Even if the bloody reality is placed in front of them, they can cover their eyes and ears, create a so-called "nostalgic tradition", hide themselves in the shell, and refuse all changes.

To change everything in this city, it is not enough for them to spend a few days broadcasting the "truth of the incident" throughout the whole process.

Some people don't want to hear the truth, and some people don't care about the truth. The inertia of the city's decline will not suddenly disappear because of the death of the culprit. It takes a long time to change all this, and it may not succeed.

But someone has to do it.

At present, this person is only the little earth walker.

As outsiders, they can't do much, but at least, Snow can help him a little.

During this time, the people who were tired from the journey finally got some rare rest time.

Because of the changes that just happened to the whole city, they are also afraid of conflicts with local residents. Of course, they are not worried about themselves, but they don't want to be forced to take action to let some local residents who are unlucky enough and have poor brains go hand in hand with the black-robed priest on the road to the underworld.

After thinking about it, it seems that the abandoned mine before is the most suitable for temporary residence. There are not many people there, and it is far enough from the city. Even if Yayin rolls a sun ball and hangs it outside, no one will be affected.

It just so happens that there are places for cooking and making fire here. If you are bored, you can try your luck in the mine to see if you can dig some more ore. Not to mention that you can make money from this, at least for people like them who have special skills, digging crystals is like fishing, and it is also a good entertainment project.

However, this project has nothing to do with Liu Ji.

Yayin is Yayin after all. If she says that the homework will be doubled, it will be doubled, without any water.

Now that Liu Ji has no problem using spells to have basic conversations, she plans to start teaching Liu Ji some simple magic.

Unlike the previous simple release of magic power, real magic, in addition to knowing the spell to draw out the power, must also control the amount and range of magic power, and use one's own thoughts to guide it into shape.

In simple terms, it is not enough to just set fire, but to roll the fire into a ball, which is called a fireball.

Otherwise, let alone launching it, the energy would be completely dissipated after flying two meters.

However, considering that Liu Ji currently has mastered the transformation of water element and earth element, Ya Yin did not plan to teach from the fire system, but chose water magic.

Water magic represents life and belongs to the most gentle type of magic, but its upper-level killing magic has an effect range that other attributes cannot match.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Liu Ji now. Most of the lower-level pure water magic has no killing power, but is good at healing and assistance.

Therefore, even if these magics get out of control, there will be no accidents, which is very suitable for beginners like Liu Ji who has a black history of roasting his head with charcoal.

It's just that she didn't realize how suitable this choice is for Liu Ji out of conventional considerations.

Because sand is as good at flowing as water.

85. Paper can't cover fire after all

They stayed for about a week.

This week, Liu Ji felt like he was dreaming back to the 100-day sprint for the college entrance examination.

He had never felt so lucky to have gone through that time as he did now, otherwise, he really didn't know if he could bear this kind of high-intensity study.

But fortunately, he survived, never complained about the hardship or tiredness, and didn't disappoint Yayin.


At least Liu Ji thought so.

But in fact, he didn't disappoint Yayin.

But at the same time, he disappointed Yayin very much.

After all, this is a one-on-one teaching, not the kind of one-on-one teaching where you are given a set of papers to do and you can put them aside to play with your phone. It is a hand-to-hand teaching of the whole process. He is tired of learning, and the person who teaches him is even more tired.

But due to face and strict requirements for himself, Liu Ji didn't speak, and Yayin was embarrassed to speak. She hoped countless times that Liu Ji would take the initiative to ask for a rest, but who knew that this guy gritted his teeth and insisted, just not mentioning it, which made her exhausted.

After "resting" seven days a week, the two of them had two dark circles under their eyes.

Of course, the reward for hard work is still very obvious.

Liu Ji can now use the common language for some basic conversations in addition to spells. However, unlike spells, it is easy to forget if you don't review it, so he didn't learn much in a week.

Compared with the common language learning, which is as slow as learning English, Liu Ji's progress in magic is much faster.

In seven days a week, he mastered seven kinds of magic.

Although they are all the most basic water magic, and half of them are variants of another similar magic, this achievement is also worthy of Liu Ji's pride.

However, these magics are only used for practice and do not have much practical effect. At most, they are used to wash things, clean wounds and temporarily relieve pain.

But in this process, Liu Ji learned a very important point.

That is how to extend his will to control fluids.

This is the foundation of water magic. In fact, what Liu Ji learned in the first three days was all about this.

In fact, most people need a long time to master this. There are many people who can learn it in half a month, a month, or even two or three months.

The reason why Liu Ji was able to learn so quickly was not because he had great talent, but mainly because of his own abilities.

After all, he can turn into a water element, and the efficiency of doing related exercises in the water element state is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Liu Ji couldn't even feel the many difficulties that others had to overcome in the water element state. He just followed the method taught by Yain and learned it all smoothly.

In this regard, Guo Guo, who listened but didn't understand a word, expressed her inability to accept and strongly protested.

After all, forget the spell, she accepted her fate and couldn't learn it.

It took her three months to master the control of the water element, but Liu Ji only took three days?

She felt unbalanced and squatted aside for a while.

In this regard, Ao Sa and Ji Lunini offered her sincere comfort and said that she was not alone, because they couldn't learn it either.

Although they didn't plan to learn it.

As for Mo Wente and Kalidora, they had some free time this week and spent a good time together.

They go to the mines to dig for fun when they have nothing to do, but they only dig very little each time, which makes it very doubtful what they are doing in there.

On the other hand, Xiluo, who goes in to dig every time they can't get through the route, is the one who really goes in to dig. She can dig out two or three carts of high-quality crystals every day. She can buy all of them here in a week, but in terms of making money, they haven't even reached the next city yet, and Xiluo may have completed her mission.

But look at her luxurious mithril armor...

Perhaps, her goal of making money is not at the same level as everyone else's from the beginning.

And Jon Snow has had a hard week.

As he expected, this city has been corrupt for too long, and it is difficult to awaken those old people. For the little earthwalker, he hopes that only those earthwalkers as young as him can change the current situation of the entire city when they have the right to speak.

Jon Snow couldn't stay here forever. He couldn't help him much in a week. He could only help him select some people, build a basic team, teach him some things, and leave him some teaching materials.

After doing all this, the rest can only be done by himself.

Then, Jon Snow returned to the mine that day and had dinner with everyone, and took out the map he collected in the city.

Then, the next day, Jon Snow left a letter to the little land walker, and then left with everyone.

The next stop is the hunting town, Mill City.



On the cliff of the desert, a team of twelve people climbed to the top of the cliff.

Looking at the lush forest in front of them, they stopped.

Without a word of communication, they suddenly dispersed, and a piece of original ground flowed on the ground.

Then, they all got busy at the same time, started weeding, and carved some strange patterns on the ground.

Their technique was very skillful, and they were so well-informed that they were like one person. It didn't take long for them to carve out a complicated and exquisite magic array on the ground.

Then, a warrior suddenly cut his throat, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.

Blood flowed down his neck and poured into the magic array.

The lines of the magic array were gradually filled with blood, but the blood of one person did not seem to be enough to fill it.

Another warrior turned his head and looked at one of the shield guards.

The shield guard looked back at him, then threw away his shield, pulled open his breastplate, and showed his neck to the warrior.

The other party did not hesitate at all, raised his hand and chopped off his head with an axe.

The lines of the magic array were filled with blood, and finally filled up with blood.

However, the color of the lines seemed to be a little light.

A scout came out and cut his neck with a scimitar. He knelt on the spot, and blood flowed down his body and finally merged into the magic array.

This time, the magic array seemed to be full, and the bright red lines lit up with a strange glimmer.

Seeing this, two mages and two priests stepped forward, stood at the four corners of the circle, raised their long staffs, and chanted obscure spells in unison.

A large amount of magic power flowed out of their bodies, and the speed and amount were far beyond the normal casting situation.

At the same time, a ball of white light gradually condensed in the circle and continued to expand.

But the greater the light, the more terrifying the speed of absorbing magic power. The faces of the two priests with less magic power faded visibly, and blood began to flow out of their noses, then from the corners of their eyes, and finally even from their ears.

Then, with a bang, something exploded, and a large amount of blood gushed out of their seven orifices at the same time, and then they fell to the ground, unconscious.

As soon as they died, the remaining two mages clearly felt the pressure increase sharply, and soon they also suffered the same fate as them.

Even if they died, the magic array seemed to have no intention of letting them go, and continued to squeeze out the last bit of magic hidden in their cells.

Then, when the light expanded to its maximum, a figure walked out.

It was a woman.

She was wearing a beautiful white robe, a white cloak on her back, and long black hair hanging down to her vest, looking elegant and intellectual.

She walked out of the light, looked at the corpses on the ground and the few remaining living people, and waved her hand gently, and the twelve people suddenly exploded, and then melted into pools of blood, and merged into it along the veins of the magic array.

"Well, the king's feeling is indeed correct. There is really a different world at this end of the desert..."

She whispered and walked towards the forest.

And in the light of the magic array behind her, some kind of neat voice came.

The sound sounded like a phalanx of troops marching in formation.

86. People always need to grasp the W

With Snow here, it was much easier for everyone to leave the swamp than when they arrived, and Vent no longer had to bear the humiliation and bear the weight of pulling the sled.

Everyone just sat on the back of the huge white phantom beast, looking at the scenery and flying out in the direction.

Relaxed and at ease.

Except Liu Ji.

Ever since his potatoes became muscle potatoes, each one of them has grown two or three times in size. Once they could hold most of the basket empty, but now they can only hold more than half of it. There were still two that couldn't get in, so Liu Ji could only hold one in each hand, like an old man who had just bought two winter melons from the market.

This made him very embarrassed.

Originally, it was such a refreshing thing to ride a magical beast that I had never ridden before and fly through the wilderness of another world.

As a result, he was carrying a basket on his back and holding two in his hands. He had already spent a lot of time just controlling his balance to prevent himself from falling, and he had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Yayin, who was sitting in front of Liu Ji, was chatting with her companions. Now that she had finished chatting, she looked back at him and noticed that his expression was wrong. She asked doubtfully: "Huh? Did you know that Feilong fainted?"

"Fainted by Feilong? Oh no, not at all," Liu Ji said awkwardly, "I'm just afraid of falling..."

"Ah? Oh, because of this," Yayin said, suddenly leaning back and leaning against him.

Liu Ji was immediately startled. He was carrying a basket of potatoes on his back, and there was no one behind him. He couldn't dig it out directly...


He turned his head and looked behind him. There was obviously nothing there, but he felt that there was some kind of invisible soft barrier supporting his entire back.

"Look, you can't fall," Yayin said. "This is Master Snow personally controlling the beast. How could he let you fall?"

"Eh...it seems really..." Liu Ji swayed from side to side and found that he felt like he was stuck on the back of a fantasy beast, sitting very firmly.

"Yeah, so don't be nervous and relax," Yain said.

"Yeah, I'll try my best," Liu Ji nodded.

He understood the truth, but after all, this was in the sky, and there seemed to be nothing around him, so it was still hard to avoid the instinctive nervousness.

However, it might be better if you look ahead...

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