
Liu Ji suddenly felt that they seemed to be outside the barrier, very close.

Perhaps because of this, he could have a vague perception.

Indistinctly, Liu Ji seemed to hear what they were discussing...

"You think, that female is burnt, can it still be eaten?"

"I don't know, anyway it should be cooked, let's try it later..."

"Well, when our grandma is done, we'll give her food."

112. If one punch can't solve the problem, then give her another punch

As for the problem of potato kids eating randomly, Liu Ji has actually noticed it for a long time.

This group of people can always discuss how to eat any organic matter that is visible in their field of vision, whether they can eat it, and whether it tastes good.

Of course, as a group of potato eaters, this is quite normal.

The only problem is that these kids don't mind eating people.

Take the woman in front of him for example. Liu Ji is quite moved by her ability to transform. Although he doesn't know if it is a racial ability, he does want to try a bite.


After all, this is a human being.

He had bitten Mass before, but that was when he turned into a digging rat, and he swallowed it without seeing anything.

If he was allowed to choose...

If he was really forced, he could bite off a piece of meat from a human, but if it was not critical, forget it.

After all, eating human flesh is something that an ordinary person would not be able to do.

But these potato kids are different.

In their eyes, there seems to be no difference between humans and animals, except for those who are close to Liu Ji, who seem to be food in their eyes.

At first, this also made Liu Ji feel a little confused, but then he figured it out.

After all, they are potatoes.

And as we all know, potatoes are a plant.

You talk about diet with plants?

It's funny, as long as they don't die from eating, they will eat to death. They don't care what is in the soil, as long as it is nutrient, they can eat it.

Of course, it's good not to be picky, but Liu Ji is also a little worried.

If these kids grow up a little bit and learn to cook, will they tie up and roast a passerby who looks particularly delicious when they travel with them?


I feel like if I leave it alone, it will cause trouble sooner or later...

It seems that I still need to find time to organize a Little Potato Grandpa class or something...

Just when Liu Ji was thinking about it, Ya Yin's interrogation was coming to an end.

Looking at the woman lying on the ground, her life was like a candle in the wind, and she felt that she would die on the spot at any time.

Liu Ji didn't understand what the last question Ya Yin asked was, but the last electric shock that the woman endured lasted for more than an hour.

And judging from Ya Yin's appearance, it seemed that she was going to give it one last electric shock.

Calculating the time, this time, I'm afraid it will take three hours.

Looking at the woman's appearance, she probably won't be able to hold on until the end, and will die on the spot...

And the result was the same as Liu Ji expected.

The lightning flashed on the woman's body, and the power still looked weak.

However, such a long period of torture, like a slow fire, had already destroyed every part of the woman's skin.

Gradually, her body went limp, and her heartbeat slowed down.

Then, finally, she stopped breathing.

"Is it finally over..." Liu Ji sighed and tried to get up.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

Just like when Liu Ji blasted the woman to pieces for the first time, at the moment of her death, an inexplicable force forcibly reversed her time, and in a blink of an eye, her body was restored to its original state again.

Almost at the moment after she recovered, she jumped up, her eyes red, and roared heartbreakingly, and rushed directly towards Ya Yin.

And Ya Yin seemed to have expected this situation to happen. A gem around her body quickly flew in front of her, and eighteen golden thunder snakes flew out of it in an instant, interweaving in the air to form a huge lightning net, covering the woman.

Seeing the thunder, the woman shuddered visibly.

But in just a moment, she suppressed her instinctive fear with anger and hatred, and a pure white cloak appeared behind her.

The cloak only flashed, and the shining giant net in the air disappeared without a trace. The woman chanted a complicated spell, and strips of magic circles began to appear on her right hand, piercing straight at Yain.

But this situation was still within Yain's expectations.

Another gem lit up, and the blessing of wind and thunder was instantly applied to Yain, making her speed reach a terrifying level in a short period of time, enough to open up a gap with her opponent...

It should be like this.

At least, according to the information Yain had, the tactical concept should be like this.

But, the next moment, the white cloak shone again.

The blessing on Yain disappeared instantly, and the sudden change in speed made her lose her balance directly, and she fell to the ground.

The cloak could even eliminate the magic effect imposed on her by her opponent!

This point was not in Yain's intelligence.

All along, she, no, it should be said that the consensus of those who fought against the tyrant's subordinates about the cloak was that it could only deal with magic that targeted the cloak holder.

However, now she found that this information was wrong.

But the price of discovering this point...

She watched the magic in the woman's hand gradually complete.

It was a layer of purple liquid covering the skin of her arm.

It was a chaotic poison full of four basic attributes. Just one drop could turn a person into blood.

Her master died in the past...

Could it be that it was her turn this time?

However, the next moment, a figure blocked her.

A figure condensed out of thin air.

The poisonous arm pierced into the body of the figure.

Ya Yin was stunned.

At this moment, she felt that her heart had even stopped beating.

She seemed to see the night when her teacher died, the man who was like a teacher and a father melted into a pool of blood in front of her.

The woman was also stunned.

She stared blankly at the "sand puppet that should have disappeared long ago" in front of her.

She was about to successfully avenge herself for the hours of torture, but she never thought that another guy would come out to get in the way.

But, it doesn't matter...

This poison can even melt metal, let alone the yellow sand...

It should be like this.

However, she found that her right hand seemed to be locked in the body by the other party, unable to stab or pull out.

And looking carefully, the sand on the body of this "puppet" was like a grain of diamond with green light, and there was no sign of corrosion.

"Alas, what can I say about you."

"Sand Puppet" spoke, but it was actually a spell, with a strange tone and slow speed, which seemed quite sarcastic.

"You guys, except for cheating and sneak attacks, really, there is no point."

"Sand Puppet" clenched his fist.

A punch was thrown, and it directly blew her head.

Seeing the headless body of the woman fall down, Liu Ji nodded and murmured: "Well, this time, the strength is just right..."

However, the next moment, the reversal happened again.

"Oh? Not dead yet?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

However, it doesn't make any sense.

If she's not dead, then why not give her another punch?

113. Since you can't kill her, why not bury her?

Liu Ji didn't know how many punches he had thrown.

If he punched the woman's head, she would be resurrected again in the next second.

If he punched the woman's heart, she would still be unharmed in the next second.

It was as if this woman would never die. As long as she was killed, she would be resurrected immediately.

In the end, Liu Ji had no choice but to break her spine, paralyzing her whole body but not killing her, and then threw her on the ground.

Of course, this was also not easy for the woman.

Although she could be resurrected, the pain of dying and living was real.

Having been tortured by lightning for a long time, and now with her spine broken after a life-and-death struggle, the woman's expression was completely numb, and she looked like a living dead.

It can be seen that if this rebirth was under her control, she might have wanted to kill herself now.

"What on earth is going on?" Liu Ji couldn't help but mutter.

Ya Yin, who was standing next to her, also frowned.

In fact, this was the first time she had the opportunity to kill the front riders.

She had always been a little confused before. The strength of the sixty-four front riders was not too strong. There were many people in the world who were capable of killing them, but she had never heard of the death of the front riders before.

She used to think that the world was fragmented and the information flow was blocked. Moreover, this "sixty-four" might not be a clear number. Maybe the number of front riders has been changing, with losses and increases from time to time, which is why this situation occurred...

But now it seems.

Perhaps, it is reasonable for the immortal tyrant to sacrifice these immortal elites.

"What should we do now? Keep hitting her and see if her life will run out?" Liu Ji asked helplessly, "Or should we find a bucket, fill it with concrete, and stuff her directly into it?"

"You mean burying her alive? Although this is the standard solution to deal with the undead, this guy won't work," Ya Yin shook her head, "This guy is like a signal transmitter. As long as she is still alive, the tyrant can always find her when he wants to find her. I don't want to expose our tracks."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the woman who was already like a dead dog suddenly laughed arrogantly again.

"Hahahaha, are you scared now? It's too late! The king will definitely kill you! The king will definitely... "

"Shut up, why the hell are you talking so much," Liu Ji directly crumpled her cloak into a ball and stuffed it into her mouth, "If you keep pushing me, I'll feed you to potatoes, do you believe it?"

"Ah? Feed potatoes?" Ya Yin raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean, those little potatoes still eat this kind of thing?"

"That's right, I've been chatting outside, saying that I want to roast it for you to eat," Liu Ji shrugged.

"Hmm..." Yayin touched her chin, pondered for a moment, and said uncertainly, "How about letting them try?"

"Ah?" Liu Ji was stunned.

"Just, don't your group of potatoes want to eat her?" Yayin said, "How about letting them try?"

"Is this... appropriate?" Liu Ji was a little confused, "Won't it get a stomachache?"

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