with these little brats. He knows very well that these brats are all fine now and are probably hiding somewhere underground.

And when Ao Sa said that these little brats seemed to be actively looking for him before, Liu Ji felt even more relieved. Maybe if they wait, these brats will come out on their own.

Just at this moment, a pitch-black alien beast brought back Mervent, Callidora and Guoguo. Several of them needed healing and rest, so they simply waited where they were.

Wait and wait, that subtle feeling will come.

Liu Ji always felt that those little beans seemed to be up to something.

He even felt that some kind of energy flowed into his body along the bloodline of this connection.

And he can also feel that not all of this energy flows to him, but only a small part flows to him, and most of it is still in the bodies of these little beans.

This feeling actually occurred to him a little bit when the little bean cubs were eating leftovers before, but it was so weak that he thought it was an illusion.

But it was different now. This feeling was very obvious, very obvious. He could feel that these cubs must be eating something very good.

They didn't take him with them. I really don't know if they really have him as their grandfather in their hearts.

Just as he was thinking about these things, there was a sudden vibration around him, and then the buildings were retracted. The area returned to its previous appearance, and without the barrier of the high wall, the beautiful giant tree appeared in front of everyone again.

But this time, for some reason, the tree seemed a little sluggish.

Liu Ji looked at the tree, and some subtle emotions inexplicably rose in his heart.

It was as if he was chewing the tree now...

Just as Liu Ji was wondering where this feeling of seeing a ghost came from, Guo Guo and Ji Lunini, who had been unconscious before, woke up one after another, causing everyone to cheer.

Nothing could be more joyful than knowing that your companions were safe after a disaster.

Although Liu Ji was not familiar with the cat girl named Guoguo, Ji Lunini was an important member of his "confused trio". Now that she had woken up safely, he was naturally happy.

After a while of noise, everyone started talking about their experiences.

Liu Ji didn't understand, so Yayin sat beside him to translate for him. When they talked about Yayin's situation, when they heard that Liu Ji had killed the black-armored general alone, Ji Lunini and Guoguo, who had just woken up, opened their eyes in shock.

Ji Lunini even came over and looked around him carefully, then patted his shoulder and said something.

Liu Ji didn't understand, but just listening to her excited tone made Liu Ji feel a little embarrassed.

After all, he didn't think it was his own credit.

He was just lucky to have this unique ability and happened to meet Mass.

But others would not think so. In this lively atmosphere, Liu Ji did not intend to get stuck in this meaningless horn. He accepted the praise for his battle openly, just like other people did to each other.

This was also the first time that Liu Ji truly participated in a lively gathering of people. Liu Ji had not felt this way for a long time.

The last time was probably when he went out to eat with his college roommates in his previous life.

"Ya Yin..." Liu Ji poked Ya Yin when he had a break.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Ya Yin looked over.

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