Osa saw this and walked over and asked, "Mr. Snow, what should we do with them? Hand them over to the local city security team?"

When the two heard what Osa said, hope suddenly flashed in their eyes.

Unfortunately, the next second, Snow's sarcastic gaze extinguished their hope.

"No, how could it be possible? There must be someone covering up for such a place to engage in illegal activities, especially those that specifically target outsiders," Snow said, throwing the two men aside, "My suggestion is to dig a hole and bury them."

When the two heard this, they immediately showed a look of horror, but unfortunately their mouths were blocked, so they could only sob and shake their heads.

"That's not good," Callidora came out at this time, "We are unfamiliar with the place, so it's better not to kill anyone."

"Although it doesn't count as killing anyone if we are not discovered...but if you handle it, the effect will be much better," Snow smiled slightly, "We also need some waiters for our stay in the hotel, what do you think?"

"Yeah, I think so too," Callidora said, squatting beside the two people who were tied up like dumplings.

Then, she lifted up the face of the girl at the front desk and looked into her eyes. A light flashed in her eyes, and the panicked girl suddenly calmed down, her eyes became a little dull.

The thin old man on the side seemed to understand something when he saw this, and immediately struggled violently.

Who knew that Callidora pulled him over and slapped him in the face with her hand.

The old man was immediately frightened, looking at the girl who looked gentle and quiet in front of him with doubt.

"Don't move, okay?" Kalidora said with a smile, "This is only temporary, but if you don't cooperate, I don't mind burying you."

The old man opened his mouth, and seemed to be really scared. He dodged for a while, and finally looked into Kalidora's eyes.

"Yes, that's what you say..." Kalidora said softly, with a flash of light in her eyes. When she looked at the old man again, she had become dull.

"Well, that's enough. We can untie them both," Kalidora breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll go deal with the fainted ones."

As she said that, she got up and left.

Looking at Callidora's back, Jon Snow touched his chin and said to Movente who walked to his side: "I didn't expect that your girlfriend has the potential to be a bad woman?"

"What are you talking about? You just want to come here to rob the gangsters," Movente's mouth twitched, "The captain asked you to find a good place, you really know how to find one. Can people really live in this kind of place where people are setting up traps?"

"Hey, you don't understand this. This is the best place," Jon Snow waved his hand, "This kind of place is usually not lived in. The things inside are new. Let's go in and you will understand."

As he said, he walked into the store first.

Movente shrugged helplessly, greeted the others, and went to help Callidora deal with the pile of dead strong men.



After entering the store, everyone found that it was really as Jon Snow said. The things here were very new and had not been used much.

It's new, and it's well-equipped. It's obviously a scam store, but it looks like it.

From what Jon Snow said, although these people often have connections, they are not really lawless. It's just that if you send them to jail, someone will get them out soon.

As for normal times, in order to deal with inspections, they still have to do the face-saving work.

So they usually have a relatively complete set of things, so that even if they retire, they can sell the store directly and make the last profit.

Of course, that being said, the main reason why Jon Snow chose this place is that he can get it for free.

After entering the store, although Liu Ji was tired, the little potatoes kept chattering around him, so he could only find the kitchen first and cook some soup for these kids.

As it happened, when he was looking for the kitchen, he ran into Callidora, who had brought in a fraud gang that had undergone ideological transformation (magic). After the latter asked him about his situation with a spell, she directly sent two strong men to the kitchen to cook, saying that seeing Liu Ji's yawning appearance, he should not turn around and fall into the pot.

Soon, everyone arranged their own rooms.

Ao Sa and Liu Ji lived in one room, Mo Wente and Callidora lived in one room, Guo Guo and Ya Yin lived in one room, Ji Lunini and Xi Luo lived in one room, and Xue Nuo lived in one room alone.

As soon as the food was cooked and the group of foodies were sent away, Liu Ji returned to his room and fell on the bed.

He was indeed sleepy, and he didn't even take off his clothes. He fell asleep after lying on his stomach for a while.

It was still Ao Sa who came in to see him like this and covered him with a quilt.

On the other side, Ya Yin's situation was similar. As soon as she returned to the room, she took off her clothes, gave herself a full set of cleaning and drying magic, and then changed into clean pajamas and fell asleep.

The operation was smooth and flowing, and Guoguo, who could not do magic, was very envious.

Mowente and Callidora also planned to rest directly.

Finally, there was a decent private space. It was unlikely that these two would not do something intimate.

As for Snow, Xiluo, Jilunini, and Aosha who helped Liu Ji cover the quilt, they did not plan to rest immediately.

It was only afternoon, and they could still make use of the remaining time.

"How about we go to the guild first to get familiar with the situation?" Snow asked, "Or, just go and take a task and do it first?"

"I can do anything," Osa grinned, "I'll follow your arrangements."

"I'll listen to the captain," Jilunini said, looking at Xiluo.

"As for me, I think, anyway, let's go to the guild first," Xiluo said, "If there is a task that can be completed within half a day, it's not impossible to take a ticket first to test the waters, and just in time to see what special places are around this so-called hunting town."

89. You must grasp the aspect of eating and drinking for free

In the bustling Mill City Hunting Guild, waiters are busy going back and forth between the hall and the back kitchen with beer stew and bread.

Hunters of all kinds gathered in the hall, drinking wine, eating meat, laughing and making noises.

Beside the hall, there is a large notice board with some commissions posted on it.

Xiluo stopped in front of the notice board, looked at a few of them casually, frowned and muttered: "Strange, why are the rewards so low..."

"Of course, in such a lively hunting guild, the tasks that can be left on the board are basically some bad jobs that no one takes," Jon Snow crossed his fingers, hugged the back of his head, and said leisurely, "Don't look at it, if you look at it for too long, you will be regarded as a novice. Let's go and find a seat to sit down."

"Oh, okay, I'm a little hungry too," Xiluo said, retracting his gaze, turning his head, and subconsciously looking for the figures of Osa and Jilunini.

Then he suddenly found that the two had already found a place to sit. Osa was even arm in arm with the hunter next to him, drinking other people's wine, eating other people's food, and chatting happily with others.

"Hey, this big bug, after all, he used to eat this meal, and he is really skilled in mixing this wine," Jon Snow said, and walked over to sit next to him.

Then he chatted with the person next to him casually, and in a few words, he made the guy next to him laugh. The guy took the opportunity to bring him a beer, raised his glass, and clinked glasses with him.

"Ha, what else did you say? Aren't you more skilled at this?" Xi Luo's mouth twitched.

She had no relevant experience before, and she was really not used to asking for other people's food and drinks.

After thinking about it, she stopped a salesperson, asked for some food and drinks, and then sat next to the two of them.

Originally, the guy next to him was a little unhappy when he saw a guy wearing full armor next to him, who looked very scary.

But when she took off her helmet and untied the hair hanging on the back of her head, the guy's eyes suddenly lit up, and there was no reason to be unhappy. He put the beer he had just received from the waiter in front of her.

"Come on, new face, this glass is for you," he said generously. "Ah, thank you..." Xiluo was a little flattered. He took it subconsciously, then felt something was wrong and said quickly, "Uh, I also ordered a drink, and I'll buy you a glass later."

"Hey, what are you talking about, big sister, there is no such thing as being so fussy in this kind of place, come on! Drink!" The hunter said, raised the beer glass in his hand and clinked it with Xiluo, tilted his head and took a big sip.

Xiluo blinked, looked at the beer in his hand, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and had to drink a big sip like him.

"Puff," Jon Snow couldn't help laughing at Xiluo's restrained look.

Xiluo swallowed the beer in his mouth with difficulty and looked at Jon Snow in confusion.

"Haha, big sister, that's refreshing," the hunter on the side laughed and patted Xiluo on the shoulder.

Just as everyone was making a noise, a capable old man wearing chip glasses walked up to the platform in the middle of the hall with a stack of rough paper.

With his appearance, the originally lively hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone's attention was focused on him.

The sudden appearance of Bian Hua made Xi Luo a little confused. He looked at Xue Nuo beside him. The other party smiled and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Listen carefully, a new way to make a living is coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, the capable old man also raised the stack of papers in his hand, shook it lightly, picked up the first one and read: "Hunting commission, eight complete black wolf skins, reward... 8,800 Kaga! The extra materials are kept by yourself!"

"Oh!" The crowd immediately gave a very respectful shout.

But it was just a shout, the reward for this task was quite reasonable, but it was a pity that it was too simple, and obviously not many people were interested.

After a few seconds, a team with simple equipment stood up, and the leader shouted: "Master Luo! Our Tongpump team accepted it!"

"Take it!" The capable old man called Master Luo flicked his fingers lightly, and the commission form spun twice in the air and landed accurately in the hands of the team leader, "I wish you a safe and triumphant return!"

"Oh!" The team members agreed and sat down.

Obviously, they didn't plan to set off immediately. One reason was that they hadn't finished eating the food they ordered, and the other was that the distribution of tasks was originally a fun thing for hunters to join in. Even if they didn't plan to accept the task, they could still watch it for fun.

"Okay, next one," Master Luo picked up the next piece of paper and read, "Hunting commission, a unicorn bear, the paw must be complete! The reward... 12,600 Kaga! The rest of the materials will be charged according to the completeness! The reward will be doubled if it is captured alive! Poisoning is prohibited!"

The crowd suddenly made another noise.

This time they were a little more enthusiastic. The profit of this mission was obviously greater than the previous one, especially the double reward for capturing the prey alive. This was a very good choice for some hunters who were good at capturing prey alive.

Three teams signed up one after another. After confirming that all three teams had suitable qualifications, Luo Ye drew lots to decide who would get the task.

The team that was drawn immediately let out a cheer and shouted loudly for the waiter to serve a few beers to the team that was not drawn as a thank you.

"Well, the atmosphere here is quite good," Jilunini couldn't help but sigh when looking at the scene, "I have never seen such a good atmosphere in the hunting guild when I was there."

"There's nothing we can do. Everyone over there is having a hard time, and it's normal to be angry," Ao Sa shrugged helplessly.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Luo released several more missions, but they were similar to the previous ones, and they were picked up by some teams one after another.

Seeing that Snow still didn't respond, Osa poked him and asked in a low voice: "Hey, Uncle Snow, what do you think we should pick up?"

"Us? Of course we have to pick up something that makes enough money," Snow said with a smile, "You also know that the good work will come later, so what's the rush?"

"That's what I said," Osa scratched his cheek, "but how could I remember that we said before that we were just going to try out a simple job..."

While the two were talking, Master Luo spoke again.

"Ah, the next task is a bit difficult," he said, chanting loudly, "Collection commission, ten mature Yinguang Mushrooms! Request to remove them by the roots! The reward...ten Jinkaga! More Each flower picked counts as one gold card! You can pay up to twenty gold cards!”

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers.

One gold kaga is equivalent to ten thousand kaga. If this task is completed, the reward can be a huge sum of two hundred thousand!

Moreover, this is still a collection mission, which means that if handled properly, you can even avoid direct combat with Warcraft.

This can be said to be a great mission choice for a team that is good at stealth.

At one time, seven or eight teams raised their hands to sign up. After confirming their qualifications, several teams were eliminated. In the end, only four teams were left to draw lots.

The lottery process was also extremely lively, but at this time Osa was thinking about other issues.

"Uncle Snow, this is not good," Osa said in a low voice, "He has to confirm his qualifications before drawing lots. We are new here, what should we do if we have no results?"

"Hey, why are you panicking?" Snow didn't care. "Just wait, we will continue to live."

Seeing his confident look, Osa scratched his cheek.

For some reason, he always felt a bad premonition...

90. Are you afraid that others will steal your business? Then don’t you just do business that others can’t do?

As time continues to pass, tasks that become more and more difficult and remunerative are handed out from Mr. Luo's hands.

At one time, there was a mission with hundreds of gold kaga. Although Ossa and others were not clear about the purchasing power of kaga, the team that won the lottery had complete equipment and the aura of experienced hunters. A team jumped for joy, thinking that the money must be quite a lot.

However, even for such a rewarding task, Snow still didn't even move his eyebrows.

The hunter who was drinking with them even thought that they, like him, had no plans to take on the mission today and were just here to have a meal and join in the fun.

But both Ossa and Weiluo knew that with Snow's character, this was absolutely impossible.

Seeing that the list in Master Luo's hand was getting less and less, and finally there were only a few sheets left, Ao Sa noticed that Snow finally sat up straighter.

"Catch the Earth Feather Dragon alive, and the reward will be two hundred gold kaga..."

Two teams signed up.

"Hunting Miyun Dragon requires that the body is basically intact, and the reward is two hundred and twenty gold kaga. If it can be captured alive, the reward will be increased to three hundred gold kaga."

A team signed up...

Mr. Luo glanced around, picked up a new one, and said loudly: "Hunting the flame-scale dragon requires that the body is basically intact. The reward is one thousand gold kaga. The reward for catching it alive is... three times!"

Suddenly, a burst of cheers erupted in the hall.

An order worth a total of 30 million kaga, this is a really big business.

But, they just shouted.

Flame scale dragon? It was a behemoth with a wingspan of hundreds of meters. They couldn't even fight it, let alone capture it alive, so they just watched it.

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